extension ExtPose

Lettore di testo (testo in voce)

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Strumento di testo in voce alimentato da intelligenza artificiale. Voice over per libri e file PDF. Riassuntore ChatGPT per…

Image from store Lettore di testo (testo in voce)
Description from store Readme TTS è un'estensione completa per Chrome che offre una soluzione comoda e innovativa per la tecnologia text-to-speech. Grazie alle sue funzioni avanzate di conversione da testo a voce, consente di ascoltare articoli, post di blog e altri contenuti scritti con un semplice clic. Dite addio alla lettura noiosa e date il benvenuto a un modo più piacevole e a mani libere di consumare le informazioni. Readme integra la funzione di riepilogo, che utilizza ChatGPT, un modello linguistico avanzato addestrato da OpenAI, che consente di ottenere rapidamente e facilmente un riepilogo di qualsiasi pagina web visitata. Con un semplice clic, questa estensione utilizza algoritmi avanzati di elaborazione del linguaggio naturale per analizzare il contenuto della pagina e generare un riassunto conciso dei suoi punti principali. Alcune delle sue caratteristiche principali includono: - Facile conversione da testo a voce. - Supporto per più lingue. - Velocità di riproduzione regolabile. - Possibilità di riprodurre/ mettere in pausa, saltare avanti/indietro e regolare il volume. - Interfaccia facile da usare. - Possibilità di scegliere una voce maschile o femminile per la riproduzione vocale. - Possibilità di selezionare passaggi di testo specifici per la conversione da testo a voce. - Supporto per altri formati di file, come PDF ed eBook. - Testo riassuntivo di qualsiasi pagina web visitata. - La funzione di riepilogo è compatibile con varie piattaforme di hosting video come YouTube e Vimeo. Istruzioni per l'uso: 1. Installate l'estensione dal Chrome Web Store. 2. Visitate una qualsiasi pagina web con contenuti scritti. 3. Fate clic sull'icona Readme TTS nel browser Chrome. 4. Utilizzate i controlli disponibili per personalizzare la riproduzione vocale in base alle vostre preferenze. 5. Sedetevi e ascoltate come l'estensione converte il testo in voce. 6. Per utilizzare la funzione di sintesi, è necessario disporre di un account ChatGPT. 7. Una volta effettuato l'accesso a ChatGPT, la funzione di riepilogo sarà automaticamente abilitata. Vantaggi dell'uso della tecnologia text-to-speech: - Maggiore produttività e accessibilità. - Un modo più piacevole e a mani libere di consumare le informazioni. - Perfetto per il multitasking o per l'esercizio fisico. Confrontate Readme TTS con i metodi di lettura tradizionali e scoprite i vantaggi della sintesi vocale. I nostri utenti soddisfatti hanno già fatto il salto, perché non farlo anche voi? Il team di sviluppo di Readme TTS si dedica a fornire la migliore tecnologia di sintesi vocale sul mercato. La nostra competenza e la nostra esperienza nel settore garantiscono un prodotto di alta qualità ad ogni utilizzo. Domande frequenti Perché questa estensione per la sintesi vocale deve avere accesso a tutti i dati del mio sito? Per fornire funzionalità di sintesi vocale accurate ed efficaci, l'estensione deve essere in grado di leggere tutto il contenuto testuale di una pagina web quando viene attivata. Nessun dato esce dal computer. Perché questa estensione fatica a leggere con precisione alcuni testi? Il motore di sintesi vocale è progettato per funzionare con i formati di testo standard, ma potrebbe avere difficoltà a leggere alcuni contenuti, come il testo incorporato in immagini o stili di carattere insoliti. Inoltre, la pronuncia di alcune parole potrebbe non essere accurata per ogni lingua o dialetto. Come si modificano la voce e la velocità della sintesi vocale? La voce e la velocità della sintesi vocale possono essere regolate dalla pagina delle impostazioni dell'estensione. È sufficiente fare clic sull'icona dell'estensione nella barra degli strumenti del browser e selezionare l'opzione "Impostazioni". Da qui sarà possibile selezionare la voce desiderata e regolare la velocità. Posso usare il text-to-speech sui siti web con login? Sì, è possibile utilizzare la sintesi vocale sui siti web con un login. L'estensione ha accesso a tutti i contenuti della pagina web quando si apre il popup, compresi i contenuti dietro un login. La sintesi vocale funziona anche offline? No, la sintesi vocale richiede una connessione a Internet per funzionare, poiché utilizza un'API di sintesi vocale online. Tuttavia, se è necessario utilizzare la sintesi vocale offline, è possibile utilizzare le voci integrate fornite dal browser. Queste voci integrate potrebbero non avere la stessa qualità o lo stesso livello di personalizzazione delle voci premium disponibili online. Per utilizzare le voci premium, è necessario disporre di una connessione Internet attiva. La tecnologia text-to-speech utilizzata da questa estensione è simile a quella umana? La tecnologia text-to-speech utilizzata da questa estensione si basa su algoritmi di apprendimento automatico ed è progettata per avere un suono naturale e simile a quello umano. Tuttavia, la qualità della riproduzione vocale può variare in base alla voce e alla lingua utilizzate. Keywords: text to speech, ChatGPT, controllo vocale, voce, TTS, convertire testo in parlato, generatore vocale, sintesi vocale, voiceover, leggere ad alta voce, text to speech gratis online, pdf, riassunto, riassumere youtube. Text to speech, ChatGPT, controllo vocale, voce, TTS, convertire testo in parlato, generatore vocale, sintesi vocale, voiceover, lettura ad alta voce, text to speech gratis online, pdf, riassunto, riassumere youtube. Che cos'è ChatGPT? ChatGPT è un modello linguistico sviluppato da OpenAI, un tipo di intelligenza artificiale in grado di comprendere e generare testi simili a quelli umani. È stato addestrato su una vasta quantità di dati testuali provenienti da Internet, quindi ha una buona comprensione di vari argomenti ed è in grado di eseguire varie attività di elaborazione del linguaggio naturale, come la traduzione, il riassunto e il completamento del testo. In sostanza, si tratta di un programma informatico in grado di comunicare con le persone in modo naturale e simile a quello umano. Che cos'è il riassunto di ChatGPT? ChatGPT genera una versione condensata di un dato testo, evidenziando i punti più importanti e le informazioni chiave. Questo può essere utile per comprendere rapidamente le idee principali di un lungo documento o articolo senza dover leggere l'intero testo. Tuttavia, è importante notare che i miei riassunti sono generati algoritmicamente e non sempre riescono a cogliere tutte le sfumature o il contesto del testo originale. Ho bisogno di un account ChatGPT/OpenAI? Sì, per utilizzare la funzione di riassunto è necessario avere un account ChatGPT. È possibile creare un account gratuitamente all'indirizzo chat.openai.com. Registro delle modifiche 1.0.0: Rilascio iniziale con funzionalità text-to-speech Possibilità di attivare la sintesi vocale con un solo clic Supporta più lingue e accenti 1.0.1: Miglioramento della precisione della sintesi vocale Corretto un bug per cui l'attivazione del text-to-speech a volte causava il blocco della pagina 1.0.2: Aggiunta la possibilità di controllare la velocità e il volume del parlato Migliorata la compatibilità con un maggior numero di siti web 1.0.3: Miglioramento delle prestazioni del motore di sintesi vocale Migliorato il riconoscimento del testo per gli stili di carattere non standard 1.0.4: Aggiunta la possibilità di scegliere tra più voci per l'output text-to-speech Migliorata la sintesi vocale per i contenuti multilingue 1.0.5: Migliorata la compatibilità del motore text-to-speech con un maggior numero di siti web Corretto un bug per cui l'output text-to-speech a volte si interrompeva 1.0.6: Miglioramento delle prestazioni del motore di sintesi vocale per i testi lunghi Corretto un bug per cui l'output text-to-speech a volte era confuso 1.0.7: Aggiunto il supporto per altri formati di file per il salvataggio dell'output text-to-speech Migliorata l'interfaccia utente per il controllo della velocità e del volume del parlato Migliorata la compatibilità del motore di sintesi vocale con un maggior numero di siti web Migliori prestazioni del motore di sintesi vocale per l'elaborazione in tempo reale Aggiunta la possibilità di personalizzare le scorciatoie da tastiera per attivare la sintesi vocale Interfaccia utente migliorata per la selezione di voci e lingue 1.0.8: Aggiunta la possibilità di mettere in pausa e riprendere l'emissione di testo in voce Miglioramento delle prestazioni del motore di sintesi vocale per i testi più lunghi Corretto un bug per cui alcuni caratteri speciali causavano il fallimento della sintesi vocale Miglioramento dell'interfaccia utente per la traduzione del testo durante la sintesi vocale Codice ristrutturato per migliorare le prestazioni e la stabilità complessive dell'estensione. 1.0.9 Integrata l'API OpenAI ChatGPT Aggiunta la possibilità di ottenere un riassunto del contenuto della pagina web e del video. 1.1.0 Risolto un problema a causa del quale la chat di riepilogo produceva occasionalmente riepiloghi incompleti o imprecisi. Risolto un bug a causa del quale l'estensione non veniva installata su Linux Corretto un bug a causa del quale lo scorrimento della chat era disabilitato in chatgpt Readme TTS is a comprehensive Chrome extension that provides a convenient and innovative solution for text-to-speech technology. With its advanced text-to-speech conversion features, it allows you to listen to articles, blog posts, and other written content with just a click of a button. Say goodbye to boring reading and hello to a more enjoyable and hands-free way to consume information. Readme integrate Summary function, using ChatGPT an advanced language model trained by OpenAI, that allows you to quickly and easily get a summary of any webpage you visit. With just a click of a button, this extension uses advanced natural language processing algorithms to analyze the content of the page and generate a concise summary of its main points. Keywords: Text to speech, ChatGPT, voice control, voice, TTS, convert text to speech, voice generator, speech synthesis, voiceover, read aloud, free text to speech online, pdf, summary, summarize youtube. Some of its key features include: • Easy text-to-speech conversion. • Support for multiple languages. • Adjustable speaking speed. • Ability to play/pause, skip forward/backward, and adjust volume. • User-friendly interface. • Option to choose a male or female voice for speech output. • Ability to select specific text passages for text to speech conversion. • Support for additional file formats such as PDF and eBooks. • Summary text of any webpage you visit. • Summary service is compatible with various video hosting platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. Instructions for use: 1. Install the extension from the Chrome Web Store. 2. Visit any web page with written content. 3. Click the Readme TTS icon in the Chrome browser. 4. Use the available controls to customize the text-to-speech output to your preference. 5. Sit back and listen as the extension converts the text to speech. 6. To make use of the Summary feature, you need to have a ChatGPT account. 7. Once you are logged in to ChatGPT, the summary function will be automatically enabled. Benefits of using text-to-speech technology: • Increased productivity and accessibility. • More enjoyable and hands-free way of consuming information. • Perfect for multitasking, or exercising. Compare Readme TTS with traditional reading methods and discover the advantages of text-to-speech. Our satisfied users have already made the switch, why not you too? The development team behind Readme TTS is dedicated to providing the best text to speech technology on the market. Our expertise and experience in the field ensure that you receive a high-quality product with each use. Text to speech, ChatGPT, voice control, voice, TTS, convert text to speech, voice generator, speech synthesis, voiceover, read aloud, free text to speech online, pdf, summary, summarize youtube. FAQs Why does this text-to-speech extension need access to all my site data? To provide accurate and effective text-to-speech capabilities, the extension needs to be able to read all the text content on a web page when you activate it. No data leaves your computer. Why does this extension struggle to read some text accurately? The text-to-speech engine is designed to work with standard text formats, but it may have difficulty reading certain content such as text embedded in images or unusual font styles. Additionally, the pronunciation of certain words may not be accurate for every language or dialect. How do I change the voice and speed of the text-to-speech? The voice and speed of the text-to-speech can be adjusted from the extension's settings page. Simply click on the extension icon in your browser's toolbar and select the "Settings" option. From there, you'll be able to select the desired voice and adjust the speed. Can I use the text-to-speech on websites with a login? Yes, you can use the text-to-speech on websites with a login. The extension has access to all the content on the web page when you open the popup, including the content behind a login. Does the text-to-speech work offline? No, the text-to-speech requires an internet connection to work as it uses an online speech synthesis API. However, if you need to use text-to-speech while offline, you can use the built-in voices provided by your browser. These built-in voices may not have the same quality or level of customization as the premium voices available online. To use the premium voices, you need to have an active internet connection. Is the text-to-speech technology used by this extension human-like? The text-to-speech technology used by this extension is based on machine learning algorithms and is designed to sound natural and human-like. However, the quality of the speech output may vary based on the specific voice and language used. Text to speech, ChatGPT, voice control, voice, TTS, convert text to speech, voice generator, speech synthesis, voiceover, read aloud, free text to speech online, pdf, summary, summarize youtube. What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI, it's a type of AI that is able to understand and generate human-like text. It's been trained on a vast amount of text data from the internet, so it has a good understanding of various topics and it can perform various natural language processing tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and text completion. Essentially, it's a computer program that can communicate with people in a way that feels natural and human-like. What is Summary from ChatGPT? ChatGPT generate a condensed version of a given text, highlighting the most important points and key information. This can be useful for quickly understanding the main ideas of a long document or article without having to read through the entire text. However, it's important to note that my summaries are generated algorithmically and may not always capture the full nuance or context of the original text. Do I need a ChatGPT/OpenAI account? Yes, you need to have a ChatGPT account to use summary function. You can create an account for free at chat.openai.com

Latest reviews

  • (2024-02-23) LuFe RoSe: Me gusta su fluidez, lo recomiendo.
  • (2024-02-07) Alpha Cage: goated, tap in
  • (2024-01-26) Derrick Jones: My recent trial of the Readme - Text to Speech TTS Google extension left me dissatisfied. The interruptions mid-sentence hindered my comprehension and disrupted the flow. The concept of a text-to-speech tool intrigued me, but this extension's performance failed to meet expectations. I cannot endorse it until these interruptions are resolved.
  • (2024-01-14) Anthony Cannizzaro: The extension abruptly halts without any apparent cause while reading the text, which makes it extremely difficult to use effectively.
  • (2023-11-14) Christopher Gibbings: Doesn't work without paid google cloud subscription
  • (2023-11-12) Lyon Virtani: Works Great! I just hope there is not a daily limit if so I will downgrade from 5 stars to 3 stars.
  • (2023-11-06) PACO SIMONE BISICCHIA: Mi aiuta a leggere i libro in poco tempo e capendo comunque bene
  • (2023-11-05) Bobby Scroggins: Can't use it because it keeps going to another screen when I try to edit the text. That is retarded
  • (2023-11-03) K K: 有料サイトに誘導されて使えません
  • (2023-11-01) Fadly Iman: membantu sekali
  • (2023-10-29) C4rlos Santiago: Me encanta
  • (2023-10-28) Onan Bridgewater: Best TTS app yet. Works wonders for my A.D.D.
  • (2023-10-26) Lautaro: simplemente ideal para disléxicos
  • (2023-10-25) Natalia SC: I didn't get it to work
  • (2023-10-23) Nicholas Stathatos: Ladies and gentlemen, today, we're delving into TTS, the Text-to-Speech plug-in. This browser-based gem offers unmatched accessibility and user-friendly functionality, perfect for tech enthusiasts and beginners alike. Whether connecting with clients or having a chat with grandma, TTS ensures everyone's included. It's not just accessible; it's reliable and secure, safeguarding your conversations like a trusted vault. With features ranging from emojis to video and voice options, TTS transforms your conversations into dynamic experiences. Don't miss the digital revolution – enhance your online chats with TTS and let the conversations flow effortlessly!
  • (2023-10-23) Laura Ortiz Serna: Muy útil para leer textos largos. Tiene diferentes voces y velocidades.
  • (2023-10-21) Aaron Raycove: Stops reading if the sentence is too long, very distracting. I would give a higher rating but It's more of a distraction if I have to constantly shift my focus to restarting the audio. It's annoying and distracting.
  • (2023-10-20) Aline Andrade: Ele copia o texto selecionado na página e então faz a leitura. Consequentemente mesmo saindo do site ele continua lendo. Não sei se sou eu, mas não encontrei ferramenta pra acelerar ou interromper a leitura enquanto ela ocorre. Testei no site Veja e confirmei isso. Se seleciono o texto antes do bloqueio de contéudo, consigo ouvir a noticia inteira.
  • (2023-10-20) Keshav Bansal: Easy to work with, its is not the most optimized, perfect product but it gets the job done. Love it.
  • (2023-10-19) tony nguyen: good and free easy to use, 4 stars
  • (2023-10-19) Vitor Café: Muito bom... Está mudando a minha forma de consumir conteúdo escrito. Recomendo!
  • (2023-10-19) Antonello: L estensione non e male.Peccato che non si possa scegliere di nascondere l interfaccia e di leggere direttamente dal browser senza avere l interfaccia in basso a destra(o a sinistra)che ogni tanto si apre da sola ! Un altro suggerimento sarebbe quello di aggiungere i pulsanti rapidi. Di base l estensione e buona :)
  • (2023-10-18) Lautaro berne: Funciona muy bien, aunque seria mejor que el control de velocidad sea mas progresivo. Además, muy de vez en cuando, se pausa sin razón.
  • (2023-10-18) Mark Palmos: very basic. You have to highlight text and then RH mouse click to get it to read, in a robotic voice. not great.
  • (2023-10-17) Constanza Venegas: me encanta, perfecto para concentrase en apuntes latosos. La voz de sabina en español mi favorita
  • (2023-10-16) Daniel Roche: Constantly stops reading every few lines.
  • (2023-10-15) kiwimedia chris: awesome works perfectly, just need more voices
  • (2023-10-15) Rüdiger Marwein: Stops reading mid-sentence in not-too-long text (120 words or 700 characters). When this would be fixed, the extension would be really valuable. Also I could not get a shortcut to work that would start reading the marked text, so I would not have to go through the context menu all the time.
  • (2023-10-14) Mabel: Very useful!
  • (2023-10-14) Jonatas da Silva Falcão Santiago: Kara esta extensão é muito boa, eu consigo estudar e resolver e entender questões de trabalho
  • (2023-10-13) Birol Tatar: ÜCRETLİ AMK HİÇ İNDİRMEYİN BİLE
  • (2023-10-13) Nat Stewart: This is the most solid and responsive text-to-speech system I've used. I don't care about non-human-sounding TTS, so keep that in mind. I love how functional the PDF reader is.
  • (2023-10-13) Jose Chavez: bien
  • (2023-10-13) Hùng Mạnh Vũ: Good 4/5 sao Đôi khi bị lỗi, khi bôi đen 1 đoạn văn bản --> ấn vào extensions để đọc --> ra 1 bảng không load được button, chữ,... chỉ 1 màu
  • (2023-10-12) Marcus Medina (Marcus): It worked for 3 sentences then it started showing me a page where to pay for the extension. Uninstalled. Plus the comboboxes are now wide enough to show the options.
  • (2023-10-11) Alessandro Leite: Ao estudar, gosto de ouvir enquanto leio, então, esta extensão é de grande ajuda para meu aprendizado. Me ajuda muito a fixar melhor o conteúdo estudado! Só gostaria de ter mais vozes em Português PT-BR.
  • (2023-10-09) C: So helpful when having to read lots of chapters for class.
  • (2023-10-07) 影森みちる: The voices are too robotic. You can change their pitch which helps even out their tone a bit. But it functions better than Speechify. The highlighting text doesn't work on this either, though. I just want something that actually works. When will developers listen?
  • (2023-10-07) Artem “hArtKor” Kornukhov: Отличное расширение, которое позволяет использовать гугловские голоса для озвучки текста, и они звучат весьма неплохо, даже с каким-то подобием интонации. А также есть возможность автоотслеживания читаемого текста прямо на странице с подсветкой предложений. По мне так прелесть.
  • (2023-10-07) Thorvald Ueland: Your app is garbage. You should be ashamed of yourself for creating such useless refuse. I try to use it and it only reads one or two sentences, then it dies. Absolutely useless. This is NOT a computer-to-chair interface error.
  • (2023-10-05) hussein et hayat sleiman: it's very good but it's asking me to verify that i am not a robot every 5mins or so that is why it get 4 stars
  • (2023-10-04) Elio RG: Muy util esta extensión hicieron un buen trabajo los desarrolladores. Es verdad que tiene uno error muy notorio que deben de corregir pues se detiene de repente y debe uno de ejecutar de selección del texto y darle el comando de lectura nuevamente y lo hace repetidas veces, pero a pesar de esto cumple con el objetivo. Le doy 5 estrellas porque confío que resolverán el inconveniente.
  • (2023-10-04) Juliezer Naves: Muito bom, ajuda a estudar demais, parabéns!!
  • (2023-10-04) Thang Dang: great
  • (2023-10-03) Marco Gonzalez: Muy útil. Solo necesito para lecturas de algunos párrafos y me funciona muy bien . Permite Cambiar la voz sin costo adicional, eso se agradece bastante .
  • (2023-09-29) Wut Boio: i can see that this would be helpful for those with dyslexia or other with similar conditions however when i tried it on max speed it was a comfortable reading speed (if not a hair too slow) but the voice became way too high pitched and it was annoying to listen to
  • (2023-09-28) nathaniel moore: it keepts stoping in a midle of a sentice
  • (2023-09-28) d T: ne fonctionne pas ... c'est nul
  • (2023-09-27) Tizi Vega: Abre la misma pestaña una y otra vez, tampoco pude probar como se escucha.
  • (2023-09-26) Marcel Lopes: Quando vc coloca para dar play ele manda pra uma página de compra, caso queira usar grátis Clique no botão "Speak IT" (desce um pouco a página que vc acha) e depois clique em "não sou robô". Pronto, vc pode usar todas as vozes. Ele tem controle de velocidade que se combinado com o voice pitch que ficam muito bons juntos, permitindo uma regulagem fina para melhorar o entendimento da fala em altas velocidades.

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-19, v:1.1.2) Paul Wanish: Enhancement for the handicapped
    Grandson is incredibly "gifted", but has visual to short term memory problem, He's in sixth grade and still struggles with reading and writing. As we know from Braille, other senses can make up for visual difficult. TTS could easily be adapted to help. The read would not convert to words for speech, rather, read letters (short pause for blank). Listen uses a different sense, and avoids visual problem. Needs 3 features. 1) switch from words to letters, 2) reading speed, 3) tap word (or mouse click) to pronounce the "spell word" being vocalized, before returning to "spell reading". This feature useful for new readers, but a definite aid to visually handicapped.
  • (2023-11-04, v:1.1.2) Manolo: Improvements needed for a better user experience.
    Two requests for a better user experience as follows: (1) Ability to start reading anywhere within webpages by just clicking on any paragraph within the webpage (instead of need to click the forward or rewind arrow buttons, or the relevant paragraph in the popup). (2) The series of dashes (--------) between paragraphs in the popup are a distraction and should be removed. Note: This is the second time I'm submitting request no. (1) above.
  • (2023-10-10, v:1.1.1) Greg Shelton: Chromium ?
    Does "Text Reader (Text to Speech) TTS by Read me" work with Chromium on Raspberry Pi OS? -Greg Shelton
  • (2023-10-08, v:1.1.1) sergeb1971: You have used the daily limit. Please confirm that you are not a robot
    You have used the daily limit. Please confirm that you are not a robot Hello, I love your app, but every 10 minutes, I get this message (on all browsers) "You have used the daily limit. Please confirm that you are not a robot" I must stop each time and write the code. what a pity. Could you help me to remove this message? it would be so great. Thank you!
  • (2023-10-08, v:1.1.1) sergeb1971: You have used the daily limit. Please confirm that you are not a robot
    You have used the daily limit. Please confirm that you are not a robot why?
  • (2023-10-08, v:1.1.1) sergeb1971: You have used the daily limit. Please confirm that you are not a robot
    Hello, I love your app, but every 10 minutes, I get this message (on all browsers) "You have used the daily limit. Please confirm that you are not a robot" I must stop each time and write the code. what a pity. Could you help me to remove this message? it would be so great. Thank you!
  • (2023-10-07, v:1.1.1) Thorvald Ueland: Only reads one or two sentences
    Your app is garbage. You should be ashamed of yourself for creating such useless refuse. I try to use it and it only reads one or two sentences, then it dies. Absolutely useless. This is NOT a computer-to-chair interface error.
  • (2023-09-30, v:1.1.1) Macarena Parra: idioma
    como le cambio el idioma para que lea en español
  • (2023-09-29, v:1.1.1) Daniel Lieberman: talking
    can i talk and this converts it to text or just reads text from a site or chatgpt ???
  • (2023-09-13, v:1.1.1) Anna Carolina: Não conseguiu ler o PDF
    Botei para ler um pdf de 177 páginas, carregou 3803 páginas com textos assim: "�{�JE��0Z�_��(���g�z�cq���(>�x[b̹��TV�792cd���W�i&v.nןl;|MƤ4�f��A<��o�Yg8ѐ���)�#K�T� ��{��]�n�����',2-�=J��5/SQK�q{��T �\�������]���6��*-�9�d�Z<;`�fu�y��oap��uW2�����6����� �q�@ԸI��F������«���b�M�͋F��e�����}N=�w%����i�Ԯ�g�㴭��ƎB'z���\��? ��SBP ��[�2� ��#���VY q>Zl����/���? ��%��GQI��8v�,���PИv1�"'���!���p�m>���G>ސ����Q숢��h�ڱ�7'������P�Y��(�M/d�9�$ƪ� �bZqLZ�u�H��4" (Copiei e colei um texto do resultado aqui) Que não dá pra entender muito menos para ler. O texto estava em português. Não sei qual foi o problema, mas perdi tempo.
  • (2023-08-25, v:1.1.1) Maria Redondo Grisolía: It reads the entire page and not the highlited text
    It reads the entire page and not the highlited text
  • (2023-08-24, v:1.1.1) Arthur W. Ammann: Websiteds in £German
    Hallo, kann die Chrom-Erweiterungs-App auch Websites in deutscher Sprache vorlesen Arthur - Switzerland your can replay in englisch
  • (2023-08-24, v:1.1.1) Arthur W. Ammann: Websiteds in £German
    Hallo, kann die Chrom-Erweiterungs-App auch Websites in deutscher Sprache vorlesen Arthur - Switzerland your can replay in englisch
  • (2023-07-18, v:1.1.1) karan sharma: Add ability to use openai api key to bypass daily limit
    I understand the reason behind daily limit. so, if possible add ability to use your own open ai key
  • (2023-07-13, v:1.1.1) Briana Macbeth: pops up blank
    when I click on the extension the pop up appears but it is completely blank, no buttons, won't work. I've tried reloading the page several times and deleted the who browser window and tried again, still not working. I just downloaded this extension, it worked for 1 website before crashing
  • (2023-07-08, v:1.1.1) Web Rosario: OPERA INSERT PROGRAM
    How to find the extension in the Opera browser of your (text-to-speech) program? With what name to find it?... In Chrome it appears and it is very good CONGRATULATIONS but I use OPERA and it is not in the Opera repository miaweb@gmail .com
  • (2023-07-08, v:1.1.1) Web Rosario: OPERA INSERT PROGRAM
    Tell me how to insert this extension in the Opera browser since it does not appear in the repository of extensions to choose from. [email protected]
  • (2023-07-08, v:1.1.1) Web Rosario: OPERA insert program
    Tell me how to insert this extension in the Opera browser since it does not appear in the repository of extensions to choose from. [email protected]
  • (2023-07-06, v:1.1.1) Mobile App V.1 for Alpine Customs Inc and Associates: Can't read what the language option is when accessing settings from Chrome browser.
    Can't read what the language option is for Google Translate Voices when accessing settings from Chrome browser. Text width in dropdown menu only allows space for 'Google Translate'..... chrome-extension://npdkkcjlmhcnnaoobfdjndibfkkhhdfn/options/options.html
  • (2023-06-29, v:1.1.1) XOCHIMILCO MAGICO: pregunta
    par oírlo en español?
  • (2023-06-28, v:1.1.1) Eren Şenel: Not working
    The module is not working on brave. I dont know why
  • (2023-06-21, v:1.1.1) Abdelrhman Samara: PROBLEM
    THERE IS problem when load voice in arabic it too slow when transfer to next segment thank u
  • (2023-06-04, v:1.1.0) Peter Aba: On Brave selecting speakers is problematic
    I'm on Brave, and I can't select specific speakers, but I can select Language / Locale. This means that I can select between Indian English (Anna) for English and something like , none of the others. Not sure if it has to do with the browser, but it's quite frustrating. In general, the extension seems to be simply amazing with it's design choices and Chat GPT integration.
  • (2023-06-01, v:1.1.0) Mark Opalski: How do I turn it off when I'm done using it?
    I can't find the close button. Is there one?
  • (2023-05-25, v:1.1.0) Matthew Callahan: Audio playback.
    Consistently stops just a few words before the end of every paragraph.
  • (2023-05-22, v:1.0.9) Marcos Sanguino: buena tarde ¿este paquete tiene costo?
    la verda no es un problema solo mi duda es sobre el paquete ¿tiene costo o es gratuito?
  • (2023-05-18, v:1.0.9) Jayne-Norah Ntambi: Website Link does not Work
    The link thereadme.com does not work. When I click on it, the page say: 403 Forbidden nginx Can this be fixed?
  • (2023-05-01, v:1.0.9) Karren Campbell: Feedback
    I enjoy using this application. It makes completing class assignments much more effortless and increases comprehension of the course concepts. I would like to suggest updating the reader to understand that "Ex." means "example."
  • (2023-04-30, v:1.0.9) Sahilbambarde study: "/" on Main Front Page
    between "pagination-box active" and "ant-pagination ant-pagination-simple", there is "/". You can remove it from frontend.
  • (2023-04-23, v:1.0.9) George Pavelka: Broken. Unable to install.
    Please fix. Many thanks.
  • (2023-04-20, v:1.0.9) Invalidstr ingError (007Strings007): Package is invalid error
    Package is invalid. Details: 'Could not load javascript './content/contentGPT.js' for content script.'. Browser: Google Chrome Version 111.0.5563.64 (Official Build) (64-bit) Same Error With Brave Browser: Version 1.49.120 Chromium: 111.0.5563.64 (Official Build) (64-bit) OS: Linux Mint 20.2 x86_64
  • (2023-03-27, v:1.0.8) Caliber: Not able to highlight in the current page
    Hi, thanks for making this great extension! I wanted to report that the highlighting of the current text whenever the option chosen is page instead of pop up does not work. The highlighting works on the pop up but not in the current page. Any help would be appreciated!!
  • (2023-03-26, v:1.0.8) Roberta Backstrom: Won't add to Chrome at all.
    I tried to add it to my Chrome browser several times and it wouldn't do anything just kept saying error.
  • (2023-03-14, v:1.0.7) Manolo: Ability to start reading anywhere within webpages by just clicking on any paragraph.
    Whenever I want to have a previous or subsequent paragraph within a page read (or re-read), I would have to click the rewind button or the forward button, respectively (the number of times to click would depend or how far back, or forward I want to go), which can be a rather tedious task. Alternaitvely, I would have to maximize the reader view pop-up window, look for the relevant paragraph and click on it (which is also another tedious task). It would indeed be very helpful if reading of any part of a webpage could be started just by clicking on the relevant paragraph within the actual webpage (instead of the two currently available options described above).
  • (2023-03-02, v:1.0.7) Мирон: Subtitle proposal
    Why not add the ability to voice subtitles on YouTube as do plugins, for example, "CaptionSpeaker". It would be a great option.
  • (2023-02-01, v:1.0.7) Mike Linz: natural voice word limit
    is there a way to get a higher word limit with natural voices?
  • (2023-01-30, v:1.0.7) Paige Swartz: Stops reading on simple words.
    It used to work just perfectly. Today, it keeps stopping every few sentences. Very annoying. Hope it gets fixed soon!
  • (2022-03-22, v:1.0.7) Simon Rules!: Google WaveNet - how to implement
    I have an API to use Google Wavenet voices. How/Where do I enter it, to use it, with this extension?
  • (2022-03-11, v:1.0.7) Ruben Rivero: Ivona Voice
    Hello, I have an Ivona voice installed and it worked perfectly with the extension, but now it does not appear as an option to select it, I do not know if the problem is Windows update or the extension, I have tried to reinstall my Ivona software but the extension does not detects Ivona's voice. Any suggestion?
  • (2022-03-03, v:1.0.7) Brad Kohler: Cost
  • (2022-02-25, v:1.0.7) Caitlyn Skinner: Chrome Extension
    When I select text to be read it automatically opens a new window from google to confirm I am not a robot. Why is it doing that . so annoying. can you help
  • (2022-02-24, v:1.0.7) caue borborema hita: velocidade de reprodução
    poderiam aumentar a velocidade de reprodução do áudio para velocidade 4 ou 5
  • (2022-01-31, v:1.0.5) Aleksandr Batka: Иконка
    Расширение супер. Но есть небольшая проблемка при темной или инной теме хром от черной когда хром только запустится всё хорошо но когда в панеле один раз наведень на расши рение у берешь с него курсов вокруг значка появляется белая заливка скрин https://prnt.sc/26m4wcb как будто где то недоработка в графике и не сделан прозрачный фон. Спасибо.
  • (2022-01-28, v:1.0.5) D H: Reading halts
    esp on longer paragraphs or those with a repeating structure such as lists. Sometimes this is just a delay, and other times it requires the user to manually go to the next paragraph after reading the rest of what was not read aloud.
  • (2022-01-26, v:1.0.5) Bárbara Oliveira: Mais uma voz para o pt/br
    Tentem trazer a voz da Francisca do Navegador da Microsoft Edge. A voz dela soa um bom tom natural e é muito boa para leituras!
  • (2022-01-16, v:1.0.5) Jeremy Epperson: Captcha Continuously Refreshes
    I have a page open and I highlight text that I would like to read. Then I right click and select the read text option. Or if I select the Readme icon from the top right of chrome. It opens a captcha, however the captcha repeatedly and continuously refreshes. This makes the extension almost unusable.
  • (2022-01-16, v:1.0.5) Abdullah Albarrak: Pause after periods
    Hello! I love the extension, and its helping me through college, but I have a problem with the voice after periods. After every single full stop, there seems to be some sort of delay for a few seconds. Is there anything you guys could do to fix that?
  • (2022-01-16, v:1.0.5) Abdullah Albarrak: Voice
    Hello,I love the extension, but I wish you guys could add more human like voices if possible.
  • (2021-11-16, v:1.0.5) Mehmet Eymür: Satın alma hakkında
    Merhaba, Text to Speech eklentsının her zaman her zaman kod ıstemesını engellemek ve harf sayısının çoğaltılması ıçın nasıl yardımcı olabılırsınız? Programı nasıl satın alabılırız?
  • (2021-11-08, v:1.0.5) Hannaya Gulfraz: readme
    how do u use it?


537,085 history
4.3229 (2,140 votes)
Last update / version
2024-01-08 / 1.1.3
Listing languages
