extension ExtPose

Show Title Tag (delisted)

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Description from extension meta

Shows title in top of the page, since you cant read the title in the small tabs. Created by Martin Dalgaard

Image from store Show Title Tag
Description from store This plugin will show the full page title in the bottom of the page, so you can see the full title. Nice small tool for SEO guys and everyone using Chrome. You can move the bar to each corner so it's never obstructing your website. You can also hide it on pages where you don't want it. You can also hold the mouse over the area to see the title length. The source code is on github, feel free to fork it: https://github.com/martindj Changed in 2.3 - This seems to get auto updating in again without the performance hit. Credit goes to github.com/ash14 Changed in 2.2 - Bug: High CPU usage on certain pages. Changed in 2.1 - Feature: Indicate titles over 65 characters by highlighting the 65+ characters in red - Bug: Make sure the new font doesn't interfere with the rest of the page Changes in 2.0 - Feature: Using FontAwesome for icons, and css for backgrounds and borders. Looks much better, especially on Retina :) - Feature: Remember view-state per domain. Don't want to see the bar on Facebook? No problem, just click the hide-icon - Code cleanup Changes in 1.6.2 - Bugfix: Fixed interference with the page CSS Changes in 1.6.1 - Feature: The widget can be positioned in either corner of the browser! - Other: Code rewrite. Preparing for future updates. Changes in 1.5 - Bugfix: Fixed bug where a long title would make the background look wrong - Bugfix: Fixed bug where a too long title (75+ chars) would have some text appear before the title - Security: Fixed bug where html inside the title-tag would be injected into the title tab Changes in 1.4 - Visual: Removed title length from visual area, you can now see it in mouseover (for SEO guys) - Visual: Introducing a new style, matching the rest of chrome. Looks kinda sleek! Changes in 1.3 - Visual: Title length and difference between length and 75 chars (max recomended length)

Latest reviews

  • (2022-02-23) Aisha Ricks: It works, but do note: 1. If you have any pages still open while downloading it, refresh them to see the title. 2. The font is incredible small, but as Phuong Tran said in a previous review, you can combine it with other apps. 3. High CPU usage.
  • (2019-10-10) Phuong Tran: Still works in Oct 2nd 2019. Not like this extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/easy-show-title-plus/gdpfgejmikpgbnbhbhjegjfglhodfloa, Show Title Tag update every change of title while browsing while the Show Title Plus need to reload. * Please note that as many other extensions, this extension may need to be reloaded the browser to active its effect. * * * There have a bug here, please fix it: Denying load of chrome-extension://pkbffbhglicfngmppdlpmpblfgnkdgio/font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf. Resources must be listed in the web_accessible_resources manifest key in order to be loaded by pages outside the extension.
  • (2019-03-23) Yawning Owl: A good solution to an irritating issue ! The only drawback to my mind is the title tag persisting through page print, often covering printed content. Much as the title tag is welcome on the screen, it is unwelcome on a print, much less when it overlays some printed page content. My suggestion: add an option to prevent the tag from getting sent to the printer. That'd be a 5th star AFAIC.
  • (2019-03-09) Mostafa Rahmani: Doesn't work on google pages. And can't customize the size of it!
  • (2019-02-02) Thierry Loo: Thanks ! This works like a charm for me on the latest Chrome. One improvement: please remove when printing.
  • (2019-01-24) Steven Jones: This extension seems to do nothing at all. I have it installed in Chrome, and when you click on it the extension's webpage appears, when you hover over it nothing happens. It shows nothing on the pages at all. Weird
  • (2019-01-22) Kazuma Amamiya: 【たくさん使っている他のアドオンやグリモンとの競合?】YOUTUBEのみの症状。全部ではないが・・・動画ページによっては、何度リロードしてもコメント欄(下部)や関連動画欄(右側)が非表示になり真っ白になる。 要は、動画への評価やコメントやできなくなる。
  • (2019-01-04) Gustavo Souza: Well done. Please work to reduce the memory usage!
  • (2018-04-30) PERFECT!
  • (2018-02-13) Geoff Conway: This is Fantastic ! Chrome without a title bar is an absolute pain - it could easily have remained an option that users decided whether or not to enable since it is part of the HTML standard to have an actual Title line for a browser as can be defined for each webpage - and on some sites it is needed to assist with navigation. Big THANKS!! to CeroMedia & 3Mand for providing an alternative way to display the Title text. I'd suggest 3 options for your consideration - allow the user to position the Title line at either: 1. where it should be on top of very top above row of tabs (in small font), 2. On top of the Bookmarks bar to the right of Apps so that if this bar is blank you can have larger font being used and 3. where it is currently. You could also allow the font size to be set by the user if you wanted to as well. But great work as it is now - a much needed correction to fix Chrome's senseless act of HTML vandalism.
  • (2017-09-29) Stuart Anderson: Does what it says it does, and does it well. However, it is a brutal memory hog (I assume there's some sort of memory leak - I had it eating over 1Gb after continued use).
  • (2017-05-24) Natalia: Doesn't work
  • (2017-05-03) Apple O: Thank God someone thought of this! WHY did someone ever think it was a good idea to hide the title for a Web page? And how this could catch on is beyond me. Duh. It hurts the usefulness of the browser and Web pages. At least make it an option to display the full title tag, without having to mouse over it! My only complaint about this extension is the font is too small (at least on this monitor) and it's hard to see. Two suggestions: 1. Option to set the font size for the text 2. Make it easier to copy to clipboard (currently you can mouse over it, click & drag to select, but right-click > Select All, or right-click > Copy To Clipboard would be easier). Hope this helps.
  • (2017-03-14) Stefani Stelz: Все отлично, только вот столкнулась с проблемой - строку с тайтлом загораживает чат на сайте. Бьюсь, не знаю, как поправить.
  • (2017-01-23) Jeinner Campos: did not work on latest chrome version
  • (2016-08-31) Ryan Wang: Better if background is semi-transparent.
  • (2016-04-17) Gaurav: Better than nothing. Can't have it in the title bar obviously due to Google chrome's restrictions but at least we can see the title without it getting truncated. But hey what the ___? It takes way too much memory. Fix this please developer!
  • (2016-04-09) Clem Taylor: This is a useful extension, but for what it does it takes up far more memory then other extensions that access similar data. After testing it out, the extension had grown to 336M (according to chrome's task manager) which is more then all my other extensions combined.
  • (2016-02-14) KSI UDK: とても便利な拡張です。 タブが多くなるとページタイトルを確認するのはもはや困難なので、重宝していました。 しかし、Chromeで巡回中、数時間経過するととてつもないメモリを消費します。 ユーザーにもよりますが、シンプルなこのアドオンに500MBや1GBのメモリを必要とする理由が分かりません。 また稀に暴走します。
  • (2016-02-12) Роман Липатов: Очень удобный инструмент. Пользуюсь не первый год.
  • (2016-02-03) Dave Davies: It would be better if it appeared in the address bar or even if it was a titch bigger but hey ... I don't even know if that's possible in Chrome and I couldn't do it so thanks to the dev and 5 well-deserved stars.
  • (2015-09-01) Rami Markus Maunula: Used to glitch a lot and there were CPU spike issues, but those've been fixed.
  • (2014-11-26) Oren Pro: Все бы ничего, но мелковато, прозрачности бы наложить и больше сделать, либо реализацию другую.
  • (2014-05-08) Works like a charm!
  • (2014-03-19) korea aun: good ideas,
  • (2014-02-24) Jeremy Gallas: It crashes a ton.
  • (2014-01-28) Not terribly useful because it will not update when the document.title changes while the page is already loaded.


10,000 history
3.4 (70 votes)
Last update / version
2015-07-13 / 2.3
Listing languages
