Chrome and DevTools extension for debugging Cocos Creator games
You can inspect the game internal node structure and modify some properties of the node with this extension.
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-25) chengkun li: cocos 3.8不能用啊,也不更新了?
- (2023-01-12) 何璇: 好用,方便,感谢作者提供
- (2022-12-17) ly tian: 真不知道你们咋写的,才几个节点就这么卡
- (2022-07-21) Fubo Liu: 太垃圾了,每次刷新卡的一逼,别拿出来了直接把chrome卡死了
- (2021-03-29) JoJo: 想請問甚麼時候會支援cocos creator 3.0 的版本?
- (2021-01-15) 调试节点位置不错 有个bug多次loadScene 没有调用"game_on_show")
- (2020-02-11) j U (kraine): 好用,但是确实容易崩
- (2019-10-14) 陈运雄: 还行,就是放后台容易奔溃
- (2019-07-07) gou dan: tooltip: You may need to click the refresh button to reload the node tree! But,cocoscreator debugger can work
- (2019-02-25) 贼好用
- (2019-01-05) Colin lin: useful