Description from extension meta
Automatically mark videos on Youtube that you have already watched.
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Description from store
Youtube keeps track of your watch history and automatically marks videos that you have already watched. They however only mark recently seen videos, which is kind of disappointing. This addon fixes this issue and keeps track of your entire watch history, such that not only the recently seen videos are being marked.
***How can the persistence of the database be ensured?*** There is an export and import feature, which makes it easy to create a backup of the history. This backup can easily be archived such that you can ensure that you never lose your history.
***How can I make sure that the database is complete?*** The automatic synchronization only considers the recent activity. You are thus encouraged to manually initiate a complete synchronization in the settings, which incorporates as much of your history as possible.
***Something is broken, I demand a fix!*** Please be considerate when leaving a review, this is a free extension that I invest my spare time in. If there is something that does not work then please file an issue on Github where it is easier for me to track.
Latest reviews
- (2024-11-15) Martin Wagoner: I really like this extension, and think everyone should download it. The only problem I've noticed is that sometimes the synchronization doesn't get the watch order correct. For example, one Let's Play that I have is shown as having been watched in the order of episode 60, followed by episodes 59, 63, 62, 61. It's not a big issue, especially considering it's listed correctly on the YouTube history page, but it does make me a little annoyed when stuff is out of order like that. And there is no way to delete multiple entries at once, only individually. Maybe adding the ability to manually move the videos around after they've been logged to fix this. Still download it, and you won't regret it.
- (2023-11-04) Enas Agnwstos: This is an extension from OUTER SPACE!! A STUNNING example of human ingenuity!!! So easy to handle , so extremely configurable : HIGHLY recommended!
- (2023-10-12) 김희중 (SCREAM): you are the best developer thank you
- (2023-10-12) Gaurav: I love that the watch-date can be appended on the thumbnail text now. As long as this remains good enough to track 99% of watches across different history sources, I very much appreciate this feature update. One nice to have would probably be able to sort the list column-wise in the extension details, and perhaps filter by month/year etc.
- (2023-10-11) Prashant Negi: With the latest update, a video doesn't immediately get marked as watched as it used to before. Now we have to reload the page for it to be shown as "watched". It was better before.
- (2023-10-11) Andario Andrada: Easily one of my FAVORITE addons, but you totally screwd it with today´s update. As such, my latest database entry says July 2023, even though I´ve watched HUNDREDS of videos ever since, all of them GONE, including the ones I watched yesterday. Please let me know if there´s any way for you to fix this, or I should try to revert to the latest version, because it´s truly a catastrophe, for me. I´ll update the rating as soon as you let us know. Thanks.
- (2023-08-01) Tommy Blythe: I don't know how I would ever use YouTube without this extension. The simplicity of the way it works is what makes it so great. No matter what device I watch a video on, when I return to a PC with this extension, it just effortlessly pulls my watched history from YouTube and greys those videos out. A cloud option for the backup file would be nice.
- (2023-07-23) Marvin Goode: Love it! A Must!
- (2023-07-05) Nils “UzAt” Dudda: Very good extension, but uses very much of my memory! per "Chrome Task Manager" it uses 1,400,000 - so 1.4 GB ? What the heck ?
- (2023-06-17) Andario Andrada: This is easily one of my favorite extensions EVER. So incredibly helpful when you´re a heavy Youtube user, it´s not even funny. The only reason I´m giving it one star less, Mr. Developer, it´s to ask for only the 2 main problems I have with this, where n1 only appeared lately: 1) Let´s say I´m browsing my suscriptions, or any other YT page, and since I have YT set it to play previews, I constantly find videos shown as "marked", even if I didn´t clicked on them. I leave the mouse resting on a miniature for a few seconds... and it´s marked as watched. This is a very serious problem, since it deceives me about what I have watched, or not, therefore negating the very core purpose of your extension. 2) I don´t know if it´s techincally possible, but your extension would pretty much PERFECT if you could also fix the amount of time a video is marked as "watched", before it actually is. As such, I often find my self clicking on a 10-20min video, watching a few seconds to see what´s it about, then have it marked as "watched", even if it´s certainly isn´t. Again, I don´t know if it´s technically possible for this kind of purpose, but extensions such as BlockTube allow me to block videos to the second, so it would be great to specify a minimal amount of time for Youtube to be marked as "watched", so it becomes less deceiving Thank you so much!
- (2023-03-29) Jules L: My favorite extension, haven't re-watched a video since.
- (2023-02-14) Jean Martin: I just moved the watched videos database from Firefox to Chrome like a breeze ! Thanks the extension is really helpful
- (2023-02-09) Glyn Taylor: Thank you so much for adding back one of the many things Google keeps taking away from us. If possible it would be AWESOME if on the thumbnail of watched videos it said what percentage of the video has been watched - There are tonnes of podcasts I have partially listened to and would like to know which ones, then if I haven't clicked dislike I'll know if I want to finish watching it. Hopefully it is possible
- (2023-01-31) RainBowCake2010: Phenomenal time saver, been using this for a year or so and it works perfectly.
- (2023-01-18) Human 42: works
- (2022-11-13) proXOR Zaruba: Пользуюсь расширением которое просто меняет цвет шрифта любой ссылки или названия под видео на любой по желанию на всех сайтах. Т.е. все юзаные ссылки меняют цвет и ты понимаешь где был а где не был даже через 10 лет. Удобнее не встречал! В новом дизайне на Ютюбе работать перестало. Теперь пользуюсь для Ютюба этим. Ставит метку и затеняет картинку превью. Тож неплохо. СпасиБ! P.S. Создайте кто-нибудь такую мулю для всего, а не для отдельного сайта. Народ будет доволен!!!
- (2022-11-10) Noor Aldeen: I have been using this extension for about a year without any problems and there is no doubt that this extension is the best in the feature that it has .. But when you delete any video from viewing in the options, the page reloads, and if the video was deleted without reloading the page, it would have been better .. Maybe It would have been better if there was an option to display thumbnails next to the video title in the extension settings..also is it possible to add a password for the extension options..that would be fine..thanks to the developer
- (2022-11-09) Paul Oblonsky: Great extension!
- (2022-08-16) Pieter D'Hoossche: Since the absolute geniuses at Youtube thought it was a fantastic idea to REMOVE the red line indicator under watched and partly watched videos, this is the best alternative. It does give quite a few false positives like videos uploaded a few minutes ago occasionally get marked as watched, but i'm sure it will improve in the future. @youtube Why do i even need this extension and "Return YouTube Dislike" extension. What is going on in your heads?
- (2022-07-04) QouNik ToRsha: I HAVE LOOKED FOR THIS SO MUCH. I KNOW IT's NOT EASY BUT THANK YOU For YOUR WORK! Edit: It was working Fine but recently It is still working but my Thumbnails aren't getting dim/blurred anymore still it says "WATCHED"| tried removing reinstalling and clearing cache but no works. Options are enabled in the settings
- (2022-06-13) Joaquin: It is what I need. Thanks!
- (2022-06-08) Erehr: Love it. Would be nice to have an option to view watched list sorted by watch count to see what you opened the most.
- (2022-06-07) Sirus20x6: I don't want watched videos marked, I want the "Not interested" "tell us why" "I've already watched the video" to be automatically clicked for me so I don't have to see the videos, and so it will stop showing me the videos, and so it will teach the algorithm not to show me watched videos.
- (2022-05-21) Lokman Afandy: youtube should include this feature
- (2022-04-25) Алексей: Работает! И в подписках и в рекомендуемых на странице с видео!
- (2022-04-09) Zoey Kinomora: Worked great for months but as of Chrome version 99.0.4844.84 it no longer works. Not sure if Youtube updated and broke the plugin or if it's Chrome's fault. It's a shame the dev doesn't have anything on their github or any way to report issues.
- (2022-02-23) Wireless Darwin: (mac os) Could not import my history from the file I exported 10 minutes before. (The file was unselectable) Lost all my history. Maybe still recoverable from the local backup of my chrome folder but I wouldn't bother. Check if the backup system works for you before you start using!
- (2022-02-22) Andre Alencar: Great extension but sometimes dont work and i have to sync mannually
- (2022-02-15) Gunnar Guðvarðarson: Love this extension. The one feature I would ask for is to have an external database, one that I can then put in dropbox or resilio sync, so that it could sync between computers.
- (2022-01-30) Lena Banx: Since it hasn't been updated since mid 2021, and its currently a month into 2022 I figured it wasn't going to be perfect. To its credit though, it does a pretty decent job but as you may have assumed by now, there are bugs. - When I have videos lined up in my queue, it seems to mark 2 or 3 of the videos directly following the video I am currently watching as "watched" when I 100% haven't watched them, they don't show up in browser history, nor youtube watched history. Not a big deal once you know of the bug as its easily ignored. - Some videos won't be marked as watched when they appear on the recommended videos section beside a video. I'll add them to my queue, thinking "huh I thought I watched this one.." and then scroll up to my queue and realize it's now marked as watched. Little annoying but easy to just remove from queue. So far these are the only bugs I have really noticed, but more may crop up as Google provides more updates to chrome. As for how it can be improved, I wish it had the option from the browser toolbar to be able to toggle hide/show of watched videos so that youtube can load new recommended videos. I find myself looking for another video to choose and 75% of the recommended section is videos that are marked as watched, so I have like 10 videos to choose from which I haven't chosen already because I don't have an interest in watching them.
- (2022-01-07) Jan Zaharov: Super !...
- (2021-12-18) Arpad Orfi: Love this. Thank you for this little gem. :-)
- (2021-12-02) Вик Волчик (Magnapony): Хорошее расширение. А главное, работает.
- (2021-11-30) JanoschNr1: What's the point when the feature does not automaticly remove the videos from suggestions? I mean I know what I allready saw so yeah ... marking it only makes it faster for the eye to realize wich will be the only reason I keep it installed but I hoped for it to have the feature to remove/block/sign as not intrested the videos so we still don't have to do it our self. : /
- (2021-11-30) Mahesh Bandara Wijerathna: Absolutely perfect. Hope you receive enough support on this so this can stay alive.
- (2021-11-24) John Doe: Incredible app!
- (2021-10-27) Lucas Kulka: I loved it
- (2021-10-21) Kate Bush: Better !!! (Click button to open settings)
- (2021-10-05) Austin Griffith: Things that should be a basic feature in youtube, thanks for filling in the UI for them.
- (2021-10-02) Enes K: I was struggling to keep track of videos which are part of a huge playlist. Thanks to this extension, now it is possible to know where I have left. Thank you !!
- (2021-08-29) Alberto Murillo: Amazing extension, I've been using it for almost a year at this point and I can't live without it, the fact that Youtube lacks this feature baffles me. The "black and white thumbnails" update is a nice touch, I like it, it makes "watched" videos even more obvious, I know people don't like change and there's already some complains about it because is the default look but there's an option to disable it, (yes folks is optional) personally I appreciate it and the fact that the author even bothered to update the extension is appreciated. So Thanks Simon.
- (2021-08-19) Anton Zhuchkov: Really great!
- (2021-08-08) Zahir: Please give option to sync to cloud or gdrive, sometimes we may forget to save the db when reinstalling the OS
- (2021-07-30) JulianHeuvel: I really love this extension like it's life changing, I just wish that the bug would get fixed where even unwatched videos are marked as watched for a bit :(
- (2021-05-16) Rahul Saravanan: Does what i
- (2021-05-10) Harold Lacubtan: I don't like the idea of "watched" videos' thumbnails turning into black and white with the recent update. Please bring back the previous version or at least have an option to disable such feature. Overall, very useful extension.
- (2021-05-10) Averiou: Great extension, only writing a review because the latest update made 'watched' video thumbnails black and white. The extension was perfect before, but the recent update that made watched video thumbnails black and white ruined it.
- (2021-05-10) Seth GG: great extension, anyone who uses youtube should install
- (2021-02-03) Paweł Chrzanowski: works.
- (2021-01-22) n ascentt: Great addon, Makes it much easier to see watched videos. I dislike that it marks all videos in the browser history as watched but there's an option to disable that. however I wish there was an option for it to mark videos as watched if you've either liked or disliked them.