extension ExtPose

Cat Web untuk Google Chrome ™

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Description from extension meta

Lukis di mana-mana laman web dengan alat lukisan yang mudah, kemudian cetak hasilnya.

Image from store Cat Web untuk Google Chrome ™
Description from store Perlu menyorot / menambah teks ke tangkapan skrin sebelum menghantar tangkapan skrin dalam e-mel? Anda boleh melakukannya hari ini dengan menggunakan perisian Cat Web untuk Google Chrome. Pensil - Gunakan berus cat / pensil untuk melukis di laman web. Pilih ketebalan berus yang akan digunakan, dan warna berus cat / pensil. Gunakan ciri ini untuk sorot bahagian penting laman web. Teks - Tambahkan teks dan gunakan gelembung teks untuk menunjukkan bahagian penting tangkapan skrin. Garisan - Tambah garis lurus, ubah ketebalan garis Bentuk - Anda boleh memilih dari banyak bentuk, seperti segi empat tepat, segitiga dan juga bulatan / kotak. Pemadam - Membuat kesilapan? Cukup gunakan fitur pemadam untuk menghilangkan kesilapan / masalah Tangkapan Skrin - Setelah selesai menambahkan teks / bentuk ke laman web, ambil tangkapan skrin halaman web dan simpan tangkapan skrin ini ke komputer anda. Ia sangat mudah untuk digunakan. Penafian: Harap maklum bahawa peluasan ini TIDAK dibuat oleh Google dan dibuat oleh pasukan pembangunan bebas. Semua hak cipta adalah milik pemiliknya masing-masing. Google tidak menyokong atau menaja pelanjutan Chrome ini. Cat Web untuk Google Chrome tidak dimiliki oleh, tidak dilesenkan oleh dan bukan anak syarikat Google Inc.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-06-18) Вадим Павлов: Инсульт
  • (2023-05-29) Cherie 123: you kmow what. i use for 6 sec and i rate, because now i can paint it works
  • (2023-05-16) 邱仁東: great
  • (2022-11-01) VMZ: On the positive side, it works and is great for quickly marking a document or adding notes to a website. What could be improved; it feels buggy; there is no undo button, and instead, you have to delete all your current mark-ups. The bugginess comes with not being able to change colour in the middle of a session (either that or the colour changing doesn't work well).
  • (2022-09-29) Thoản Nguyễn Thị Thanh: great!
  • (2022-07-20) Pat MySecret: Has a rare feature.. can save markups that reload easily in place after leaving the Browser.. (aside from also having screen capture) ..however it's not site specific, so it's like an intermediate "hold" til you finish & take a screenshot. Has Text. Good.. If you Scroll, the markings will NOT follow. Well if the site needs scrolling, that save feature doesn't do much good. If you know of similar extensions that can save location/overlay, screen capture, and scroll, please reply. If you refresh & click the icon before saving, your markups will be NOT there.. Geometric shapes are always filled. A possible workaround the saving of longer pages markups (other than screenshot) is to zoom out. My site still scrolled at the minimum of 25%. Not sure where saved file stores, or if it's file name can be changed.
  • (2022-01-27) Uliana Morokhovskaya: i just dont like it
  • (2021-12-27) Ms. Bao Ngoc 3B: tôi rất thích nó
  • (2021-10-29) María Victoria Fernández: Se cuelga y tiene pocas opciones para realizar marcas y señalar. No me resultó práctica en lo más mínimo.
  • (2021-10-22) Janmejaya Dasgupta: Awesomee! One option which the extension lacks: cursor mode You can interact with the web page in that mode add it when you can
  • (2021-10-20) Elvia Rivas: Buena app!
  • (2021-09-27) ming huang: If it can draw circle or box with no internal fill- will be cool. I only need to draw line drawing. However, the idea draw vector drawing on the web page is great
  • (2021-09-03) Alan Tee: perfect for me as a teacher
  • (2021-08-27) Marlene Jiménez Hernández: Excelent App, it really helps me a lot
  • (2021-03-31) Phylla Magallanes: I've spent the whole day trying free web annotation extensions and this by far has the things I needed that the others lacked--the ability to move and resize the annotations, undo, redo, insert text, etc. Thanks a lot for this! It's a little unsettling that I'm the first to comment here, though.


30,000 history
4.0345 (29 votes)
Last update / version
2022-03-20 / 3.0.0
Listing languages
