extension ExtPose

TABLERONE tab manager

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Description from extension meta

Gestionnaire d'onglets tout-en-un pour enregistrer des onglets, restaurer des sessions et organiser des signets.

Image from store TABLERONE tab manager
Description from store Avoir trop d'onglets ouverts réduit votre productivité. Votre ordinateur devient lent, il vous faut plus de temps pour trouver le bon onglet et vous êtes souvent distrait au cours du processus. Le gestionnaire d'onglets TABLERONE résout ce problème en vous permettant de fermer tous les onglets sans les perdre. C'est comme une meilleure histoire combinée avec des signets, sauf que vous ne les oublierez pas. Cela vous rendra plus rapide, plus organisé et plus concentré. Libérer. Pas de comptes. 100% d'intimité. OBTENEZ DE NOUVEAUX SUPERPOUVOIRS DE NAVIGATION : Enregistrer les onglets en tant que signets avec aperçu de capture d'écran 🗄 Organiser les signets avec des balises et des notes Configurer des espaces de travail et basculer entre eux Rouvrir les sessions exactement là où vous les avez laissées ♻️ Restaurer les onglets après un plantage du navigateur Rechercher dans les onglets ouverts et enregistrés 📦 Partager plusieurs liens avec un seul lien Que vous l'appeliez un gestionnaire d'onglets, un gestionnaire de session, un organisateur de signets, un gestionnaire de signets ou autre chose, Tablerone améliorera votre concentration, accélérera le multitâche et automatisera le travail de copier-coller. Restez dans le courant et faites-en plus dès le premier jour. Ensuite, regardez votre système de connaissances personnel se développer sans effort au fil du temps simplement en naviguant sur le Web. SESSIONS DE NAVIGATION À SAUVEGARDE AUTOMATIQUE Pourquoi? Vous pouvez donc arrêter de laisser les onglets ouverts. Au lieu de cela, enregistrez les onglets pour plus tard, fermez-les en toute sécurité et rouvrez-les si nécessaire. - Fermez les onglets sans les perdre - Rouvrir les onglets fermés après un plantage du navigateur ORGANISEZ SANS EFFORT LES SIGNETS Enregistrez plusieurs onglets en un seul clic. Organisez-les par sujet et rappelez-les plus tard visuellement avec des aperçus de capture d'écran générés. - Recherche de signets avec aperçu de capture d'écran - Organiser les signets avec des balises et des notes MULTITÂCHE PLUS RAPIDE AVEC LES ESPACES DE TRAVAIL Organisez vos comptes, vos projets, vos vacances, vos recherches,… comme bon vous semble. Basculez rapidement entre les sessions et reprenez exactement là où vous vous étiez arrêté. - Ouvrez plusieurs onglets en un seul clic - Ajouter des sessions aux favoris LISTE COMPLÈTE DES FONCTIONNALITÉS Il fait ce que vous attendez d'un gestionnaire d'onglets : - Enregistrer tous les onglets - Enregistrer plusieurs onglets - Enregistrer un onglet - Enregistrer automatiquement les onglets pendant la nuit - Enregistrer tous les onglets dans un fichier - Fermer tous les onglets - Fermez plusieurs onglets - Fermer un onglet - Rouvrir tous les onglets (sessions de restauration) - Rouvrir plusieurs onglets (ouvrir plusieurs URL) - Rouvrir un onglet - Restaurer les onglets que vous avez fermés accidentellement - Restaurer les onglets après un plantage du navigateur - Organiser les signets avec des balises - Organiser les signets avec des notes - Organiser les signets avec les favoris - Ouvrir les favoris - Déplacer les signets - Copier les signets - Onglets de recherche - Basculer entre les onglets Plus quelques choses moins courantes : - Aperçu des onglets et des signets avec captures d'écran automatiques - Partager plusieurs liens avec un seul lien - Copiez toutes les URL et métadonnées dans le presse-papiers - Copiez les URL et les métadonnées sélectionnées dans le presse-papiers Exporter les onglets en tant que : - liste .txt - tableau .txt - Liste de démarques avec les pouces - Tableau de démarque - Liste HTML avec des pouces - Tableau HTML - JSON -CSV - Sauvegarde Tablerone Et aussi: - Importer des signets - Importer des données OneTab - Importer les données de Session Buddy - Suspendre manuellement les onglets inactifs pour libérer de la mémoire et du processeur - Supprimez automatiquement les onglets inactifs pour libérer de la mémoire et du processeur - Prise en charge des extensions de porte-jarretelles tierces sélectionnées - Changer l'apparence (thème clair et thème sombre) - Personnaliser les préférences et les paramètres INTIMITÉ La garantie de confidentialité à 100 % de Tablerone signifie : 1. L'extension stocke vos données d'application uniquement localement 2. Les données d'analyse d'utilisation sont totalement anonymes 3. Nous ne partageons jamais de données avec des tiers Veuillez noter que Tablerone n'a aucun contrôle sur les paramètres de confidentialité de votre navigateur, système d'exploitation, ordinateur ou réseau. SUPPORT Manuel d'utilisation et documentation : https://tabler.one/help-and-support/ Rapports de bogues : [email protected] Impliquez-vous et contribuez : https://discord.gg/qSXjcBbczy FAIRE UN DON Nous sommes financés par les dons d'utilisateurs heureux : https://donorbox.org/tablerone ENTREPRISE En tant qu'entreprise, nous : - Nous sommes fiers de la conception de produits et de l'expérience utilisateur exceptionnelles - Construit l'extension en tant qu'application client gratuite - notre prochain objectif est de créer une solution SaaS premium et d'étendre la prise en charge du client à d'autres navigateurs et appareils - Vous voulez faire revivre l'ancienne idée du bookmarking social et passer au niveau supérieur - Sont dédiés au développement d'un modèle commercial autour d'une technologie 100% privée pour garantir que nous ne manquons jamais aux utilisateurs de cette promesse

Latest reviews

  • (2024-08-28) Can Tecim: It is very small and a nice extension with a lot features, it became my most used extension for a few years!
  • (2024-08-28) Antonio Kowatsch: This used to be my go-to tab session specific extension. As of today I can no longer recommend this. After the new update all my sessions were deleted. That's it. I'm uninstalling it and never going to use it again. By the way. It uses copious amounts of RAM for no reason. I compared it to similar tab session managers. OneTab is better. Just use that instead. You'll thank me later.
  • (2024-08-23) Tracy Factor: This extension has become ESSENTIAL to my workflow and productivity. It's one of the extensions I ALWAYS install on every Chrome profile. Very underrated! Update: I still love this extension but is it possible to optimize to lower its memory footprint? It's eating up my RAM and not sure how to keep its memory use down. Thanks!
  • (2024-01-29) William Angelo: Muito boa mas poderia ter opção de um modo mais compacto para ficar igual o TabXpert
  • (2023-12-02) Priyang Priyadarshi: This the perfect kind of tab saver I wanted and expected as a missing link for continuously using so many tabs for so many different needs / objectives. Thank you very much for this service Tablerone.
  • (2023-12-01) _ “‪Zdzisek‬” _: Na początku trochę trzeba się przyłożyć i zrozumieć jak to działa. Potem bajka :)
  • (2023-11-12) edu de la rosa: very usefully
  • (2023-11-10) Vasudha R.: It's a useful extension with a minimal interface. The best part is all features are descriptive and there is no clutter of 'advanced' complicated feature. Greatly helpful in managing tabs and also optimizes the RAM being used to keep tabs active.
  • (2023-11-09) Ivo Zhelezarov: good extension
  • (2023-11-09) Giancarlo Gianelli: Utilissima ed affidabile: cosa cercare di più?
  • (2023-11-06) Juan Salvador Gonzalez Arredondo: Por favor integren la nueva funcionalidad de pestañas en grupo a su aplicacion para guardar sesiones, cuando guardo una sesion no me guarda los grupos y es molesto tener que volver a crearlos. Please integrate the new tab grouping functionality into your application to save sessions. When I save a session, it doesn't save the tab groups, and it's inconvenient to have to recreate them.
  • (2023-11-05) Mike: This app has revolutionized the way I use a web browser. 5/5!!!
  • (2023-11-02) Evan Robertson: It's a minimalist version of Workona that doesn't try and "do it all", which is Workona's biggest disadvantage (that and being limited to 5 workspaces at a time). Once you get used to it, very flexible and easy to keep track of everything. One complain: saving and closing a session while tabs are organized in groups causes all tabs to be opened twice and none of the groups are saved when you re-open the session. At least in Edge. If it supported groups correctly, this would be 11/10.
  • (2023-10-31) Steve Soto: I like this so much I am telling other people about it. This is high praise from me.
  • (2023-10-30) Mohamad Namdar: It's truly a great extension. I almost wrote a python script for the very same purpose of managing my tabs, but TABLERONE is definitely better and I'm happy one of my friends introduced it to me.
  • (2023-10-28) Alejo D'Angelo: Lost all my saved tabs after a chrome update. Really frustrating and dissapointing.
  • (2023-10-26) Abhishek Yadav: Works so well even though it's free.
  • (2023-10-24) Nguyen Minh: Superb extension for tab organizing freaks like me
  • (2023-10-23) Cheez Rebels: Functional and minimal. Isn't gonna revolutionize your whole life but this feature is still so good that I wonder why this hasn't been implemented in the base version of chrome. Great for anyone who likes opening a lot of tabs and like to pickup research projects later after taking a break.
  • (2023-10-21) Hully P: Muito bom, muito útil
  • (2023-10-19) Mark Warren: Great at keeping your Chrome sessions organized and speedy. Enabling the Daily clean-up feature will turn the omnibar into a private search engine.
  • (2023-10-17) Puneet Saravanan: Best extension I have used so far.
  • (2023-10-15) Krzysztof Bruski: przydatne
  • (2023-10-14) Dherick Leandro Serafim: É muito bom para manejar as abas, principalmente para quem usa muitas! É simplesmente perfeito para isso. Se quer gravar as abas pra depois e fechar o navegador, também funciona!
  • (2023-10-13) Jason Heath: I found TABLERONE after an extension I had used for probably 10 years updated and removed several features that I depended on. Since it had been so long since I had looked for an extension like this, I was really surprised the tools had evolved to the level of TABLERONE. The UI is so much better and there is a ton of really useful functionality.
  • (2023-10-12) Life Racer: Really a life saver after wasting so much time and effort. I wish many many more people get to try it.
  • (2023-10-09) Sergio: Best tab manager ever!
  • (2023-10-09) BOX IN: 很好用
  • (2023-10-07) Annika Argy: It really comes in handy when my laptop's RAM can't take all of my 20+ tabs. Will donate when things look up for me
  • (2023-10-06) Saatvik Agarwal: Simplistic sessions manager without a paywall, but each tab should have to be refreshed manually after restoring them from the tablerone sessions
  • (2023-10-06) Josep Alacid Peñalver: There are only two things IMHO, that will lead it to perfection. ie: 6 stars ;) 1. Keep the status of "pinned" tabs once sessions are saved and restored. 2. Keep the tab groups too, when saving and restoring. I know the list of requested features may be huge and varied, and the technical skills and time needed to code them -let alone changes in Chrome's API's- but if I can suggest anything, it will be, no doubt, those two features.
  • (2023-10-06) 王遠哲: 功能非常棒,使用體驗極佳 給一點可以在優化的方向 1. 會話群組處存的時候可以順便保存 "最後開啟的分頁" 和 "分頁群組" 這兩個屬性,重新開啟會話群組時等於回到原本工作狀態 2. 看有沒有可能跨瀏覽器,例如A瀏覽器保存的會話紀錄經由雲端移轉到B瀏覽器上開啟,我知道目前有"複製為..."的轉傳功能,但使用上不夠方便,用雲端會更方便些
  • (2023-10-05) Skyler VanDerwerken: Great extension. Looked for a long time to find one like this. Glad I finally found it
  • (2023-10-04) Chetan Singh: Clean and simple, free and feature rich. The only two features missing are: 1. Could sync 2. Auto session management
  • (2023-10-02) Katari Sporrong: As a chronic multi-tabs in multi-windows user, this has absolutely helped reduce the RAM pressure on my laptops (work & personal!) and adds another organization tool to my utility belt. Would be great if it could extend to work more in tandem w/ Chrome's Group function - but room to grow isn't a bad thing :)
  • (2023-09-29) Enes Tasbasi: Works really well when you have multiple contexts to switch between.
  • (2023-09-28) Никита Игорев: Awfull. Trash app. It closed Chrome and delete all my 400 tabs which i try to orgnize.
  • (2023-09-27) Connor Owens: Absolutely love this extension. Has never crashed on me, lost a tab, or done anything other than what it promised!
  • (2023-09-26) John Morales: Great so far. Needs to work with Chrome Tab Groups.
  • (2023-09-24) Corentin Gardies: It just, stopped working... clicking the button only show a "saving..." window then nothing more happens (tabs stay where they are). And this morning all my Tablerone sessions were gone, I only had the last session duplicated 6 times. I spent hours naming and tagging all my sessions just to see all this work disappear. The restore backup option only "summon" the same last session. I tried switching the extension off and on again but it does not change a thing... I will wait for a few days to see if it is a temporary bug (and update this review if it resolves). But I will get back to Onetab otherwise because even if it lacked nice features Tablerone has, it has been really stable and reliable for the years I've used it.
  • (2023-09-22) LIH HIL: Best suit for me from all the extension that i see some ui element can take some time to actualy open 1-2 sec delay all other is fire
  • (2023-09-22) Patrick Barnes: Works like it should and is very useful. Somethings could likely be streamlined a bit, but no major complaints or frustrations. Still getting used to having and using it. Best of off, it's currently free, unlike it's competitors. It's nice to know that some people are still willing to make products that make your life easier without bleeding you dry in the process.
  • (2023-09-18) kk kk: amazing tool!
  • (2023-09-17) ufo //: sorting opened tag is somehow lacked, why
  • (2023-09-16) Matheus Oliveira: Muito boa a extensão! Excelente!
  • (2023-09-13) Clients Qualified: I tried other tabs manager before but they were missing some features. Tablerone is very simple to use but very efficient. I love to see all sessions in one page, being able to close and add tabs easily. I think I've found the last tab manager for me. Thanks to make it possible for free!
  • (2023-09-13) Ted Clark: It is working well for me and I like the idea that I can name the group of tabs by session name.
  • (2023-09-11) Daniel: 10/10 Best one out there it's so nice and convenient, auto saves my tabs just in case and with a click of a button and can get all of them back OR just a single tab back.
  • (2023-09-06) bosong xu: Same as others: It's useful,but when it provides chinese?
  • (2023-09-05) Mike Howell: Top-notch tab manager. Very helpful to keep things organized.

Latest issues

  • (2023-09-21, v:1.5.5) Andrew Biller: Opera not showing site icons at extension pinned page
    I use Opera and the icons of every site is missing on tablerone page. When inspecting the page I see a lot of: andpjllgocabfacjlelkfpdemfklpfpo/:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED I have created a new profile and after reinstalling tablerone as the first extension, it's already missing the icons aswell. Can you check if there's a incompatibility with opera? Thanks
  • (2023-07-31, v:1.5.5) Cody Conder: Unable to Share: [Open to anyone who receives the link] or [Publish to the web]
    Unable to Publish a Collection on either of the above options. Do not know how to debug as it just since there saying publishing for hours until I manually leave the view.
  • (2023-07-15, v:1.5.5) Christopher Masto: Replace session
    I would love to have an option to replace the current session with a different one. Basically, combine Save & close with Open all, in one step (maybe by a preferences setting or modifier key). This is how I got used to using Workona, and found it very helpful for keeping my focus on one task. I keep one window open but change out the set of tabs by switching sessions when I need to work on something. I almost never want to open a new window, but Tablerone assumes that I do, so I have to perform two separate steps to close the old one.
  • (2023-07-15, v:1.5.5) Christopher Masto: Why does closing a tab create a new session?
    This is a great extension, but there's one thing I am not understanding. When I open a session, browse around, add new tabs, etc., I can then save that session and it will update the existing one. That works and makes sense. But as soon as I close a tab, Tablerone seems to forget about the session and treats it like it's a new one. So if I save, I now get a duplicate. Or even worse, if I "save to", it add a second copy of all of the tabs to the existing session. This ends up making a huge mess and I have to spend more time and clicking around to manage and clean up these duplicate sessions than I would without the tab manager. Am I doing something wrong or missing a feature setting somewhere?
  • (2023-07-09, v:1.5.4) Mohamed Anan: Auto save newly added tabs
    Option to automatically save any new tab added to the session. For example, if I open my saved session called "base" and start surfing, adding tabs along the way, and finally close the session without saving it, it should be saved automatically, unless I uncheck that option
  • (2023-07-08, v:1.5.4) Ricardo: forced pinned tab
    any way to disable the forced tablerone pinned tab? I see no reason to have it open all the time when I can just open it from the extension button.
  • (2023-07-07, v:1.5.4) Patti Pacifico: All Created Folders gone ...for the 2nd time
    This is the 2nd time this has happened. I use the extension it is great, I love the organization. I boot up one day and everything is gone, it will not pull up anything I have created or organized, so I start over. Again, today I go to the management tab and the past 6 months of work and organization is gone, no where to be found and not displaying. Is there something I am missing? Is there a way to get back all the organization and shortcuts I just lost, again?! I really like the extension when it does delete months & months of work and no way to get access to the resources I needed.
  • (2023-06-26, v:1.5.3) Clemens Ratte-Polle: Tablerone error? : all tabs inverted
    hi. Tablerone closed all tabs and saved them in the wrong order in its session tab, but correct to Favorites, Bookmarks. On reopen them all my tabs get WRONG sided, reversed, inverted ! o_O How could i sort them backwards ? I did not find one addon to do so for 10 hours...
  • (2023-06-05, v:1.5.3) Just Sturgis: Definitely can't use it with Wavebox
    Probably not something that will be important to you, but this extension is not usable at with Wavebox. It tries to open or sync or close or something every sleeping tab in Wavebox. For me that is hundreds of tabs. Anyway, I am able to use all other tab managers. Only Tablerone has this issue, so I will use Tablerone on Chrome but not on Wavebox. (Though I rarely if ever use Chrome.)
  • (2023-06-02, v:1.5.3) Dragon Net: cambio de idioma
    Hola, en la descripción dice que tiene 54 idiomas, pero no veo en donde lo puedo cambiar. Gracias
  • (2023-05-31, v:1.5.3) Maria Atenas Rivera Velázquez: Tabs opening halfway
    Not all of my different windows are opening anymore. They used to all open with their respective tabs. However, just recently only one window's tabs open.
  • (2023-04-29, v:1.5.3) Heath “rolltidehero” B.: Blacklist domains from being saved
    It would be great if you added a feature to allow the user to ender domains (or regex) of sites that they do not want saved in their history. Like for me, I would have google.com in there because half oif my saved tabs are google searches.
  • (2023-04-18, v:1.5.3) Clemens Ratte-Polle: Tablerone
    Hi. Tablerone works fast, save and clean :) 1. Tablerone could get THE Tabs Bar replacement! You could simulate the regular tab handling in a Tablerone BAR where you can see ALL your saved tabs like in the real tab bar. But only the one tab that is visible is loaded. Save RAM and surf faster! :) Yes, the pages have to be reloaded every time but the ICs are fast today. Perhaps there must be an option for pinned tabs for mail sites that stay open in the real tab bar above. You will manage this :) 2. You should write that you save all closed tabs to the bookmarks, where they are save and can be easily backuped. And mention the term BOOKMARKS into the german translation, because that word is missing and all people search for that but your addon will not be found. thx c:
  • (2023-04-18, v:1.5.3) Lazy Potato: Notification disable feature?
    Is there anyway to disable the notifications that show up on the left side of the Tablerone options menu? I literally have hundreds of ''Enjoy your clutter-free window'' and ''consider donating'' taking up my left side and it's annoying having to click the ''x'' button a hundred times. Surely there is an option to this off right?
  • (2023-04-10, v:1.5.3) oops os: Search function broken
    On the Tablerone tab, the search function is not working at all. I click on the magnifying glass icon, type in a few letters - nothing changes. Pressing Enter at the end of my search criteria - nothing changes. No other extensions interfering with function, and this function did work until recently.
  • (2023-03-12, v:1.5.3) J Z: automatic switching to the tablerone tab when chrome is out of focus
    Even when auto-save is turned and all of the tabs are left open, when the browser is out of focus, the browser would switch to the tablerone tab. This makes the extension unusable to me since I routinely need to run different browsers and IDEs spread across monitors and all of the windows need to be kept as is. If I switch to Safari, there's zero reason why my Chrome needs to be switched to the Tablerone tab automatically, but that is the behavior right now and I can't turn it off so uninstall it is.
  • (2023-03-03, v:1.5.3) Aleksandar Ivanisevic: sync across devices?
    I can't believe there is no way to sync across devices other than saving on one and restoring on another. I have just saved a session on my Mac at home, came to work hoping I'll just find it on my work Mac, the sameway bookmarks are synced etc. but nope? Or am I doing something wrong?
  • (2023-02-19, v:1.5.3) Michael Christian: suggestion
    I would be willing to pay for this feature: that is, the ability to automatically save tab sessions to a USB external drive--NOT to my Chrome Browser. I would like to be able to open the sessions from the USB external drive with a single click, too. Please, please, please consider this feature. The reason I want it is to stop cluttering Chrome with my tab sessions, and to avoid all the hassle of exporting and importing sessions, which is the only way to save them to a hard drive or a USB. Many thanks!! --Michael Christian Yonkers, NY email: [email protected]
  • (2023-02-18, v:1.5.3) Steven Collver: Need help with this Export/Import process.
    I don't believe I'm doing the Export correctly because the Importing result doesn't render any websites. The help file explains the Export process as such: 1. Click “Copy as…” button in the relevant session 2. Select desired file format from the pulldown menu 3. Paste copied data into the relevant application It is NOT that simple. Are you supposed to select what tabs you want exported? I select Copy as Tablerone backup, and then I assume the data is copied to the clipboard. Then you say to paste into the relevant application. WHAT relevant application? What IS a relevant application? I decided I would create a folder on a thumb drive and create a notepad file inside of it. There I pasted the data from the clipboard and saved the file. Then I moved the thumb drive to a different PC that also has Tablerone on it. I dragged the notepad file into the Import box. After importing, it said there is only one tab when there should be 20, and if you try to open the tab it doesn't render anything. So confusing and SO many questions. The entire process needs much more clarity. I want this extension to work SO bad but this one basic function falls apart right from the start.
  • (2023-01-31, v:1.5.3) Vanja Pancic: On autosave, tablerone does everything 3 times - saves three identical sessions, three notifications etc
    Everytime tablerone does an autosave (eg 6am each day) -> it will save and close the tabs, however I will then have three identical versions of all sessions. I will also get three notifications (pop ups on the left bottom side) "Tablerone has saved...". I also get three "Consider donating to tablerone..". This has been happening for a while now, hasn't always occurred. Otherwise super satisifed!
  • (2023-01-25, v:1.5.3) LoriCat: Forced Tab
    I would really appreciate it if there was a way to disable/hide the forced Tablerone tab.
  • (2022-03-03, v:1.5.2) jino: Lost My Tabs
    Hello, i lost all my previously saved sessions on tablerone and i'm pretty sure i didn't press anything. What has happened can anybody help me?
  • (2022-01-29, v:1.5.2) Darshan Shah: First pinned Tablerone tab on every window is distracting
    Is there a way to disable the first pinned Tablerone tab feature that pops up in every window?
  • (2022-01-22, v:1.5.1) J K: A expend all button is needed
    there is too much clicking when a user is looking for a tab and they will have to keep clicking show all
  • (2022-01-21, v:1.5.1) J K: some improvement
    I hope the texts can be bigger and the list can use 95% of the width of the page. There are too much empty space on the left and right
  • (2022-01-18, v:1.5.1) Hoang-Phuc Tran: Break Tab Strip PWAs
    The extension is very productive but in Tab Strip PWAs (#enable-desktop-pwas-tab-strip) such as YouTube it makes the whole YouTube window minimized instead of staying in the window and jumping to the left tab when you closed a tab. I wish you would fix it soon or just make the extension ignore PWAs windows.
  • (2021-12-29, v:1.5.1) McKinley Valentine: How to open session without un-saving session?
    Hi! I don't know if you're able to help - If I use "Open All" to open all the tabs in the session, and then close one of those tabs, the tab disappears from the saved session. Is there a way to make a session completely 'saved', so when I close tabs, they're not deleted from the session? This is the behaviour of the Tablerone Useful Tips and Tricks and Keyboard Shortcuts sessions - If I open Useful Tips and Tricks and then close the tab 'Interface and Glossary', it isn't removed from the tips and tricks session. But I don't know how to make sessions I create behave this way. Thank you!!
  • (2021-12-13, v:1.5.1) Christian Barringer: Syncing
    Is it in the pipeline to make the Taberlone data available across devices, and syncing to Chrome Profiles?
  • (2021-12-02, v:1.5.1) Weslin Pullen: Tablerone and Workona FIGHT
    After Workona got greedy and restricted workspace usage dramatically to paid users I decided to try Tablerone, which looks great! I did not remove or turn off the Workona extension before adding Tablerone and that instantly caused the two to work together to open hundreds of open Chrome windows with a Workona tab and a Tablerone tab. Not sure who's at fault, probably both, but just beware. Also need to figure out how to port all of my Workona workspaces to Tablerone, especially since I can't have both extensions active at the same time.
  • (2021-11-25, v:1.5.1) julien chen: bug提交
    macbook pro 17款 在使用上有bug,希望修复一下
  • (2021-11-05, v:1.5.1) Mina Waheed: Cloud backup
    This is really a fantastic extension, but is there any way to cloud backup the data?? It'll be great feature.
  • (2021-10-31, v:1.5.1) Alex Lowe: Stop "Daily Cleanup" notifications
    Is there a way to stop these notifications? They are really annoying especially dismissing them all. Is there a setting that I can just turn them off?
  • (2021-10-12, v:1.5.1) Fikri Muhammad Iqbal: Ignore pinned tab
    How to ignore pinned tabs from list session ? The idea is that I can persist pinned tab across multiple session
  • (2021-09-25, v:1.5.1) Jack G: High CPU usage fix?
    Hello I am enjoying using the app so far, however I have noticed from the chrome task manager that the extension is continually using the CPU 40-100%. I have about 5 windows with most of the tabs suspended so I am wondering why the extension would need to be constantly working. Have there been any remedies for this you can recommend? Is it because of tablerone’s auto saving of sessions? This is best feature Imo but a deal breaker if it causes a high load on the CPU. Thanks, hope I can continue rely on this extension
  • (2021-08-28, v:1.4.2) José Malhão: web apps
    Sempre que abro um webapp depois da instalação do tumblerone abre junto o chrome com as abas em uso e sempre o toblerone em primeiro plano, vai acumulando abas do toblerone, toda vez que abro o chrome acumula outra aba do tablerone, tem como resolver esses dois problemas?
  • (2021-07-28, v:1.4.2) Mina Waheed: How to login??
    You wrote in the extension description that there is a sync by account. How can I do that, please? And if I logged out from all devices and login in another device, will the tabs be saved or deleted??
  • (2021-06-10, v:1.3.6) Aaron Caetano: Closed all my tabs
    He, Tried to save my current session of 30-40 tabs. It closed all of them but did not create a session. Chrome doesn't recognize that the tabs were closed which means it cant reopen them. Any way to get the tabs back?
  • (2021-06-10, v:1.3.6) R McK: What to do if past sessions go missing?
    I've been using Tablerone for about two months without any problems. Today my past sessions have gone missing. I'm sure it's something that happened on my end (unfortunately I'm not aware of doing anything specific). Is there a location on my where the past sessions are stored, where I can lookup and determine why they might not be showing any longer? Thank you in advance!
  • (2021-06-07, v:1.3.6) Jakub Dąbek: Extreme memory usage with large number of windows
    I have around 30 open windows with 2500 tabs (not ideal, I know). Until now I've been using The Great Suspender, but I wanted to try this extension. Right after installing it Tablerone consumes 3GB of RAM (chrome task manager) and slows everything down to a crawl. After some tens of minutes it settled down, but still used a lot of memory. After that it was pretty usable, but didn't detect suspended tabs (my other feedback), and after unsuspending a portion of them the pinned tab's list wasn't updating.
  • (2021-06-07, v:1.3.6) Jakub Dąbek: Does not detect The Great Suspender installed from source
    After TGS was removed from the chrome store I installed it from source and it has a different extension id. Is there a way for tablerone to detect tabs suspended by that extension?
  • (2021-05-30, v:1.3.6) Matt Channing: Ability to open/re-open sessions seems to have stopped working
    I am unable to reopen saved sessions, either from the main menu or the favourites menu, the button is clickable but nothing happens when i clcik it. The only way that sessions can be restarted is from the 'other bookmarks' menu although when I do that its not recognised as a session so I cannot save changes to those sessions. I have restarted the browser, stopped and restarted the extension in chrome, restarted my machine and uninstalled and reinstalled the extension none of which has resolved the issue
  • (2021-05-10, v:1.3.6) Morgan Benjamin: Option to hide pinned tab?
    Unless I'm missing something I don't see why the pinned tab is necessary - doesn't the icon in menu do the same?
  • (2021-04-26, v:1.3.6) John: Whitelist websites to the suspension
    Just downloaded this extension for Edge, I am going to port everything from Better OneTab over to this one later today, because I suspect this one does not have a limit for how many tabs can be saved. However, I would like to make a few suggestions, some that have been made already. 1) Whitelist/Ignore websites or webpages - so that Tab Suspension won't suspend websites/pages you do not want suspended. 2) Add a shortcut key combo to suspend windows. 3) Add the functionality of saving and reopening discarded tabs that were discarded using a different extension (Tab Suspender in my case) so that the tabs will open discarded if they were discarded when they were suspended. 4) Open saved Sessions as they were saved, tabs that were in groups when saved, opens in a group when they are reopened. 5) Add the ability to drag and drop tabs from - or within - group to group, making sorting and organization easier.
  • (2021-03-31, v:1.3.6) 夏天: feature request!
    can i close tab in one click, but ingore pined tab?
  • (2021-03-03, v:1.3.5) Niush Sitaula: Small Low Priority suggestions.
    New user and already Love the extension. Small Low Priority suggestions. 1) Keyboard Shortcut for "Put this Tab to Sleep" 2) Option to disable thumbnail feature. Yes, It is not slowing down anything for me. But, a lot of images might start slowing things later. Isn't it? 3) Option to manually Add/Edit Title and URLs of saved sessions.
  • (2021-02-11, v:1.3.5) Candra Persada: Saved Windows are Stored as Bookmark Folders
    Every saved window is saved as a Bookmarks Folder under "Other Bookmarks/Tablerone bookmarks" with a folder name that is the name that you specified when saving the window. Within that folder every saved tab is stored as a bookmark. It's important to note that these are ordinary bookmarks and bookmark folders; there is no extra hidden state. While I don't recommend it, you may use the Bookmarks Editor to make changes, and these changes will be reflected the next time you start Chrome or force a reload of Tablerone via the Extensions page.
  • (2021-02-08, v:1.3.4) Cezar Cehan: Pinned tab
    Hi, After installing your extension, the page "Timeline" is open as a tab, which - is pinned, - cannot be closed - every time I close it, it automatically reopens, as a 'pinned tab' - and it's sitting as The First Tab in the window (cannot be moved from there; anytime I move it from there, it automatically gets back, in the First position). Question: is that 'normal', it's how you designed it, or it's some setting that I need to change? Thank you
  • (2021-02-05, v:1.3.4) Taek Enil: Sometime a new session is created even though I named and saved a session previously
    As a result I have two sessions. I thought that the saved session would keep even though I create a new tab or close existing one. Could you explain the algorithm to create a new session?
  • (2021-02-05, v:1.3.4) Candra Persada: Tablerone bookmarks sync with chrome bookmarks sync
    why not sync using Tablerone bookmarks using chrome sync for import and export tab data?
  • (2020-12-30, v:1.3.3) Nihad Azizov: Dark Theme
    Please add dark theme


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Last update / version
2024-08-16 / 1.8.5
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