Description from extension meta
快速打开 Google 文档应用
Image from store
Description from store
使用 Google Docs 打开您的文档。
要开始使用我们的软件扩展程序通过 Google 文档打开文档,您需要执行以下步骤。
安装我们的软件扩展“Open with Google Docs”
安装我们的软件后,请刷新所有现有的 Chrome 选项卡/关闭 Chrome 浏览器并重新启动 Chrome 浏览器。
您还可以使用我们的软件将您的文档/电子表格/演示文稿文件转换为 PDF 格式。
免责声明:请注意,此扩展不是由 Google 制作的,而是由独立开发团队制作的。所有版权属于其各自所有者。
Google 不认可或赞助此 Chrome 扩展程序。此扩展程序不归 Google Inc. 所有,未经许可,也不是 Google Inc. 的子公司。
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-05) RAFAH MOHD: يجب توفر ميزات اكثر لمايكرسوفت وورد
- (2023-03-09) Tiziano Fiori: l'unica funzionale e rapida
- (2022-12-23) Domenico Vasile: buono
- (2022-07-13) TECNICO PC: 6 sufficente
- (2022-07-11) Kael Requiz: pretty good
- (2022-07-08) Ashutosh Panadiya: i like it
- (2022-07-07) Thabile Ncube: gud
- (2022-06-14) Jorge GT: excelente
- (2022-06-14) Bianca Castillo: probando el sistema
- (2022-06-12) martins hughes: Nice One
- (2022-06-12) Claudio Amantino: Fica pedindo avaliação e não me deixa nem testar
- (2022-06-12) rizwan sohail: good
- (2022-06-11) FF GAMER: very nice
- (2022-06-07) Lional Schotts: Very good!!!
- (2022-06-06) Jagdip Singh: Haven't used it yet. but i''ll put some faith in it with 2+1 stars. two for the effort, one for a successful download.
- (2022-06-02) Sandi Ernawan: good
- (2022-05-30) Sarah Miller: it okqy
- (2022-05-27) Валерий Мажара: ok
- (2022-05-25) Danial ahmed: Don't even know if I like the extension, because I am supposed to rate it before. How can you rate something before using it, that would be the same as buying something unseen and expected to like it.
- (2022-05-23) eline eline: good
- (2022-05-23) Tiffany Crabtree: rating something i cant use first
- (2022-05-23) SevenFo74 MOB: ok
- (2022-05-21) Kenya X: aun no me ha dejado entrar
- (2022-05-20) Lou John Angeles: fine
- (2022-05-16) Ehimegbe Cecilia: it was okay
- (2022-05-12) BT21MEC016 Shravan Kumar Maurya: so
- (2022-05-11) denevia byrd: dcacdas
- (2022-03-16) Sulastri Pratiwi: good
- (2022-03-14) soni lohan: before using it forced me to leave a review such a waste of time , dont download it
- (2022-03-09) Jacklyn Brown: It doesn't work unless you review it, so this could likely be a terrible extension. I can't give an honest review because i couldn't try it first.
- (2022-03-06) Vronik Jaimes: Me encanta, para mi lo mejor ha sido no usar mas el office tradicional, esta herramienta verdaderamente me facilita la vida
- (2022-03-06) Laura J: it doesn't work the way it supposes to
- (2022-03-06) alber castle: bien}
- (2022-03-03) Violeta Enriquez: bien
- (2022-03-02) Mahnoor Imran: nice
- (2022-02-24) Alain Boucher: Either this extension does not work or it does not work with DropBox !? Or it only works after leaving a review? Stay tuned.
- (2022-02-22) Jerry Mitchell: I'm forced to leave a review before I even use the extension. Open office used to be amazing though.
- (2022-02-18) Sachiel Ileana Calleros Soto: good
- (2022-02-17) RajNitrox Live: excwlent
- (2022-02-15) Noman khan: bjhjjkm
- (2022-02-12) Lizeth Moreno: apenas la voy a visitar
- (2022-02-07) noorul hanisha: I dont know whether its working or not. it want me to rate before using it.
- (2022-02-04) Jairo Espinosa: excelente
- (2022-02-01) john goforth: Forced to leave a review
- (2022-01-21) Nofil Memon: fake
- (2022-01-19) Ryan Summers: haven't used it so idk..
- (2022-01-18) MAJOR FF: best appp
- (2022-01-17) پویا محمد تقی زاده: good!
- (2022-01-15) Jass Dhaliwal: good
- (2022-01-02) Andrea Rose: I can't even use it without leaving a review! I hope I can use it successfully after this review.