Description from extension meta
Download images from one-click hosting services without external tools or additional 3rd-party software.
Image from store
Description from store
Development of this extension was stopped on January 30, 2021. The extension will function as long as there are no incompatible API changes. The download functionality will be broken when the hosters change their sites.
This Chrome/Chromium extension allows you to mass-download images from common one-click hosters (like ImageVenue, imgur, ImageBam, etc.) usually used on various image boards and websites.
This extension comes fully localized in German and English and does not need any 3rd-party applications installed on the computer. All you need is your web browser and this extension!
You might want to set up Chrome so it does not ask where to store the downloads but automatically downloads them without bringing up the save-as dialog.
1. Open the tabs you want to scrape
2. Run the extension
3. Select the tabs from the tabs list and click “Scrape tabs”
4. Select the links of the images you want to download, or select all of them
5. When set: Enter the download path relative from you default download folder
6. Click “Download images” and wait until all images are downloaded
7. Close the window or start over
It is possible to “shift select” the entries in the tabs list or in the images list after scraping. Simply click a checkbox to set it to a state of your liking and then shift-click another checkbox to check all checkboxes between the initially clicked checkbox and the shift-clicked checkbox to the same state.
There are also some variables to use for the file name or the download path. See “Variables Help” from the images download section of the extension.
Currently supported hosters
Because of Googles automatic service for detecting malicious extensions always detecting the list of supported hosters as a *false positive* it is not possible to provide a list of supported hosters anymore in the extension description for checking if the extension matches the intended use case.
Listing the hosters via the extension’s configuration after installing the extension is not affected by this.
Add hosters
Adding hosters needs some Javascript. A technical documentation on how to do this is available in `downloader/hosters.js`.
A word on permissions
This extension uses some permissionsthat might be seen as critical by some users. Besides the fact that interested users can check the extension’s code at GitLab, the following permissions are needed.
1. **tabs** for extracting the page’s title and collecting the tab ID for injecting the necessary Javascript code for image collection.
2. **downloads** to initiate the image downloads.
3. **storage** for reading and writing the extension’s options.
4. **all_urls** because the extension needs “write permission” on all pages for injecting the necessary Javascript code for image collection.
Feel free to analyze the code at GitLab.
A word on the version number
The version number is actually not only a version number. It is a version string which contains two informations. The first quarter is the version number without dots (1.2.3 becomes 123). The second to fourth quarter represents the date of when the last hoster was added to the “database”. It written in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) without leading zeros and dashes replaced by dots (2015-05-21 becomes 2015.5.21).
The Chrome Web Store uses the version string and displays it correctly (Version number, space, date).
Sometimes the images get not recognized the first time. I set a short waiting period for chrome inserting the necessary Javascript code to the website displayed in the selected tab(s), but sometimes it takes too long. Simply restart the process and the images will be there.
Latest reviews
- (2022-03-02) Zoya Khan: Not working for Amazon Video Downloading
- (2021-02-04) Andrew Ricardo: Sad to see its end. I hope in the future that someone continues your great work!
- (2021-01-31) Ann Fanning: Ahora ya no funciona. Sigo esperando para que arregle esto.
- (2020-08-24) Johnny Gooch: Works great for me.
- (2020-08-18) Tim B: not sure what's changed but this extension no longer works.
- (2020-08-11) Elise Ramaioli: Has stopped working
- (2020-04-01) CanaryClaw: not download pls !
- (2020-02-11) Z T: Works as described. Great for bulk photo downloads.
- (2020-01-14) Stephen Graser: Imgbox %full% no longer retrieves the full original file name that you uploaded. It only downloads the end URL. Can you fix it please?
- (2019-12-30) Stepen liliceng: cant download on imagebam
- (2019-12-14) Gustav Zollern Mäkinen: I works for a few times but now if i download from ( it saves a 5.45kb file named "Previous image in gallery" as a simple file with no extension parameter.
- (2019-09-11) rohdir: cant use it on latest update
- (2019-06-02) Guerreiro Rangel: Muito bom, testei vários e os outros não fizeram nem a metade desse aqui.
- (2019-05-11) Francisco: Descarga la imágenes en alta resolución a través del link
- (2019-03-11) Laszlo Bazso: This is a must have tool, if you wish to download pictures in bulk. I love it! Thank you so much developers!
- (2018-11-17) TPG Celebfanforum: awesome. first mass downloader (not JUST thumbs) for chrome that works.
- (2018-11-07) Web Team: Worked great for Flickr. I did have to scrape from flickr's Photostream layout not Albums and needed to scroll down to the bottom of the page so all images loaded before scraping.
- (2018-11-07) Muhammad Amnan: Not working for facebook as of 7th November 2018.
- (2018-09-11) Only works in very few websites.
- (2018-07-07) Nemanja Petrovic: Not working at all in Flickr as promoted, downloading only some garbage. When extension is cleared it is on only a thumbnail
- (2018-05-31) You Tube: неработает
- (2018-05-24) jqlx: descarga los links de imagebam, justo lo buscaba. Sería bueno que hayan más opciones de configuración de tamaños, nombres, ubicacion, etc etc
- (2018-03-29) Laszlo Szollosi: Okay, I had to turn off "Ask where to save each file before downloading" in Chrome, after that, worked like a charm!
- (2018-03-11) Elena N.: you suggest turning on automatic downloads but you dont show/tell how. Please advise how to do it.
- (2018-02-22) TF Howard: Used properly, will download images from any gallery. Some sites are more difficult than others, but it's there when I need it. Please keep it up to date. Thanks!
- (2018-01-22) Vitaliy Klitchko: It can find images - ok. But ipens a hundered of save as dialogs.
- (2018-01-18) AACrashBurnAA: I like it, but when I download from Imagevenue, it's automatically renaming the files as numbers. How do I get it to just download them as they are?
- (2018-01-04) Miriam Garrity: Downloaded everything BUT the images in the imgur album. Useless.
- (2017-11-30) Alex Vidrine: -FLICKr is CLEARLY LISTED AS SUPPORTED. Tried multiple links/different flickr albums/pages and nothing worked. -Checked off the correct tab. Next page loads and not a single image was listed from the 10+ different links/albums i tried which were all FLICKr ones, which again is clearly stated as a supported site/image hoster but it clearly doesnt work. - Tried changing and trying again with different settings but nothing ever worked as with every one of these extensions i've tried the last hour. -This is now my 6th "image downloader/grabber/bulk image downloader" extension in a row that did not work in any way. This is becoming extremely frustrating because A.) I guess no one can actually make any type of bulk image downloader extension that will ever work. B.)What kind of standards does Google have, if any at all(which it seems), for any developer/ect to offer extentions and apps that dont work. CMON... 6th one in a row! Geez!
- (2017-11-25) David Villegas: Works well, but can't download tumblr archives
- (2017-09-19) Stephen Graser: Used it get my images from imgbox. Took about 10 minutes to get over 10,000 images downloaded.
- (2017-07-28) Stuart Gibson: Only tried it with Imagebam and Imagevenue so far but works flawlessly with those two.
- (2017-07-18) Juan Guzman: Es justo lo que buscaba. Descarga las imágenes y no sólo las miniaturas como muchas otras extensiones que probé.
- (2017-06-22) Kevin Xavier: I tried using this on Facebook. It recognized the links, however, the images that I downloaded (.jpg) were corrupted. This didn't work like it should.
- (2017-04-23) JC Asis: Please update this to be able to capture the update done on IG. This can only save the initial picture of a post with multiple pictures in it. Other than that, it's a really great way to easily save stuff.
- (2017-04-16) Duncan: Doesn't work on Facebook. All the scraped JPEG files only contained HTML.