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Gerencia os downloads do seu Synology DiskStation a partir do browser.
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Description from store
** Please use the feedback option on the details tab if you are having trouble with the extension. I cannot respond to reviews to help resolving an issue or to ask you for more information about a bug! **
The Download Station extension for Google Chrome allows you to manage download tasks on your Synology Diskstation from within Google Chrome. With this extension you do no longer need to login to the web interface to add a download task. Simply right-click the file you want to download and choose the Download Station context-menu item. After you've added your task, you can follow the progress or pause/resume/remove the task in the status popup by clicking the toolbar button. You will receive a notification when your task has finished downloading.
- Send download tasks to your DiskStation from the context menu
- Manage your download tasks without logging in to the web interface
- Notification when a download has finished, even if all Chrome windows are closed!
- Destination folder selection (DSM 5.0)
- Encrypted login using the DSM encryption API
Having problems? Please read the following:
- DSM 4.2 and later are supported
- For HTTPS you need a valid SSL certificate on your DiskStation or you have to add an exception to your operating system for the invalid default certificate.
Latest reviews
- (2021-04-27) Csaba Novák: Unfortunately doesn't work with the latest Synology Download Station version: 3.8.16-3566. It's too bad. Waiting for an upgrade...
- (2021-04-16) Davide Fiorini: It doesn't work well with DSM 6.2.4, seems login to nas on the browser, login from the browser remains the one of the guest we logged in to in the extension
- (2021-04-14) 吉呈吉佑: 惭愧,用了一年的群晖,今天才知道这个居然有浏览器扩展插件的存在。。。。
- (2021-04-12) Karol Karyś: issue after dsm update DSM 6.2.4-25556 - after synology ds215j update, when I log in to my account via any browser, synology downloader will log me out of my account automatically. I would like to add that the synology downloader logs into a different profile than the administrator.
- (2021-04-08) György Kövesdi: It was fine until last week (end of 2021 march). Then it's stopped working. - The torrent list (in the popup when you click the extension icon next to the address bar) says "An unknown error occurred." - The download popup shows the same error when i click to the "+ Add download" button. Maybe the API changed in the recent DSM update (6.2.4)
- (2021-04-07) Ballu: Не заменимое расширение для пользователей Synology Download Station !!! Очень жаль что редко обновляется. :-(
- (2021-04-02) Weston Weems: This extension was great until a couple weeks ago when it just stopped working. Complains about unknown error. I'll update rating if/when extension is updated to start working again
- (2021-03-28) Alin Liviu: The extension stopped working a few weeks ago and i didn't even noticed. Right click, synology download station, download on myserver. "An unknown error occured". What is going on?
- (2021-03-17) Krisztian Kovacs: Some days ago, after the latest update of Synology Download Station to version 3.8.16-3566, this plugin stopped working. I cannot add a new torrent to the download queue, I got "An unknown error occured" error message. Do you have same issue?
- (2021-01-19) Elsa Claus: Ich habe gerade die Extension runtergeladen, allerdings bekomme ich keine Verbindung in Chrome zur DS214+.
- (2020-12-21) molejado molejado: На DSM 7.0 перестало работать
- (2020-12-07) 逆雨: 开启双重验证的情况下不能使用。
- (2020-11-23) Anton Metrinskiy: it was working, before today. Now it forgot all settings and doesn't save them, while test connection returns ok.
- (2020-11-20) alex kid: how add google drive link ?? I would like add private link share of google drive
- (2020-11-04) яʀ: Funktioniert in Edge nicht. Kann keine Verbindung zum NAS herstellen
- (2020-10-24) Matteo Garbo: Ita: Permetteteci di disabilitare le notifiche, sono fastidiose ed inutili a mio parere Eng: Let us turn off notifications, they are annoying
- (2020-09-06) 吾不射精亦乎: 好用到爆
- (2020-08-16) Diego Buxeda: Muy buena. .Funciona perfecto hasta la versión DSM 6.2. Felicitaciones al desarrollador
- (2020-07-26) Julien SALLET: Ne fonctinonne pas ! " Impossible de se connecter au DiskStation." La connexion avec DSM est OK
- (2020-07-02) 我心永恒: 无法连接啊,好奇怪啊
- (2020-04-13) 朱欣慰: 用起来很方便
- (2020-03-23) Xiaopan Bao: 很棒的插件啊
- (2020-03-06) babass87: Top du top pour ne plus être obliger d'ouvrir l'interface Synology, en 3 clics, et zou, en téléchargement.
- (2020-02-05) Eunhyuk Kang: 좋아요
- (2020-01-08) 易宁: 方便好用
- (2019-12-30) 天江: 很实用,感谢开发者。功能也很完善。想询问下,能不能增加添加种子进去下载的功能?再次感谢。
- (2019-12-08) 快乐的卖萌鼠: 每次启动浏览器,Synology Download Station时不时的就提示重新输入ip地址,用户名,密码,太烦了,而且对群晖最新的系统支持还有问题。望解决,,,
- (2019-12-07) 가인: 이런것 있는줄도 몰랐네요. 편하고 좋습니다..토렌토에서 다운되지 않던것도 다운로드 되네요.. 감사 합니다.
- (2019-11-05) Flash Gordon: auf synology ist verlass! top erweiterung
- (2019-10-25) Jay Lee: 很好用,但是小白不知道安全么
- (2019-10-24) Adrien Labigne: Et ça ne fait peur à personne de donner full accès à son Synology à un développeur tiers ??
- (2019-10-02) 이렇게까지 지원해주니 시놀로지를 떠날수가 없음
- (2019-09-08) Paolo Belluz: L'ho usata per anni ed era un'ottima estenzsione, ma non supportando l'autenticazione a 2 fattori, ora è del tutto inutile, perchè oggi non è più possibile rinunciare all'autenticazione a 2 fattori, soprattutto per evitare di copiare un link a mano.
- (2019-08-30) The FiKUS: Приложение отличнейшее и незаменимое! Спасибо (понимаю, что "спасибо" в карман не положишь...) огромное за его разработку и поддержку! Однако, с сегодняшнего дня торренты, которые добавлены через данный плагин, висят в вечном ожидании, при этом, если добавлять через стандартный Download Station - все нормально качает...
- (2019-08-22) Ju Ouyang: 真的是太方便實用了
- (2019-06-25) Christophe Foubet: Fait son boulot sans problème. Impeccable.
- (2019-05-11) Wag 669: This extension doesn't work After installing it to Chrome, I selected HTTPS, added the correct and working (in other browser) IP address, entered my credentials, clicked to "Test Connection" and received the "Could not connect to DiskStation" error message. No matter what I do with the settings, it just doesn't work and gives the same error message every time.
- (2019-04-24) jose Daniel Soto: Extensión muy bien hecha, a mi me ha funcionado perfectamente desde el primer momento. Destaco el poder elegir en que carpeta se dejará la descarga.
- (2019-04-23) Vojtěch Lejsek: Super doplněk do Chromu, ušetří spoustu práce.
- (2019-02-26) Julien Bour: Ne marche plus depuis dernière MAJ Syno... Merci de tenir à jour votre module sous chrome car cela fonctionne très bien avec Firefox ...
- (2019-02-20) Weng c: Best extension ever but hasnt been updated in a while. It still works with my latest DSM version (6.2.1) but no longer can see the download list in the extension and need to go into the synology download station to view.
- (2019-02-16) Tony Wang: nice
- (2019-02-12) Goem's Info: Très bonnes extension, une des amélioration serai tla possibilité de configurer plusieurs Synology & Plusieurs chemin de destination dans les téléchargement rapide ( sans passer par le mode avancer).
- (2019-01-07) jason wang: 磁力链接提示目的地址不存在,怎么解决?
- (2018-12-13) mores Sun: 아주 편리합니다. 다만, 나스에 먼저 로그인 한 다음에야 정상 작동이 된다는건 아쉽습니다.
- (2018-12-04) Dávid Hellenpach: A legjobb program és nagyon hasznos. Tökéletesen működik, kár, hogy Qnap-hoz nincs ilyen.
- (2018-12-01) Артем Перетокин: Отлично работало долгое время! Но сейчас не запускается. Пишет - Download Station не запущен или устарел. Очень жаль:( НАДЕЮСЬ ПОФИКСЯТ!
- (2018-11-30) 我相信他应该是很好用的,但是我一直连接不上我的服务器。。 The connection timed out. The device did not respond.
- (2018-11-26) Bevis Zhao: 我自己域名的 https ,从来都无法建立连接,改成 http 就能用,只能卸载了。
- (2018-11-04) MorNeo Informatika: Pont azt teszi, amit mindig is kerestem. Ismertebb torrent oldalon a torrent linkre jobb gombbal kattintva be tudom "dobni" a Download Station listájára... :)