extension ExtPose

View Image Info (properties)

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Get properties(including dimensions, URL, file size, file type info) of the image your cursor is pointing to via context menu.

Image from store View Image Info (properties)
Description from store @updated on 2023/17 *Add Option @updated on 2023/3/6 *UI redesign @updated on 2016/10/15 *minor bug fix @updated on 2016/10/07 *minor changes @updated on 2011/01/02 *if an image's scaled, scaled dimensions will be displayed @updated on 2010/12/26 *Font shadow removed @updated on 2010/12/06 *add an 'ALT' field *you could now press ESC key to close the popup window @updated on 2010/11/23: *now getting info async, the info window will appear more quickly *can handle base64 data correctly @updated on 2010/10/25: *To mac users, you could see the action now *Little change made to improve the file size info *The size of the popup window may look better now Get information of the image your cursor is pointing to, including image dimensions, file size, url, file type and preview. *Known Issue: Sometimes the file size can not be shown.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-07-02) ><: Why does this show my website image was 178KB when I uploaded a 72KB image? Even when I go to the image link, the extension shows, and I download the image; my computer also shows the image size as 72KB? Why the huge discrepancy?
  • (2023-04-14) Jenice Singson: Please revert it. The recent update ruined this extension.
  • (2023-04-03) Alejandro: I've used this for a very long time. Recently it stopped working. Searching for a replacement or perhaps I will develop my own!
  • (2023-03-31) Mike Randazzo: Updating review after developer comment - back to five stars. Somehow my interface got switched and I was able to switch it back. [Original Review] It used to work great until very recently. Now the interface has changed and you can't hit Esc to exit it (I believe I used to be able to). It also sometimes just doesn't work anymore. I right click and select "View Image Info" and nothing happens.
  • (2023-03-28) Tsutchi-ps: SORRY!!! There were some mistakes in the last review. Last time I wrote that "Site access" was required, but this seems to change depending on the mode. There was the option to select other modes. I missed it... (Maybe an option has been added.) First, when you click on the extension, you get this. > Information display mode > - Page Window > - Separate Window. If you set this to "Page Window" (default), it will be displayed on the page. As this extension has to rewrite the top right-hand corner of the page, this means that "Site access (Allow this extension to read and change all your data on the websites you access)" is required. But it is not required if you set it to "Separate Window" (as in the previous specification). If you want to narrow the permissions to the extension, it seems to be a good idea to set "Separate Window". - Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ごめんなさい! 前回のレビューに一部齟齬がありました。 前回サイトのアクセスが必須と書きましたが、これはモードによって変わるみたいです。他のモードを選択できる機能がありました(もしかしたらオプションが追加されたのかも)。 まず、拡張機能をクリックすると、このように出てきます。 > Information display mode > ・Page Window > ・Separate Window これをPage Window(デフォルト)に設定すると、ページ上に表示されます。この拡張機能がページ右上を書き換えなければならないので、これは「サイトへのアクセス(アクセスしたウェブサイト上にある自分の全データの読み取りと変更をこの拡張機能に許可します。)」が必須になります。が、Separate Windowにすれば必要ありません(以前の仕様と同じ)。 拡張機能への権限を一応狭めたい方は、Separate Windowを設定しておくと良さげです。
  • (2023-03-25) Alla Gringaus: I loved this extension but recently, it stopped working. Is it possible to launch extension with the previous version? Does anybody know the alternative to View Image Info?
  • (2023-03-11) Ruby Siew: The App was great previously, some times the image alt text might be missing but still everything was really good. But the recent update ruined it. Image full address and image alt text wasn't showing in full, the image size is always showing 0.02KB(which is inaccurate), then we can't move the box at all. Could you revert it and improve from there instead of this format =.=
  • (2023-03-10) Rick Booker: I have used this extension for years and have loved it. This latest update 6 March, has ruined it completely. The information used to be in a separate window, now it is part of the browser window and cannot be moved to compare with other image's information. Unless this changes soon it will be going away. Does anyone know of an extension that is as good as this one used to be? I'll change right now.
  • (2023-03-09) Joe DiSalvo: Last update is horrible. Previously, it showed the image with the image info in a very nice format. Now the format is worse and it does not show the image. Honestly, why!?
  • (2023-03-07) Mike Fountain: Stopped showing image preview after latest update, now only shows text info about the image. Useful but not as good as it was before. Why the change?
  • (2023-01-13) Sagar: doesn't works on instagram web photos. i request the developer team to work on this ASAP.
  • (2022-03-28) Jeroen Toussaint: I like and use it a lot, but one thing it's missing is that there is no option to see the image properties when using Developer Tools.
  • (2022-03-21) Kurt Calacday: Add Dark Mode to reduce eye strain.
  • (2021-12-22) Alex 六十 Karpov: Я долго пользовался именно этим расширением до тех пор пока не проверил его работу на больших файлах. Есть ощущение что картинка загружается на сторонний сервер, нет времени проверить
  • (2021-10-03) Vincent Vega: Sadece çözünürlüğü ve boyutunu söylüyor
  • (2021-05-03) Jesus (Comexs): The only site it doesn't work on that I have seen so far is pixiv.net.
  • (2021-03-03) Minespatch: It's just missing information like when the image was made and such. Feels like a great comparison piece to Mozilla Firefox's window.
  • (2021-02-09) Mari Mar: Worked PERFECT - I Use every day. Use too, for open and previw original size images .pic format. ________________________________________________ __________________________________
  • (2021-01-14) Christian Wongmanee: Stopped working
  • (2020-08-20) Placid Rodrigues: Shows me image size, which is what I wanted. Happy with it.
  • (2020-04-13) Ver: I had to uninstall this due to to errors in console "gia.js:12 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'onmousedown' of null at gia.js:12" Is it imposible to programming apps with this extension enabled because wvery time I thing that there is bug in my code... Extension was updated 4 years ago so yeah...
  • (2020-03-14) Rayna Kuzio: I use this to find out the dimensions /filetype - - this extension servers its purpose.
  • (2019-12-02) Infostrates: Ne reconnait pas le format WebP : affcihe les informations jpg à la place
  • (2019-05-21) 咕咚: good tool ~
  • (2018-08-15) Riche Bright: Nice. Simple to use. Very helpful, the best image property viewer in the Chrome Extension webstore that I can find. Unfortunately, in my limited experience in using this extension it often incorrectly lists the img tag Alt attribute info as blank. Not sure about the img tag Title attribute info yet. I've yet to pin down the parameters for exactly when this glitch happens, but so far it seems to be most of the time. As for improvements, it would be GREAT if this tool also listed DPI, PPI, bits per pixel, color space, and any meta data. displaying other, image format-dependent info would be good too like number of layers, animation speed, compression quality, etc. Generally speaking, the more info about an image that can be shown, the better. If you do make it to show all that extra info, maybe arrange it all in a tabbed window. I would also like to see a settings page. Right now the only user selectable settings I can think of is thumbnail display size and an option to turn off displaying the thumbnail. If you guys REALLY wanted to go all out, a feature to allow you to save the image in another format would be cool beans.
  • (2018-07-08) W Ultra: 可以自定义文本。
  • (2018-03-12) liu Johnny.: 真的好用!
  • (2018-02-10) Eliran Gonen: it doesnt work
  • (2018-02-09) Michael Whit: Needs to work for background images. a great deal of images you see on pages are actually background to a div, or similar. This only works for img tags, which can be useful, but as a developer tool, I find it barely useful.
  • (2018-01-10) Fresh Egg: Can't get it to do anything, unfortunately (63.0.3239.132).
  • (2017-07-18) Fx Ne: 建议判断文件类型直接从文件头判断. 这样更准确. 有的破网站他把png压成jpg还不自动改扩展名.
  • (2017-05-29) Oleg Kikin: I've been using this extension for more than a year, but today it started breaking google, not letting me open pages. I get this error in the console: TypeError: Cannot set property 'onmousedown' of null at chrome-extension://jldjjifbpipdmligefcogandjojpdagn/js/gia.js:12 This is in Chrome 58
  • (2017-02-15) Jason Daley: It seems to be wrong about the file type if the image has an extension like .png.webp, the image is mistakenly identified as a png file.
  • (2017-01-24) Евгений В: Супер!
  • (2017-01-05) Wade Evans: Such a simple tool, but an incredible a time saver!
  • (2016-12-13) Daniele M.: Unbelievable that it's complicated to get such info without extensions. This plugin is simple but it works good. Thank you!
  • (2016-11-21) Vladimír Bednář: malo ficur
  • (2016-11-16) Christoph Lingg: in comparison to other extensions, this one works! a bit more love for the design and you have the fifth star.
  • (2016-10-17) M. blakelylaw: I so desperately needed this.
  • (2016-10-10) Kelvin LD: It is a very helpful Extension, but with minor downside.. and that is when you want to view the image while the detail window is still open, you can't switch back to it unless you minimize the main chrome window. and if you view the properties of the same image while you've already did view it, another properties window will pop-out instead of showing the already existing one..
  • (2016-10-01) Rasit Esen: just for size info
  • (2016-08-21) Krisztián Kovács: Számomra nélkülözhetetlen, jól működik, hasznos kiegészítő.
  • (2016-07-03) John Mark Vandenberg: It has a slot for info about image Title/Alt , but it is blank for http://xkcd.com/
  • (2016-05-12) Jason F: Broke PDF viewing for a ton of PDFs I've tried.
  • (2016-05-05) Ksanytch Ksanytch: Очхор как и надо!
  • (2016-03-29) Harald Nikolaus: Super useful
  • (2016-03-12) Rob S: Very nice and thank you. Don't know why Google doesn't have this simple option built into Chrome. Then again, Chrome seems to be missing quite a few simple options.
  • (2016-01-01) Ke0zom: Simple, efficace et Open Source.. Que demander de plus ?

Latest issues

  • (2022-11-21, v:0.0.4) Does View Image Info support AVIF yet?
    Hello guys, I know for sure that https://www.esteelauder.com/products/1799/product-catalog/bestsellers has a lot of AVIF images and some WEBP. When I use Rigor, I see which images are AVIF and which are WEBP in the waterfall but View Image only shows JPEG
  • (2022-09-12, v:0.0.4) Axel Metayer: Wordpress Alt Attribute not displayer correctly
    Despite having the alt attribute defined and listed in the HTML Code it's not displayed in the Popup windows. See the alt attribute for the page https://www.kfz.net/autorecht/autokennzeichen/italien/ - Any Ideas or suggestions if this is a bug in the Plugin or on the page?
  • (2022-07-29, v:0.0.4) Sara Hummel: JPEG displayed WEBP in inspector
    When using the View Image Info (properties) plug-in, I am seeing jpeg in the window, but in the inspector through Chrome, it displays as webp. Is there something I need to change in order to view the file type that is shown in the inspector?
  • (2020-06-04, v:0.0.4) Sys Reset: <picture>
    Hi, in case of a <picture>-element it would be nice to get the <source srcset ..."> listed :-)
  • (2020-03-03, v:0.0.4) Kirsten Frysinger: Window not appearing
    I love this little tool! But all of a sudden when I right click on an image and choose to view properties, the window either doesn't appear or I can only see a small corner of it in the upper left hand side of my screen and it won't display. I tried rebooting my computer, no luck. I uninstalled and reinstalled the extension, no luck. Any ideas? My thanks!
  • (2019-06-10, v:0.0.4) Илья Г.: File type and File info properties aren't displayed for webp images.
    Chrome 75, Windows 7. Please, fix if possible.
  • (2019-04-06, v:0.0.4) CrazyFitness Guy: Add Alt Text
    It would be great if I could add image alt text through the extension
  • (2019-03-03, v:0.0.4) James T Kelley: Feature request: add file:// permissions
    It would be nice if you added file:// URL permissions. It's just a small change in the manifest. Then users would be able to enable your addon on file:// URLs (in the Extension page). It would be convenient for development, if nothing else.
  • (2018-08-01, v:0.0.4) Jluis: Console error
    Hello i get this error in the console Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'onmousedown' of null at VM828 gia.js:12
  • (2018-06-08, v:0.0.4) dikey: Stop working
    Stop working
  • (2018-05-19, v:0.0.4) Mark Anderson: Property lines using GPS
    Property lines using GPS
  • (2018-05-19, v:0.0.4) Mark Anderson: property lines
    Is it possible to use this to find approximate property lines?
  • (2018-04-19, v:0.0.4) necdet perçinel: Stop showing file size
    Hey guys, First, Thanks for the effort to implement this extension, It was perfect for a while , but recently it started not showing the filesize. It says n/a , do you see any reason for that, some settings or anything else ?
  • (2018-04-09, v:0.0.4) Background Images
    If this worked on section and page background images, I would be willing to pay for the extension :-)
  • (2017-10-23, v:0.0.4) Add Filename
    Have either the filename exactly or the "file location" be highlightable so the filename can be copied alone. Then, the image name can be pasted easily without an extra step


50,000 history
4.1582 (196 votes)
Last update / version
2023-03-20 / 0.0.6
Listing languages
