Description from extension meta
Hear chess moves and annotation spoken as they are played on
Image from store
Description from store
**Please approve new permission, Notifications** If you're upgrading, the extension might be disabled due a new permission, Notifications, being requested in version 0.0.3. This is needed for the extension to prompt you to interact with the page when it detects the browser blocks audio. See the 2nd screenshot for an example and for more.
Hear chess moves and annotation spoken as they are played on Choose from the default voice (helpful for those who are visually challenged), or from's top commentator IM Danny Rensch as he hilariously comments on the game.
Have an issue or a suggestion? Go to
-- What's New: --
0.0.5 (May 22, 2022)
- Pick up game change via url instead of node being added to fix game over not being read (#14)
0.0.4 (March 14, 2022)
- Upgrade to Manifest V3
- Fix game over not being read (#12)
0.0.3 (March 8, 2022)
- Read moves of an observed game when showing Game after clicking New Game (#6)
- Avoid double reading (#5)
- Gracefully fail when audio blocked and prompt user (#10)
0.0.2 (March 5, 2022)
- Fixes from @rctay's fork
0.0.1: Initial release
Latest reviews
- (2023-01-24) James: Didn't work on /play/computer as other commenters suggested, doesn't work vs computer.
- (2022-10-17) John Babel: This extension sucks you cant even fix a bug this is absolute bullcrap
- (2022-03-19) Jeff Hsu: Appears not to be working in Live Chess (/live) after a recent release, only in /play. This is a problem because there are some bugs playing with DGT boards in /play so it is still necessary to use /live when playing with a DGT board. I hope the developer can fix this.
- (2021-04-29) Marco Verch (Wuestenigel): Very nice idea! I love Danny! However, he is a little bit repetetive like early version of EA Sports Fifa Soccer 1996. Also it is very very confusing that c3 means Knight c3. When I play on my DGT board and just hear c3, I move the pawn forward instead of the Knight. Would be nice if you fix this incredible Alpha version of this helpful extension! Also It is not possible to enter a game via "Play Game". You have to click on Live Chess first and then click on custom game and then search for oppontents.
- (2021-03-03) Narwhal Kid: Great! The only problems are that in special modes or winning by abandonment, it will just say "(color) WINS BY..." and doesnt say anything. It's still epic though
- (2021-02-24) Andrew: Unfortunately, it does not work when playing against the computer in Odd, but there it is.
- (2021-02-14) Tycho Davydov: Unfortunately the extension doesn’t work at all.
- (2021-01-31) Tuomas Tuomivaara: Very rarely announces moves. What could be the problem? Changing move settings from figurines to text doesn't help. I mean the dev won't reply but if anyone else has a fix?
- (2021-01-24) Daniel: Doesn't work
- (2021-01-12) Giancarlo Picardi: This thing doesn't work.
- (2020-12-25) carlos diaz: Dejo de funcionar
- (2020-12-04) samuel numez: It works on every other site except on, That's bad for business.
- (2020-11-22) Thota Srinivas: it is not working
- (2020-11-03) Valentin Degenne: not working... sometimes it works but during one game then if I refresh the page the sounds are not playing. This is infuriating because the script seems to work but one little bug is causing the whole program completely unusable. I hope you fix it, or maybe share the project on GitHub so developers like myself can contribute ?
- (2020-09-08) DD MR: for some reason when I tried it , it wouldn't work! :( I don't know for what reason but please help me!
- (2020-09-02) sebastian ts: Great, really funny. I just leave it on for games that last longer than 3 minutes. I really appreciate the art behind this kind of plugin so congrats to the Pavel, the Developer, Daniel Rensch for his comments and the Team
- (2020-08-06) Sameer Syed: Makes my games x10 more engaging!
- (2020-07-04) Frédéric PAILLAUGUE: From now on it doesn't work properly as the pieces are not announced : if your Knight goes to f3, it will announce only "f3", and it's a big issue because you don't know if the pawn moved to f3 or another piece... I also found a mistake when my opponent's King went to g7, it announced "Rook g7". When you wanna play without the screen, it's highly problematic. Please consider fixing this dear crew :) Thanks !
- (2020-04-12) Carl Stephens: i tried it for the first time this afternoon, after installing the extension and activating, it didnt work during my first game. after restarting my browser and enabling again it did work. however the announcements were confusing, it was announcing pawn moves correctly so when i played e4 it would announce e4, but when either me or my opponent played any other move that wasnt a pawn, so for example a knight, it would only announce the destination square, ie i play Nf3 and it would only announce f3 this needs fixing because i often play with a DGT board connected and if i'm not watching the screen, and i hear it announce f3 thats gonna potentially cause me to move the wrong piece. please look into this. thanks !
- (2020-03-25) Joshua Sampson: Fun to hear the moves!
- (2020-03-05) Wojciech Reza: very often not working
- (2020-02-12) This is awesome! I don't know why but like to leave Live Chess on "watch" and just hear Danny commentating moves.