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Extends the features available on
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Description from store
This extension is not made by Roblox, and can not be used to play Roblox games.
Roblox+ is a free Google Chrome extension made by me (WebGL3D) that adds features to the website!
Some of the features include:
* Item notifier - get notified when a new item comes out or gets updated
* Avatar page filter bar
* Trade notifier
* Twemojis
There are over 20 features Roblox+ includes! For a full list of features see:
- WebGL3D
Latest reviews
- (2024-09-10) KittyCat Cute: Virker perfekt!! <3 edit: når jeg søker i avatar så kommer det ingen treff. det viser bare ingenting. så det virker ikke lenger så 1 stjerne.
- (2024-03-26) Оксана Кошелева: хоть я и играю очень много в roblox но я не увидел не каких добавлений
- (2024-01-22) Tickle Tipson: Literally unusable
- (2023-11-24) Flax: (FOR: OPERA GX USERS - I am not a friend OR helper of WebGL3D/the creator of this extension, I am just stating the problems that I’ve heard recently of the ROBLOX+ not working on Opera GX.) If you are too lazy to read all this: Opera GX is just not working for ROBLOX+ and the support page for Opera GX users is in a never-ending loading and may state “ Failed to load user data. Please refresh the page to try again.” It is un-fixable as of now. I WILL refer to Opera GX as “GX” from here on forward. If you have or are wondering why you can’t access the ROBLOX+ setting and nothing that is stated; is not working; it’s because of your browser, Opera GX. Q. When did this happen? A. Since the new and most recent update. (July 2nd, 2023 - V. 3.0.0) Q. Have you tried entering the settings? A. Still does not work. Entering the settings? Nothing. Looking at the ROBLOX sidebar? Nothing. Q. Talk on the support page? A. GX users can not enter the support page without a never-ending loading screen, though even when entered it has already been mentioned. Yet no updates have fixed it. Q. Maybe it’s just you! A. Look on the reviews page, and count how many people have said this since the latest update. Plus on the Support page. However, if you download Opera GX, and download this, no need to make an account just test it yourself. Q. Get rid of extensions and downloads! A. Still no, getting rid of the extension does not work; Same with any download. Q. Is it fixable? A. As of October 16th, 2023; it is not fixable. As I’m aware of. And no official video has been made by any trustworthy Youtubers (Example: SharkBlox) So no. You can’t fix it, nothing you can do to fix it, though you could just switch to another browser like Chrome or get other extensions such as: - RoGold by, - BTRoblox - Making Roblox Better by - RoPro - Enhance Your Roblox Experience by - RoSeal - Augmented Roblox Experience by And yes, all the extension creators are verified.
- (2023-10-29) Z: sales count still not showing up even though i paid for the roblox+ premium 250
- (2023-10-24) bob bob: still not working on opera gx
- (2023-10-20) Alessandro Silvestre: It does not matter! Don't download it! They are just scammers!
- (2023-10-14) Jessica Davis: After I installed the extension, nothing even changed. All there was is the normal Roblox website menu and nothing else.
- (2023-10-11) Hakan Köse: aeswom. the me liek it. the is ⭐⭐⭐⭐ fife stars bweş yıdılz
- (2023-09-19) Tara June-Hodge: It's pretty cool but i cant go to home anymore.
- (2023-09-11) Blue Leaf: i like it but it says message number even tho i have none
- (2023-09-08) Đức Minh Hà: It's very good 4 ppl that doing trade regularly like mine (until roblox screwed it up) due to the real time update of this extension. However, right now it's not working on Opera GX btw.
- (2023-08-17) luqman imran: It was ok... When it was still accessible. I'm using Opera GX and it's just the same as other Opera GX users as well. I also have the normal Opera and it's the same :P. Please fix this WebGL3D
- (2023-08-15) Kylian Magnet: depuis la mise a jour du 2 juillet 2023, l'extention est inutilisable, rien ne marche et moi qui a (pour moi) les 3 meilleurs extention qui sont ro pro btr roblox et roblox+, et ben avoir une extention qui ne marche pas me fruste. english ⬇⬇ ⬆⬆ francais since the update of July 2, 2023, the extension is unusable, nothing works and I have (for me) the 3 best extensions which are ro pro btr roblox and roblox+, and well have an extension that does not work for me crude.
- (2023-08-14) Kirya Gambro: Много функциональное расширение для сайта Roblox! Все отлично работает
- (2023-08-04) Jagger galati: I cant open the control pannel. like i hover my mouse over it and it does not allow me to click on it so please help me. thanks
- (2023-08-04) Norah Sarasin: i used this for so long and it is really good <3
- (2023-08-02) The Roblox Gamer: The extension is really good but since I use Opera GX, the new version just doesn't work. Can you please make it work on this browser as I really want to go back to using it.
- (2023-08-02) Lucy Kramer: it was good it was helpful
- (2023-07-31) live akiyama reaction: good if you want extra lag whilst playing games
- (2023-07-20) Scarlet Macaw: Doesn't work on opera...
- (2023-07-19) ___MINEPRO LEGEND___: i like this extension but ropro is better
- (2023-07-12) noobyMoosehead: With this extensions implementation to Roblox's (now) new webhook system, thing's are not looking bright. The extension is rendered completely unusable for Opera GX Browser users, leaving the user left in the dust on an eternally buffering screen. The [RAP] header at the top of a users profile has been broken for months. The [SALES COUNTER] on catalog item pages has become a subscriber only feature, (one a free option) leaving Roblox+ tainted in my eyes. Delete your VIP servers to this junk, because there's nothing this thing can do, that RoPro or BTR can't. With updates and fixes from WebGL3D waning, leaving it constantly breaking. You're much better off just uninstalling this garbage. As big of a technological feat as it was when it came out, every extension inspired by this one has surpassed it by a million years.
- (2023-07-11) Flax: I got a question. After the update (Around; July 3rd, 2023), I have not seen the logo or the settings for ROBLOX+ anywhere. I even checked the sidebar AND the ROBLOX settings (Where it also appeared). I reinstalled it, and still saw nothing! I use 4 other ROBLOX extensions; Ro-Pro (Free), Ro-Gold (Free), Ro-Seal, and B.T.R. Plus I have an ad blocker (uBlock Origin) though I uninstalled it for a bit, plus restarted my PC and still didn't see it! I also use the Opera (GX) Browser. And it never showed. And the new settings won't load after an hour of having it trying to load, even after restarting my PC! By the way, I uninstalled ALL my extensions on Opera (GX) and saw still nothing. While I went on Google Chrome (With no extensions or add-ons) and it worked perfectly fine! Though I wish to continue using Opera (GX). Though I also wish to ask, is this extension SPECIFICALLY FOR Google Chrome? If you have any idea of what's happening and any solutions for my problem or my questions. Please reply. (Any updates to this will be in the replies BY ME, and if fixed I will remove this comment)
- (2023-07-08) OrdinaryTwigx: how do i open control panel
- (2023-07-05) Alan: epico lo bueno que estoy 64 bits
- (2023-07-04) dynomaxth: bro fix the trade notifications please, they still arent working
- (2023-07-04) GABRIEL RAY: how do i get paid version
- (2023-07-03) Rebecca Trejo: it UPDATED????
- (2023-07-03) Ghali Lahlou Mimi Seconde 3: It was good extension until it doesn't work anymore after the recent update that was released in 2th July 2023
- (2023-07-03) angel daniel: ta epica la cosa xd 64 bit necesitas yo toy bien >:)
- (2023-07-01) Danya Ushackov: Please fix the Wear button, which is located in the item's website, it does not work and writes "Failed to wear item on avatar". In general, the extension is very convenient
- (2023-06-30) A Normal roblox player Who is not normal: I cant acsess control pannel it say im not allowed to use it
- (2023-06-29) Lucas Gamesoft: Disse que eu não tenho autorização pra eu usar essa extensão
- (2023-06-23) Derrick Paul: Changed my username and can no longer access the control panel, Good job.
- (2023-06-20) Xeno King: Bro what the hell did you do to the trade notifications they became garbage... even rovalk's notifications are faster than yours revert your coding because it is hot flaming garbage
- (2023-06-15) Zyler Burton: i dont understand how this works ;-;
- (2023-06-15) Ayla: I liked the friend notifier and other features but the notifier is no longer working for me. I hope it starts working again soon.
- (2023-06-12) kiel dador: Loved it, just didnt like how the linked items were deprecated. tryna make CSOM decals right now.. wonder why it was deprecated though.
- (2023-06-07) SkiPilot: Personally I been using Roblox+ for a few weeks and never encounter ANY problems, anyone on the Hatewagon that this extension is bad or does anyone have actual evidence that this extension is malicious?
- (2023-06-04) Hafeez Mohammed: roblox lags my laptop it should have made it accseible from the web
- (2023-05-30) João Victor Crispim: i don't think this was hacked. this was just a error that happened. so don't hear those people that say: "omg im not getting this!!! it was hacked!!!!"
- (2023-05-27) Arel Ege Demir: ben bunusamet karataştan anladım
- (2023-05-23) LadySparkles: so i just got informed this extension is hacked? someone please help me. is this hacked or not?
- (2023-05-20) sspze: idk but a few weeks ago I was told to accept this one update this extension gave me and I thought it would hack me so I just deleted it for a while but then downloading this back it hasn't done anything so far.
- (2023-05-18) hussein alsikafi: roblox is the best because people who are new at roblox say its just one game but acctully its so many fun games its like 1 million games in 1
- (2023-05-13) Oscar Dulak: It does nothing. The only thing that is does is the friend notifyer but that is also on rogold. Not Worth it
4.0917 (7,604 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-25 / 3.27.0
Listing languages