extension ExtPose

Millennials to Snake People

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Replaces the text 'Millennial' with 'Snake People'.

Image from store Millennials to Snake People
Description from store Learn the sad, sinister truth behind the mysterious Snake People. Who are they? What do they want?

Latest reviews

  • (2022-03-12) Logan Higgins: This extension is delightful!
  • (2022-02-05) TheLastCookie: This one made me laugh! You should change the words "Gen Z" and "zoomer" too
  • (2021-11-05) Travis Rotenburger: This is without a doubt the best extension to forget about. Once you install it, forget that you have it, and be amazed every time you stumble upon a new term like "Children of Zolomon", or "Great Ape-Snake War. I've had this extension for years now, and absolutely love it each time I re-discover it.
  • (2021-09-06) Jonah Enciso: very fun but I forgot that I had this extension and was very confused writing my essay about generational differences. I have to remove it for now but I will return.....
  • (2021-08-23) Strange black Goo: quite possibly the best extension ever made
  • (2021-06-02) A A: Same as everyone else, my favorite thing about this extension is forgetting I have it installed and then being bewildered by a substitution. I looked up the Great Recession and was so confused when "shedding in the time of cold rocks" came up in my Google results, and it took me a few hot minutes to figure out that is not actually slang for the era.
  • (2021-02-25) Jakob Kielland: Have used the extension for years. Still continues to catch me off-guard. Highly recommended.
  • (2021-02-07) Alex de Geofroy: Consistently the best extension I have in terms of the joy it brings.
  • (2020-11-14) David Nelson: Kind of disappointed that it didn't change the name of the extension on the google play store :D. Nice extension, fully expect to forget I have it :)
  • (2020-10-15) Ridley Phan: came here after getting a sentence about it during sat practice on khan academy
  • (2020-09-10) Josh Sardine: To this day it still catches me off guard lol
  • (2020-08-14) Hayley Schluter: I really love this extension, it's a fun surprise every single time and highlights the ridiculousness of characterizing a whole generation.
  • (2020-07-15) Alex Nguyen: As a snake person, I found this to be incredibly entertaining. Now we need one for Boomers.
  • (2020-04-03) Tristan Fritsch: Somehow, "The Great Depression" ended up as "The Clutch Plague", leading my history teacher to ask to see me after class, when I wrote about how the Crash of '29 caused the clutch plague! Basically, I love this extension, and totally recommend it!! Also, reading the wikipedia page for Millennials is the best use of your time ever. But read it in a month, when you forget about this god-send.
  • (2020-03-14) S: Also changes instances of 'great depression' to 'clutch plague' ???
  • (2020-03-02) Max Hammerum (Civilian Hedgehog): This extension creates so much joy on a daily, hourly, or sometimes weekly basis. That's the best thing about it. You just forget it until you read some article and think "Oh yeah, lol" and it gives you a chuckle. Fantastic, Simple, Elegant.
  • (2020-02-25) Erika (EC Allen): I went insane for about 15 minutes during class because I was trying to type "tween" and it kept showing up as neonate. This would usually be hilarious, except I was writing work emails (we have a type of lab media that is called Tween). I was losing my mind until I remembered this extension was still on my browser.
  • (2020-02-11) Ami Mehta: I love this. I've had it installed for over a year now. Even changes my Netflix subtitles. Has never interfered with other content on websites as far as I'm aware. Happy browsing, fellow snake people.
  • (2020-02-09) Larry West: I love this extension. To test it after installation, read the currently top-ranked answer from Karen Marie Shelton here: https://www.quora.com/Why-are-so-many-people-avoiding-casual-chains-like-Applebee-s-now
  • (2020-01-08) Kris Caraway: Works great! Just recently discovered that it also changes "helicopter parents" to "Thoth-Amon"...that really threw me off.
  • (2020-01-08) Jordan Ross: Love it. It will change netflix subtitles and stuff too. One thing I noticed recently is that it will also turn the phrase "helicopter parents" into "Thoth-Anon" which I had to look up. I would like this extension to have a public list of all relevant replacements.
  • (2019-11-15) Mauricio Valdes: It changed the term "great depression" to "clutch plague".
  • (2019-03-15) after a couple weeks i keep forgetting i have this extension installed. Reading an article about millennials is so confusing then for the first minute. 10/10
  • (2019-02-18) Moss: rise up against the snake people, they're killing so many industries
  • (2019-02-06) Jonathan Bland: it injected "Snake Person" into my netflix subtitles, I love this.
  • (2019-01-26) Leon: 1. Install this extension 2. Completely forget about it 3. End up confused by the seriousness of the Wikipedia Snake People page 4. ??? 5. Profit
  • (2018-12-07) Byron Ellington: Beautiful
  • (2018-11-03) Adam Wise: The best part about this extension is that I will forget I have it installed for months and then come across an article titled "Why are there so many snake people?" and completely bewilder myself. It's great.
  • (2018-10-06) Yuri P: 10/10 changes Occupy Movement to Great Ape-Snake War
  • (2018-09-26) Muhammad Usman: Love how it's able to crack me up while reading a depressing article about millenials.
  • (2018-09-07) Jack Hagedorn: Excellent and objective change to identify Millennials for who they really are. I'm glad their hideous thoughts and habits are finally being brought to light.
  • (2018-08-13) lowkeyAMV: dank af
  • (2018-08-03) Brian Pakutz: THIS IS AWESOME
  • (2018-07-29) Love it. The snake people and their absurd tendency towards self righteousness and hatred of opinions other than the ones they got indoctrinated with by a communist professor deserves to be soundly ridiculed. Install this on any computer I get a chance to.
  • (2018-07-26) Michael Paulson: "Snake people love avocado toast" - Michael Knowles
  • (2018-05-08) Dean Kelly: Can you add the option to turn "Avocado Toast" into "Frozen Mice"? Otherwise this is perfect!
  • (2018-05-08) ______: must have
  • (2018-05-07) Wahu Cordero: It's best when you forget you installed this extension, and you see snake people in news articles.
  • (2018-04-13) Bananahen21 ̣: It does nothing. Snake People and Millennials mean the same thing. Total rip-off.
  • (2018-04-02) Waters Breedlove: Just noticed it changes the subtitles on Netflix. Most excellent!
  • (2018-03-28) Brett Stringfellow: Sometimes I don't know if my friends say 'Millennial' or 'Snake People' because I've been using this extension for so long.
  • (2018-03-12) yd75: Awesome extension. however.. Please change "Millennial" to "Snake Person"
  • (2018-03-09) AxlesofEvil: Sir Eric, thank you for fixing the internet! It is once again exciting to go out and explore new pages and learn about snake people. I am a proud snake person!
  • (2018-02-16) Christian Galitzine: Absolutely love this one. Really highlights the goofiness of most news articles about my generation.
  • (2018-02-15) Lisa M: All I need is for The Zolom's Children to replace Gen Z as well as Generation Z. It's so beautiful, and I want to see it more.
  • (2018-02-09) Alyssa Seidel: I love being snake person. This is hilarious!
  • (2018-02-06) Matthew Brown: Instantly makes light of the most cringy generational articles. Six stars.

Latest issues

  • (2021-12-10, v:2.3) Nick Ebert: Extension causes hanging on https://www.crystalmountainresort.com/
    Hello. When I use your extension on the website https://www.crystalmountainresort.com/, it causes a hang due to RESULT_CODE_HUNG and the page becomes unusable. Occasionally the page renders, but none of the links are clickable as the page is still loading.
  • (2021-02-27, v:2.3) Jared Smith: Suggestion: Gen Z
    That should be something.
  • (2020-07-28, v:2.3) Whitney Shoes: Too many phrases and things keep getting added.
    I've had this extension for a long time and really enjoyed when it was just millennials >> snake people. But it seems that you keep adding words or phrases and I no longer enjoy using the extension because it has become confusing. You need to give a list of all of the phrases and words that are changed, because your description is now incredibly misleading as it says it only changes one word.
  • (2020-06-20, v:2.3) Courtney Johnson Haber: Add new words
    Can you add new entries for "Boomer", "zoomer", and "gen z"?
  • (2020-03-02, v:2.3) Munsta Levasseur: Conflict with gridstackjs
    The plugin seems to be having a conflict with the javascript librairy gridstack. Unfortunatly for me I'll need to disable this wonderful extension until the problem is resolved. Behavior : javascript simply doesn't load. I assume the extension is manupulating the javascript and renaming a variable by accident? I'm not sure how it all works, but the symptomes are easy to see. Check this page for an example https://gridstackjs.com/#getStarted
  • (2019-12-26, v:2.3) Chandler McGovern: Pause Option
    I love this extension, but it would be great if there were a pause option! Sometimes it interferes with my schoolwork. It would be really helpful to pause for an hour and then be able to turn it back on! (similar to the option available with the adblock extension)
  • (2019-12-13, v:2.3) kerry Flaherty: Can we do something about "boomers"?
    Boomer, boomers, baby boomers, etc...
  • (2019-11-03, v:2.3) laith alissa: Error in description
    Hey, 1) Best extension ever created. 2) There's an error in the description, which I noticed because it was unfurled in a chat where I had the extension running >Replaces the text 'Millennial' with 'Snake People'. >Learn the sad, sinister truth behind the mysterious Snake People. Who are they? What do they want? 'Snake People' should be 'Snake Person', or 'Milennial' should be 'Millenials' See https://imgur.com/a/sfPxgbj
  • (2018-12-01, v:2.2) Austin Strube: Pause option
    There should be an option to pause this.
  • (2018-11-11, v:2.1) Joyce Tian: Avocado Toast
    I think "avocado toast" should be changed to "snake food" or "mice on toast".
  • (2018-04-24, v:2.0) Andrew Haworth: All caps
    It did not change MILLENIALS to SNAKE PEOPLE. I am thoroughly upset.
  • (2018-04-22, v:2.0) Julien Strickland: Millennialvile
    I was playing Cookie Clicker and, "Town to be named 'Millennialvile' after world famous baking company," popped up. I named my bakery Millennial (for obvious reasons) and everything else I ran into was changed, I was kinda sad. If you could make it say 'Snake Town' or something along those lines that would be awesome. A loving user, Gimeecorn
  • (2018-02-15, v:2.0) Lisa M: Gen
    All I need is for The Zolom's Children to replace Gen Z as well as Generation Z. Everybody is too lazy to type out the whole word "Generation". Zolom is so beautiful, and I want to see it more
  • (2017-12-08, v:2.0) Sage Stefanick: This changes words in my essays
    I enjoy this plug in but it is interferes with my schoolwork when it changes words in my google docs that I sometimes cant catch before they are submitted to my professors
  • (2017-08-22, v:2.0) Frederick Morlock: Tween -> Neonate
    Why is this extension changing the word "tween" to "neonate". I had an argument with a coworker over programming docs because of this...
  • (2017-07-11, v:2.0) Tim McCloud: "The Clutch Plague"
    Why is your app ALSO turning the words "Great Depression" into "The Clutch Plague"?
  • (2017-05-05, v:1.7) Jim O: Text resetting to 0 position
    Version 58.0.3029.96 (64-bit) causes the extension to reset to 0 position when typing. This is the result: https://i.imgur.com/wJ8WUDB.gifv


8,000 history
4.6979 (341 votes)
Last update / version
2019-03-11 / 2.3
Listing languages
