Varno shranite in vnesite neomejeno število gesel v brskalniku ter se hitreje prijavite na spletna mesta.
Ustvarite, shranite in samodejno vnesite vsa gesla ter do njih priročno dostopajte v brskalniku. Deluje v brskalnikih Chrome, Opera, Edge, Vivaldi in Brave.
Pozabite na to, da bi si morali zapomniti vsa gesla in jih ponastavljati, ko se jih ne spomnite. Z ExpressVPN Keys si morate zapomniti samo eno glavno geslo, ki odklene upravitelja gesel in vam omogoči dostop do vseh šifriranih prijav. Gesla izpolnite z enim samim klikom in se še hitreje prijavite v svoja priljubljena spletna mesta in aplikacije.
Ključi se celo sinhronizirajo z mobilnimi napravami prek aplikacij ExpressVPN za iOS in Android, tako da lahko do vseh svojih prijav takoj dostopate na poti, ne glede na to, katero napravo uporabljate.
Prevzemite nadzor nad varnostjo gesla in uživajte v varni spletni izkušnji brez težav. Funkcija Keys je vključena v vse naročniške načrte ExpressVPN.
- Aplikacija ExpressVPN za Mac, Windows ali Linux
Aktivna naročnina na ExpressVPN
Zakaj uporabljati razširitev brskalnika ExpressVPN Keys?
Poznati morate le eno glavno geslo, ki odklepa vse šifrirane prijave.
Šifriranje brez znanja pomeni, da lahko svoje podatke vidite samo vi.
Enostavna prijava v spletna mesta in aplikacije s samodejnim izpolnjevanjem.
Povečajte varnost svojih spletnih računov z dvostopenjskim preverjanjem pristnosti (2FA). Enostavno ustvarite in vnesite enkratna gesla na združljivih spletnih mestih in storitvah.
Ustvarite in prilagodite edinstvena in zapletena gesla, ki si jih ni treba zapomniti.
Varno shranjujte podatke o kreditnih/debetnih karticah in opombe - idealno za vse vrste občutljivih informacij, kot so zdravstveni podatki, identifikacijske številke in odgovori na varnostna vprašanja.
Uživajte v vseh prednostih celovitega upravitelja gesel na podlagi najboljše VPN zaščite v svojem razredu. Število naprav, ki jih lahko uporabljate, in število gesel, ki jih lahko shranite, nista omejena.
Poiščite pomoč v nekaj sekundah, ne dneh. Vprašajte nas kar koli in kadar koli prek 24/7 podpore v obliki klepeta v živo ali po e-pošti.
ExpressVPN-ov bralnik razširitev ključev za Chrome (združljiv tudi z brskalniki Opera, Edge, Vivaldi in Brave) ne beleži nobenih dejavnosti, zato uporabnika ni mogoče povezati s specifično omrežno dejavnostjo ali vedenjem
Odločite se lahko, da anonimizirano analitiko svojega računa ExpressVPN Keys delite z družbo ExpressVPN, kot je opisano v našem pravilniku o zasebnosti. Svoje nastavitve lahko urejate v nastavitvah razširitve.
Preberite več o ExpressVPN:
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-26) VC SMiThaYe: Very annoying to keep entering the master password too frequently, often twice in 30 minutes without closing the browser, adds up to about 30 times per day. There is no option to set duration before it asks again yet other password managers have this basic feature. I'd prefer to authorise on an app on my mobile, or within ExpressVPN software. Then there is the problem where it won't enter the login and password even though its right there in the manager, it asks if you want to save it and I've done this many times now I now ignore it. Quick update: ExpressVPN Keys is more or less useless, reported issue by other too, autofill does not work meaning as a password/log in manager it doesn't do what it states it should be doing. I've updated and removed it, nothing works. Will be looking for another password manager.
- (2023-11-09) Ariel Hochstadt: I may be biassed buy I simply love it. It comes with my ExpressVPN account so I don't need to manage another service and pay for it separatly.
- (2023-10-03) Elizabeth Cox: When Keys works, it works really well. I have it on my Samsung phone, and it works great. Easy to use, add, edit, etc. BUT, when I add the extension to Chrome, it works once or twice. Then I can't access it at all. When I click on the extension, it takes me to the ExpressVPN website, and I end up in an endless circle with no access to my list of passwords. I primarily use my work desktop or personal laptop, so not having it available through the browser is VERY frustrating. I have reported the issue twice when I have uninstalled the extension but have received no response.
- (2023-09-29) RAM Holdings: Lost all my password. Spent 3 hours setting up the key with all of my passwords synced it to my laptop. Next day it asked me to start over and everything was gone. I own a small business and do not have time to waste or use trash softwares. Thanks alot ExpressVPN
- (2023-09-22) Woodrow Kiang: Nicely implemented security-wise. This one is surprisingly secure even compared with many companies that specialise in password managers. UI designed in a way that prevent clickjacking, domains and IP correctly parsed, overall attack surface is quite small. Well done!
- (2023-09-16) Danni: It fails every time I try to import my passwords with a csv file. There's no way I'm manually entering hundreds of passwords manually so this is effectively useless.
- (2023-09-10) K “KMS” S: Like how you can have your passwords on any device with expressvpn, but the worst part is it doesn't save new passwords on either expressvpn or the browser you're using, and you have to enter the master password every time. Should be an option to disable or have it set to 30 days to enter the password.
- (2023-07-23) Vince Aggrippino: I already pay for ExpressVPN. I don't appreciate the upsell: an unblockable notification with the only options being that I can set it up now or later.
- (2023-07-13) Mohamed ElBanna: excellent app
- (2023-06-06) Alain MONTESI: Très efficace et pratique.
- (2023-05-09) kdrops usafit: me gusta
- (2023-04-24) Dan D: This would be 5 stars if you didn't have to type in your master password to unlock it every time you close and re-open Chrome. I might as well type my own passwords by that point. Please add an option in the settings to stay authenticated when on a single user personal PC!!
- (2023-04-20) Carolyn DeRobertis: user friendly, secure, and best of all, its included in my VPN subscription!
- (2023-04-19) Esther: I tried it because I use ExpressVPN, and I'm impressed with how easy it is to use. Keep it up, ExpressVPN. I look forward to seeing more new features in the near future.
- (2023-04-19) ErtanMrtls: paralı 5 para etmez...
- (2022-11-23) arash madani: perfect
- (2022-11-21) Nick Krause: Way Way better than Samsung PW manager. And it works on my 3 devices, could use a bit of polish though like launching it in the VPN client like on android instead of in browser on PC this isn't ideal