Description from extension meta
Viss vienā ciļņu pārvaldnieks, lai saglabātu cilnes, atjaunotu sesijas un kārtotu grāmatzīmes.
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Description from store
Pārāk daudz atvērtu ciļņu samazina jūsu produktivitāti. Jūsu dators kļūst lēns, nepieciešams ilgāks laiks, lai atrastu pareizo cilni, un šajā procesā jūs bieži vien tiekat novērsti.
TABLERONE cilnes pārvaldnieks atrisina šo problēmu, ļaujot aizvērt visas cilnes, tās nezaudējot. Tā ir kā labāka vēsture apvienojumā ar grāmatzīmēm, izņemot to, ka jūs par tām neaizmirsīsit.
Tas padarīs jūs ātrāku, organizētāku un mērķtiecīgāku.
Bezmaksas. Nav kontu. 100% privātums.
🗂 Saglabājiet cilnes kā grāmatzīmes ar ekrānuzņēmuma priekšskatījumu
🗄 Sakārtojiet grāmatzīmes ar tagiem un piezīmēm
📚 Iestatiet darbvietas un pārslēdzieties starp tām
🔄 Atkārtoti atveriet sesijas tieši tur, kur tās pabeidzāt
♻️ Atjaunojiet cilnes pēc pārlūkprogrammas avārijas
🔍 Meklējiet atvērtās un saglabātās cilnēs
📦 Kopīgojiet vairākas saites ar vienu saiti
Neatkarīgi no tā, vai jūs to saucat par ciļņu pārvaldnieku, sesiju pārvaldnieku, grāmatzīmju organizētāju, grāmatzīmju pārvaldnieku vai kaut ko citu, Tablerone uzlabos jūsu fokusu, paātrinās vairākuzdevumu veikšanu un automatizēs kopēšanas un ielīmēšanas darbu.
Sekojiet plūsmai un paveiciet vairāk jau no pirmās dienas. Pēc tam skatieties, kā jūsu personīgo zināšanu sistēma laika gaitā bez piepūles aug, vienkārši pārlūkojot tīmekli.
Kāpēc? Tātad jūs varat pārtraukt atstāt cilnes atvērtas. Tā vietā saglabājiet cilnes vēlākai lietošanai, droši aizveriet tās un pēc vajadzības atveriet tās atkārtoti.
- Aizveriet cilnes, tās nezaudējot
- Pēc pārlūkprogrammas avārijas atkārtoti atveriet aizvērtās cilnes
Saglabājiet vairākas cilnes ar vienu klikšķi. Sakārtojiet tos pēc tēmas un vēlāk vizuāli atcerieties, izmantojot ģenerētus ekrānuzņēmumu priekšskatījumus.
- Meklējiet grāmatzīmes, izmantojot ekrānuzņēmuma priekšskatījumu
- Sakārtojiet grāmatzīmes ar tagiem un piezīmēm
Organizējiet kontus, projektus, brīvdienas, izpēti,... tā, kā tas jums ir piemērots. Ātri pārslēdzieties starp sesijām un turpiniet tieši no vietas, kur pārtraucāt.
- Atveriet vairākas cilnes ar vienu klikšķi
- Pievienojiet sesijas izlasei
Tas dara to, ko jūs sagaidāt no ciļņu pārvaldnieka:
- Saglabājiet visas cilnes
- Saglabājiet vairākas cilnes
- Saglabājiet vienu cilni
- Automātiski saglabājiet cilnes nakti
- Saglabājiet visas cilnes failā
- Aizveriet visas cilnes
- Aizveriet vairākas cilnes
- Aizveriet vienu cilni
- Atkārtoti atvērt visas cilnes (atjaunot sesijas)
- Atkārtoti atvērt vairākas cilnes (atvērt vairākus URL)
- Atkārtoti atveriet vienu cilni
- Atjaunojiet nejauši aizvērtās cilnes
- Atjaunojiet cilnes pēc pārlūkprogrammas avārijas
- Sakārtojiet grāmatzīmes ar tagiem
- Sakārtojiet grāmatzīmes ar piezīmēm
- Sakārtojiet grāmatzīmes ar izlasi
- Atvērt grāmatzīmes
- Pārvietojiet grāmatzīmes
- Kopēt grāmatzīmes
- Meklēšanas cilnes
- Pārslēgties starp cilnēm
Turklāt dažas mazāk izplatītas lietas:
- Priekšskatiet cilnes un grāmatzīmes ar automātiskiem ekrānuzņēmumiem
- Kopīgojiet vairākas saites ar vienu saiti
- Kopējiet visus URL un metadatus starpliktuvē
- Kopējiet atlasītos URL un metadatus starpliktuvē
Eksportēt cilnes kā:
- .txt saraksts
- .txt tabula
- Atzīmju saraksts ar īkšķiem
- Novērtēšanas tabula
- HTML saraksts ar īkšķiem
- HTML tabula
- Tablerone dublējums
Un arī:
- Importēt grāmatzīmes
- Importēt OneTab datus
- Importējiet sesijas drauga datus
- Manuāli apturiet dīkstāves cilnes, lai atbrīvotu atmiņu un centrālo procesoru
- Automātiski atmetiet dīkstāves cilnes, lai atbrīvotu atmiņu un centrālo procesoru
- Atbalsts atlasītajiem trešās puses cilnes bikšturu paplašinājumiem
- Mainīt izskatu (gaišs motīvs un tumšs motīvs)
- Pielāgojiet preferences un iestatījumus
Tablerone 100% privātuma garantija nozīmē:
1. Paplašinājums saglabā jūsu lietojumprogrammas datus tikai lokāli
2. Lietošanas analīzes dati ir pilnībā anonīmi
3. Mēs nekad neizpaužam nekādus datus trešajām personām
Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka Tablerone nevar kontrolēt jūsu pārlūkprogrammas, operētājsistēmas, datora vai tīkla konfidencialitātes iestatījumus.
Lietotāja rokasgrāmata un dokumentācija:
Kļūdu ziņojumi:
[email protected]
Iesaisties un sniedz savu ieguldījumu:
Mūs finansē laimīgu lietotāju ziedojumi:
Kā uzņēmums mēs:
- Mēs lepojamies ar lielisku produktu dizainu un lietotāja pieredzi
- Izveidots paplašinājums kā bezmaksas klienta lietotne — mūsu nākamais mērķis ir izveidot augstākās kvalitātes SaaS risinājumu un paplašināt klientu atbalstu uz citām pārlūkprogrammām un ierīcēm.
- Vēlaties atdzīvināt veco ideju par sociālo grāmatzīmju pievienošanu un pacelt to uz nākamo līmeni
- Ir veltīti biznesa modeļa izstrādei, kas ir aptuveni 100% privāta tehnoloģija, lai nodrošinātu, ka lietotāji nekad nepilda šo solījumu
Latest reviews
- (2025-01-26) Florent Louis: The app is really nice but now they're asking for a donation every day on every tabs that open at start -_-
- (2024-11-13) Alnoor Allidina: I'm enjoying it so far. Piggy-backing off of bookmarks is a slick design.
- (2024-10-12) Dênys Sipaúba: Excelente Gerenciador De Abas e Muito Completo, Sempre Atualizando(FAZ BACKUPS EM VÁRIOS FORMATOS DAS GUIAS ABERTAS E PODES VER TODAS ÀS GUIAS ABERTA EM FILEIRA VERTICAL, DESTACANDO-SE A QUE TÁ EM USO). Parabéns Aos Desenvolvedores Que Deus VOS Abençoe Em Cristo Jesus!!!
- (2024-08-28) Can Tecim: It is very small and a nice extension with a lot features, it became my most used extension for a few years!
- (2024-08-28) Antonio Kowatsch: This used to be my go-to tab session specific extension. As of today I can no longer recommend this. After the new update all my sessions were deleted. That's it. I'm uninstalling it and never going to use it again. By the way. It uses copious amounts of RAM for no reason. I compared it to similar tab session managers. OneTab is better. Just use that instead. You'll thank me later.
- (2024-08-23) Tracy Factor: This extension has become ESSENTIAL to my workflow and productivity. It's one of the extensions I ALWAYS install on every Chrome profile. Very underrated! Update: I still love this extension but is it possible to optimize to lower its memory footprint? It's eating up my RAM and not sure how to keep its memory use down. Thanks!
- (2024-01-29) William Angelo: Muito boa mas poderia ter opção de um modo mais compacto para ficar igual o TabXpert
- (2023-12-02) Priyang Priyadarshi: This the perfect kind of tab saver I wanted and expected as a missing link for continuously using so many tabs for so many different needs / objectives. Thank you very much for this service Tablerone.
- (2023-12-01) _ “Zdzisek” _: Na początku trochę trzeba się przyłożyć i zrozumieć jak to działa. Potem bajka :)
- (2023-11-12) edu de la rosa: very usefully
- (2023-11-10) Vasudha R.: It's a useful extension with a minimal interface. The best part is all features are descriptive and there is no clutter of 'advanced' complicated feature. Greatly helpful in managing tabs and also optimizes the RAM being used to keep tabs active.
- (2023-11-09) Ivo Zhelezarov: good extension
- (2023-11-09) Giancarlo Gianelli: Utilissima ed affidabile: cosa cercare di più?
- (2023-11-06) Juan Salvador Gonzalez Arredondo: Por favor integren la nueva funcionalidad de pestañas en grupo a su aplicacion para guardar sesiones, cuando guardo una sesion no me guarda los grupos y es molesto tener que volver a crearlos. Please integrate the new tab grouping functionality into your application to save sessions. When I save a session, it doesn't save the tab groups, and it's inconvenient to have to recreate them.
- (2023-11-05) Mike: This app has revolutionized the way I use a web browser. 5/5!!!
- (2023-11-02) Evan Robertson: It's a minimalist version of Workona that doesn't try and "do it all", which is Workona's biggest disadvantage (that and being limited to 5 workspaces at a time). Once you get used to it, very flexible and easy to keep track of everything. One complain: saving and closing a session while tabs are organized in groups causes all tabs to be opened twice and none of the groups are saved when you re-open the session. At least in Edge. If it supported groups correctly, this would be 11/10.
- (2023-10-31) Steve Soto: I like this so much I am telling other people about it. This is high praise from me.
- (2023-10-30) Mohamad Namdar: It's truly a great extension. I almost wrote a python script for the very same purpose of managing my tabs, but TABLERONE is definitely better and I'm happy one of my friends introduced it to me.
- (2023-10-28) Alejo: Lost all my saved tabs after a chrome update. Really frustrating and dissapointing.
- (2023-10-26) Abhishek Yadav: Works so well even though it's free.
- (2023-10-24) Nguyen Minh: Superb extension for tab organizing freaks like me
- (2023-10-23) Cheez Rebels: Functional and minimal. Isn't gonna revolutionize your whole life but this feature is still so good that I wonder why this hasn't been implemented in the base version of chrome. Great for anyone who likes opening a lot of tabs and like to pickup research projects later after taking a break.
- (2023-10-21) H P: Muito bom, muito útil
- (2023-10-19) Mark Warren: Great at keeping your Chrome sessions organized and speedy. Enabling the Daily clean-up feature will turn the omnibar into a private search engine.
- (2023-10-17) Puneet Saravanan: Best extension I have used so far.
- (2023-10-15) Krzysztof Bruski: przydatne
- (2023-10-14) Dherick Leandro Serafim: É muito bom para manejar as abas, principalmente para quem usa muitas! É simplesmente perfeito para isso. Se quer gravar as abas pra depois e fechar o navegador, também funciona!
- (2023-10-13) Jason Heath: I found TABLERONE after an extension I had used for probably 10 years updated and removed several features that I depended on. Since it had been so long since I had looked for an extension like this, I was really surprised the tools had evolved to the level of TABLERONE. The UI is so much better and there is a ton of really useful functionality.
- (2023-10-12) Life Racer: Really a life saver after wasting so much time and effort. I wish many many more people get to try it.
- (2023-10-09) Sergio: Best tab manager ever!
- (2023-10-09) BOX IN: 很好用
- (2023-10-07) Annika Argy: It really comes in handy when my laptop's RAM can't take all of my 20+ tabs. Will donate when things look up for me
- (2023-10-06) Saatvik Agarwal: Simplistic sessions manager without a paywall, but each tab should have to be refreshed manually after restoring them from the tablerone sessions
- (2023-10-06) Josep Alacid Peñalver: There are only two things IMHO, that will lead it to perfection. ie: 6 stars ;) 1. Keep the status of "pinned" tabs once sessions are saved and restored. 2. Keep the tab groups too, when saving and restoring. I know the list of requested features may be huge and varied, and the technical skills and time needed to code them -let alone changes in Chrome's API's- but if I can suggest anything, it will be, no doubt, those two features.
- (2023-10-06) 王遠哲: 功能非常棒,使用體驗極佳 給一點可以在優化的方向 1. 會話群組處存的時候可以順便保存 "最後開啟的分頁" 和 "分頁群組" 這兩個屬性,重新開啟會話群組時等於回到原本工作狀態 2. 看有沒有可能跨瀏覽器,例如A瀏覽器保存的會話紀錄經由雲端移轉到B瀏覽器上開啟,我知道目前有"複製為..."的轉傳功能,但使用上不夠方便,用雲端會更方便些
- (2023-10-05) Skyler VanDerwerken: Great extension. Looked for a long time to find one like this. Glad I finally found it
- (2023-10-04) Chetan Singh: Clean and simple, free and feature rich. The only two features missing are: 1. Could sync 2. Auto session management
- (2023-10-02) Katari Sporrong: As a chronic multi-tabs in multi-windows user, this has absolutely helped reduce the RAM pressure on my laptops (work & personal!) and adds another organization tool to my utility belt. Would be great if it could extend to work more in tandem w/ Chrome's Group function - but room to grow isn't a bad thing :)
- (2023-09-29) Enes Tasbasi: Works really well when you have multiple contexts to switch between.
- (2023-09-28) Никита Игорев: Awfull. Trash app. It closed Chrome and delete all my 400 tabs which i try to orgnize.
- (2023-09-27) Connor Owens: Absolutely love this extension. Has never crashed on me, lost a tab, or done anything other than what it promised!
- (2023-09-26) John Morales: Great so far. Needs to work with Chrome Tab Groups.
- (2023-09-24) Corentin Gardies: It just, stopped working... clicking the button only show a "saving..." window then nothing more happens (tabs stay where they are). And this morning all my Tablerone sessions were gone, I only had the last session duplicated 6 times. I spent hours naming and tagging all my sessions just to see all this work disappear. The restore backup option only "summon" the same last session. I tried switching the extension off and on again but it does not change a thing... I will wait for a few days to see if it is a temporary bug (and update this review if it resolves). But I will get back to Onetab otherwise because even if it lacked nice features Tablerone has, it has been really stable and reliable for the years I've used it.
- (2023-09-22) LIH HIL: Best suit for me from all the extension that i see some ui element can take some time to actualy open 1-2 sec delay all other is fire
- (2023-09-22) Patrick Barnes: Works like it should and is very useful. Somethings could likely be streamlined a bit, but no major complaints or frustrations. Still getting used to having and using it. Best of off, it's currently free, unlike it's competitors. It's nice to know that some people are still willing to make products that make your life easier without bleeding you dry in the process.
- (2023-09-18) kk kk: amazing tool!
- (2023-09-17) ufo //: sorting opened tag is somehow lacked, why
- (2023-09-16) Matheus Oliveira: Muito boa a extensão! Excelente!
- (2023-09-13) Clients Qualified: I tried other tabs manager before but they were missing some features. Tablerone is very simple to use but very efficient. I love to see all sessions in one page, being able to close and add tabs easily. I think I've found the last tab manager for me. Thanks to make it possible for free!
- (2023-09-13) Ted Clark: It is working well for me and I like the idea that I can name the group of tabs by session name.
4.4576 (885 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-29 / 1.10.1
Listing languages