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Vous pouvez télécharger et enregistrer des vidéos en streaming en direct au format HLS / m3u8.
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Description from store
Le téléchargeur le plus populaire pour les vidéos en streaming.
Avec cette extension, vous pouvez facilement sauvegarder des vidéos en direct et archivées qui sont diffusées dans un format typique HLS (HTTP Live Streaming), tel que ts/m3u8.
De plus, vous pouvez enregistrer des vidéos directement en utilisant la fonction unique de capture vidéo.
Les données audio et vidéo téléchargées sont converties en mp4 telles quelles, avec la même qualité sans réencodage.
Cette conversion est effectuée à l'intérieur de l'extension, sans l'utilisation d'un serveur externe.
Veuillez être conscient que nous n'acceptons aucune responsabilité pour vos enregistrements de tout média.
Nous recommandons de vous assurer des droits d'auteur et des permissions du média avant l'enregistrement.
Assurez-vous d'utiliser la dernière version de votre navigateur ; nous ne pouvons pas promettre la disponibilité sur la version Canary.
Vous pouvez vérifier la politique de confidentialité et les conditions d'utilisation sur la page suivante.
Latest reviews
- (2024-10-29) magnetique12: Don't download Youtube! LOL Only on chrome, never on Firefox, sad! Doesn't work some sites, doesn't open capture page now.
- (2024-07-08) Богдан Голоскоков Мев-21: Не могу скачать видео с Геткурса, хотя раньше все работало прекрасно
- (2024-06-29) Андрей Илларионов: спасибо, работает отлично, вместо помойного, продажного кококата UPD: перестало детектить поток с твича, почините пожалуйста UPD2: снова заработало)
- (2024-06-13) JoNI DePP: Все видео пишет без звука.
- (2024-06-04) Anno Niem: Works well usually, tabs getting suspended can interfere with it though so make sure you create an exception for it. Another thing I would like to see is an option for it to open it's tabs in the background so that you don't have to constantly switch between tabs if you're after a bunch of streams on some website. Update (2024-06): The current/latest version (2.1.6) is a mess. If you have a bunch of serialized things to download but it doesn't come with serialized naming things get really confusing. It used to open in separate tabs, not anymore. So it gets hard to keep track of what you clicked first. Lets say you have "Part(A) 1-7" and "Part(B) 1-5" to download. This is what you get presented with (and you can't remove anything from the list): - Part unknown [save] - Part unknown [save] - Part unknown [save] - Part unknown [save] - Part unknown [save] - Part unknown [save] - Part unknown [save] - Part unknown [save] - Part unknown [save] - Part unknown [save] - Part unknown [save] - Part unknown [save] Once you have to start scrolling down it is easy to click the same save button twice and then your whole thing is of by one and you end up with doubles of missing parts. Also it puts things in the list even if you don't hit the download button so if you have a look at part 1 and 6 but want to download only part 7, part and 6 are also in the list indistinguishable from each other, you can only rely on the order of the list and go for the last one (you have to pause the other two btw). If you change the settings things get mixed up, 7 could end at the top now (I think). Closing the tab and reopening it by hitting the button again restores the list but starts the download over. So once things are messy it stays messy.
- (2024-05-28) Катя Семенова: последняя версия не скачивает видео
- (2024-05-24) Yisen: 下載的分段串流影片經常看不到縮圖影片
- (2024-05-21) hero nice: The tool has not been working properly since yesterday. There is a problem with the registration. Please fix it I hope to fix the tool. It is no longer working properly. It only records a few seconds of the broadcast. I hope to fix the problem as soon as possible. Thank you. I thank you all. Now the tool works well and quickly. I wish you more progress and success, and I thank you for your good response. _________________________________________________________________________________ There is a problem with the tool. It does not work. Please solve the problem ________________________________________ Thank you very much, the tool is now working _______________________________________________________________________ The tool no longer works. Please solve the problem, thank you
- (2024-05-07) Gibby Nla: **UPDATE 5/7/24. Works again after reverting back to previous version on their part. **UPDATE 5/1/24. It no longer captures live stream portions that have already started and are in the past by a few minutes/hours aka cached content. I really love this extension. Would give it a 4.5/5. Two requests, the extension continually adds the same stream over and over on the capture/download page, especially on Twitch, until the source stream stops. Would be nice to limit that to just a few from what appears to be at least 30+ ongoing stream recording/captures. Also, adding a calendar/timer tool would be really awesome. Perhaps just having a timer to have it stop on continuous network streams when we choose to record a portion of that stream at a particular time and then have it stop recording after a specific amount of time, so that the impending downloads don't get rather large in size. Thank you.
- (2024-02-06) Fabian Wenzel: This extension is wonderful, you can download excellent HLS files with it. The developers have done a great job here. I would be very happy if this extension were also available for Firefox in the future.
- (2023-12-13) YUNSUP: Before closing the tap, is it possible to have a pop-up asking "The webpage you are viewing is trying to close the tab"? It is often closed accidentally.
- (2023-11-28) Nicolas Durand: Doesn't work on
- (2023-11-15) GR B: 최고
- (2023-11-14) Samir Kaddoura: Extension is great but I have a problem, it automatically closes popup windows on some sites, I would like to give you more insight tell me if I can contact you
- (2023-11-13) Malikul Akbar: perfect downloading protect video from but still get annoyed pop-up click ok for every recording video,
- (2023-11-12) Кирилл Граблев: Почему -то перестало скачивать . Летом хорошо и быстро скачивала с геткурс , а теперь ничего не делает ... Скажите ,ч то нужно сделать? Очень нужно скачать...
- (2023-11-10) 高橋謙聡: ニコニコ動画で今週入ったアップデートから、動画が通常ダウンロードできなくなったんだけど俺だけ?
- (2023-11-05) YG K: 가끔 못찾는게 있긴한데 이거만한 앱이 없음. 다운로드 진행표시가 '1332 / 2381' 이런식 앞에 %도 같이 나왔으면 좋겠고 완료되면 자동으로 저장되면 더 좋을 것같음.
- (2023-11-04) Aleksandr. K: Установил и вообще не реагирует на нажатия
- (2023-11-03) 莊小呆(小呆): When the download is divided into multiple small fragments, functions such as one-click download and one-click merge download of self-selected fragments can be added?
- (2023-11-02) Zdeněk Gold: Super easy to download all videos from embedded players
- (2023-10-28) Hoàng Nguyen: không có âm thanh là sao
- (2023-10-24) Red Scorpion: Not work on Streamate anymore
- (2023-10-21) Yuhton Chung: 非常棒的工具!
- (2023-10-20) Nazar Tychkivskyi: Malware. redirector.
- (2023-10-14) Cristi M: Not working anymore. Getting this error on many websites: "Faild to fetch TS, HLS-encryption is not supported : abort"
- (2023-10-08) Christopher Whitehead: Came looking for new extension, since CocoCut seemingly is throttling downloads now. You can use this extension head-to-head with CocoCut, with single thread downloading, and this extension is much faster. You can use the "boost" feature, which is multi-thread download, that use to be free with CocoCut to kick up the download speed. I wouldn't even be opposed to mult-thread being a pro version, as long as the regular download isn't being throttled(which is being deceitful to people to try and buy upgrade). Thanks for the great extension! Don't get to greedy with it though, like the people at CocoCut did.
- (2023-10-07) Panos Tsioris: It does work, and it just saved my a**. Thank you
- (2023-10-06) some jabroni: ALMOST perfect the record mode makes this one the GOAT how ever to some videos i have had to rely on similar extensions.
- (2023-10-03) Yellow Flash: When the extension is used the video starts to buffer and it doesn't download the full video. Please fix this
- (2023-09-28) kamila kamila: Works on many platforms. There's finally an extension that can download whole vods from AfreecaTV with HD quality, without any sound delays and what not. Thank you for existing and never change! Cheers! Pog Clap! Clap!
- (2023-09-24) Светлана Беликова: Куда скачивается, непонятно, и вообще скачивается ли
- (2023-09-20) Deny Y.: Bravo! (a velocidade e eficiência são espantosos se comparado com a maioria dos semelhantes! )
- (2023-09-20) Backup 02 Google: How can I configure to automatically save every so often?
- (2023-09-20) Alexander Regan: The extension worked for a tiny bit, but cut off the videos I was trying to dowload every 6 seconds and didnt complete the whole video. I dont know whats wrong with the extension, but thats a major issue.
- (2023-09-18) War Eve: No longer records streams from most major websites. Can no longer bypass DRM. Makes the plugin useless as it now states "The video may be protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management) technologies."
- (2023-09-13) Samar Bakr: It worked!
- (2023-09-13) Lee Lee: It works!
- (2023-09-05) GregorJan: Good, but doesn't work on private windows. Also videos are sometimes recorded incorrectly - at first fine, after a few minutes no picture.
- (2023-08-29) Lộc: chức năng capture mode không hoạt động trên nhiều trang trong khi đó một tiện ích khác trên chrome store lại hoạt động
- (2023-08-28) 無所謂: Needs to be updated, some sites can no longer cope.
- (2023-08-28) Marian Popescu: Worked for me
- (2023-08-27) David Chan: Very useful!
- (2023-08-26) Davide Felli: it's a bit slow, but comparable to ALL apps in the ENTIRE store it IS TOP OF THE TOP !!!!
- (2023-08-22) Showaker: it works fine....for about 1 out of 5 videos/streams....
- (2023-08-21) Kevin Farlie: Phenomenal! So many other downloads failed to parse the videos I was looking for, but this one is easy-peasy to use.
- (2023-08-16) Patricio1978: NO FUNCIONAAA!!!
- (2023-08-10) Marshall Star: 太牛逼了,加密的可以直接record,下载下来的还很完整,还免费
- (2023-08-09) Travis Terrell: Surprisingly, this worked great on a certain paid streaming site that requires authentication! Youtube-dl failed to find the stream even after authenticating with cookies, but this one worked on the first try with no real effort. Nice!
- (2023-08-07) e p h e m e r a l i g h t: Legit does not work
4.0902 (1,574 votes)
Last update / version
2024-09-23 / 2.2.2
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