Description from extension meta
Experience the latest image of Earth from a satellite every time you open a new tab.
Image from store
Description from store
This extension displays the latest image of our planet Earth as seen from the Himawari 8 Satellite every time you open a new tab. The satellite has been deployed by the Japan Meteorological Agency and takes photographs of Earth every 10 minutes. The extension also supports images from the GOES, DSCOVR, and Meteosat satellites.
0.22.0 Update to new proxy, add GOES 19 and Himawari 9.
0.21.0 Update RAMMB URL format. Move to manifest v3 for Chrome.
0.20.0 Support natural variant for GOES 17 west.
0.19.1 Fix Himawari base URL.
0.19.0 Disable unreliable image cache in extension
0.18.1 Fix GOES URLs. Thanks to @mattijn.
0.18.0 Remove d3-request and d3-queue and instead use fetch and async
0.17.0 Add GOES 17
0.16.1 Store large images with reduced quality until they fit
0.16.0 Add Meteosat images thanks to @erget
0.15.0 Add GOES 16 natural image thanks to @TheNeuralBit
0.14.0 Remove GOES 13 and 15 as NASA does not support them anymore
0.13.1 Faster time ago update
0.12.0 Improve animation initialization
0.11.1 Faster animation
0.11.0 Add GOES 16 and animation
0.10.0 Firefox support
0.9.0 Fix web extension compatibility. Immediately load new image when settings change.
0.8.0 Compatible with web extensions for Firefox
0.6.1, 0.7.0: Fix GOES caching
0.6.0: Add GOES 13 and GOES 15 images (see options). Fix issues with DSCOVR.
0.5.0: Fix issues with DSCOVR. Add enhanced images for DSCOVR.
0.4.3: Fix issue with latest date for himawari color image
0.4.2: Fix DSCOVR EPIC base url
0.4.0: Add DSCOVR images and link to explore online
0.3.2: Improve styling
0.3.1: Fix issue with options.html and options.js missing
0.3.0: Add option to choose infrared image
0.2.5: New proxy server
0.2.2: Better layout
0.2.1: Faster loading, offline support
* Loads the latest image, updates automatically.
* Automatically loads images at the optimal resolution (incl retina resolutions). If more than one image is needed, automatically downloads tiles.
* Uses Google's caching to take the load from the image servers
* Caches last version in local storage (compressed jpeg) and immediately displays it when you load the page. Then loads the latest image.
* Full offline support
* Images are drawn on a canvas so that we can cache and load it easily.
Switch between visible light and infrared images from Himawari 8 and images from the EPIC camera on the or DSCOVR satellite.
The Earth always stay centered, thanks to CSS magic.
Latest reviews
- (2021-04-23) Tom Schi: it's usually almost just a full black screen. The Earth is just visible as a very small line.
- (2020-10-14) Josh S: It has been great and I used to love it, but now it won't update the Himawari 8 image, and when I reinstall it, I don't get any image, just a black screen. If you could fix that, it would be fantastic and I'll give it 5 stars.
- (2020-08-03) Philip Bryant: This extension is amazing – not only the beauty of the images but also the rich set of configuration options. I've learned quite a few things from this app. Even better, on zoom, my friends are astonished when they see the opulence of the orb we all call home. Our chaotic lives make it easy to forget how precious our planet is; this app provides a lovely reminder.
- (2020-01-05) Rogério Manuel: vai ser a minha primeira experiência
- (2019-04-22) Manoel Seu Mano: bom,muito bom
- (2018-04-17) Luigi Barretta: I like it but sometimes the image gets disturbed
- (2016-03-21) J. Gilberto Rodriguez Tejeda: Best clock ever.