Description from extension meta
Improve your gladiatus experience!
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Description from store
- What is Gladiatus Crazy Addon (aka GCA)?
Gladiatus Crazy Addon is a browser extension (add-on), a small program that runs in your favorite browser.
- What is it used for?
Gladiatus Crazy Addon enchants a popular browser game called "Gladiatus" (made by Gameforge). It makes changes in the game so you can move around faster and adds new features in order to make it better. In other words, GCA improves your gaming experience!
- Why people find it useful?
People love GCA because it gives them what the game lacks. This is because GCA integrates into the game ideas coming directly from its players!
- Are you a Gladiatus fan?
Hurry up and install now the appropriate Gladiatus Crazy Addon on your browser and see the difference!
- Homepage :
- GitHub :
- Changelog:
Latest reviews
- (2024-06-11) Wagner Marques: A opção "Mostrar recursos de forja dos itens na ferramenta de dicas" não está funcionando....
- (2023-12-14) Ondřej Zimmel: nefunguje další věc nefunguje nefunguje pracovní stul věci tam občas nefungují ale bez addonu se glad skoro nedá hrat
- (2023-10-23) Kamil: błąd w "pokaż cienie przedmiotów"
- (2023-05-17) Renan Branco: O sir Cheese usa isso e bot, não joguem este jogo, ele sozinho vai acabar com gladiatus brasil, eu deletei meus personagens todos pois não aguentava mais tomar ataques dele em um multi meu 24h por dia. O cara agora é sgo no jogo e ao invês de combater os cheat usa eles e ainda por cima bloqueia os outros. Fazendo assim uma atitude anti-jogo.
- (2022-09-16) Robert Hoekstra: Fijn dat hij het weer doet!!! Bedankt!!!
- (2022-09-15) Georgia Kyprioti: The addon is not working
- (2022-09-14) Lukáš Konečný: Nefunguje a pokud se to změní tak dám i lepší hodnocení
- (2022-09-14) Alfred Sanchez: ya no funciona... algun addon parecido?
- (2022-09-14) Kunde Brand: ya no funciona... algun addon parecido?
- (2022-09-14) Tomás Sánchez: buenisimo ha dejado de funcionar
- (2022-09-14) Davide Cominoli: The addon is not working since the last update!!!!
- (2022-09-14) حسن الحطابي: The addon is not working since the last update
- (2022-09-14) GUSTAVO NEVES SILVA DE SA: A versão atualizada é 4.3.7, mas no google web store só tem a versão 4.3.6... atualizem isso por favor!
- (2022-07-30) Vox Clan: New version please
- (2021-09-29) Abdullah Arslan: New Versiyon Please
- (2021-07-22) J DC: Absolute must-have to play Gladiatus, improves everything without breaking the rules (it's not a bot or anything like that). Everything that it does can be tweaked or even removed in the in-game parameters, so you can just pick and choose every single option. Besides, it's updated quite frequently and only gets better and more useful over time. I sound like a fanboy, but GCA is just that good.
- (2021-03-22) aseret kowalski: po ostatniej aktualizacji tak zamula , że nie da się grać
- (2021-03-13) Krzysztof Szymczyk: Po ostatniej aktualizacji porażka
- (2020-10-22) D. M.: well done addon for Gladiatus! Thanks
- (2020-09-28) Vio Movido: exceptional.imbunatateste mult jocul
- (2020-01-23) Nomo Genal: Maiden are you here?
- (2019-08-28) David Smolej: It works perfectly! I very like the alarm sound when you are ready to go on expedition or dungeon. I am very satisfied from detail what does this mode show me. There is bunch of usefull infos and shortcuts. And because of that. Game is now better game! I really enjoyed it!
- (2019-02-19) pablo molina: Mul util, especialmente para los que recien empiezan
- (2018-10-09) Matteus34: New update please ___!!!!
- (2018-07-14) Khalid Aljunaidy: best app
- (2018-05-09) Flávio Fachetti: Em outras versões era possível vender os itens no Armeiro, Bens gerais, apenas clicando 2 vezes sobre o mesmo, e além de ver os amigos e a familia online, agora só mostra os da aliança
- (2018-01-28) karol janik: super
- (2017-12-27) BidoN: After update enemies from arena aren't sorted, must add sending messages to all guild members as default. Thanks for food and auctions improvements
- (2017-12-26) Santiago Muttini: Muy mala actualización
- (2017-12-25) Micky Gladiatus: hilfreich
- (2017-12-10) Pavao Polašek: Great add-on, just add 15+level on training so we can calculate how much cheaper we get :)
- (2017-08-18) Georgi Koirushki: Good
- (2017-08-09) MR X: Sajnos az új frissítések miatt az aukció nem töltődik be rendesen. Ez nem a CrazyAddon hibája hanem a gladiatus kavart bele. Jó lenne fixálni.
- (2017-06-28) Amar Zecevic: Sve je super odlican AddOn samo vam display Online Guide players ne radi tj na glavnom meni liku nema online players
- (2017-01-13) David Berounský: Noice
- (2016-10-13) Vitor De Lima: muito bom
- (2016-09-29) HodajuciDjedGames: Super addon :)
- (2016-09-23) Andre Luiz Pizzinato: muito bom
- (2016-07-28) Angel Martin Alvarez: Muy buena !
- (2016-05-30) Kevin Gawleta: esse som qnd acaba o tempo espera no fone faz um barulho muito alto queria tira-lo
- (2016-05-03) Владимир Григорьев: не работает 3.2 в хроме
- (2016-02-05) ツlengyelottó: Nagyszerű, de csinálhatnának Circus Turma Simulatort is. :)
- (2016-01-26) GAMES RULEZ: Poderia aparecer o nome da jogador que cobriu o seu lance no leilão, afinal, quando trata-se de leilão no Bastante Curto e as vezes conheceremos falsos colegas que cobrem nosso lance!
- (2016-01-10) Silver: muito bom gostei