Description from extension meta
Futa Historia Otomatiki - Kisafishaji cha Historia Otomatiki futa kashe wakati wa kufunga au kuanzisha chrome
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Description from store
Kwa programu-jalizi hii, unaweza kufuta historia na kashe wakati wa kufungua kivinjari. Unapofuta kache na historia, kivinjari kinakuwa haraka.
Futa akiba yako kwa haraka bila mazungumzo yoyote ya uthibitishaji au madirisha ibukizi. Ni suluhisho la moja kwa moja kwa usimamizi wa kashe
Inatoa uondoaji wa papo hapo wa akiba, historia ya upakuaji, vidakuzi, manenosiri yaliyohifadhiwa, na zaidi.
Kiendelezi kingine cha Chrome kinachokuruhusu kubinafsisha data na kiasi gani ungependa kufuta, ikijumuisha vidakuzi, akiba ya programu, faili na manenosiri.
Historia ya tovuti ya kawaida
Futa Historia Unapoanza
Futa Cache
Futa Vidakuzi
Futa Vipakuliwa
Futa FomuData
Historia wazi
With this plug-in, you can delete history and cache when opening the browser. When you delete cache and history, the browser becomes faster.
Quickly clear your cache without any confirmation dialogs or pop-ups. It’s a straightforward solution for cache management
It provides instant removal of cache, download history, cookies, saved passwords, and more.
Another Chrome extension that lets you customize what and how much data you want to clear, including cookies, app cache, files, and passwords.
Normal websites history
Clear History When Start
Clear Cache
Clear Cookies
Clear Downloads
Clear FormData
Clear Histories