extension ExtPose

Evernote Web Clipper

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Description from extension meta

Usa l'estensione Evernote per salvare le cose che vedi sul Web nel tuo account Evernote.

Image from store Evernote Web Clipper
Description from store Evernote Web Clipper è un'estensione del browser che ti consente di salvare cose interessanti che trovi sul Web direttamente nel tuo account Evernote. Web Clipper Cattura idee e ispirazione, ovunque e con facilità. Salva articoli, pagine web e screenshot direttamente in Evernote. Salva ciò che conta di più Ritaglia pagine web, articoli o PDF e salvali in Evernote. Cattura pagine intere o solo le parti che desideri, senza annunci pubblicitari e barre laterali che distraggono. Personalizza i tuoi ritagli Crea una screenshot di una pagina web, quindi aggiungi evidenziazioni, testo e altre annotazioni. Con Web Clipper, puoi rendere chiaro a colpo d'occhio ciò che conta per te. Tieni i contenuti organizzati Tagga ciò che salvi in modo che le tue ricerche, foto, idee e altro siano facili da trovare utilizzando le parole chiave. Puoi anche aggiungere titoli e salvare il contenuto sul taccuino adatto. Vai oltre i segnalibri Salva URL, immagini e descrizioni delle pagine web sul tuo taccuino Evernote pertinente e conserva tutti i tuoi contenuti correlati in un posto facile da trovare.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-08-27) Not working. Worked for years. Stopped working. Uninstalled, reinstalled, still not working.
  • (2024-07-02) Ya desde hace un tiempo viene fallando y no permite ninguna captura de pagina sino hasta reiniciar el browser.
  • (2024-06-05) 中国内地版用户现在已经没有登陆入口,因为改到另一个插件了。 叫 “剪藏”: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/%E5%89%AA%E8%97%8F/kpjcpmaacfdihmaahddoljcnapcniemh?hl=zh-CN&authuser=0
  • (2024-05-30) Huy Zing: 2024-05-30 Update: it's been broken for weeks and they're refusing to fix it. Update: After rewriting the whole extension, they brought back all the features they used to have, which is great. Still there are some problems; e.g. it only clips half a Wired article.
  • (2024-05-15) Evgen Bitwizard: Doesn't work
  • (2024-04-13) Kristin K'eit: As of 12/2022 or as of 04/12/2024 per the webpage notice from Chrome that popped up on my screen this type of app is no longer supported. "Migrating Chrome Apps to Progressive Web Apps" (See web link below) :'[ (or the BIG crying emoji). IT IS ONE OF THE BEST EVER APPS! I'm disappointed and the dream has ended. It seems like now Evernote will have to create a PWA version? I don't know coding so don't know how that will work/if it will work. Booo... (Previous review from 09/03/2015: It's so great to be able to go into my Evernote and read the article without clicking a link to go online, or seeing a ton of ads in my Evernote! This is a dream!)
  • (2024-01-12) Jim Guo: 2024/01/13 update Today I suddenly found that I couldn't synchronize my evernote app and web clipper. I am still using the older version 6.25.1 simply because I like the old interface much more than the new ones. I found people online saying they also encountered this problem and could solve it by updating to the newest version, but since I don't like the new interface that much, if the older version cannot synchronize any more, I will soon terminate my subscription and switch to Joplin. the version 7.10.0 causes typing errors. when I type a word, sometimes the word doesn't show up. after I deleted the evernote clipper extension, the problem was fixed. Then I download and activated it again , the same problem reappeared. Therefore, I assume it was caused by evernote clippper. but it seems to only happen in Chrome browsers. hope the bug will be fixed soon. 2020/04/07 update: Evernote clipper version 7.12.5 Chrome version: 80.0.3987.163 issue: the App was automatically logged out frequently. and it fails to work in some websites, for example this online dictionary: https://www.linguee.com/english-german
  • (2023-12-15) Cheryl Beauman: Don't know what happened between 2015 when I left my first review and now (Dec 2023), but the Web Clipper does not work anymore.
  • (2023-11-29) Updating original review from Dec 2009! In Nov 2023, extension wasn't working. Removed from Chrome and reinstalled (v7.34) and now working OK again.
  • (2023-11-06) Joss Keep: This used to the best feature of evernote and the ONLY feature I use everyday to take notes on calls and take screenshots throughout the process. I have had to resort to using the legacy web clip tool as this feature in the new app is RUBBISH. You cant continue taking notes and capturing screenshots while in the web clipper. Instead each time I take a screen grab it creates a new note ! which is totally useless when trying to build notes from a training webinar or meeting in one note ! To make matters worse I just found out that the people at evernote have stopped supporting the legacy app, so all of the notes and important calls I thought i had been logging have not been saved into evernote since Nov 1st !!! I'm so FXXXXXXXX angry ! Please can someone advise how I can get access to all the work thats been lost since then ???? Thank you
  • (2023-10-23) Stocks Trader: Tốt nhất trong số tất cả các tiện tích tương tự
  • (2023-10-22) Hc Fu: 登录不了中国区的账号,识别不了了
  • (2023-10-05) Fay Dai: Not working anymore!
  • (2023-10-05) Bartosz Walecki: Sopped work for now 10.2023
  • (2023-10-05) James Smith: Not working anymore!
  • (2023-10-05) Alper ian: geç açılıyor.
  • (2023-10-05) 호롤로로: 아니 왜 잘되다가 안되냐구요~ 동작을 안함...왜이래 유료결제까지 했는데 ㅠ
  • (2023-10-05) 黃奇峰: 無法擷取網頁內容
  • (2023-10-05) Elsa Ko: 擷取功能常常故障
  • (2023-10-05) Mike Kalin: I used to use Web Clipper a ton everyday but the current version is not working at all. Please fix!
  • (2023-10-04) Phil: The Android clipper and app already does not work since 6-12 months and now the Google Chrome clipper does not work (even after clearing my cache and reinstalling the extension) either ! What am I paying 60 EUR / year for (soon to be $99), if nothing works? Horribly disapppointing.
  • (2023-10-04) Eugene Fitzherbert: Current version is buggy and doesn't work and open at all. Please fix this immediately, thank you!
  • (2023-10-04) Євген Храпач: Almost not working. Abilities are dramaticaly decreased for last year. all i can see, it is degradation of Evernote for last few years. less functional and less stable in main tasks but got some new "cool" features useless for me.
  • (2023-10-04) 犹如幻翳: 傻狗你倒是给个切换入口啊,谁用那需要给共狗视奸的国内特供版啊?
  • (2023-10-04) Jim Beckman: It used to work great. Evernote developers don't care about pesky customers.
  • (2023-10-04) Johann Humer: EVERNOTE web Clipper , an sich eine top Erweiterung, allerdings funktioniert sie bei mir seit heute auch nicht mehr, wie vieles andere nur mehr teils! Was ist los? 4.9.2023
  • (2023-09-24) 金晨: Please provide the manual switching control entry for the Chinese version of Evernote and the international version of Evernote.
  • (2023-09-06) Soph: WENN er mal funktioniert ist Evernote echt gut, aber leider funktioniert es nur in 20% der Fälle wenn ich es brauche. Erst vor ein paar Tagen installiert und suche schon nach einer Alternative, naja.
  • (2023-09-01) Kenyore Woo: Please provide the manual switching control entry for the Chinese version of Evernote and the international version of Evernote 请提供中国版印象笔记和国际版印象笔记的手动切换控制入口
  • (2023-08-26) Pat MySecret: This is really simple and effective for bringing a webpage into Evernote.. I wish I could find similar for CherryTree.
  • (2023-08-25) Fabrice GRAESSEL: Excellent outil de travail, mais trop de mise à jour. Je ne regarde plus les nouvelles fonctionnalités tellement elles sont nombreuses. Malgré tout le top des prises de note.
  • (2023-08-18) Gabe B: The clip extension has become increasingly buggy and unfunctional. UPDATE - The extension is now completely broken.
  • (2023-08-09) Rafi Ansari: It's not working. I clicked on the extension and it goes to a login site. I input my password (correct password), and it comes out with a button to continue. I click on the continue button, and it goes back to the sign in page.
  • (2023-08-08) Jay Yuan: chrome怎么调语言都没用,登不了印象笔记。同样的方法在edge上好用。登录的问题是一直没有解决。太浪费productivity了。
  • (2023-08-05) 学徒Aura: 我是国内印象笔记用户,往日里是正常的,但我用的chrome设置语言为英文,然后……自动跳到Evernote,也没得选国内版…… 分家就算了,给个明确的切换入口噻……又要改语言就很麻烦……
  • (2023-07-10) tono OptionalExit: Twitter とともにいずれここも腐海へ沈む。 急いでデータを引き上げるんだ 技術者を解雇したサービスに将来は無い、俺たちは何度もこの光景を見てきたよな? https://gigazine.net/news/20230707-evernote-staff-nearly-all-laid-off/ 警告はしたぞ、あばよくそったれ起業家ども
  • (2023-07-01) Clubman: ログインできず保存不可能
  • (2023-06-30) Harry Pestka: Works like 75% of the time but when it stops working I need to pause my work and restart the entire browser. Not ideal and wastes time but when it works it is nice.
  • (2023-06-24) AASHU KUMAR: It's not working despite all efforts. I have installed app also but nothing changed.
  • (2023-06-22) jair bolsonaro: não usei ainda mas deve ser bom
  • (2023-06-15) Soyeon Park: Great plug-in. Used it for many years. This plug-in is the only reason why I still use Evernote. But I can't seem to login since few days ago. Please investigate. Much appreciated.
  • (2023-06-13) Wei Lai: 要登入chrome才可使用擷取功能... 如果沒有登入chrome就無法登入Evernote,也不會跳通知...
  • (2023-05-27) woolf wen: I find the web clipe always rises some odd exceptions in the console of chrome inspect. All error is point to the sommons.js, plz chech the extension(chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/commons.js). ``` involved code snippets in commons.js: _handleResponsePromise(e, t, i) { const [n,r] = e.split("/"); if (n !== this._guid) return; const s = this._pendingMessages[r]; if (s) { if (delete this._pendingMessages[r], this._updateTimeOutCheck(), i) { const e = l.rk.fromAny(i); return console.error("Channel: Error in handleResponse", e.shortData, s.name || s.message, s.command), void s.reject(e) } s.resolve(t) } else o.ZP.warn(`Can't find request for message ID: ${r}. Timeout?`) } --eroro message-- commons.js:2 Channel: Error in handleResponse UNK/SW_UNREACHABLE isLogsEnabled null _handleResponsePromise @ commons.js:2 (anonymous) @ commons.js:2 Promise.catch (async) _sendMessageToExtension @ commons.js:2 sendToExtension @ commons.js:2 61896 @ commons.js:2 l @ content.js:1 (anonymous) @ content.js:1 l.O @ content.js:1 (anonymous) @ content.js:1 (anonymous) @ content.js:1 ``` I don't think this bug is hard to fix. Another issue, the key '~' can not trigger the web cliper again.
  • (2023-05-25) Дмитрий: Последние несколько месяцев глючит: зависает, долго выгружает страницы в Evernote, кнопка Clipera не нажимается, кнопка Выгрузки в Evernote не нажимается. Пробовал уставить на разные браузеры, везде эти проблемы
  • (2023-05-09) tsuno: When I check in Chrome's DevTools console, it appears that a large number of JavaScript errors are occurring. Could you please adjust the system so that these do not occur?
  • (2023-04-29) Cindy Bahl (Cindy): Updating my review. The bug disappeared after I removed and reinstalled it. All good now.
  • (2023-04-25) Monica Seide-Evenson: This used to work perfectly but now I cannot clip from the web. I use this function multiple times a day, really it's the main reason I subscribe to Evernote. I hope this gets fixed.
  • (2023-04-22) 北大公行系楊臻欣: 這一兩個月網頁擷取功能幾乎無法使用!以簡化模式在網頁上進行標記後,一直無法順利存取,常常讓使用者做白工,希望盡快改進,不然這真的會讓人很想跳槽到別的筆記軟體!
  • (2023-04-15) Irina Kh.M.: Спасибо) очень быстро исправили ошибку в работе расширения И скорость сохранения страниц вполне хорошая. Можно переключиться на другую вкладку, пока несколько секунд всё будет сохранятся. И никакой потери времени) Исправили (расширение переставало реагировать): Когда расширение переставало реагировать, на какой-то период помогало его выключение и включение в "Управлении расширениями" Chrome.
  • (2023-04-10) Kris Khaira: Got an error when viewing a JSON file: Channel: Error in handleResponse UNK/SW_UNREACHABLE tabClipper initCompleted - common.js:2 Evernote Web Clipper should stay out of the way when viewing a JSON file, otherwise it's annoying for developers!

Latest issues

  • (2024-05-01, v:7.35.0) PHP Recruiting: access date rights
    the clipper only works for "reading all site data" but not for other options. please fix.
  • (2024-05-01, v:7.35.0) PHP Recruiting: access date rights
    the clipper only works for "reading all site data" but not for other options. please fix.
  • (2024-04-16, v:7.35.0) Mayte Duce: Web Clipper y el correo electrónico en Chrome de Mac
    Últimamente, y no es la primera vez que ocurre, Web Clipper no da la opción de capturar el correo electrónico. Solo aparecen las opciones de página web (artículo, artículo simplificado, página completa, marcador o captura de pantalla) Además, cada vez que uso el Web Clipper, tengo que refrescar la página del Gmail porque produce un error.
  • (2023-11-02, v:7.33.1) Tyrone Storer: Web clipper stopped working - As you clearly know but refuse to communicate about to users..
    The Microsoft Notes clipper works ok - I will just switch to that, is there an export from evernote clipper to notes.
  • (2023-10-12, v:7.33.1) Esteban Roldán: Webclipper now only copy the entire Gmail inbox
    Webclipper now only copy the entire Gmail inbox instead of just the selected email string. What can I do?
  • (2023-10-05, v:7.33.1) Андрей: Проблема входа в Evernote
    Я установил расширение Evernote Web Clipper в Яндекс.Браузер. Расширение успешно установилось, контекстное меню по значку работает, но если выбрать из контекстного меню "Войти в Evernote" - ничего не происходит. Тоже самое происходит, если запустить контекстное меню на сайте и выбрать "Войти в Evernote" - тоже ничего не происходит. Как мне решить эту проблему?
  • (2023-10-05, v:7.33.1) Trung Nghia NGUYEN: Webclipper en panne
    Depuis hier il ne marche plus !!!
  • (2023-10-05, v:7.33.1) Not Sure: webclipper not working
    I have the same issues as users describe on the extensions page: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/evernote-web-clipper/pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc?utm_source=ext_sidebar&hl=en-US please help
  • (2023-10-05, v:7.33.1) Tom Durkin: Me too -- web clipper stopped working
    Please help!
  • (2023-10-05, v:7.33.1) MD Astronaut: unable to use webclipper
    hey guys - once again, im unable to clip with webclipper. un-install and re-install does not seem to work. help please!!
  • (2023-10-05, v:7.33.1) Jack Perry: Web Clipper Has Stopped Working
    I see this issue has been a problem for about a day. I just noticed it this morning. As with others I have removed and re-installed. No solution. Support, please help us!
  • (2023-10-05, v:7.33.1) Gerard Sullivan: Evernote web clipper
    HELLOOOO?????? Is anyone on this? Please communicate to your users!
  • (2023-10-05, v:7.33.1) Tracy Cook: Web Clipper will not respond
    I've removed and reinstalled the Web Clipper. It will not respond in spite of every action I've taken. I see that I am not the only person with this concern.
  • (2023-10-05, v:7.33.1) Pierre Malfait: webclipper werkt niet
    Herhaaldelijk geprobeerd webclipper te herinstalleren , maar geen reactie bij klikken op icoon
  • (2023-10-05, v:7.33.1) Obasomidotun Ajibola: Evernote Clipper
    The Evernote clipper is not responding at all. I have tried restarting my pc and even reinstalling Evernote to no avail.
  • (2023-09-16, v:7.33.1) Taylor Ren: Web Clipper can now only sign in with Yinxiang
    I have been using Evernote Web Clipper many, many years. Now, I noticed that the login of Web Clipper can only use Yinxiang, your affiliate program for China only. Yes, I am in China. Previously, there is an option in the login page saying "Switch to Evernote International" but no that option is gone. Please help to investigate.
  • (2023-09-11, v:7.33.1) Andrew Weltchek: Webclipper will only copy the entire Gmail Inbox
    Webclipper will only copy the entire Gmail inbox instead of just the selected email string. What can I do?.
  • (2023-09-11, v:7.33.1) Webist AS: Web clipper stopped working
    The plugin has stopped working. I've tried to update Chrome, removed and reinstalled the plugin. Just won't work any more. Please help.
  • (2023-09-06, v:7.33.1) Andrey Zelenkov: Не могу авторизоваться из Chroma.
    Не могу авторизоваться из Chrom. При этом из Safari все работает.
  • (2023-08-31, v:7.33.1) Rebecca Mae Todd: wont install but downloaded
    spam virus
  • (2023-08-29, v:7.33.1) Mary McHugh: Web clipper not working
    The web clipper just stopped working and not sure why. I deleted and re-installed and again not working. Not sure why or what to do. I have it on my bookmark bar where I always keep it but when clicked it does nothing.
  • (2023-08-09, v:7.33.1) Ashleigh Grimes: No button
    In my web store I don't have a button to push to install anything. I can see everything but not install anything
  • (2023-08-08, v:7.33.1) 坂田正博: ログイン
  • (2023-08-07, v:7.33.1) hashi Taka: ログインできない
  • (2023-07-28, v:7.33.1) Susanne Atkins: Webclipper not working on Chrome
    Does not work
  • (2023-07-13, v:7.33.1) Don Woodward: Web Clipper Login fail
    My Evernote Web Clipper won't launch with correct name and password in Brave Browser. How can I fix this?
  • (2023-07-11, v:7.33.1) Amaya Zenaŕutzabeitia: URGENTE
  • (2023-07-10, v:7.33.1) Pintun Kumar Pradhan: An error has occurred
    showing '' Could not move directory into profile''... Why. Please address my issue.
  • (2023-06-30, v:7.33.1) robert willson: Evernote Web Clipper for Chrome
    Hi I have just tried the web clipper in Chrome, it is not allowing me to sign in bia email account. Working fine on Safari.
  • (2023-06-20, v:7.33.1) Lin coln: Web Clipper
    WebClipper Chrome Extension has not been working (for a long while per complaints). Please address your customers and advise when this will be fixed. Otherwise, I will migrate all to MS OneNote.
  • (2023-06-17, v:7.33.1) Eric David: web clipper not reachable anymore
    i cannot use the web clipper. i reinstall it few time but no action
  • (2023-06-13, v:7.32.1) 罗玉龙: 控制台一直报错
  • (2023-06-08, v:7.32.1) Dave Pughe-Parry: Web Clipper
    The smart filing function does not work - it's not a train smash, but it makes life easier and filing more accurate. This has happened once before and I had to remove to apps for this to work.
  • (2023-05-31, v:7.32.1) Daniel Sitek: Errors in console
    Hi, I am getting some erros from this extension in console: "Channel: Error in handleResponse UNK/SW_UNREACHABLE contextMenu createContextMenu" "Uncaught (in promise) Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist."
  • (2023-05-01, v:7.32.1) ISHIDATE Tatsuya (がる): webclipper doesn't seem to work properly in chrome.
    Version: webclipper doesn't seem to work properly in chrome. It seems that it was only Mac version before, but now it doesn't work properly with Windows chrome. The main symptom is the inability to save and synchronize.  Webclipper is currently being used with Firefox because it somehow works with Firefox. I think it's been over a month since the malfunction occurred. Please fix it as soon as possible.
  • (2023-04-29, v:7.32.1) Melanie Millar: web clipper
    Add this to the stack of messages about web clipper not working. Why has it been going on so long? Why are there no replies to messages about this problem? Evernote is useless to me if the web clipper doesn't work.
  • (2023-04-25, v:7.32.1) Lisa: Evernote web clipper no longer working
    clipper has not been working for the past few months, tried deleting and adding bsck to chrome several times...
  • (2023-04-19, v:7.32.1) ananda sarkar: Extension web clipper is not working
    What is the solution for working about extension web clipper?
  • (2023-04-17, v:7.32.1) Michael Harris: Little elephant
    There used to be an elephant that I could click to save a PDF or something to Evernote. It's now gone. Not sure how to use the extension any more. Seems useless. Please advise, it was very helpful to have that button show up. Thanks.
  • (2023-04-17, v:7.32.1) Gregg Booth: Cannot clip PDFs in Chrome browser
    When i open a pdf in my browser the Evernote web clip app will not work.
  • (2023-04-16, v:7.32.1) Michael: Web Clipper is broken
    I frequently have to reinstall the extension in order to actually clip something. This has been happening for at least a few months. It's starting to be more of a pain than it's worth, unfortunately.
  • (2023-04-15, v:7.32.0) Bobby Locklear: Web Clipper not syncing
    I'm noticing that my clippings are taking increasingly longer to sync. Syncing is working between my devices but the web clipper for chrome seems to be behind. Most recently I had 2-3 clippings that have not synced after about half an hour.
  • (2023-03-11, v:7.31.1) Vitali Kip: Не работает в Chrome
    Проблема! Не могу сохранить заметку из Google Chrome.
  • (2023-03-10, v:7.30.2) Jim Signorelli: Clipper not working
    Web clipper not working in Chrome
  • (2022-03-20, v:7.20.0) Yuxin Liu: 你好,请问chrome上的扩展程序是不可以链接国内版的印象笔记了吗?
  • (2022-03-19, v:7.20.0) Yuxin Liu: 扩展程序失灵
  • (2022-03-15, v:7.20.0) ARENAPERSONALFITNESS: Não consigo captura PDF no Chrome
    Meu email [email protected]
  • (2022-03-15, v:7.20.0) Steve Plotkin: Evernote Clipper "Elephant"
    Somehow, I’ve lost the Evernote Clipper “elephant” form the upper right-hand corner of the Chrome browser. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the extension numerous times but to no avail. I’ve checked the extension list and Clipper is running but no “elephant”. Help! This function is probably the most used extension and I’ve lost the functionality. Please provide any help or insight. Thank you
  • (2022-03-15, v:7.20.0) Philippe SHOCK Matthews: Clipper stopped working
    unknown error unk/unk is what pops up when I attempt to clip. This began 2 days ago.
  • (2022-03-09, v:7.20.0) Ron Lysik: Can't install Web Clipper as an extension on Chrome. Win11
    Can't install Web Clipper as an extension on Chrome. Win11


2,000,000 history
4.7271 (129,787 votes)
Last update / version
2024-03-04 / 7.35.0
Listing languages
