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NoteGPT: YT Resumé, Websider og PDF Resumé

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Opsummer YT videoer, websider og PDFs med ChatGPT og Claude 3 og nemt at tage noter eller lave mindmaps.

Image from store NoteGPT: YT Resumé, Websider og PDF Resumé
Description from store ChatGPT with Youtube videos summary generator provides an access to the summary of YouTube videos. Let you quickly get the content of the YouTube video, save time and learn quicker. Relying on ChatGPT artificial intelligence, it will achieve effective re-creation.In addition,you can also easily copy information on both YouTube and chat.openai.com pages. Features ● Save time:Quickly go to Youtube video location in the transcript ● Fast speed:Load quickly to videos summary ● Easy to use:Copy the transcript and summary with one click How to use ● Simply go to YouTube website ● Choose the video you are interested in ● Click the Transcript &summary button.It will show you the video transcript, if it has. ● Click the View AI Summary Icon, If you already logged in chat.openai.com, we will get the video summary. ● Click the Copy Icon,then you easily get the summary of YT video. 🙋FAQ: 👉 Do you upgrade/modify the extension? Yes, we do! In fact, at this very moment, we’re working on features that are probably going to be added. We have a goal of making ChatGPT for YouTube Video Summary the best ChatGPT extension out there, and we take this mission very seriously.We strive to keep up with the fast-paced development of ChatGPT to bring you the best possible experience. 👉 How do I install ChatGPT For YouTube in my browser ? To install ChatGPT For YouTube on your browser, you will need to follow these steps: 1) In your browser open the browser's app store or extension store 2) Search for the ChatGPT For YouTube extension in the browser's app store or extension store (or click for : Google Chrome | Mozilla Firefox | edge) 3) Click on the "Add to Browser" or "Install" button to begin the installation process. 4) Follow the prompts to give the extension permission to access certain parts of your browser, if prompted. 👉 Are all of the features totally free to use? Our extension is currently free and we are trying to always have one version of service that is free. But we would have to put in a small paywall in order to sustain the service. We have plans to do so in the coming weeks. With the paid service you can have faster service, without daily limits and high priority customer support. We aim to best serve you in a model that is most affordable to you. 항목 태그는 추상 생성기, ai 작가, airtable 경력, airtable 로그인, airtm, all in luna là gì, all liner, assistant, auto magic, bengali captions, blaze synonym, br football instagram, Brave Writer, but synonym, cách mở email입니다. của mình, 캡션 벵골어, 후기 칼럼니스트의 주의 사항, chat crypt, chat hub, chat pt, chatai, chatcrypt, chathub, chatlig, chatpig, 교실 마법의 단어, 클리어 뷰 하이라이터, coda vs notion, come up là gì, come up with là gì, Coming soon la gì, como grabar reunion en meet, complex 中文, ctrl o, descargar meet, different synonym, do synonym, do synonyms, 다운로드 Google 채팅, 다운로더, 이메일 작성, 이메일, 엔진, 동의어 확장, 확장기, 아이라이너 이미지, 아이라이너 사진, 아이라이너 가격, 빠른 회사, 빠른 사람들 검색 제거, 빠른 동의어, 무료 채팅, 자유 텍스트, 무료 채팅, 친구 하이라이트, 재미있는 날 magазин, g 채팅, gchat 로그인, 젠 튜브 유튜브, 라이너 받기, 읽기 , gimme, go pro, goog;e, google 어시스턴트, pc용 google 어시스턴트, google as sistant open, google chat, google chat 다운로드, google chat 로그인, google chats, google magic, google met descargar, google 검색, google 검색 엔진, 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synonym, 개인 동의어, pin up ru скачать, plug extender, plug talk, plug talk show, pop it là gì, por ti, 라이터 가격, 빠른 zip 시트, 관계 中文, 동의어 대체, 저장 동의어, YouTube 저장, 검색, 검색 엔진, 검색 엔진, 검색 검색, 검색..., 검색, 섹스 메시지, 스마트 매직 데이터, 스마트 동의어, 일부 동의어, 줄무늬 하이라이트, 요약, 요약 도구, 요약, 요약 생성기, 요약 , tactiq, 복용, 작업 동의어, tắt thông báo trên chrome, tdlr, tdlr 의미, tdrl, 팀 회의, 텍스트 확장기, 텍스트 매직, 텍스트 반복기, textmagic, textreapeter, 동의어, 동의어를 통해, tik live, tiktok 그룹 채팅, tillman auto, 시간 동의어, tl dr, tl dr 의미, tl;dr , tldr, tldr 약어, tldr 의미, toutube, transcribir, 신뢰할 수 있는 부분, tt 클릭, 동의어 사용, 크롬북 사용, 동의어 사용, 동의어 사용, viet fun, vimeo 로그인, vimio, 웹 채팅, 웹 아이라이너, 웹 결과, webex 닫힘 캡션, wecgat, wechar, wechart, wechat, wehcta, YouTube에서 강조 표시된 댓글은 무엇입니까, 텍스트는 무엇입니까, tldr은 무엇입니까, 中文, 속삭임, 세계 편집, 쓰기, 동의어 쓰기, 작가 반복기, www google com 검색 , www google search, www.youtube.com 기능, wwwyoutube.com 기능, xpander price, yotube, you tube videos, youb toub, youtu, youtube, youtube asana, youtube glitch, youtube movies full free, youtube new, youtube new song , 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wav, youtube 이름 생성기, youtube 썸네일 다운로더, 최고의 무료 youtube mo vie, youtube 태그 생성기, youtube에서 mp3 온라인 변환기, youtube 키워드 연구, youtube에서 mp4 무료 변환기, youtube 비디오 편집을 위한 최고의 소프트웨어, youtube 오디오 변환기 youtube용 비디오 편집 소프트웨어, youtube 채널 이름 생성기, youtube 키워드, you tube 커터, youtube 도구, youtube 해시태그, youtube용 무료 인트로 메이커, youtube 편집 소프트웨어, youtube 무료 온라인 다운로드, blippi 도구, 최고의 편집 소프트웨어, youtube용, youtube 키워드 도구, youtube 비디오 크리에이터, youtube 오디오 추출기, youtube 무료 변환기, youtube 광고 만들기 , youtube에서 mp4 온라인 변환기, youtube 제목 생성기, 온라인 변환기, youtube를 위한 최고의 비디오 편집기, youtube 비디오 편집기 무료, youtube 편집 앱, youtube 무료 배너 메이커, youtube 비디오 전사기, youtuber 찾기, youtube 온라인 변환기, youtube 비디오 다운로더 크롬 확장 프로그램, youtube video seo, youtube 키워드 조사 도구, tubebuddy 확장 프로그램, youtube video maker, youtube seo 도구, 최고의 무료 youtube 다운로더, youtube video cropper, vidi q pro,채널 분석,youtube,youtube용 스트림 소프트웨어,youtube 비디오 다운로드 무료 소프트웨어,openai's,gpt3,gpt,openai gpt 3,gpt 3 ai,openaiapi,gpt ai,openai gpt,ai gpt,gpt2,open ai gpt 3 ,gpt3,online,gpt3 openai,open ai 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Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-29) hoi lau: This browser extension is amazing! It has so many useful features that have helped me save time and be more productive online. One standout feature is MindMap, which has been incredibly useful. Updated on May 29, 2024
  • (2024-02-24) pablo shi: Adding an icon on all pages is kinda annoying and in options I couldn't find where to remove. Had to install it.
  • (2023-12-11) Roberto Montellano Cerezo: muy buena la extension. ojalá la vayan mejorando con el tiempo.
  • (2023-11-25) Charlie: Works okay, but forces you into the paid extension.
  • (2023-11-23) KK: 非常棒,希望作者继续改进迭代;
  • (2023-11-23) cl wang: 看了介绍视频,觉的很棒, 正是我需要的
  • (2023-11-21) heng huang: useful and easy to use!
  • (2023-11-21) Ted Carballoy: NoteGPT API is a very good choice, cheap and easy to use!
  • (2023-11-20) Justin Quinn: Used to love this extension, but the bs bait and switch business model is a non-starter. You should have launched a separate extension for a fee from the rip with a free trial, pulling a rug from under people once they are used to using your service is a shady biz model.
  • (2023-11-10) Nikolas Hernandez: muy bn
  • (2023-11-01) PityOnlyFools: I wish it had dark mode display. The summary page is a weird ugly color.
  • (2023-10-29) Reinaldo Santacruz: We're really sorry for the inconvenience this issue has caused. We want you to know we're working hard to fix it as quickly as possible. We've discovered that recent changes by ChatGPT are causing abnormal responses from their system. For users experiencing this issue who want to continue getting summaries, here are three temporary workarounds: 👉 Option 1: Click "View ChatGPT Summary" to open ChatGPT or Claude directly - fetching the summary this way should work fine. 👉 Option 2: If you have multiple ChatGPT accounts, try switching to a different one. 👉 Option 3: Use an OpenAI API key instead.
  • (2023-10-25) Sylvain P: it hasn't been working for a few days when going through ChatGPT, but it works fine with the API key
  • (2023-10-17) name nick: beatuful service even free
  • (2023-10-17) Eghosa Alao: Good app and actually free
  • (2023-10-14) Amit Rathod: works exceptionally well so far. Best part, you can save bits and chunks of the transcript.
  • (2023-10-12) Mary: Very helpful. Sometimes doesn't catch specifics (probably because gpt doesn't understand what information might be important over others) but still very good.
  • (2023-10-06) Alghora AX5: Really amazing, I spent numerous hours calibrating ChatGPT for good video summarizing and transcription by text, and this extension gives me all I need in seconds now. It’s crazy amazing, thanks devs!
  • (2023-10-03) Edo: Amazing
  • (2023-09-23) Sri Harsha Guthikonda: overall it is good. the popups when i go over the save button to click the time arre annoying. if they werent there it would be 5 star.
  • (2023-09-21) Ahcene Boudraa: fonctionne super bien, testé avec plusieurs langues. J'adore ^-^
  • (2023-09-16) Pedro Santos: Podia ser melhor. Não ligo pra legendas, nem quero anotações, apenas o sumário do video está bom. Não tem como desativar as outras funções. Eu gosto muito de poder usar meu próprio prompt, abre muitas possibilidades, mas queria ter mais controle sobre o que é enviado automaticamente.
  • (2023-08-30) agustin talarico: ok
  • (2023-08-28) ll chen: Great, it's a good tool!
  • (2023-08-27) Axel Kolle: Satisfactory until all functionality simply disappeared. No buttons to be found in Youtube at all. I logged back into Chatgpt (I know Chatgpt logs you out periodically) but no joy. Nothing happening. Can you explain? And why does this extension need to read everything on all webpages? Either you monetise my data capital or you institute a pay wall, but both are a no go. Uninstalling and re installing also did not work Can you help? Right now it is an inactive and utterly non acceptable security risk sitting in my browser.
  • (2023-08-27) Heath Pepper: ugliest UI design ever
  • (2023-08-26) Gustavo Steinmetz (Gus): When I tried to use the summarization with the integration with ChatGPT website didn't work, maybe had some update in their website and broke the plugin. But the main reason for my rating is because of the markdown copy. The markdown should contain embedded videos! When you copy the video as markdown, should include the video in its embed version, not just the link. Because a lot of people use the markdown to take notes and watch the video in their notes instead of clicking on the links.
  • (2023-08-23) LaQuan Wunderman: Almost perfect, but please add a feature to see all the notes in one page with the thumbnail of the videos, other than the small extension window, TubersLab used to do that...
  • (2023-08-22) MABBU GOPICHAND 122010333008: loved it
  • (2023-08-16) eswar pentakota: great job
  • (2023-08-14) Chris Chris: Not in French
  • (2023-08-14) 나비: 유튜브 영상보면서 캡쳐해둔걸 pdf로 변환해서 공부하곤 했는데 갑자기 링크가 막히네요 서버 과부하인가요??
  • (2023-08-13) anamaria duenascastillon (mvshub): Great job! my issue camera....Thank you....Peace Out!!!!
  • (2023-08-09) Mr Julian Nicholas Taylor: The minds behind this ingenious product have truly outdone themselves. The creators have harnessed the power of ChatGPT and combined it with the capability to take notes, resulting in a product that's poised to become an essential part of your productivity toolkit.
  • (2023-07-23) Devendra Patil: Best tool out there!! Thanks to the developers!!
  • (2023-07-23) Limber Quispe (Proyecto Level7): Está bien, pero he notado que en videos largos no toma todo el contenido, creo que lo más largo que llega son como 15 minutos de video. ojalá lo optimicen para videos largos, ya que allí es donde le veo mucho potencial.
  • (2023-07-18) Hadis Amani: ok
  • (2023-07-12) Renato S. Araújo: Muito bom! Cumpre o que promete, não está perfeito, mas está muito bom!
  • (2023-07-06) Luyz Correa: very goog
  • (2023-07-04) John Rosa: There is no Ctrl F search function. so while it appears to create a transcript. you cannot search for specific keywords within that transcript...
  • (2023-06-30) Björn Ognibeni: Just doesn't work: I am on a Youtube video detail page, click the extension and get the message to try it on a Youtube video detail page. 🤷‍♂️
  • (2023-06-30) shuai liu: 为什么有的视频查不出来
  • (2023-06-29) 周杰: 设置成中文,输出出来的还是英文,版本是最新版本。
  • (2023-06-26) Yuqi Wang: 非常好用!很有效的插件,笔记可以复制为markdown然后粘贴到自己的笔记软件,图片链接也是正常显示的,希望你们能够开发哔哩哔哩的类似插件,他们自己视频笔记功能无法下载图片,如果你们能解决这个问题就太棒了!
  • (2023-06-15) Dawson ST.: 请问可以提供一下DIscord或者其他联系方式吗?突然无法使用了
  • (2023-06-12) max yu: 非常棒,有考虑总结bilibili等其它网站的吗,非常需要
  • (2023-06-09) hbn hb: Very good!
  • (2023-06-08) 方江锋: 非常好用,结合chatGPT的秘钥,极大的提高了学习效率
  • (2023-06-08) xiaoyang feng: 最近怎么总结都是英文,设置成中文或者auto都没有用。
  • (2023-06-06) Wizie WoTBlitz: useless, didnt work properly


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