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Manage tasks, send personalized message campaigns, schedule future message - the ultimate whatsapp tool for managers

Image from store Blueticks
Description from store Get your new WhatsApp superpowers! We are the Ultimate Chrome Extension for WhatsApp. Blueticks is an all-in-one engagement platform that directly adds essential marketing and management tools to your WhatsApp Web. Blueticks allows you to communicate effectively with your audience, improve productivity, and much more! Our Features: --------------------- ⏰ Message Scheduler: Schedule essential messages in just a few steps Always be one step ahead. Schedule automated messages in advance to follow-up with clients and engage more contacts. You can schedule a one-time message or a recurring message. Schedule your WhatsApp messages to send any time you like. ✔ Task Manager: You can plan and track tasks directly inside the WhatsApp web from now on. Create tasks and assign them to co-workers directly on WhatsApp Web to increase efficiency and reach your objectives. 📩 WhatsApp Campaign: Our Bulk campaigns will have your business come alive! With consistent growth and booming engagement, you will be sure to see your business thrive. Please use this tool responsibly and refrain from sending spam messages. 💻 API: Integrate any CRM or other automated workflow. Send and receive messages via API. Use API to send and receive messages. Build auto-replies, chatbot, and much more! Blueticks brings to the table a different perspective on how companies can use WhatsApp, creating business opportunities through innovative tools. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact us: If you have any questions or concerns, our support team will be glad to help! Go to https://blueticks.co/#CONTACT to leave a message. Follow Us on: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/blueticksapp Instagram https://www.instagram.com/blueticksapp/ Twitter https://twitter.com/blueticksapp LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/blueticks/

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-04) Paul Wilson: Works great - one glitch that was quickly resolved by support :) 4/5/24 I'm downgrading this as support around my subscription renewal has been really poor - woeful.
  • (2023-12-06) Michelle Goodwin: While this is a fantastic app and has cut my workload tremendously - the support is ZERO. I have been trying to contact the developers for almost two months now and I am just not getting any response at all. This is the second time this has happened. Last time, after 3 months of waiting I changed the review, but this time I am really annoyed and extremely disappointed in the service which is non-existent.
  • (2023-11-13) Dee Dee Yeah Yeah: No inicio foi interessante. Mas com pouco tempo de uso nota-se bugs grotescos por falhas de desenvolvimento igualmente grotescas. Comecei a ter impacto nas minhas operacoes, pois clientes eram acionados com mensagens indevidas. Contatei o suporte com fotos e videos com o intuito de colaborar com a correcao dos erros, e tive retornos superficiais que me fizeram ter certeza que trata-se de uma empresa de amadores, completamente desqualificada para venderem o produto referido. Nao faco ideia do que vou usar como alternativa, mas pretendo mirar uma solucao de CRM mais profissional do que essa.
  • (2023-11-13) Martha Grant: Everything worked fine for a few days, very useful, unique extension that helps loads. Then yesterday evening I scheduled a message to be sent this morning at 6 AM. But the message was sent one hour later and now when I open the window for scheduling I see that the time displayed in Blueticks is one hour different to the time shown by my system (while on the list of scheduled messages the right time is displayed). This created a big problem for me as it was a work-related message that needed to be sent on time.
  • (2023-11-04) Juliana Simões: Alerta Importante: Gostaria de compartilhar uma experiência negativa com uma extensão que todos devem evitar. Fui vítima de uma propaganda enganosa, na qual me foi cobrado por um plano anual, mas, infelizmente, fui incapaz de acessar o plano após o pagamento. A plataforma insiste que eu faça um 'upgrade', mesmo após o débito do meu cartão. Além disso, o suporte prometido é inexistente, criando ainda mais frustração. É incrivelmente desconcertante que o Google permita a presença desse tipo de golpe em sua plataforma, e a página no Instagram associada a isso também levanta suspeitas. Infelizmente, perdi R$150 nessa experiência desagradável. Portanto, eu enfatizo: evitem essa extensão a todo custo e não assinem nenhum plano relacionado a ela.
  • (2023-10-29) Braam Snyman: Buyer beware! I subscribed to the $3 plan to test the service and after many back and forth emails with support, they refuse to activate my subscription. The subscription screen showed an error, but the money was deducted from my credit card. I sent them my bank statement, a screenshot of error page, everything they asked for and then they just stopped responding to my emails. This is fraud and I hope law enforcement catches up with these scammers.
  • (2023-10-17) No funciona. No envía los whatsapps que estaban planeados porque dice que "Whatsapp web fue cerrado". CLARO, PARA ESO COMPRÉ LA APLICACIÓN, PARA ORGANIZAR WHATSAPP Y QUE SE MANDARAN A LA HORA QUE YO QUERÍA. Si cierro Whatsapp web a lo mejor es porque no me interesa estar pendiente de esos whatsapp las 24 horas y que quiero que se manden si los he calendarizado. Reembolso pedido a Paypal, aunque no sé si me devolverán el dinero...
  • (2023-10-16) Dpto. Administrativo: URGENT! Dear all, it's been almost a week since I purchased the Campaigner license via Paypal (considering I wasn't able to add it directly on the Bluieticks website) and so far it hasn't been activated. It doesn't even appear on my profile. We have a series of campaigns running and I was stuck because the tool didn't work. I urgently request your support and solution of the case, as we trust the tool and now it leaves us in the lurch. Thank you in advance for your attention and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, João Paulo
  • (2023-10-04) lucas sato: Fiz a compra de um mês do plano Scheduler para teste, mas o site deu problema e acabou descontando o plano anual. Gostaria que realizar o estorno da compra anual e ficar apenas com o plano mensal para teste.
  • (2023-10-03) Shobhit Mannar: Its a lovely extension and has helped me immensely in my work. Sadly, but I havent been able to renew my plan as the payment is not processing through their transaction portal since quite some time. Request your help team!
  • (2023-09-22) Paleta Visual: Estava sem funcionar. Desinstalei e instalei novamente a extensão no navegador [edge] e por enquanto normalizou
  • (2023-09-20) Manuel Adalberto Guadarrama Barrón: No te deja utilizarla sin registrarte, pero al momento de registrar los datos arroja error y si lo vuelves a intentar dice que el correo ya existe y no te deja registrar de cualquier forma, pesima extencion
  • (2023-09-20) Rocío Requena: Imposible lograr el registro. No funciona
  • (2023-09-19) Takrim Syaifullah: i cant even sign up. what a mess
  • (2023-09-12) Renoir Holanda Lucena: It doesn't work!
  • (2023-09-11) Victor Teles: Estou tentando me cadastra e da erro, mais alguém assim? fica só " ume erro aconteceu"
  • (2023-08-23) Dario Nunes: Voltou a funcionar dia 23/08/23, mas não recebi nemhum retorno dos e-mails que enviei
  • (2023-08-20) Eduardo Ribeiro Treino em Casa: Usava normalmente, mas há duas semanas não consigo mais salvar as mensagens futuras, agendo, aparece que está certo por 2 segundos e some.
  • (2023-08-11) Fabio Montanha Ramos: A mensagem agendada só é enviada se você estiver com o whatsapp web aberto. Se desligar o computador ou fechar a aba do whatsapp web, a mensagem não é enviada e só é enviada quando se abre novamente o whatsapp web. Não serve para o que se propõe a fazer.
  • (2023-07-29) Comercial 1 Alfa Solar: Por enquanto vem funcionando muito bem! Ficar atento que as ferramentas como o agendador de mensagem só irá funcionar se o WhatsappWeb ficar aberto em. Bem óbvio mas não foi informado isso galera! Muito boas as funções.
  • (2023-07-24) Moises Sacal: For mi it works very well for me positive, I positively recommend it
  • (2023-07-20) Daan van Dijk: Product didn't work well. The tool itself didn't allow me to change my details. I couldn't get a proper invoice from the people behind me. The customer service is non existent. It's been a terrible experience and the company behind it seems like a scam. Also, the reviews that are posted with 5 stars are obviously fake
  • (2023-06-27) Dra. Kyo-Sai Young: for me... totally scam. after waiting and waiting for solution - payment not reimbursed and now nobody answer my emails... nice move! never work and as per the client service even with the payment shown my account never exist. Again... 100% scam!
  • (2023-06-08) michelle Goodwin: The app itself works wonderfully - but DO NOT UPGRADE!!!! Its a fraudulent scheme. They happily take your money off your account EVERY month - but that "powered by Blue Ticks" messages stays on the messages. Oh - and don't try contacting them because NO-ONE comes back to you!!!! This is the 3rd month I am paying for a service not being rendered - there is also nowhere where you can go and cancel the subscription yourself - so beware.
  • (2023-05-16) Hassan Muhammad: The task assignment feature has improved my team's collaboration and communication.
  • (2023-05-13) Muhammad shamsuddeen Bello: Blueticks has helped me improve my productivity and efficiency. I now have more time to focus on other aspects of my business.
  • (2023-05-07) Danladi Dimas: The interface is intuitive and easy to navigate.
  • (2023-05-05) Garba Ali: The recurring message scheduling feature has made it easier for me to stay on top of my communications.
  • (2023-05-04) Jordy Robers: Horrible support simply takes to long. 1. Support can only be contacted by the main website. Once logged into your account there is no way to contact support. 2. There is no link to the mainwebsite once logged in or even when you log out, there is no link to the main website. 3. No to little reply on your complaints, not efficiently solved or they ask more then nescessary. Every reply takes more then a few hours if not a day or at all. So there is a lot of wasting of time. 4. Poor explaination when is someone a team member, or have to increase my team members in order to make this sharing app work. It is a sharing app, where you can share task boards. But it is entirely unclear how this all relates to the people you share your task boards with. They need to be a paid member too or are they are free guests, they have acces to the tasks boards once you have a paid account and share it with them without needing a account themselves ?? Do they need to have the same member ship as you in order to make it work ? You can see that you can make a task board, some plans offer max 2 boards. But you only create a board for one of your contacts as that is the maximum amount of boards you can make with one person, so one task boards already equals one contact you share it with... so what is the point of unlimited taskboards and selecting the amount of members ??? Also you can add teamembers at additional prices, will they have acces and they need also a plan or can they use a free plan as they would need to install this app in order to use it ??? But free plan have limitations. How this works if I have a paid plan and they have a free plan ? If you do not get my explaination it is exactly what it is, I do not get it either... So far the task bars are not working. Once you log out the task bar will not come back to the whatsapp so you have to keep a seperate link to the cloud where the tasks are kept. If you dont know you will think all the task you have set up are gone. I asked helpdesk to explain how this exactly works as if I take a membership does the person where i share my tasks with also have to have a membership plan ?? But i can not tell as it does not even work properly, also there is no really good explaination how this works. The plans are not that cheap if you do not really know what you are getting. Heavily dissapointed and over the last 6 months nothing has changed.
  • (2023-05-02) Shuaibu Lawan: The personalized message campaigns have helped me build stronger relationships with my customers and clients.
  • (2023-04-17) Lingostars Mexicali: They did help me when the extention wasnt working after paying for the subscription. it works well for me I recommend it
  • (2023-04-12) Abdul basi Isa: The task manager feature is brilliant. I can now assign tasks and keep track of their progress.
  • (2023-04-10) Edwin H.: Please update, it's half broken now.
  • (2023-04-02) Demetr Sh: Работает. Но есть одно существенное НО. Отправляет, только при условии открытого браузера. Что совсем лишает смысла использовать это расширение. Если браузер закрыт, запланированная доставка не произойдет.
  • (2023-04-01) Dozen Rollins: Worked fine and Nice tools.
  • (2023-04-01) Efrain Ramos: The app works Amazing. I want to buy this product.
  • (2023-04-01) Salihu Muhammad Azare: Nice Extension. I Want to buy the annual plan.
  • (2023-04-01) MEHAR: It is not allowing WhatsApp web's dark mode. Solve it.
  • (2023-03-14) Pamela ElAlam: I have a question is there a way to schedule a message and be sent without opening WhatsApp and being connected? because I'm searching for this kind of app and bluetick doesn't allow me to do that!!
  • (2023-03-09) Thais borba: The tool works, meets my expectations regarding scheduled messages. however I am not able to schedule messages in a community... only in groups and individual messages.
  • (2023-03-08) Maribel PInta Escribano: Una lástima. Ayer pagué la suscripción anual. Dejo todo programado con muchas horas de trabajo. Cuando me levanto hoy resulta que no ha enviado ningún mensaje. Me dice un error de que whatsapp web estaba cerrado. Y cuando programo para que envíe algo, por ejemplo, dentro de unos minutos lo hace justo al abrir de nuevo whatsapp web. He cancelado la suscripción pero ya he perdido el dinero. Demasiado bonito para ser verdad. No pierdan su tiempo ni su dinero.
  • (2023-02-27) Avi Pollack: רציתי לדעת האם ישנה אפשרות לתזמן הודעות שבועיות?
  • (2023-02-21) Marilia Bazzan: Como falar com suporte? Comprei plano anual para ter a função mensagem agendada, mas não funciona! Quero reembolso!!!
  • (2023-02-16) Templarios airsoft: instalei aso pra agendar mensagens, mais nao funciona de nada, a mensagem some do app e nao envia...
  • (2023-02-06) Amanda Ferreira: It wouldnt post if my whatsapp web is not opened... thats so sad please fix this urgently because i just purchased a subscription
  • (2023-01-31) Alain Terrier: Useless app, the scheduled message is deleted when I quit Chrome Waste of time
  • (2023-01-26) Ricardo Guglielmino: Llevo usandolo mucho tiempo. De pronto empezó a fallar en mi MAC y el servicio de soporte pese a mis multiples correos no lo arreglo, igual me siguen cobrando. Luego lo pase a mi laptop Windows y empezo bien pero desde hace 1 mes si tengo la extension instalada no funciona el whatsapp. Tengo toda una cadena de correos con soporte y no le dan solucion. El sr "Alex W" solo responde que insistirá con su equipo para que puedan darme alguna solucion pronto. Pero nadie se contacta con una solución. Actualmente ya ni me responden los correos pese a tener un ticket abierto. Asi que como no lo puedo usar entre a mi cuenta de blueticks para terminar mi suscripcion (y dejen de cobrar) pero le das clic a Cancelar, y no se cancela, sigue activo. Es decir, el boton de cancelar no funciona. Y por supuesto siguen cobrando. El programa cuando funciona es bueno, pero reporta muchas fallas, y tienen un servicio de soporte muy malo. Y su propia web de cobros no te permite cancelar la suscripcion. Tienen un chat bot en la web, y cuando le pides "cancell subscription" te dice que no entiende eso. En cierto modo, dan mal servicio y si no te gusta eso no te dan un camino viable para decidir dejar la suscripción. Y te tienen la cuenta amarrada a ese cargo de dinero. En este punto, creo que los dueños han abandonado el negocio y se esta convirtiendo en una estafa.
  • (2023-01-14) Sertão Sports: Péssimo, já agendei várias mensagens e nunca são enviadas e nas únicas vezes que são, são enviadas com muito atraso. Além de ter pagado nove dólares, só perdi o meu dinheiro
  • (2023-01-10) eran Solid: doesn't work when whatsapp is closed. so what good is it if i have to babysit the app?
  • (2022-12-16) Adrian Caraka: so far so good.. very useful tool for my whatsapp web 🔥🔥

Latest issues

  • (2024-04-24, v:4.5) Thomas Goupil: QR Code
    Hi, The QR code for schedul messages when the browser is close doesn't appear. Could you help me. Mail : [email protected]. Regards
  • (2024-03-19, v:4.2.28) Priscila Patricia: Schedule has stopped
    PT-BR Com a nova função *Schedule a message to*, todas funções do agendamento estão travadas. Não consigo usar o *Schedule send*. EN-US With the new *Schedule a message to* function, all scheduling functions are locked.
  • (2024-02-29, v:4.2.27) Fernando LCG: List of scheduled messages dont work
    Since the February 27 Update, I cannot click on any of the contacts in the "list of scheduled messages". If one of the messages is not sent at the correct time, you have to look for it in your contact list. Schedule a solution as soon as possible. Thank you. In addition, some of the messages that I have scheduled at a certain time are sent at that time and just one hour later, remaining scheduled one hour later forever and I have to edit them again.
  • (2024-02-22, v:4.2.26) Progressio Latam México: cobro de anualidad sin autorización
    el día de ayer me realizaron el cargo de una anualidad de esta aplicación y que nunca autorice a mi tarjeta visa y quiero mi dinero de vuelta.
  • (2024-02-11, v:4.2.26) Michelle Goodwin: NO RESPONSE
    Good day - I am still waiting for a response from a query sent MONTHS ago. I have two issues that I urgently need attended to - or a solution for. I need to clear my contact list off Blue Ticks. There are over 22000 contacts many of whom are the same Also, for the past week, the First name is not being loaded into the contacts section so there is no personalisation when sending whatsapps PLEASE ASSIST ME
  • (2024-01-10, v:4.2.26) ER Nostalgia: Scheduling misbehaving
    I have been using this product and lately - last 3 weeks, I have picked up an issue where, scheduled messages once sent out - pick up the wrong date. Notably, I have set mine to repeat after 1 month. But it picks up adhoc dates and times. I sent messages today morning that were to repeat after a month, only for them to be sent out again after 3 hours. Leading to a frustrating experience for clients contacted twice. Can you please urgently look into this. Its becoming plain embarrasing.
  • (2023-11-28, v:4.2.24) Maico Ribeiro: Quero cancelar minhas licenças.
    Não consegui ter o uso necessário correto então quero que não seja renovada nosso trabalho juntos assim não ocorrendo mais cobrança anual.
  • (2023-11-15, v:4.2.23) CA M. N. Choksi: Scheduled Messages are not being sent
    I am at present using the Free Version to test the capability . However even after scheduling the message it is not being sent. It just sits there .
  • (2023-11-14, v:4.2.23) Irmã Zélia: Scheduled messages are in the wrong time zone
    Scheduled messages are in the wrong time zone, sending them 3 hours before Hi, when scheduling a message to a specific hour, for some reason it is scheduling the message 3 hours before. I'm in Brazil, and when I want to send a message to 8:00 in the morning, the message is sent at 5:00, three hours before. This problem started yesterday November 12, 2023.
  • (2023-11-13, v:4.2.23) Turnos LJ7: Scheduled messages are in the wrong time zone, sending them 3 hours before
    Hi, when scheduling a message to a specific hour, for some reason it is scheduling the message 3 hours before. I'm in Buenos Aires, Argentina. GMT -3 and when I want to send a message to 8:00 in the morning, the message is sent at 5:00, three hours before. This problem started yesterday November 12, 2023.
  • (2023-11-13, v:4.2.23) Martha Grant: Changed time of scheduling over the night
    Yesterday evening I scheduled message to be sent this morning at 6 AM. But the message was sent one hour later and now when I open the window for scheduling I see that the time displayed in Blueticks is one hour different to the time shown by my system. This created a big problem for me as it was work-related message that needed to be sent on time - what happened?
  • (2023-11-12, v:4.2.23) Michelle Goodwin: Deleting Contacts
    Good day, I need to delete all my blue tick contacts so that I can start from scratch - details have changed and now the old details are pulling through. Please assist. Kind regards Michelle
  • (2023-11-09, v:4.2.22) Erica Ozana: Não consigo comprar a versão paga
    não consigo comprar a versão paga
  • (2023-11-09, v:4.2.22) Erica Ozana: Não consigo comprar a versão paga
    Tento e não consigo atualizar a versão paga da extensão
  • (2023-11-07, v:4.2.22) Bang Bim: TRANSAKSI
  • (2023-11-07, v:4.2.22) Test Bbg: Payment Transaction Failure
    Hi Team we are unable to complete the payment transaction please help us to complete the payment
  • (2023-11-02, v:4.2.22) hai.support admin: Create the tasks inside the WhatsApp Web
    Hi Team, How can I add/track the tasks directly inside the WhatsApp Web? I can't see the blueticks chat icon in my WhatsApp Web. I am presently using a free version of blueticks. Please do the needful.
  • (2023-10-31, v:4.2.21) Juariston Silva: comprar
    não estou conseguindo comprar a extensão favor entrar em contato pelo whatsapp 66 996057998
  • (2023-10-31, v:4.2.21) Medical Prime Saude: cancelamento
    tento fazer o cancelamento e nao consigo
  • (2023-10-26, v:4.2.21) Equipe Ipê Paranoá Paranoa: Use in more than one PC at the same time
    Is it possible to use the schedule function in more than one PC using the same whatsapp account at the same time?
  • (2023-10-24, v:4.2.21) adminacio oriente: Quero comprar, mas não tenho certeza.
    Quero fazer a compra do premium, porem vejo muitos comentários negativos de pessoas que pagaram e não obtiveram os recursos pagos. Por enquanto nenhuma resposta de vocês. Podem me auxiliar?
  • (2023-10-22, v:4.2.21) Engr Wasim Khan: i was purchased plan it was worked few days now not working
    conpign is not running
  • (2023-10-19, v:4.2.21) Afkö: Offline Computer
    Hi, I wondered for one thing. If my browser is closed, scheduled message will send as I planned?
  • (2023-10-18, v:4.2.21) cohacasb go: compra do plano
    não estou conseguindo fazer a compra do plano me ajude é urgente preciso do agendador de mensangens ilimitada.
  • (2023-10-17, v:4.2.21) Braam Snyman: Subscription did not activate
    I subscribed, and the transaction was processed on my card, but the site shows an error and the subscription did not activate. Could you please assist?
  • (2023-10-16, v:4.2.20) Dpto. Administrativo: URGENT! I Paid for a subscription and the account did not activate
    Dear all, it's been almost a week since I purchased the Campaigner license via Paypal (considering I wasn't able to add it directly on the Bluieticks website) and so far it hasn't been activated. It doesn't even appear on my profile. We have a series of campaigns running and I was stuck because the tool didn't work. I urgently request your support and solution of the case, as we trust the tool and now it leaves us in the lurch. Thank you in advance for your attention and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, João Paulo
  • (2023-10-09, v:4.2.20) Afrah Noor Khan: Unable to pay for Upgrading
    Hi, I have been trying to pay from a credit card on your website for upgrading my subscription but it's not working. I have tried multiple cards including international one. It only says Error completing your purchase. Please help me out. I have even reached out to your support and have not gotten any solution
  • (2023-10-09, v:4.2.20) Natalia Caputi: help
    Hi, I urgently need two informations: 1) How can I remove the words "powered by blueticks.co" at the end of messages sent with Blueticks? 2) Once a mass sending has been made, is it possible to delete a message, how does WhatsApp "delete for everyone" work?
  • (2023-10-08, v:4.2.20) hezi mazoz: dark mode
    Hii, hii, How can I use the extension using the background default mode(i.e. dark mode)? Thank you
  • (2023-10-08, v:4.2.20) Jose Angel Garzon: Cobro por el periodo que no corresponde
    Se me acabo el plan que había comprado y quería seguir con el mismo pero por alguna razón me están cobrando por el periodo de un año y eso no es lo que quiero. Yo solo quiero un mes...Y también me hicieron doble cobro.
  • (2023-10-05, v:4.2.20) Tamires Cristine: gostaria de recuperar minha conta
    não me lembro a senha da minha conta e não consigo recuperar podem me ajudar ?
  • (2023-10-05, v:4.2.20) hezi mazoz: dark mode
    hii, How can I use the extension using the background default mode(i.e. dark mode)?
  • (2023-10-04, v:4.2.20) lucas sato: Cobrança indevida
    Fiz a compra de um mês do plano Scheduler para teste, mas o site deu problema e acabou descontando o plano anual. Gostaria que realizar o estorno da compra anual e ficar apenas com o plano mensal para teste.
  • (2023-10-04, v:4.2.20) salvatore infurna: login failed
    I've been trying to log into my account since this morning but I can't and I don't know why. I reset the password and the problem persists
  • (2023-09-30, v:4.2.20) Gary Zimmerman: Free version of Blueticks Whatsapp scheduler
    I have the free version. I scheduled a WA message with no problem. When I tried to schedule a second, I got the nag box that prompts me to buy a subscription. I look at the differences between free and different subscription levels, and free says "1 message at a time", but "at a time" isn't clear at all. What does that mean? One per day? One per login session? One allowed until that one is sent? Please clarify. Thanks!
  • (2023-09-23, v:4.2.19) Ricky Ho: Blueticks no longer working
    My userid is [email protected]. Blueticks is suddenly no longer working. Please help.
  • (2023-09-23, v:4.2.19) Laxmi Biswas: Blueticks is not working since this morning. Please help!
    The plugin isn't sending messages since this morning. Please help.
  • (2023-09-23, v:4.2.19) Muhammad Qayyum: BLUETICKS DIDNT WORK
    Hi admin, my account blueticks didn't work because once I launch the campaign and it is running but at whatsapp chat it doesn't appear the blasting message Please help
  • (2023-09-22, v:4.2.19) Gabriel Kroll: plataforma nao funciona
    Não esta funcionando, ja desistalei a extessão e nada. perdi todos os agendamentos de campanhas. o que podem fazer para me ajudar por favor?
  • (2023-09-20, v:4.2.19) jocarlos tavares pimpostour: Quero voltar a pagar assinatura mensal
    Quando clico no site, plano mensal não parece as opções
  • (2023-09-20, v:4.2.19) Willians Imoveis Goias: Link de redefinição de senha
    Não estou recebendo link de redefinição de senha E-mail: [email protected]
  • (2023-09-19, v:4.2.19) fehmida khan: Not getting password reset link
    Not getting password reset link
  • (2023-09-15, v:4.2.19) AN “Drako” FM: Problem to log in
    Im a new user, and says already have an account, try to recover and nothing
  • (2023-09-15, v:4.2.19) Tabata Kffuri: Não consigo realizar o login da ferramenta
    Estou tentando utilizar a ferramenta, realizei o cadastro com e-mail e aparece uma mensagem informando que aconteceu um erro e não consigo utilizar a ferramenta de jeito nenhum. Podem verificar?
  • (2023-09-15, v:4.2.19) Esmalteria Carol: nao consigo acessar a conta cadastrada
    me ajude a acessar a conta cadastrada
  • (2023-09-12, v:4.2.19) Renoir Lucena: VERY UPSET WITH CUSTOMER SERVICE
    I am writing to express my deep frustration and concern regarding the issues I have been experiencing with the Blueticks platform recently. My campaigns have come to a standstill due to a persistent problem: I keep getting logged out of my Chrome extension without any apparent reason. This issue has been plaguing me for some time now, and it's becoming increasingly problematic. Each time I attempt to access the Blueticks Chrome extension to manage my campaigns, I find myself unexpectedly logged out. This not only disrupts my workflow but also severely hampers the effectiveness of my marketing efforts. What's most disheartening is the absence of a quick support channel like chat. I understand that support resources may be limited, but the absence of real-time assistance is making it incredibly challenging for me to resolve this critical issue promptly. I rely on Blueticks to manage my campaigns efficiently and achieve my marketing goals, and this constant disruption is costing me time, money, and opportunities. As a dedicated user of your platform, I kindly request your immediate attention and assistance in resolving this matter. I would appreciate it if your team could investigate the root cause of this issue and provide a solution as soon as possible. If there are any steps I need to take on my end to help diagnose the problem, please let me know, and I will gladly cooperate. In the absence of a chat support option, I kindly request regular updates on the progress of this issue and any steps I can take to mitigate it while a solution is being worked on. I hope to see a swift resolution to this problem so that I can get my campaigns back on track and continue to benefit from the Blueticks platform. Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your understanding and assistance. my registered email is [email protected]
  • (2023-09-11, v:4.2.19) Victor Teles: Criar conta
    Estou tentando me cadastra e da erro, fica só " ume erro aconteceu"
  • (2023-09-07, v:4.2.19) Maycon Jordan: MULTI WHATSAPPS
    Gostaria de saber se POSSO UTILIZAR MAIS DE UM COMPUTADOR com a mesma conta, e multiplos WHATSAPPS!
  • (2023-09-05, v:4.2.18) Beto Fr: the "TASKS" function is not working
    Dear all, the "TASKS" function is not working as I will show in the images below 1 App is installed 2 when I click it changes position, but the window with the Tasks does not open 3 but see that when opening the Tasks in another window I have several tasks created What should I do?
  • (2023-08-27, v:4.2.18) Sam Dabeet: Charged after deleting app
    Hi, installed this app in March and it was not suitable for my needs. I deleted the extension 3 days later and I am still being charged a monthly fee of $5. The dates charged are: 27/8/23 27/7/23 27/6/23 27/5/23 27/4/23 27/3/23 I have sent you 2 emails to [email protected] on 27/6/23 & 28/7/23 to stop by payments and refund money. I have not heard back since. The email I sent from is [email protected] I have been charged $5 every month for 6 months Can you please refund all payments and cease any future payments. I hope this issue can be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you


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3.3884 (327 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-16 / 4.8.2
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