extension ExtPose

Follow Feed | Feedly

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Description from extension meta

Found a source your like? This extension allows you to find the RSS for that source and quickly add it to one of your Feedly feeds.

Image from store Follow Feed | Feedly
Description from store The Web is an ocean of knowledge and inspiration. This extension allows you to quickly add the blogs, news sites and Youtube channels you want to keep up with to your Feedly. When you click on the Follow Feed icon, the Feedly extension will find the RSS feed for the page you are reading and allow you to open it in Feedly so that you can easily preview it and add it to one of your feeds if you like the content. If you have any questions, you can reach us at [email protected] Happy reading!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-16) Christopher Dignam: Broken. Cannot login to extension
  • (2022-07-01) PC Technician: This no longer works. Based on comments at least a couple of years now and has been abandoned.
  • (2021-10-03) Diego Sánchez Cortina: No funciona, da un error de login. No sirve.
  • (2020-07-07) Jorge Muñoz: Simplemente no funciona. Aparece todo el rato que necesitas identificarte para usarlo con tu cuenta, pero lo haces y al segundo vuelve a salir lo mismo. No sirve para nada.
  • (2020-04-09) multiteknik Service tv led: terimakasih feedly keren banget
  • (2019-03-05) Doesn't even recognize feeds of the page I'm at, more than useless!
  • (2019-01-25) Spins endlessly on 'Loading Collections'. Not a useful extension anymore.
  • (2019-01-16) Daniel Reid: Works some of the time, a lot of the time it doesn't even find the feed when I'm on an rss page though.
  • (2018-12-01) Daniel Danilenko: Far too slow!
  • (2018-11-22) D: If I'm on someone's flickr photostream and click this button why on earth would I be trying to get a list of feeds that includes: Daily most interesting photo - Flickr Flickr Blog Daily interesting photos - Flickr Uploads from NASA Goddard Photo and Video Lifehacker Workspace Show and Tell Pool code.flickr.com and a few random/popular flickrs but not a feed for the page I'm on. Who is this behavior for and why do they want such a thing.
  • (2018-06-27) Abdelrahman Mansour: No notifications
  • (2018-05-12) Cris: This is sooooooo slow that it's faster to go to the feedly web app and add the RSS feed there.
  • (2018-04-17) ExCe EssE: Skulle vara ett bra tillägg om det faktiskt fungerade. Would be a nice add-on if it actually works.
  • (2018-03-30) Kirk Sharrar: This addon didn't find the RSS feed on the page I was trying to subscribe to so I clicked the link. The resulting page is only the programming feed for the RSS I wanted to subscribe to and this addon still didn't find that feed. Instead it offered unrelated feeds from different sites. Pathetic.
  • (2018-02-26) Wayne Coburn: Extremely slow, you can spend all day waiting for it to load.
  • (2018-02-12) Chris Long: I wish there was a way to hide the Feedly watermark from sites I visit.
  • (2017-09-17) Oleg Yugov (Dream Custody): Works fine.
  • (2017-08-15) 林 Lin, 昭辰 Chao-Chen Jack YEG (Fife50000): Excuse me, but so who could go connect/subscribe within all RSS/Feeds websites automatically, using with this extension personally/professionally/progressively/properly asap, please? Once again, thank you all so much! Amen!
  • (2017-08-04) Stefan Fisk: I kinda gets the job done, but it is insanely slow, as it loads the list of collections every time you want to add a feed X_X
  • (2017-06-15) Oleksandr: Too long thinking when press the button
  • (2017-06-08) jay armstrong: Let's you quickly add a feed to one or more of your feedly topics. Initial loading of topics took a while, otherwise it works very well. Great job!
  • (2017-03-18) Alex Gorowara: Slow, doesn't give any indication of presence of a feed on the page or whether or not you've already subscribed to it, hangs on pages without feeds.
  • (2017-03-10) Ron Michael Zettlemoyer: Not as good as other third party extensions in some ways. It gives no indication that the page you are on has a feed to subscribe to.
  • (2017-02-20) Young Bob: Didnt work in CSDN blogs
  • (2016-12-02) Ivan Alvarez: Creo que era una iniciativa que debieron haber tomado hace tiempo. Excelente trabajo.
  • (2016-08-23) 在Google上取什麼名字是個很棘手的問題: It takes too long for it to show the feed list :(
  • (2016-05-27) I think this is good in that it does a good job of showing what feeds are available and lets you select what list you want them added to. The only thing that is missing that other notifiers have is that the icon should change color to let you know a feed is available on the site.
  • (2016-05-03) First.

Latest issues

  • (2021-04-21, v:4.0.1) Gonzalo Ros Cervera: Log in doesn't work
    After logging in (in my case through Microsoft) the extension prompts me to log in while attempting to catch a web.
  • (2020-09-26, v:4.0.1) Daniel Costa: Logs out automatically
    As other users are also complaining, I must repeat login everytime I want to read my feed. Isn't it possible to keep it logged on?
  • (2020-08-17, v:4.0.1) Mark Cancellieri: Extension asks me to login even when I'm logged in.
    When I click on the extension, it says: "Login to Feedly You need to login to Feedly before being able to add articles to your boards." It doesn't matter if I'm logged in to Feedly. It still gives me this message. This extension used to work for me. I'm not sure whey it doesn't work any longer.
  • (2020-06-10, v:4.0.1) The Jolly Joker: feedly chrome extension doesn't work
    I have a free feedly account. Coudn't add RSS feeds from the extension. Whenever i try to add an RSS feed, when hitting the follow button I just get this screen of "Login to Feedly". after login in feedly.com opens up but the extension Button still asks me to login.
  • (2020-06-05, v:4.0.1) Jerzy Potocki: Does not work - showing "Loading article content..." forever
    Is this a known issue - what can we do about it? It has been working long time ago, but now for many months it is useless for me. All Chrome extensions turned off (running a clean Chrome to avoid conflicts) does not help. Any solution?
  • (2019-10-11, v:4.0.1) IDW: Extension Icon
    Hello, now that there is an official Google dark theme for Chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/just-black/aghfnjkcakhmadgdomlmlhhaocbkloab could you please update the extension icon colour as it is virtually invisible against the dark theme background colour. I think that there is quite a big group of people preferring dark themes in general (for system, apps, websites) so I think updating the icon would be a worthwhile change. Thank you in advance!
  • (2019-07-01, v:4.0.1) Andrew Denny: Can I get Feedly to appear in a right-click popup?
    I have both Pocket and Feedly extensions installed in Windows 10/Chrome. When I do a right-click on a page, 'Add to Pocket' appears in the popup. Is it possible to get an 'Add to Feedly' in the popup menu as well? This would be helpful.
  • (2019-01-25, v:1.0.4) Endless Spinning on 'Loading Collections'
    Chrome: Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit) Extension Version: 1.0.4
  • (2018-01-27, v:1.0.4) imee tan: feedly toolbar
    feedly toolbar is not showing up on the bottom right of any webpage......how do i fix this, its a very usefil tool
  • (2017-10-09, v:1.0.4) Jennifer Runyon: Wont show my feeds
    All it does is show me google blogs and other feeds, not the one and only feed i would like to see. Is it broken?
  • (2017-08-15, v:1.0.4) 林 Lin, 昭辰 Chao-Chen Jack YEG (Fife50000): Request for All Automatic Connections/Subscriptions within All RSS/Feeds Websites, using with this extension from Google Chrome Browser personally/professionally/progressively/properly asap, please.
    Excuse me, but so who/how could someone go connect/subscribe within all RSS/Feeds websites automatically, using with this extension from Google Chrome Browser personally/professionally/progressively/properly asap, please? Once again, thank you all so much! Amen!
  • (2017-06-28, v:1.0.4) Daniel Huber: Not working...
    ..all I get is "Loading collections..." and teh spinning circle, forever
  • (2017-03-24, v:1.0.4) Melissa Ziombra: Different than Feedly Mini?
    Do the Follow Feed and Save To Feedly Board extensions offer additional features not available with Feedly Mini extension I currently use?
  • (2017-01-08, v:1.0.3) Feed Notifications
    Will this give me notifications for when there is an update to a feed?


10,000 history
3.5179 (56 votes)
Last update / version
2019-04-12 / 4.0.1
Listing languages
