Description from extension meta
A highly secure password management solution to store, sync, and safeguard your credentials.
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Description from store
A highly secure and free password management solution for protecting your passwords and personal information.
C2 Password lets you sync your credentials across an unlimited number of devices and access them from anywhere via the web portal, app, and browser extension.
All the data you upload is encrypted before leaving your device, so you can rest assured that no one but you can access your data.
This extension is useful in many ways:
✍️ Autofill logins - Automatically fill in usernames and passwords when signing in to websites.
💾 Auto-save passwords - Automatically save new passwords, usernames, and updates to saved passwords when signing in or creating new online accounts.
🆕 Generate unique passwords - Create a strong and random password for every website to increase account security.
📝 Autofill form data - Click payment and personal information in the extension to fill them in when shopping online.
Save time while keeping your data safe. Get started with C2 Password today!
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Latest reviews
- (2023-07-24) Jean-François BUREL: Most of the time, on the last version, it asked to update the password while it has not been changed, if I look into the "new password" I can see it is only saving part of the password, which will result in the loss of the saved password and worst, it will be a wrong password saved as it will be partially saved...... also it is very slow sometime to pop up with the password, it is quickier to put in the password myself....
- (2023-07-20) Daniel P: Try the export function before putting too much work into C2 Password. My exports are missing data - crucial data like PASSWORD, URL, etc. Aside this show-stopper, the user interface offers fields such as IP, SSID and other useful fields which are not even considered as header in the export. This means even if the export was working as expected, the data entered here will never be attempted to export. Waste of my time for sure. As with many password solutions the import/export of passwords presents the biggest hurdle for me. My current solution I want to move from is KeePass with 500+ passwords.
- (2023-06-09) 黃國僑: 持續有在改進並增加新功能,目前已經是一個很好用的免費密碼管理軟體了
- (2023-04-15) michael R: Easy to setup and use. No issues so far.
- (2023-04-12) Fabien Sapriguine: Parfait, vraiment :=)
- (2023-04-11) Ross: It's good, and free. Could be better but why spend a monthly subscription on a password manager? Apps like 1Password are taking the mick now. I want to see a better password generator. Namely a 'memorable' word option, where you can select the amount of words and it adds a dash between them so you get passwords which are easier to read, for example: rhino-crisp-juxtapose
- (2023-04-07) 葉俊言: 讚讚讚
- (2023-03-06) Patrick Hwung: Seems to work well so far
- (2023-02-26) Kenneth Labenski: Good start for a new service. I hope Synology keeps building this out. For starters, as many have said, Synology really should make this a service to run on the NAS. 1. The extension only seems to autofill sites in the main URL field. I would like it to fill from any additional URL fields as well. 2. Identity items don't seem to autofill, like name, email, phone number. 3. As I reviewed the phone app, I would like to see an option to generate passphrases as well as passwords. 4. Add another context color for symbols in passwords/passphrases. Right now it is only letters and numbers in differing context colors. More generally with the service, I would like to see an option to assign a family member for emergency access in the Plus plan, as well as some password checker options, like reused passwords or exposed credentials, etc.
- (2023-02-09) Issac Huang: Seems good from my friends and family, the only thing is that you should add a desktop app as i'd feel much safer there. Will the free plan stay forever or will we eventually need to pay one day tho??
- (2023-01-26) Michel Van der wijden: Works great in edge
- (2023-01-11) Philipp Hofer: Logins funktionieren in der Regel gut. Jedoch muss man manchmal ein paar Sekunden warten bis das Tool erkennt das es auch was zum ausfüllen hat. Zahlungsmittel werden leider nicht wirklich erkannt. Hoffe da noch auf Besserung.
- (2022-11-24) Willer: Conheço como usuário inúmeras outras soluções e cada qual possui pontos positivos e negativos, como é o caso de C2 Password. Apenas, é o melhor hoje. Utilizo gratuitamente neste momento que faço a avaliação e afirmo que estou pronto para me tornar assinante. Parabéns pelo trabalho, entregue em gratuidade absurdamente profundo.
- (2022-11-21) doo daddy: 3 starts "It was okay" >>> "It *is* okay." 😁 Still using it. I've been through lastPass and bitWarden but I love my synology tools. this needs a few features but I'm gonna keep trying. I'm reinstalling now because it locks about once a minute no matter what I set it to. That seems to be a bug. It only started this after a few weeks. I also came home after a week away to find it was locked in a way that required me to log out of C2 and back in. That was awkward because, guess where my C2 password was? 🤣 As for what I'd like to see, I've always been a fan of lastPass's "even more secure password entries" so you can mark bank or credit card entries to reprompt more often than regular old reddit and forum passwords. Also, I'd love this to save my encrypted password file on my synology to share with my iphone etc. big win for privatizing all my stuff. As it stands it's not quite ready to buy my wife a copy. She will never get it and will be frustrated with everything.
- (2022-09-25) Home Assis: Зачем мне хранить пароли где-то? Если у меня нас.Приложение поработало час и больше в него не войти, с таким помощником можно остаться в неудел.
- (2022-09-02) Christian Kahlert: Ich benutze es seit ca. 14 Tage ohne Probleme. Chrom Version 104.0.5112.102 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit) ohne probleme.
- (2022-08-29) Paddy: Gleiches Problem wie meine Vorredner. Bei mir funktioniert das Tool nicht.
- (2022-08-28) Martijn: NIce extension / solution Synology C2 Password Team! I have one request, make it possible to add sub folders to list. With a large amount passwords it more organised. Thank you!
- (2022-08-20) Yurg TARKIL: Setting our own encryption key is fine in case of data breach Works fine with most browsers (chrome on Windows, chromium on Debian, Firefox) I use it as a "second password manager" for most non critical websites. For the others, I will keep using KeePass, but it allows me to save time, so : 5 stars.
- (2022-08-07) Edward Anastas: It needs some work, but good start. Would like to edit records from the extension panel rather than having to go to the website. I like that it's part of Synology. I trust them more than most of the other companies, at least for now. Looking forward to future updates to the extension.
- (2022-06-22) Matthias Velensek (Fotoasmus): Seit Wochen funktioniert die Erweiterung in Chrome nicht mehr. Beim Anmelden kommt immer "Dieser Vorgang kann nicht ausgeführt werden. Möglicherweise ist die Netzwerkverbindung instabil oder das System ausgelastet. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut." Später ist relativ. Ein händisches Einloggen ist zwar möglich, aber so funktioniert die Auto-Fill-Funktion nicht. Da kann man´s also gleich weg lassen.
- (2022-04-30) Gerhard: 1: Opens up a web page where I have to log in to the c2 website every time i want to add a new log in and that is annoying since it gives a pop up with other managers 2: No store option on my Nas server is a big negative point 3: the export csv did not export my credit cards and made a mess of some security notes. 4: I don't understand why there is a generator when I have to create a log in and I have to do point one stated above in my review. lot's to be inproved
- (2022-04-28) watson peng: 穩定性太差了 半成品的東西
- (2022-04-27) Benjamin Falberg: The extension is ok and does the job okay :) The UX of entering the encryption key everytime you restart your browser is a little odd... I would love an option for the extension to never lock, or a better solution for entering the key wich is not to open a new tab. ** Update ** This did legit get added to the extension the day after i made this comment - Nice one 🤘
- (2022-04-06) ConDa: dosent work at naver whale its sad to me
- (2022-03-28) Rick Huang: 匯入後要刪除不要的密碼,竟然只能一個一個刪除不能多選,原本的lastpass比較好用
- (2022-03-17) Edgar Tamarit Lloret: Para ser un servicio gratuito la verdad es que está muy bien. Solo veo un problema y es que no hay forma de guardar la sesión de forma permanente. 4 horas máximo o cada vez abres o cierras el navegador hay que volver a poner las credenciales. Eso es un poco molesto, me gustaría que añadieran la opción de no cerrar nunca la sesión. Se que esta opción es menos segura pero no estaría mal dar la opción al menos. Otros servicios como este ofrecen esa opción en sus extensiones para chrome. Por favor, valoren la posibilidad de añadir esa opción. Gracias.
- (2022-03-09) CHI DE LIAN: 無法在Google Chrome Canary中開啟
- (2021-12-23) Brad Charles: too many logins and passwords..... it's hard to get into this app...only a single password one time should be needed (like LastPass)
- (2021-12-10) Shun Hsiang Chang: 無論是在Chrome或是Edge環境裡,安裝完C2 password的extention後,在extention上永遠都叫我登入,但我即便在其中一個分頁登入C2 password,extention上還是顯示未登入狀態,持續要求我登入。 而且記憶帳號和密碼的功能永遠也啟用不了。 我目前是1password的付費用戶,對這類軟體的應用操作還算熟悉,原本很高興看到有一款國產的密碼管理應用,但實用後卻非常失望。
- (2021-12-08) Тимур Горлов: Сервис хранит пароли в облаке Synology. Отметим что это компания, которая разрабатывает хранилища для ЛИЧНОГО использования. Тем не менее для DSM у них нет приложения для хранения паролей)) Ничем не лучше lastpass или Bitwarden. Компания тратит трудовые ресурсы на разработку ненужных приложений и не может довести до ума новые приложения photo, office, active backup, hyper backup. К каждому из этих приложений масса вопросов. Компания только только может успевать догонять решения MS и Google, Acronis. Но продолжает делать целую кучу полуфабрикатов. Жаль.
- (2021-10-20) 吉呈吉佑: 为什么C2 Password是网络版本?而不是以套件的形式出现在我的NAS里面?
- (2021-09-23) Bonki Poche: After years waiting for DSM 7 now we have to wait years to get a password add for DSM ! How could it be possible to release it on your cloud instead of our NAS??? If there is something we need to keep safe home are PASSWORDS ! Sorry but can't give more than 2 stars ! RELEASE DSM VERSION ! That's all EVERY SYNOLOGY USERS need and wants as we have enough password manager on the web ! I Hope someone will read this and report it to the technical manager !
- (2021-08-11) Zdenko B: This is the worst password manager ever seen, the encryption key loading so it says it's not correct, after recovery I change it but it only works ONCE. The worst manager and extension that has appeared, I advise everyone to bypass it in a wide arc. If I could give ZERO, I would give it because it took my time and effort and I didn't get anything in return.
- (2021-08-07) Mini Mi: Funktioniert nicht. In der Erweiterung steht immer "kein encrytion Key eingerichtet". Will mann das dann tun, dann lädt die C2 Website in einer Endlosschleife.
- (2021-07-23) Marius Bogdan Lixandru: An Awesome Password Manager from Synology! Thank you again Synology!