Description from extension meta
Aruncați roșii putrezite în site-uri pe care nu le place!
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Description from store
Aruncați unul câte unul roșii putrezite în orice zonă a aproape orice site de pe Internet.
Toți auzisem sau chiar am văzut oameni care aruncau roșii stricate atunci când au fost dezamăgiți de un spectacol live. Acum aveți ocazia de a arunca roșii în site-urile care merită.
Tomato-ul distrugător al site-ului Chrome este întotdeauna la îndemână atunci când este necesar pentru a arunca aburi pe site-uri care într-adevăr infuriates.
Trebuie doar să dați clic pe pictograma extensie a distrugerii site-ului web din meniul barei de instrumente a browserului și să aruncați roșiile făcând clic pe site-urile urât.
Roșiile vor cădea pe pagina web și se vor aplati pe suprafața lor, pulverizând pulpa și sucul pe laturi.
Lăsați-o pe site-urile web să vă cunoască mânia și resentimentele. Utilizați joc distrugătorul de roșii!
Și, de asemenea, acesta poate fi folosit pentru streaming și video pentru a exprima cum vă simțiți despre site-urile web rău, pagini și servicii.
În noua versiune, am adăugat o colecție de obiecte pentru aruncarea în site-uri web:
- Putred roșii;
- Slime;
- Un ou putred;
- Banană.
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-06) Finn Marshall: poop
- (2023-11-03) Khansa'maya Iftinan: this is so fun
- (2023-10-19) Trevor Hart: I always throw tomatoes at TikTok results on Google, since TikTok as a site deserves it.
- (2023-10-13) Dr Eggz :D: i love throwing tomatoes like mediaeval times
- (2023-09-25) Chloe Wang: It's really fun, and I love it
- (2023-09-18) Ellen Wasiak: THE BEST
- (2023-09-07) adrianoski1984: im throwing it always in yahoo web its keep it
- (2023-08-27) Sebastián Dávila: Esta muy buena ¡AVISO! NO TIREN 20000 BANANAS SEGUIDAS PORQUE TE QUEDAS SIN TÍMPANOS
- (2023-07-18) Veena M S: llol
- (2023-07-17) Liberty de Matos: GG
- (2023-07-16) Minh Dương Tiến: When i turn it off, it reload my page :((((
- (2023-07-13) Tripp Carls: Works best with an autoclicker
- (2023-07-07) Zane Salazar: is so good
- (2023-06-10) Jeremy Harrington: i love it but im a bitm of a know-it-all and its annoying and today you are my victim. Theres no escape , so take a deep breath, and just be comfortable while i correct something over the next 20 to 25 seconds. ....................People didnt throw ROTTEN tomatos back in the day. they just threw tomatos period. how many people have you heard of that had a cache of tomatos they we allowing to spoil just to have something to throw if that oppertunity ever presented itself. and even if they did, they didnt have plastic storage containers like we do today . no zip locks, no tupperware , so the transport of said rotten tomatos would have presented a problem. ppl wou;ld have to smelll them from home until to the offending person was tomatoed. When you would first walked into the establishment and before the performance even started it would have smlled like a dumpster. who would pay money for that experience ? No they just threw regular non rotten tomatoes. and even that is not entirely accurate. they threw any SOFT vegtable or fruit and stale those were the days. (sigh)
- (2023-05-27) mikey eats beans: BANANA
- (2023-05-17) Josiah Wei: BANANA!!
- (2023-05-12) levan chelishvili: The bana had a minion sound saying BANANA which made me laugh
- (2023-05-08) Damien Garritson: amazing
- (2023-04-29) EpicHandsomePerson: epic just it reloads the site you were on once you turn it off but still super epic mega dragonfly cool
- (2023-04-29) Phạm văn Hùng: tôtass
- (2023-04-19) Pinidu Methmila: i would like to have more fruit and veggies in the extension
- (2023-04-11) InfinityPop: Its exactly what it says it is :)
- (2023-04-07) Sam Smith: Fun
- (2023-03-27) Gabe: good
- (2023-03-26) an ngân: tôi không thể chơi trò này
- (2023-03-23) Olivier Suntjens: i Love it
- (2023-03-20) Bryce Gregory: amazing
- (2023-03-20) Millie Baldock: Love it. I was looking for an app that would be fun and this is perfect. It lets you throw tomatoes, egg, and a slime looking thing at any website or as I have done, face, you want.
- (2023-03-13) Jackmedsa Medeiros: MUITO ENGARAÇADO E LEGAL AMEI
- (2023-03-13) pippie: beste ding ooit
- (2023-02-26) sonora soliday: Great app and really fun
- (2023-02-25) Huyền Hàm Nghi: hay qué
- (2023-02-22) Danny boy: for some odd reason the extension wont even open for me
- (2023-02-19) hamza zafar: so much fun , really having fun with this stuff hahahahahaahaa
- (2023-02-18) hf tf: (`-`)... GOOD... Just GOOD
- (2023-02-16) Melissa Humphrey: SO FUN
- (2023-01-29) Minh nguyen thi: game hay nha , anh tao cũng tải về rồi , và tao cũng tải về nè
- (2023-01-10) İrem hasırcı: turkcelle domates fırlattım çok zevkli oldu çok güzel eklenti
- (2023-01-05) rosa seo: funny
- (2023-01-01) Alex Liu: nice extension :) makes the internet a lot more fun
- (2022-12-22) Enzo 79: perfection
- (2022-03-19) markus kristensen: this is like the best extention eveer created i always hated math websites so i had lots of fun
- (2022-03-14) Linus Riel: this is very fun to use to destroy your hated websites
- (2022-03-12) Kumar Gaurav: PLZ ADD more items to throw was really fun using it
- (2022-02-27) Firoz Khan: Best extension to destroy webpages you don't like.
- (2022-02-27) Jdx Kos: The second I got this extension, I instantly killed my mouse haha love it just spamming on every boring website
- (2022-02-26) kannakizuchii: Great to destroy bad websites!
- (2022-02-25) Dragon Deez Nuts: funny
4.7677 (409 votes)
Last update / version
2022-11-02 / 1.7.0
Listing languages