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Performs syntax highlighting on files visited in the browser based on their extension
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Description from store
Syntaxtic! is a chrome extension for syntax highlighting on source files opened in Chrome. This extension was primarily designed for viewing files hosted in a web accessible version control system that doesn't natively provide highlighting but the usage certainly doesn't end there.
A variety of color themes and default sizes can now be selected from the extension options page.
Supported Languages:
Actionscript (.as .actionscript)
Bash (.sh)
C++ (.cpp .h .cc)
C# (.cs)
C (.c .h)
Clojure (.clj)
CSS (.css)
Diff (.diff .patch)
Erlang (.erl)
Groovy (.groovy)
Go (.go)
JavaScript (.js)
Java (.java)
JavaFX (.fx)
Latex (.tex)
Objective-C (.m, .h)
Perl (.pl .perl .pm)
PlainText (.txt)
PowerShell (.ps1 .ps2)
Python (.py)
Ruby (.rb)
Scala (.scala)
Swift (.swift)
Sql (.sql, .pls)
Typescript (.ts)
VisualBasic (.vb)
Experimental Support:
Bibtex (.bib .bibtex)
Common Lisp (.lisp .emacs)
CSV pretty printing
Any file ending in one of the above extensions will be automatically highlighted using the appropriate grammar.
Any comments or suggestions can be directed to or submitted as issues to
This extension would not be possible without Alex Gorbatchev's fantastic syntax highlighting API available at
- Added check for content-type = text/html. If found, does not perform syntax highlighting
- Added .cc as a c++ alias and .pm as a perl alias per request
- Fixed actionscript as c# issue
- Fixed .cc aliasing
- Added options page with selectable theme and size
- Removed unused permissions
- Added action button to disable line numbers or highlighting for the current page
- Updated to current version of extension manifest
- Small bug fixes
- Removed XML highlighting to let the default webkit viewer do it's thing
- Added support for Go and CoffeeScript
- Updated to latest version of syntax highlighting library which should fix many language highlighting issues
- Added support for typescript
- Added support for swift
- Removed CoffeeScript support due to complications with core library update
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-26) Stein Gunnar Bakkeby: This extension is excellent for my needs which often involve having a quick look at .diff files on the web. Something that has been annoying me is that if you double click on some code to copy it everything is selected and it all becomes white and I need to click the left hand side with the line numbers in order to restore the highlighting. Turns out that you can turn that off by going to the Syntaxtic extension options and changing quickCode from Enabled to Disabled. Thanks for this.
- (2023-05-05) DA A: fantastic, but I need auto wrap option function, and beautifier option function. thanks!
- (2020-03-05) Simone Zecca: Cool. Would be nice the ability to add user extension to be opened as simple text. This would help to read plain text files like for instance ".conf" without downloading on local disk
- (2019-10-23) Greg Johnson: Doesn't handle Javascript well _at all_.
- (2019-08-02) Kevin Tang: much easier to check code in the browser with highlighted syntax, thanks for the crx
- (2019-04-13) IC: Why no monokai theme?
- (2019-03-27) Max: Very useful. It would be even better with the Solarized color scheme (which doesn't have yet).
- (2018-04-19) Daniel Mihajlovic: Nice! Perhaps you could incorporate highlight.js themes. The themes you have are acceptable, but there more beautiful ones. If I double click the page It switches into to raw mode, but I have to hit F5 to get back to view mode...?
- (2018-03-22) Jeff Martens: Has no effect on display of Java sources,
- (2018-02-05) ̇: Don't work with lua :(
- (2017-10-26) Mayed Abdulla: it's not working with the local pages
- (2017-10-18) Vitaly Zdanevich: Please use event page instead of background page - do not eat my RAM all the time.
- (2017-09-11) Don't work with view-source code
- (2017-09-05) Changbin Du: Can I disable double click function. I dont want use that view.
- (2017-08-28) 石沉溪: cannot support golang. it shows a blank page.
- (2017-02-27) Bjørn-Tore semb: dosen't work!
- (2017-01-03) An Toine: Thanks for this great extension, exactly what I was looking for
- (2016-10-08) Dave Wikoff: Seems interesting, doesn't seem to work for non-http links like chrome-extension:// (Ready from a chrome extension). Seems to need polish.
- (2016-09-22) Mark Christian Lopez: Amazing! Any way to set a custom font though?
- (2016-08-27) thilaka mathan TTS: nice
- (2016-07-13) Anton Naruta: Fantastic, does exactly what it's supposed to.
- (2016-07-02) Johan van de Merwe: I think this is a great extension. A lot of times I am looking at the source code of a website of a source code in the browser. And that was just a boring looking bunch of text. This extension reformats it almost like you would see in an source editor. So much clearer and I like the line number feature as well. Highly recommended.
- (2016-04-12) Amadeus Mozart: огонь!)
- (2016-04-06) cang sou: thank you for your develop,hope the plugin will be more an more good.
- (2016-04-03) Alex W.: No word wrap?
- (2016-03-30) I. M.: When it works then it's quite good. But the most websites are using url rewriting so there is no extension and the app doesen't load the highlighter. So in the most cases the highlighter isn't working at all.
- (2016-03-15) Cristian Chitaru: This is great for what I need to do. I am working on backporting fixes from gcc bugtracker and I wanted something to help. This is perfect! Thank you developers!
- (2016-02-07) Martín Villagra: Local files are not being highlighted! (the ones that starts with file:///) FIX THIS!