extension ExtPose

iCloud 書籤

CRX id


Description from extension meta

讓 Windows 上的 Chrome 書籤與 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 上的 Safari 書籤保持同步。

Image from store iCloud 書籤
Description from store iCloud 會儲存您的網站書籤,讓您隨時隨地都可在 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch、Mac 和 PC 上使用。因此,當您使用各個裝置時,可以切換自如而不混淆。 注意: Chrome 的「iCloud 書籤」延伸功能適用於 Windows。 http://www.apple.com/legal/sla/docs/iCloudControlPanel.pdf

Latest reviews

  • (2024-08-12) Pedro Pico 11 (pedropico11): Não funciona... Não sincroniza... Devia existir uma opção para forçar sincronização!
  • (2024-06-03) Mckay Yang: 2021年9月28日: 谢谢宁把我的书签全删了,恢复之后还全部胡乱复制了一份,甚至名称和链接都不匹配。 更新2024年6月3日: 再次谢谢你,Apple,再次把我的书签删干净了,并且没有给我留下任何可以恢复的余地。。。
  • (2024-03-23) Peter Munk: 05.06.2017 Wird seit 2 Jahren nicht aktualisiert, Synchronisierung klappt so gut wie nie. Safari für Windows gibt es auch nicht mehr in der aktuellen Version. Und die Bewertungen werden auch wahrscheinlich nicht gelesen. Danke Apple für all diese Jahre, aber weiter geht es nicht mehr. Update 23.03.24 Bug: neu angelegte Favoriten erscheinen doppelt-dreifach-mehrfach. Nach 7 Jahren kriegen`s die Azubis immer noch nicht hin. Bleib bei einem Stern, sorry.
  • (2024-02-21) Emily: Fonctionne à merveille. Je ne comprends pas les avis affirmant que ça duplique les signets, ou pour qui ça ne fonctionne pas, j'ai fait un test en ajoutant un favori depuis Chrome (Windows 11), il apparaît quelques secondes après sur Safari sur mon iPhone (iOS 17). Vérifiez que vous avez bien l'application iCloud pour Windows également (en passant par le Microsoft Store), sinon ça ne fonctionnera pas.
  • (2023-10-28) Greg W: So, the iCloud Passwords extension now works on my Mac, so when will iCloud Bookmarks see the same treatment? I use different browsers for different reasons, and I want to be able to access a centralized list of my bookmarks in the 8 browsers (7 non-Safari) I have on my Mac (instead of having to maintain 8 different sets of bookmarks on 8 different browsers), so I *want* to have all of my bookmarks centralized in iCloud. Apple, please make it easy for me to lean the most heavily on iCloud/Safari for my needs.
  • (2023-10-16) Przemysław Sianos: This extension caused bookmarks duplicating on my Google chrome.
  • (2023-10-05) John Lee: This extension suffers from inadvertently creating duplicate bookmarks when trying to sync with safari bookmarks. I haven't been able to identify what causes this problem, but I'll spot duplicate bookmarks now and then in random folders with random links. I didn't like to way it looks and affected my usage with bookmarks, so I'm removing it altogether. I hope that Apple finds a way to fix this. I'll check back from time to time if this issue has been fixed.
  • (2023-09-21) David Bartek: Synced fine from Safari on Mac to Chrome on Windows; but as of the last month or two, it does not sync backwards. My Safari is stuck with an old iteration of my bookmarks while Chrome has the most up to date version. Guess I'm switching to Chrome permanently!
  • (2023-09-20) J D: Tells me to install icloud when i already have it installed. Useless extension.
  • (2023-09-11) YT Cheng: 希望能支持macOS上的chrome
  • (2023-09-11) Ifer30: Been wondering for many and months why I keep finding my bookmarks out of order and thousands of duplicates cluttering up my tab bar. Got in the habit of using another extension to remove dupes, sort, then delete the old ones I had deleted before. Bad idea, I ended up deleting too many and messed up my old system. And are those ones coming back? of course not, that would be helpful. I have tried numerous solutions for how to stop the duplicating bookmarks problem, and nothing has worked. And then I see that this extension might be causing it. Look, if this is the culprit, I am happy to have found it. But also? I Am absolutely SEETHING with rage and loathing. I have definitely spent hundreds of hours into sorting, and lost years of work and research and social communities to this thing, cause I am definitely never remembering or recovering the lost sites on my own. Do not download this.
  • (2023-08-18) Mauro Ebel: HORRIBLE. Mezcla todos los marcadores y los duplica.
  • (2023-08-15) Alexander Tønder: Stay away from this... Glitched up out of nowhere. Started duplicating bookmarks when i tried to delete them. Then it suddenly deleted 70% of my bookmarks and messed up the names and adresses randomly for the other 30%. Tried removing every bookmark from all of my devices, turned off iCloud sync for Safari and reinstalling everything. Still glitched up after that.
  • (2023-08-14) Dirk Weistra: Worked perfectly, but stopped working since a couple of months. Completely removing and re-installing Chrome, iCloud and the extension did not help.
  • (2023-08-12) Florian Perron: Application pratique à première vue. J'aime beaucoup l'idée de partager les signets sur plusieurs appareils, malheureusement, l'application à tendance à créer de nombreux duplicata des signets et des dossiers. Cela créer donc une gros problème dans mes dossiers de signets et me fait perdre un temps incroyable pour tous supprimer tout les duplicatas de signets, duplicata de dossier etc... De plus le problème est bien connu car différents utilisateurs en parlent sur internet depuis un certain temps. A améliorer svp
  • (2023-08-05) Lesley Gregg: Great extension BUT it stopped working recently. I too tried everything to get PC's Chrome bookmarks to sync with Safari on my iPad & iPhone, but no luck. I wish the software writers would fix this.
  • (2023-08-01) Fabián Carrillo: No funciona.
  • (2023-08-01) Ken Camellia: First, its iCloud Password, now is your turn. Good one Apple, your extension literally 1by1 removing from my chrome now. Here your belated 1star.
  • (2023-07-29) J O: it worked for years however it's broken recently, no longer syncs between chrome PC and safari iOS tried everything but can't get it working again.
  • (2023-07-16) Sharrysan LEE: 真的很垃圾,没任何用
  • (2023-06-27) Krishnendu Laha: As with Apple being Apple they obviously wouldn't bother with anything other than workable for other platforms so is this extension and the Windows iCloud app. It works barely and that's all you are gonna get. Want a better experience then just get a damn MacBook even if you don't need it. For people saying sync not working try this - restart your computer and it should work. iCloud Windows app doesn't sync unless restarted. Yeah it's that buggy
  • (2023-06-05) This extension does not work anymore. I am going to keep it a little bit longer because it used to work flawlessly. It just stopped working a couple weeks ago. Maybe its because of an upgrade. Hopefully, after another upgrade, it will start working again. If not, I will have to download Chrome onto my Iphone. That is the only way my booksmarks will sync.
  • (2023-06-02) Austin Taylor: does not seems to be working. i'm getting a constant message to "Enable Bookmarks in iCloud for Windows to use iCloud Bookmarks with Chrome." when both "boomkarks" are checkmarked in the iCloud application and the "With Google Chrome" shows the option to "Remove Extension" (indicating that the application does recognize that it is installed)
  • (2023-05-18) Akash Kumar: Sync speed is slow but it works
  • (2023-05-13) John Fan: 三天两头出问题
  • (2023-05-13) 장재원: 언젠가는 웨일을 지원하길
  • (2023-04-30) Ivor McClinton: Nightmare! Says to install it and when you click on download you get no information about the installation. Just end in a cul-de-sac. Just forget it.
  • (2023-04-29) Robbie.J: simply did not sync between chrome pc and iphone safari.
  • (2023-04-19) Ejnar Kaekebeke: Needed to reboot chrome and my PC, but after that it worked flawlessly.
  • (2023-04-13) Daniel Wu: 恶意流氓插件,把我辛苦整理好的Chrome浏览器书签给打乱了
  • (2023-04-02) VincT: Fonctionne sur Windows11. Après une mise à jour, de iTunes, iCloud, ... il se peut que la synchronisation ne fonctionne plus. Tout désinstaller y compris supprimer son PC de la liste iCloud, redémarrer le PC et tout remettre.
  • (2023-03-22) Olivier Thumerel: Ne semble pas marché sur MacOS
  • (2023-03-21) Gina Sannino: Won't work. Keeps asking me to download icloud when it's already installed.
  • (2023-03-18) Phillip LeMasters: I guess this just doesn't work any more. I've uninstalled/re-installed, I've synced-unsynced, I've rebooted everything, I've deleted Bookmark backups out of iCloud, I've removed everything from Chrome, re-imported, unsynced Safari from iCloud on iPhone, etc. Bookmarks refuse to sync to iPhone. Guess I got to start using Chrome on iOS now. Don't want to have multiple browsers installed to my phone but here we are.
  • (2023-03-18) CJ Saretto: Please make this work for Mac! Its such a common scenario for folks to prefer Chrome on desktop while happily using Safari on mobile devices. The people want it Apple. Let them have it!
  • (2023-03-16) Paul Doychev: It is asking me to enter the two factor authentication code every time I start Chrome - super inconvenient and annoying!
  • (2023-03-02) 宽少: 什么垃圾呀?平板里面浏览器书签全都是乱序,还有好多重复的,一怒之下把我的平板标签全部删了,开发的什么玩意儿啊?现在又同步不了。
  • (2023-02-26) Hsinyv Ku: 令人恶心。不止一次莫名其妙把我的书签吃了。
  • (2023-02-26) spirtkos1980: Дублируются и "размножаются" закладки, удалить их нельзя
  • (2023-02-24) Grigoris Mavroudis: Επικίνδυνη εφαρμογή ! Αυτόματα χάνονται αρκετοί σελιδοδείκτες !
  • (2023-02-16) Daniel Atik: Apple is the best even this. Its syncing good , its working fast and its can make to many thinks.
  • (2023-02-16) Jeff Hatz: Doesn't work on Mac. WHY?!?!?!?! Apple can't create an app for their own platform, that's just pathetic.
  • (2023-02-03) Mindy Midcap: It finally works! There is a minor inconvenience, where it doesn't recognize iCloud for Windows and iCloud for Windows doesn't recognize the extension, but after a restart the problem was cleared up. I have been able to save a bookmark on my phone and it was immediately available on my Windows machine. Love.It!
  • (2023-01-23) Željko Trogrlić: Does not work. "Download iCloud for Windows to use iCloud Bookmarks."
  • (2023-01-19) Mar Nrd: APPLE: BRAVE BROWSER SUPPORT PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
  • (2023-01-14) Florian Maier: Funktioniert nicht
  • (2023-01-13) Alejandro Castro Mouzo: Casi me da un ataque cuando al activarlo se mezclan todos los Favs que tenía ordenaditos en Chrome con los que tengo en Safari.... todo junto y revuelto en la Barra de Marcadores. Qué mínimo que se importasen primero a una carpeta de "importados" y ahí ir viendo como distribuirlos... pero aaaala, todo a la saca.
  • (2023-01-07) Kevin Kaplan: Has worked good for me for over a year
  • (2023-01-06) Sarah Akers: This extension successfully synced all my iPhone Safari bookmarks to Chrome the first time, but then doesn't seem to sync again when I make changes. It doesn't sync bookmarks I add in Chrome back to Safari on my iPhone either.
  • (2022-12-30) Yazan Zaid: I am using Windows 11 22H2. 1) My iCloud photos are taking forever to load. 2) The chrome bookmarks and password sync does not work. The application does not sync in either direction! 3) In addition, Every time I try to open the iCloud passwords Application. The application crashes and exits after entering Windows hello pin code.


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3.3993 (4,117 votes)
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2023-11-10 / 2.3.40
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