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Pišite sa samopouzdanjem uz Microsoft Editor, inteligentni pomoćnik za pisanje za provjeru gramatike, pravopisa i stila.
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Uređivač teksta pruža naprednu pomoć pri pisanju s prijedlozima za gramatiku, pravopis i stil na cijelom webu (1) tako da možete pouzdano pisati jasne, sažete objave i poruke e-pošte.
Pišite kao profesionalac uz inteligentnu pomoć pri pisanju
Uhvatite osnove pomoću besplatne gramatike, napredne gramatike, pravopisa i provjere interpunkcije. Idite dalje od osnova uz naprednu provjeru stila za probleme kao što su jasnoća, sažetost, formalnost, rječnik i još mnogo toga uz premium (iziskuje pretplatu na Microsoft 365).
Prilagodite ga svojim potrebama
Uređivač teksta sada može dodavati riječi u prilagođeni rječnik koji je ugrađen u vaše aplikacije okruženja Microsoft 365. Potražite „Dodaj u rječnik“ kada Uređivač teksta ponudi pravopisni prijedlog. Osim toga, postavke vam nude način da precizno prilagodite svoje postavke za pisanje prijedloga. Također smo olakšali preskakanje svih pojavljivanja pravopisnih ispravaka odabirom „Zanemari sve“ ili preskakanje neželjenih gramatičkih prijedloga odabirom „Zanemari“.
Pišite bilo gdje
Dobijte pomoć pri pisanju na web-mjestima kao što su LinkedIn, Gmail, Facebook i druga omiljena web-mjesta s ovim proširenjem preglednika. Ako želite pomoć Uređivača teksta u aplikacijama sustava Office u kojima najviše pišete, otvorite Word ili Outlook na webu i primajte prijedloge za poboljšanje dokumenata i poruka e-pošte.
Dobijte pomoć na više jezika
Provjerite pravopis i gramatiku za najviše tri jezika u isto vrijeme uz višejezičnu provjeru. Uređivač teksta provjerava pravopis na više od 80 jezika i nudi provjeru gramatike i poboljšanja stila pisanja na 21 jeziku. Više informacija o dostupnosti jezika možete pronaći ovdje:
Ovdje nabavite Uređivač teksta za Microsoft Edge:
1. Dostupno za preglednike Microsoft Edge ili Chrome i iziskuje Microsoftov račun. Uređivač teksta povezuje se s Microsoftovom mrežnom uslugom koja nudi prijedloge za pravopis, gramatiku i poboljšanje vašeg pisanja na većini web-mjesta.
2. Nemaju svi jezici isti skup poboljšanja.
Instaliranjem aplikacije prihvaćate ove ugovorne odredbe i uvjete:
NAPOMENA: Pogledajte licencne odredbe za svoj Microsoftov račun ili pretplatu na Microsoft 365, kako je primjenjivo („proširenje“), kako biste identificirali entitet koji vam licencira ovo proširenje i za informacije o podršci. Licencne odredbe za Microsoftov račun ili pretplatu na Microsoft 365, kako je primjenjivo, primjenjuju se na vaše korištenje ovog proširenja.
Pravilnik o zaštiti privatnosti:
Uvjeti pružanja usluge:
Latest reviews
- (2024-01-26) Vagelis L.: Τη χρησιμοποιώ από το 2021, για να τονίζω τις λέξεις κυρίως μετά το τέλος εγγραφής του κειμένου. Τις περισσότερες φορές πάντα προτείνει τη σωστή λέξη για να επιλέξεις. Επίσης βοηθάει πολύ και στην ορθογραφία. Το μόνο κακό που έχω βρει είναι ότι δεν μπορείς να προσθέσεις τις δικιές σου λέξεις. Επίσης θα ήθελα να έχει τη δυνατότητα να κάνει αυτόματα το τονισμό.
- (2024-01-08) Simon Wasserman: I like the Editor extension it's user friendly, It's very useful for me.
- (2023-11-30) Felipe Fuentes: Una herramienta muy util
- (2023-11-27) Rick Allen: It's OK, but it's got a ways to go. There are plenty of time and situations where it will make suggestions, but if you click it simply refuses to make the change, or worse, it will duplicate a bunch of text around the change forcing you to have to carefully undo what it did or make the changes manually. I have not kept records, but I'd say about 20-30% of the time it malfunctions in some way. The rest of the time it's pretty good. It is every bit as good as Grammarly was. In fact, I think it's better than Grammarly was, becasue Grammarly had the same issues I noted but a much larger percentage of the time.
- (2023-11-14) Diane Price: Very helpful especially for quick correction of typos.
- (2023-11-10) Nixon bermudez hernandez: excelente
- (2023-11-06) Adam Piotrowski: podoba mi sie
- (2023-11-04) Jose Manuel Gonçalves: É uma boa e com utilidade para quem utiliza o Chrome
- (2023-10-31) El Gato Feliz: Tiene muchos errores al momento de corregir, se corrige lo que quieres pero sin eliminar el texto que esta mal, dejando un desastre. Además, muchas veces al momento de corregir por alguna razon se borra todo el texto.
- (2023-10-26) Kelly Jhasmin Luque Condori: Mientras escribo una palabra (digamos mal escrita) y paso a la siguiente, al corregirme me regresa la linea de escritura a la palabra que acaba de corregir, entonces toda mi redaccion sale mal. Ojalá lo corrijan.
- (2023-10-24) Jennifer Grace: Very useful and helpful. now i can write without any hesitations. also I am learning with proper grammar.
- (2023-10-20) Krzysztof Grochocki: After latest update stop working for some text fields.
- (2023-10-20) Mr Alligator: Excellent!!!
- (2023-10-13) Santosh S: I decided to give this software a try based on a suggestion from Microsoft Edge browser. Upon installation, I was prompted to remove another text editor I had been using, Grammarly. Unfortunately, I quickly discovered that this new tool didn't live up to my expectations. It failed to provide the correction suggestions I had hoped for and fell short when it came to addressing grammar issues. To troubleshoot the problem. I restarted the browser and even rebooted my computer, but the software continued to underperform and didn't meet my needs. Given my experience, I've decided to uninstall this software following this review.
- (2023-10-12) Dawie Beyers: Since I started to use it, it becam one of my most faithful spelling companions! I know that I can quicly and easily correct any spelling and grammer issues, while in the middle of typing something!
- (2023-10-04) miko mikooo: its pretty nice, i like it :)
- (2023-10-02) Jason Burnett: Having used Grammarly for years, I installed this on a whim to check it out. While Grammarly has gotten more and more invasive and now floods every textbox I enter text into with squiggly underlines that indicate they have a premium suggestion for a ton of money, this extension is so much better. It catches almost as many things as Grammarly does, but it makes a lot fewer editorial comments about your work. You no longer have to deal with someone's opinion about your writing style or intention, it just does what you want it to do. I love this extension and hope that it remains as simple and effective as it is now. Please don't start with the floating pallets, the constant begging for payment for premium versions, the constant spam, and nasty and unfounded judgments you get from Grammarly--this is just perfect the way it is. Thanks you.
- (2023-09-30) MC: excellent!
- (2023-09-29) László Staberecz: Jól használható, de vannak még hibák. Pl. sok szóval nem tud mit kezdeni, illetve vannak szerkesztési gondok, ha valamit javítok, sokszor nem oda teszi ahova kiírja, hogy hiba lehet, hanem a szó/szavak végére vagy a mondat végére és javíthatom az egészet újra.
- (2023-09-29) Rafael Gonçalves: aqui não consegui fazer funcionar. mesmo no edge e sendo assinante.
- (2023-09-26) Michelle McDaid: Cool!
- (2023-09-23) Carluys Coelho: Excelente, aún con ciertos detalles, sin embargo, es muy práctica al momento de redactar. Sigan mejorando! Felicidades a todo el team de desarrollo!
- (2023-09-22) Ludovit Gondkovsky: I had to remove it constantly opens welcome page and signin page. No matter how many times I sign it it always opens the pages. Extremely annoying.
- (2023-09-21) Darrell Vinson: I really like this software. My emails finally make me seem smart. I just wish it had an option to let me type my Southern Language just as natural as I please! :-)
- (2023-09-21) Raimond molly: Het is een prettige uitvinding wel maakt het mensen lui om de Taal goed te leren spellen maar anders briljante te uitvinding.
- (2023-09-18) dvb 2112: This is not as good as Grammarly, and in some cases, not good at all. As an example, I was writing a sentence in which I was describing an ability, but used the word "faculty." Microsoft Editor wanted to change it to "facility." I have to say that even the free version of Grammarly is much better, without the aggravation of dealing with Microsoft!
- (2023-09-18) Raphael Wiener: Unable to login The login presents you with a white screen where it is stuck. This login is on top of all the other MS logins already performed like the windows and the windows shop login.
- (2023-09-16) Jim Brid574 (JB): This tool is very helpful. I especially like the fact that it corrects capitalization errors with sentences. It's a much better tool than Grammarly which I have used a great deal in the past. As a Chromebook user it also works better than the grammar and spelling checker that is embedded in Google Docs. Thumbs up for Microsoft.
- (2023-09-15) Carlos Aguero: Excelente, una mejora seria el analisis más logico de ciertas palabras para aplicar la autocorrección, pero en general muy bien.
- (2023-09-13) Mario Penso: muy bueno y fácil de usar
- (2023-09-13) olman torres: Es buena, solo que tiene ese problemita de que cuando corrige la palabra la traspone delante de la incorrecta y eso retrasa la velocidad de la escritura.
- (2023-09-13) Md Yeasin: great extension and it it very helpful
- (2023-09-12) Vinícius Henrique da Silva: Tem muito para melhorar na questão de concordância verbal. poderiam se espelhar no language tool.
- (2023-09-12) Josh Isherwood: It's no grammarly. I switched over because of everyone says not only is it a free replacement, but its better. They are liars. First: It runs into a basic functionality issue frequently on sites likes reddit and facebook messenger. You will be typing and it will edit a word and you suddenly are typing inside of the other word. It will then lock into that position as the word is now a mess and won't let you type else where. Second: It frequently suggests updates to words without updating for the full context of the sentence. With grammarly I would see this behavior but it auto updated as I typed more and very rarely suggested a world that was flat out wrong. This thing suggests wrong words frequently. Third: It doesn't have as robust of a grammar updater as grammarly. After grammarly reviews were completed my sentences were upgraded in clarity and intelligence. This is more of a glorified spell checker. That all said, it does function ok when its working at all and is free. It's a downgrade in almost every way from grammarly though.
- (2023-09-11) Robert Cab: Muy buena app, util y funciona en casi la mayoria de las paginas. No he tenido problemas con la app, corrige tanto mal escritas como tambien la gramatica basica muy util.
- (2023-09-10) Yvan DESIREE: Très pratique. Un indispensable!
- (2023-09-07) Salaheddine AITMOULAY: excellent
- (2023-08-30) Vishal Chauhan: I loved it but sometime I feel that there is little bit few things missing which helps me to improve my writing more better. I feel that sometime if editor can suggest sentences also at the place of words correction only. That will be more helpful to improvise my english.
- (2023-08-30) Çinik Akçun: Stop showing popups on every tab I have open. This extension installed with Office and I did not ask for it to. It's the same with all the other apps I don't use, like Teams, install an additional language or feature and you'll have to uninstall them all over again. Office always was a pain to uninstall, but this takes it to a new level. It is actually a really bad experience for a software suite that you pay big bucks for.
- (2023-08-30) denis alexis alarcon bastias: Excelente ayuda mucho a corregir ciertos errores ortográficos que se causan a veces por la prisa de entregar y redactar documentación o trabajos de forma rápida un 10 ¡¡
- (2023-08-29) LL: 响应太慢了
- (2023-08-26) G.M. Ravindu Dulshan: Its perfect
- (2023-08-20) TxXCOZMOXxT: super util a la hora de escribir cualquier cosa, te corrige y te da sinonimos de palabras
- (2023-08-19) Gregory G.: I like that its very helpful in correcting my spelling and grammar. I know MS must be tracking everything I write online but I guess that's the trade off for a useful product.
- (2023-08-16) Peter Taranto: Fantastic! I don't need to pay for Grammarly anymore!
- (2023-08-11) Gideon Lupine: I find the extension useful. Not perfect, but it definitely helps more than it hurts.
- (2023-08-09) Batshua: Thanks Microsoft! This is tool is such a great help!!!
- (2023-08-06) pο z: Tωρα τελευταια ενωνει λεξεις ενω πας να κανεις διορθωση!! Διορθωστε το
- (2023-08-05) Kalapahar: Very good except occasional hiccups. Miss the word adding feature, like a dictionary of words I use in a specific way.