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一鍵總結YT影片和網路文章,與NoteGPT AI聊天。記錄帶有時間戳和截圖的筆記。
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Description from store
一鍵總結 YouTube 影片和網路文章,同 NoteGPT AI 聊天。記錄帶有時間戳和截圖的筆記。
NoteGPT AI 可以為您提供 YouTube 影片和網頁文章的總結和摘要,讓您快速獲取網路上的一切內容,並且您可以在觀看影片時快速截圖或記錄帶有時間戳的筆記,幫助您節省時間和快速學習。該工具依賴於 NoteGPT AI 能力,讓使用者可以快速地獲取網頁內容的關鍵信息,同時提供智能的 AI 聊天。
🎉 特點
● 節省時間:一鍵定位,快速找到影片字幕裡的 YouTube 影片具體位置
● 深刻洞察:自由定義影片摘要結構,5秒快速概覽
● 筆記賦能:記錄帶有時間戳的智能筆記,並且一鍵截圖
● AI 聊天:針對影片的難點向 NoteGPT AI 提問,獲得深入解答
● 更新!!!網頁總結:一鍵獲取網頁的概覽總結,同時可以使用劃詞解釋的功能,精準掌握關鍵要點
【YouTube 影片總結】
● 前往 YouTube 網站
● 選擇您感興趣的影片
● 點擊“Transcript”頁簽,如果影片存在字幕的話,它將向您進行展示轉錄文字。
● 點擊“Summary”頁簽,您可以快速獲取影片的摘要,並且在Prompt輸入框中自由定義。
● 點擊“Notes”頁簽,隨時記錄帶時間戳的影片筆記,點擊時間戳跳轉到對應位置。支援隨時輕鬆截圖。
● 點擊“AI Chat”頁簽,與 NoteGPT AI 智能對話,它將回答你一切關於此影片的問題。你還可以在“Summary”頁面通過推薦問題進入此頁面。
● 在任何一個網頁的右側點擊NoteGPT懸浮Icon
● 快速獲取網頁的摘要,查看概覽和相關FAQ
● 劃取網頁的詞語、段落,查看進一步的釋義
● 你可以在設定頁面自由定義網頁總結的開關
A1:NoteGPT 旨在成為各類學習者的智能學習助手。它允許您從任何網站獲取您想要的任何信息的摘要和 20 秒概述,包括影片和文章。通過人工智能驅動的摘要、筆記和其他人工智能功能,它旨在節省您 60% 的時間。NoteGPT嵌入ChatGPT的人工智能能力為您提供最聰明的服務。
A3:NoteGPT AI 服務是免費的,但使用量有限。每個AI服務消耗一個配額。用完 15 個配額後,您需要升級到付費計劃以獲得更多配額。付費計劃還提供其他好處,例如更穩定、更快速的服務響應以及一對一的客戶支持。請訪問NoteGPT 的定價頁面(了解更多信息。
Q4:我需要創建Chat GPT / OpenAI帳戶才能使用此擴展嗎?
A4:由於 NoteGPT 嵌入了 ChatGPT 的能力,因此您無需 ChatGPT 的帳戶即可使用此擴展。這將最大限度的解決您的
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您可以通過此Discord邀請鏈接加入我們:[email protected]與我們聯繫。" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">。或者,您還可以直接點擊插件彈出窗口的Discord圖標按鈕進行加入。如果您願意,您也可以通過我們的Google郵箱地址[email protected]與我們聯繫。
Latest reviews
- (2024-05-29) hoi lau: This browser extension is amazing! It has so many useful features that have helped me save time and be more productive online. One standout feature is MindMap, which has been incredibly useful. Updated on May 29, 2024
- (2024-02-24) pablo shi: Adding an icon on all pages is kinda annoying and in options I couldn't find where to remove. Had to install it.
- (2023-12-11) Roberto Montellano Cerezo: muy buena la extension. ojalá la vayan mejorando con el tiempo.
- (2023-11-25) Charlie: Works okay, but forces you into the paid extension.
- (2023-11-23) KK: 非常棒,希望作者继续改进迭代;
- (2023-11-23) cl wang: 看了介绍视频,觉的很棒, 正是我需要的
- (2023-11-21) heng huang: useful and easy to use!
- (2023-11-21) Ted Carballoy: NoteGPT API is a very good choice, cheap and easy to use!
- (2023-11-20) Justin Quinn: Used to love this extension, but the bs bait and switch business model is a non-starter. You should have launched a separate extension for a fee from the rip with a free trial, pulling a rug from under people once they are used to using your service is a shady biz model.
- (2023-11-10) Nikolas Hernandez: muy bn
- (2023-11-01) PityOnlyFools: I wish it had dark mode display. The summary page is a weird ugly color.
- (2023-10-29) Reinaldo Santacruz: We're really sorry for the inconvenience this issue has caused. We want you to know we're working hard to fix it as quickly as possible. We've discovered that recent changes by ChatGPT are causing abnormal responses from their system. For users experiencing this issue who want to continue getting summaries, here are three temporary workarounds: 👉 Option 1: Click "View ChatGPT Summary" to open ChatGPT or Claude directly - fetching the summary this way should work fine. 👉 Option 2: If you have multiple ChatGPT accounts, try switching to a different one. 👉 Option 3: Use an OpenAI API key instead.
- (2023-10-25) Sylvain P: it hasn't been working for a few days when going through ChatGPT, but it works fine with the API key
- (2023-10-17) name nick: beatuful service even free
- (2023-10-17) Eghosa Alao: Good app and actually free
- (2023-10-14) Amit Rathod: works exceptionally well so far. Best part, you can save bits and chunks of the transcript.
- (2023-10-12) Mary: Very helpful. Sometimes doesn't catch specifics (probably because gpt doesn't understand what information might be important over others) but still very good.
- (2023-10-06) Alghora AX5: Really amazing, I spent numerous hours calibrating ChatGPT for good video summarizing and transcription by text, and this extension gives me all I need in seconds now. It’s crazy amazing, thanks devs!
- (2023-10-03) Edo: Amazing
- (2023-09-23) Sri Harsha Guthikonda: overall it is good. the popups when i go over the save button to click the time arre annoying. if they werent there it would be 5 star.
- (2023-09-21) Ahcene Boudraa: fonctionne super bien, testé avec plusieurs langues. J'adore ^-^
- (2023-09-16) Pedro Santos: Podia ser melhor. Não ligo pra legendas, nem quero anotações, apenas o sumário do video está bom. Não tem como desativar as outras funções. Eu gosto muito de poder usar meu próprio prompt, abre muitas possibilidades, mas queria ter mais controle sobre o que é enviado automaticamente.
- (2023-08-30) agustin talarico: ok
- (2023-08-28) ll chen: Great, it's a good tool!
- (2023-08-27) Axel Kolle: Satisfactory until all functionality simply disappeared. No buttons to be found in Youtube at all. I logged back into Chatgpt (I know Chatgpt logs you out periodically) but no joy. Nothing happening. Can you explain? And why does this extension need to read everything on all webpages? Either you monetise my data capital or you institute a pay wall, but both are a no go. Uninstalling and re installing also did not work Can you help? Right now it is an inactive and utterly non acceptable security risk sitting in my browser.
- (2023-08-27) Heath Pepper: ugliest UI design ever
- (2023-08-26) Gustavo Steinmetz (Gus): When I tried to use the summarization with the integration with ChatGPT website didn't work, maybe had some update in their website and broke the plugin. But the main reason for my rating is because of the markdown copy. The markdown should contain embedded videos! When you copy the video as markdown, should include the video in its embed version, not just the link. Because a lot of people use the markdown to take notes and watch the video in their notes instead of clicking on the links.
- (2023-08-23) LaQuan Wunderman: Almost perfect, but please add a feature to see all the notes in one page with the thumbnail of the videos, other than the small extension window, TubersLab used to do that...
- (2023-08-22) MABBU GOPICHAND 122010333008: loved it
- (2023-08-16) eswar pentakota: great job
- (2023-08-14) Chris Chris: Not in French
- (2023-08-14) 나비: 유튜브 영상보면서 캡쳐해둔걸 pdf로 변환해서 공부하곤 했는데 갑자기 링크가 막히네요 서버 과부하인가요??
- (2023-08-13) anamaria duenascastillon (mvshub): Great job! my issue camera....Thank you....Peace Out!!!!
- (2023-08-09) Mr Julian Nicholas Taylor: The minds behind this ingenious product have truly outdone themselves. The creators have harnessed the power of ChatGPT and combined it with the capability to take notes, resulting in a product that's poised to become an essential part of your productivity toolkit.
- (2023-07-23) Devendra Patil: Best tool out there!! Thanks to the developers!!
- (2023-07-23) Limber Quispe (Proyecto Level7): Está bien, pero he notado que en videos largos no toma todo el contenido, creo que lo más largo que llega son como 15 minutos de video. ojalá lo optimicen para videos largos, ya que allí es donde le veo mucho potencial.
- (2023-07-18) Hadis Amani: ok
- (2023-07-12) Renato S. Araújo: Muito bom! Cumpre o que promete, não está perfeito, mas está muito bom!
- (2023-07-06) Luyz Correa: very goog
- (2023-07-04) John Rosa: There is no Ctrl F search function. so while it appears to create a transcript. you cannot search for specific keywords within that transcript...
- (2023-06-30) Björn Ognibeni: Just doesn't work: I am on a Youtube video detail page, click the extension and get the message to try it on a Youtube video detail page. 🤷♂️
- (2023-06-30) shuai liu: 为什么有的视频查不出来
- (2023-06-29) 周杰: 设置成中文,输出出来的还是英文,版本是最新版本。
- (2023-06-26) Yuqi Wang: 非常好用!很有效的插件,笔记可以复制为markdown然后粘贴到自己的笔记软件,图片链接也是正常显示的,希望你们能够开发哔哩哔哩的类似插件,他们自己视频笔记功能无法下载图片,如果你们能解决这个问题就太棒了!
- (2023-06-15) Dawson ST.: 请问可以提供一下DIscord或者其他联系方式吗?突然无法使用了
- (2023-06-12) max yu: 非常棒,有考虑总结bilibili等其它网站的吗,非常需要
- (2023-06-09) hbn hb: Very good!
- (2023-06-08) 方江锋: 非常好用,结合chatGPT的秘钥,极大的提高了学习效率
- (2023-06-08) xiaoyang feng: 最近怎么总结都是英文,设置成中文或者auto都没有用。
- (2023-06-06) Wizie WoTBlitz: useless, didnt work properly
3.9717 (247 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-30 /
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