Set your search engine & new tab page to Gaia Mission so you can help plant trees.
How does it work?
Every search with Gaia Mission generates ad revenue that support tree planting protection charities.
Since searching the web is part of our daily lives, why not help plant some trees while doing so? Once you install Gaia Mission, you’ll have access to the search box with every new tab. You’ll get the search results you were looking for while helping us plant trees.
Tree Planting
Trees play a huge role in our existence. They clean the air we breathe, filter our water, stabilize the climate, and maintain biodiversity. What’s more, forests provide thousands of jobs and resources for medications and products we use daily.
Deforestation rates are increasing rapidly, but there’s something we can do about it. Every small action helps, even a web search.
Meet Gaia Mission
We are a non-profit organization on a mission to make a positive impact in the world. Through partnerships with charities and other not-for-profit organizations, we focus on preserving and protecting animals and all our natural resources worldwide.
Every Gaia Mission user, when searching the web, contributes to making the world a lot better.
We can’t wait to have you on board!
Let’s plant trees together with Gaia Mission extension.
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Latest reviews
- (2020-01-26) Kaavya Kotamraju: awesome!!!