Help photographers recover their stolen cameras and work towards a world without camera theft by installing Lenstag Rescue.
Detailed description
Lenstag Rescue checks images on the web for camera serial numbers. If it finds a serial number or similar information in an image, information about the image is sent over an encrypted connection to Lenstag Rescue where it will be used to help recover cameras flagged as stolen on Lenstag (for free!).
Frequently asked questions
What is Lenstag?
Lenstag is a free photographic equipment registry that creates a public web page if a registered item gets stolen. It's best if you add your gear before it gets stolen so you can flag it as stolen as soon as it disappears, but if your items are already missing, you can add them, too. Lenstag is available for Android (, iOS ( and on the web at
What's the catch?
There's no catch. Lenstag only requires an email address and a password to get going. If you've already registered your gear on Lenstag and have flagged a camera as stolen, then Lenstag Rescue is already working for you.
Is Lenstag Rescue like StolenCameraFinder?
The Lenstag Rescue Chrome extension is a fork of the open source StolenCameraFinder project Chrome extension on Google Code:
The extension was changed to send data over an encrypted connection and is used by a service, Lenstag, that's totally free.
How does it work?
Lenstag will occasionally ask Lenstag Rescue if it has seen any stolen camera serial numbers and if it has, Lenstag Rescue will give Lenstag information about the images to be use in a report given to the photographer with the stolen camera to aid in its recovery.
How anonymous is it?
The Chrome extension only sends data when it finds an image with serial numbers or other data in an image that can aid in a camera's recovery. The data is about the found image and does not contain any text data from the web page itself.
What if I have other questions?
Feel free to email hello AT and we'll answer them. Thanks!
Latest reviews
- (2018-10-10) MINI SEBASTIAN: nice
- (2018-03-20) matt mwale: recover my camera
- (2017-09-25) Jean-Pierre Bahier: Tres bien et surtout pratique
- (2017-08-18) Pieter Ronin: Fabulous job! This is just what I was looking for a long time.
- (2017-05-26) subuloh Arong: good app
- (2016-03-14) Stacey Nedrow-Wigmore: My friend just had all of her camera equipment stolen. In order to try to find the good in something so awful, it has taught me to take whatever precautions possible to ensure my equipment is registered and covered. My cameras and lenses are now registered with Lenstag, and I have installed the Chrome extension. Here's hoping I never need it but happy to have the peace of mind knowing it's there.
- (2015-07-01) Jane Fraser: A great service guys. As mentioned any chance for Safari as Chrome is not on my use list.
- (2015-06-06) Wichtiger Dr. Dr. Prof. Abmahnanwalt: I like lenstag but this extention seems to be causing slow times while opening new chrome tabs.
- (2015-06-01) Pieter Van Hooydonck: I hope LensTag can get really big so thieves wont have any chance!
- (2015-03-06) Aurelian Nedelcu: Good to have it ! You never know !
- (2015-02-24) Michelle Cipriano: I cannot say enough good about this service. It gives me a single place to track all my equipment and sends me updates on where my images are used. Thanks for all the work you put into this service.
- (2015-02-11) Holy Cow! Trevor, this is Brilliant! Lenstag in general is, but to put a little monitor/bug on a browser to look for stolen gear? Brilliant!
- (2014-12-13) Edwin Kort: I hope i never have to use this, but giving a THUMBs up for this.
- (2014-10-30) Erick Reyes: Great idea... Please keep doing things like this, you are doing really great job guys.
- (2014-10-30) Dora Redman: Great idea! Thank you for the service that you provide.
- (2014-05-24) Terry O Connor: I was impressed with LensTag and immediately registered my cameras. Now, let's hope this extension helps find stolen photos as well. Sure can't hurt.
- (2014-05-21) Georg Brunmayr: Cool idea!
- (2014-05-20) Rex Woodley: Amazing work. This should be automatically implemented in all browsers!
- (2014-05-19) Claes Rudbeck: Great idea and sadly needed in this world of cyber thieves.
- (2014-02-14) Michael Burton: I hope i never have to use this service, but happy its there!
- (2014-02-14) Ezio Rotamartir: Lenstag è un'applicazione gratuita che gira su iOs e su Android, supportata da un sito web rapido e semplice da utilizzare. Permette di registrare tutta la propria attrezzatura fotografica così da scoraggiarne la rivendita qualora venisse rubata. È utilizzata in tutto il mondo e aiuta anche a prevenire acquisti incauti, controllando se, il numero di serie dell'oggetto che si sta per acquistare, corrisponda a qualcosa che è stato rubato o ceduto illegalmente. Ottima!
- (2014-02-12) Alex McLean: This is a really great idea. Other similar services depend on search engines indexing photos, most photos are never checked. Are there any plans for a Firefox extension? I would love to help out, but I almost never use chrome.
- (2014-02-12) Marius Andrei: Great job, guys! Thank you for the service that you provide and hope that more stolen gear finds his way back to their rightful owners. All the best and keep up the good work ;).
- (2014-02-12) Verino Popovic: Great idea and I'm glad that I can help. :)
- (2014-02-12) Scott Svare: This will be really helpful if I ever need it, but hopefully not! Great work guys :)
4.7541 (61 votes)
Last update / version
2016-02-28 / 1.4
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