Description from extension meta
Adds more colors to Google Calendar!
Image from store
Description from store
Adds more colors to Google Calendar's color selection menu.
This extension adds the ability to insert custom colors into Google Calendar events. Upon installing the extension, you might need to refresh Google Calendar for it to load.
Once the extension has been installed, you can access the custom color creation by either right clicking events (accessing the color palette), or double clicking the event and accessing the other color palette within the advanced event details page.
You can verify that the extension has been installed properly by the existence of an additional circle in the color palette with a plus (+) sign. Clicking on this plus sign should prompt you to insert a custom color defined by a hexcode (For example, typing 000000 will give you the color black. One recommended place to find colors is Pressing "OK" on the color entry prompt will add this custom color to your color palette for coloring events.
You can remove custom colors from your color palette by clicking on the extension icon in your browser's extension bar. This will open a small window where clicking on a color will remove it from the extension and your color palette.
NEW FEATURE: The window that was used for removing custom colors now contains a button to toggle between cloud and local mode. Originally, this extension only ran on cloud mode. This allowed your calendar colors to be synced across different computers and browsers. However, it also came with the limitation of max 512 events. Now, with the local mode, this limitation has been increased dramatically. Choose whichever option is better for you! You can toggle between the two as well, and they are managed independently.
Feedback greatly appreciated!
The colors are only available on the web version of Google Calendar.
The colors will only be consistent on one browser on a computer unless Google Chrome sync is enabled, in which case the colors will be tied to your Google Chrome profile.
Newest Update (1/7/2023):
Fix a lot of things.
Latest reviews
- (2024-02-28) Barry Piper: I like the functionality but it still seems buggy - colors randomly changing or defaulting to all blue. When I edit an event to change some details, the custom color is sometimes changed to another custom color. Sometimes I get the 'change this and following' option, and sometimes not. Update: as of February 2024, it has stopped working entirely. I hope there will be a fix soon.
- (2023-11-19) Kenneth Queen (KQ): ATTN ADAM: I wanted to first let you know how much so many of us appreciate your app and the idea your ran with and implemented! It's truly a helpful tool! However, when I was reviewing my Extensions today, I took time to read the recent reviews for this Extension. There was one major issue I noticed within seconds. There are no comments / responses to users' inquiries, questions, and feedback with problems. As I looked through the pages of recent reviews, not one has had any type of acknowledgement or response. However, I did notice this was something done in the past - speaking of 2020-2022. The last time anyone received a response was January 23, 2023. That's of the 42 (give or take) additional comments made with no response at all. It seems as if we're wasting time submitting feedback regarding multiple situations, only to be ignored. It's not a good business practice - to say the least - and your overall rating on this Extension is now down to 3.0. I'm thinking you are probably working on some of the fixes behind the scenes. But since there is no reply from anyone, there's no way for any of us to know. If you truly care about the people supporting your Extension, would you please consider replying to your customers' comments, as you did in 2020. A simple reply from you would be extremely valuable and help diminish some of the frustration. You can be assured a simple, yet actionable response would be welcomed by most everyone. My only intent in sending this message is to provide helpful feedback, in-turn creating a win-win outcome for both yourself and your customers. Sincerely, Kenneth Apr 29, 2023 - Kenneth Queen (KQ) I have had your extension for a while now. However, there are issues with it now, and it appears no one is responding to a few dozen complaints and questions on the Google Chrome Store for a while now. Would you please let me know when you expect to have the extension fixed. It apparently quit working with the Chrome update back in March.In addition, if you or designee that works with you would provide an update to all of us that have posted, that would be great. Appreciate your help. Kenneth
- (2023-11-02) Jesse Mills: doesn't work sadly
- (2023-11-02) Olivia Andersz (Prawdziwa): Doesn't work
- (2023-10-27) Ian Teves: AMAZING BRO! I was just about to add something like this to Google Calendar but you bet me to it. This is such an amazing and helpful tool. Currently there is a bug that's not allowing the addition of new colours because it just turns red instead with a sliver of the custom colour on the left of the event. But still amazing work!
- (2023-10-10) lily: all calendar colours turn red, so disappointed, this app had so much potential
- (2023-10-09) Amy Gonzalez: A great idea, but with poor execution! I installed it and went to add a custom color, immediately makes my events red. I came to read the reviews and it looks like everyone is having the same problem :(
- (2023-10-05) Emily Y.: I loved using this but it is also now converting all my colors to red.
- (2023-10-01) Will: I think this is a great opportunity to enhance google calendar, but it simply doesn't work. At all. They need to fix it or remove it from the store.
- (2023-09-26) kakawapa: Я нашел как исправить, в 1409 строке файла content.js: var nodeCopy = x.children[0].children[0]; А надо: var nodeCopy = x.children[1].children[0]; 1) Чтобы найти файл, нужно перейти по этому пути: C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ 2) Скопируйте папку gmfgalicoeacemhkeakceigfeofbchod на рабочий стол и удалите ее из папки Extensions 3) Дальше откройте в папке файл gmfgalicoeacemhkeakceigfeofbchod\1.1.2_0\scripts\ текстовым редактором, найдите 1409 строку и поменяйте значение (писал выше) 4) Скопируйте папку с рабочего стола в папку Extensions 5) Зайдите в Chrome, перейдите на страницу chrome://extensions/ 6) В правом верхнем углу активируйте режим разработчика. 7) Я нашел как исправить, там в 1409 строке файла content.js: var nodeCopy = x.children[0].children[0]; А надо: var nodeCopy = x.children[1].children[0]; 1) Чтобы найти файл, нужно перейти по этому пути: C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\ 2) Скопируйте папку gmfgalicoeacemhkeakceigfeofbchod на рабочий стол и удалите ее из папки Extensions, также удалите расширение из Chrome 3) Дальше откройте в папке файл gmfgalicoeacemhkeakceigfeofbchod\1.1.2_0\scripts\ текстовым редактором, найдите 1409 строку и поменяйте значение (писал выше) 4) Скопируйте папку с рабочего стола в папку Extensions 5) Зайдите в Chrome, перейдите на страницу chrome://extensions/ 6) В правом верхнем углу активируйте режим разработчика. 7) Нажмите на кнопку "Загрузить распакованное расширение", в окне выберите папку C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\gmfgalicoeacemhkeakceigfeofbchod\1.1.2_0\ 8) Наслаждайтесь
- (2023-09-24) Mihail Abramov: Turns every custom color to red
- (2023-09-22) Kayla Levelius: It worked on my Mac Laptop (worked sorta, but not always). Soon as I started using an iMac (desktop), it doesn't work. It reverts all the colors to red. I don't see any reason why this would suddenly not work, but seeing other peoples reviews, this is a common issue and the developer hasn't responded with a solution or a fix. I am super bummed because I can't find any other extension like this. I HATE the google calendar label colors.
- (2023-09-21) Jadyn Neil: ive been using this for over a year and there really isnt any issues; its truly helped me organize my calendar so so much. about the red colors.. the colors are NOT permanently red... you can switch views (week-month-day) and the colors will pop up it just needs to reload as an overlay on top of a color.. it takes less than 2 seconds.. my entire calendar is custom colored. i much prefer this than having 4 1/2 colors from google so thank you so so much
- (2023-09-15) Luxanna Berserker: Todos los colores los da en rojo :C Podrían solucionarlo, porfavor, gracias ?
- (2023-09-13) Allen Gresham: Like everyone else says (should have checked the reviews), using a custom color only turns the event red.
- (2023-09-09) Kendra Aaron: I was so hoping this would work. Unfortunately, like other reviews stated (which I read after) it adds the colors but wont apply them, they just become red or orange. Huge disappointment (but I should've read the comments first lol).
- (2023-09-07) Kevin M: A bust. Can add colors but not apply them :-(
- (2023-09-05) Abigail: Allows you to create custom colours, except whenever you go to select the custom colour it glitches to either red or pink.
- (2023-08-30) VIEИИA ZHOИG: Didn't work for me :C
- (2023-08-29) Thirteen Iron: ok tried and removed... doesn't work or too hard to make it work
- (2023-08-26) Lana: Love this extension! I love how you can add custom colors via hexcode and it works like a charm! Also great for ADHD :)
- (2023-08-24) Tracy: This is a great app. It does what it says [hex colors yay!] and is super easy to use. Thank you for creating & sharing this!
- (2023-08-22) Kate Wilkins: Does not work at all :(
- (2023-08-20) Christina Eng: Doesn't work after restarted computer
- (2023-08-10) Natalie Macdonald: Shows chosen color only on edge, default color for event turns to red is pretty much all you can see Would also be much better with a visual color palette selector tool
- (2023-08-04) Annie Botch: only changes the little color on the edge, does not do what it shows in the picture!
- (2023-08-01) Maggie Olszewski: Used to love this now it doesnt work at all
- (2023-07-27) Szymon Matusiak: Doesn't work
- (2023-07-21) Eduardo Lopez Garcia: Doesn't work
- (2023-07-20) Eatheraii tv: Doesn't work :(
- (2023-07-09) Legend: does not work!
- (2023-07-05) Tania Vargas Martinez: Funcionó por un tiempo, pero a partir de un par de colores añadidos, cuanto intento añadir mas, se añaden pero se ponen en rojo
- (2023-06-30) Huang yu: DOES NOT WORK AT ALL.
- (2023-06-21) Dongni Yan: Wonderful idea, installed it with excitement but does not work at all!
- (2023-05-20) Adam Albu: Really good extension, but it could be better if you could apply those colours to colour labels.
- (2023-05-17) spoopster: this crud does not work... im able to add colors, but when i try to select them, the events just appear as a random default color
- (2023-05-06) Juan Pablo Giraldo: It's a shame that such a great extension doesn't work properly. Please whoever created it fix it!!
- (2023-05-04) Mike Greenberg: Doesn't work correctly
- (2023-04-25) Pao Moreno: Todos los colores personalizados me los da en rojo.
- (2023-04-21) Lucy Biddle: Messes with events which use the g-cal colours - if I create an event which uses for example 'Flamingo', then click on another event, the new event turns 'Lavender' (the default for my calendar) and I have to go back and correct it, though it mostly stays fixed after that. Cool idea, would be extra cool if it had its own colour picker (there are a bunch of Javascript examples out there, or even just in HTML with 'input type ="color"'), but of course Google has made it difficult and buggy!
- (2023-04-20) David Lew: Interacted poorly with coloured labels, and I found that sometimes it would have both the label and a colour selected, and would default to the colour instead of the label. This behaviour made the functionality for this extension intermittent. It worked approximately 50% of the time. Given up.
- (2023-03-31) mrgcav: I have wrritten the author and no reply for a month. Suggest you do the same.. [email protected] Stopped working in January 2023. Not comatable with new Chrome update. Plssibly using anb older version of chrome it might woork but you would need to disconnect from internet and then shut off Chrome updates. This is the kind of careless nonsense Google does that pisses people off. Google is getting worse every day. The king is dying.. Let hime die. 25 years of Google controlling most of the internet is way too long.
- (2023-03-09) Nicole Almanza: It doesn't work as of March 9th, 2023.
- (2023-02-20) Pedro Chinelli: Some people complain about the colour vanishing after a refresh. Here the colour is replaced by another one from the google palette. So the extension is not working.
- (2023-02-14) Jenny Carbon: I can see the custom colors I chose but when I select it for an event it defaults to red.
- (2023-01-31) steve chase: Really needed it so badly to work on android mobile for my 26 employees to be each designated their own colour, looks like there's absolutely nothing out there to do the job, I had such high hopes with this too. Will there be any update to use it on android ??
- (2023-01-24) Rose Le: Mr. Adam Chang!!! I love this app because it lets me have such cute colors for calendar!! But the glitches!!! I know you just fixed it a few weeks ago but it's glitching AGAIN and I can't select or add any colors at all!!!!! :((((( I would appreciate if you could fix it!!!!!!! Please and thank you :)
- (2023-01-23) Elizabeth Skrøder: It is a really nice app, but I am having so many issues with it now. It keeps changing the look of my events and now it will not let me use the option of adding a custom colour which is super tiring. I do love how it makes my calendar look when it works
- (2023-01-18) Mackenzie Bjarnason: Great concept but it's super buggy. I wish google would just implement this officially, I had the base colours lol. I was trying to change the recurring events on my "class" calendar so they'd have different colours, but when I would try to change one it would glitch and change a bunch of others too. It seemed randomized because some would change and others wouldn't. Disappointing.
- (2023-01-13) Brianna Frey: It worked since I installed it August of last year. All of a sudden, when I select a custom color, it turns itself into one of the preset colors instead of the custom ones. I hope this is a bug fixed soon since I really enjoyed it.