extension ExtPose

NAS Download Manager (for Synology)

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Add and manage Download Station tasks on your Synology DiskStation.

Image from store NAS Download Manager (for Synology)
Description from store NAS Download Manager allows you to add and manage your download tasks on your Synology DiskStation NAS right from your browser. NAS Download Manager requires a Synology NAS with DSM version 4 or higher. Features: - Right-click and download many types of media and files (e.g. .torrent files). - Clear all completed tasks with one click. - Choose destination folder for new download tasks. - View, filter and sort all the current download tasks in the extension popup. - Add/pause/resume/remove download tasks in the extension popup. - System notifications for completed download tasks. - Open some types of links (e.g. magnet:) in the extension rather than a desktop application. - Add multiple downloads at the same time. Please note that NAS Download Manager is not an official Synology offering.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-18) Gilad: Used to work great, now getting 'SID not found' error :(
  • (2023-10-08) Tomas: Can't get it to work Added a new user. changed the https redirect still won't work. Keeps saying 2FA Authentication. On an account with or without 2FA Enabled. Trash.
  • (2023-10-02) Matthew N: This is one of the best extensions for transferring download tasks and files to your DiskStation but recently had to switch extensions due to 2fa. It has always had a couple issues that are frustrating. The first is the connection problems with non https that prevents proper login. Its a simple work around, but can be frustrating for someone who limits their tracking/history/cookies and is required to repeat the https login workaround frequently. The other big issue is a lack of 2fa compatibility. If it is enabled, you cant use this extension. Once those 2 things are addressed, I will love back and update to 5 stars! If neither of those issues affect you, then this extension is great.
  • (2023-09-28) jiawei xin: 有自动打开色情网站的嫌疑, 毕竟我装的个人小插件就两个
  • (2023-09-15) 魏鴻利: 目前尚未支援“QuickConnect ID” 和 “兩步驟認證”就很不方便
  • (2023-08-15) Jose Rodriguez: Hace más de dos años que ha dejhado de funcionar. Si alguien conoce una alternativa que la diga por favor
  • (2023-05-15) Jan Sebrechts: latest version no longer works with http. useless
  • (2023-05-04) Michael Hartmann: Funktioniert leider nicht mehr, da zwingend HTTPS zur Verbindung mit dem Synology NAS verwendet werden muss und das im NAS verwendete Zertifikat wird von Chrome als "ungültig" angesehen. In Firefox kann man wenigstens noch eine Ausnahme definieren, um diese Erweiterung nutzen zu können. Schade um die Arbeit, die sich die Entwickler gemacht haben, die dann durch sinnlose Sicherheitsmaßnahmen des Browsers boykottiert werden. Vielleich sollte Google das gesamte Internet als "unsicher" einstufen, dann ist Chrome der sicherste Browser der Welt :)))
  • (2023-03-25) Eric Lou: cannot login
  • (2023-03-11) Henry Zhu: Solution for "Connection failed " error: Replace the host from raw ip address to quickconnect address
  • (2023-03-06) Jakub Velický: For people being dissapointed with the HTTPS certificate requirement, and subsequent trouble using this extension. Here is two possible workarounds. Both with their respective ups and downs. I personaly went with Option B) Important! Don´t forget to set the path to the HTTPS web UI including the port. For example (default port when using https) Workaround A) Before downloading anything through the extension -> go to -> click through all the prompts to continue anyway ... a voiala extension now connects and works (assuming you set correct Username and Password). You can leave the NAS webUI, the plugin will keep working. However, this will work only untill you restart chrome or the computer. So ... working, but inconvinient. Workaround B) right-click on "chrome.lnk" (chrome icon on your desktop or taskbar) -> Properties -> Find field "Target" ... add the following after the last quotation mark: --ignore-certificate-errors --test-type Afterwards the Target field should look something like this: "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --ignore-certificate-errors --test-type Done. The plugin now works every time, even after Chrome or PC restart. However this introduces a security vulnerability, as the browser will no longer notifiy you, or try to stop you, when entering a website with bad (or non-existent) certificate. So the user should be more carefull after using alternative B) Hope this helps
  • (2023-03-04) Carlos Franco: impossible to log in since the only ways is https
  • (2023-02-14) guwon Seo: Time out 발생. 토렌트 자체는 문제 없었음. 전혀 못쓰고 있음.
  • (2023-02-09) Varx: Fonctionne sans problème avec un compte ALLDEBRID et avec le reverse proxy.
  • (2023-01-02) Jerome Dequier: Parfaitement opérationnel depuis des années, avec un compte AllDebrid. J'aimerai une amélioration ... je souhaite fermer les ports et tout faire passer par le reverse proxy. Pour cela mon serveur est accessible sur ADRESSE_INTERNET/DONWLOAD_MANAGER sur le port 443 (HTTPS) et ça fonctionne parfaitement. Je pense que NAS Download Manager (For Synology) n'accepte pas les caractères "/" dans le nom d'hôte. Pouvez vous confirmer ? et si possible ajouter cette fonctionnalité. En local avec une IP ou un DNS c'est parfait.
  • (2022-12-27) Diego Rico: It was a bit of a trial-and-error process to setup, but I finally figured it out. Once it's setup, it works great. Here's what I did: 1) Login to your Synology NAS on a web browser using an admin account 2) Take note of the URL in the address bar and copy everything after "https://" but before ":5001". Note that in my case it included some combination of the NAS's local IP address and the quickconnect ID that I had setup previously. 3) Paste that into the host field in the extension setup form. 4) Enter the admin username you used previously. 5) Enter the password for the admin username used previously.
  • (2022-12-10) 苗洪璞: 非常好,局域网连接失败的话手动在浏览器访问一下DSM,拦截提示选择继续就好了。
  • (2022-12-10) Elias: As already posted, to resolve the login/connection issue follow the advice in Neville Hunt's comment (Dec 3 2021): "configure DSM Web Services to automatically redirect HTTP connections to HTTPS for DSM Desktop" **AND** David Van den Bergh's sub-comment (Dec 16, 2021): "visit the DSM https page in the browser to force acceptance of the SSL certificate"
  • (2022-12-07) Matt Blais: As already posted, to resolve the login/connection issue follow the advice in Neville Hunt's comment (Dec 3 2021): "configure DSM Web Services to automatically redirect HTTP connections to HTTPS for DSM Desktop" **AND** David Van den Bergh's sub-comment (Dec 16, 2021): "visit the DSM https page in the browser to force acceptance of the SSL certificate"
  • (2022-11-29) CL H: DSM 7.0無法使用
  • (2022-11-20) Josef Cupánek: Unfunctional. In DMS 7.x, you cannot connect to IP or Quick Connect. It keeps writing: Connection failed for an unknown reason. Will someone finally do something about it, or are the developers coughing on it?
  • (2022-11-14) Hanani Guo: https导致连接失败解决方法: 先直接在浏览器中通过https://ip:5001请求一次,在弹出的拦截警告中点继续,成功打开登陆页后返回插件输入账号密码即可连接成功。
  • (2022-10-30) Brice MORETTE: Ne fonctionne pas avec DSM 7.1.1-42962 Update 1. "Connexion réussie" lorsqu'on indique les credentials, certificat à jour, redirection https configurée, et la liste des téléchargements reste vide. Il ne se passe rien avec un clic droit > Télécharger avec dl station. Poubelle !
  • (2022-10-11) Touyoo: Solution from reddit : (worked for me) Goto https://<nas_ip_address>:5001 in your browser In the invalid certificate warning advanced -> confirm security exception Change the port in the addon settings to 5001 :)
  • (2022-10-11) Richard Jones: I always go back to this one. I keep wanting to try the "other" one with more options and looks fancier, but it will break if I look at it funny. I always end up back here. Always.
  • (2022-10-05) Ian Stansfield: Works great. Look down to Neville Hunt's solution of setting HTTPS forwarding if you get the connection error, as I did.
  • (2022-10-04) w'alp a: Please allow us to choose HTTP or HTTPS else I cant login
  • (2022-09-19) Mattia Rosa: Perfect! Config is fine (note: use the default DSM login portal HTTPS address|port, not the "Download Station's" app alias, e.g. [SYNOLOGY IP]:5001 (default https port)) You can right click on the torrent/magnet and add it to the queue! Loving it!
  • (2022-09-16) Jackson Huang: Love this extension, I use it daily. Only wish magnet links work inside Chrome. What I would like is to click on the magnet link and have it automatically add to the NAS download station extension. I've looked inside the NAS download station settings and there seems to be a feature to turn it on but I've not been able to get it to work correctly. The best workaround I found is to right click on the magnet link and then select the download with NAS download station from the context menu.
  • (2022-09-05) Quen tin (Quentin): ne fonctionne plus, bien dommage EDIT : Merci Juju Bubu pour le tuto, c'est reparti comme en 40 😎 EDIT 2 : ne fonctionne plus ENCORE, bien dommage EDIT 3 : COOL refonctionne parfaitement !!! pkoi ou comment, je ne sais pas.
  • (2022-08-26) Sándor Pintér: Very good plugin, thank you! It's missing one thing (for me). It would be nice if the files with the .torrent extension on the computer could be added. Could it be fixed in a future update?
  • (2022-08-24) Jose Manuel González: me encanta esta extension, pero sin 2FA no sirve para nada, te obliga a tener un usuario sin ese extra de seguridad y es un peligro.
  • (2022-03-13) Rodrigo Medina de la Paz: La identificación en dos factores 2FA no funciona. Es una pena porque 2FA ya casi es un estandar en seguridad. Si tienes 2FA habilitado esta extensión no sirve para nada.
  • (2022-03-09) Mike: This is a great replacement for the Synology native extension. It has more features, it works well, it's supported. What more could you ask for?
  • (2022-03-08) tdio雨: 局域网修改还算简单。就是改成https 然后端口改成5001 类似https://,如果提示没有证书就手动点击继续,然后在插件上面改5001端口就能链接上了
  • (2022-03-06) Ka Ho Ng: 無法登入到NAS
  • (2022-02-19) Wouter: Connection failed for unknown reason.
  • (2022-02-19) zhang jun: https无法使用,从https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/nas-download-manager/versions/下载旧版本安装正常使用中。。。。。
  • (2022-02-09) Zsolt Szabó: Useful tool, faster than opening DS downloads and pasting the URL anywhere. The GUI could be more intuitive, and for multiple downloads it would be useful to keep the pane open.
  • (2022-02-06) M M: Stopped working,
  • (2022-02-03) Artem Dmitrenko: Почему раньше был выбор в какую папку сохранять когда ты правой кнопкой жал на ссылку торрент, теперь этого нет он качает автоматически ?
  • (2022-02-02) trigor: Ошибка подключения (неизвестная причина). Зачем размещать в интернет-магазине chrome если не работает?
  • (2022-01-22) Marco Papini: L'aggiornamento forzando HTTPS lo trovo delirante per un'estensione che per il 90% delle volte viene usata nell'intranet locale. Peccato un vero schifo.... ripristinate l'HTTP
  • (2022-01-20) Richard Håkansson: Don't working anymore since DSM7 ?
  • (2022-01-20) Samuel Wood: It doesn't work. No matter what you do, it fails to connect even if you have the actual connection open in another tab.
  • (2022-01-11) Михаил Ш.: Сделал, как написал Степан Горянин ниже. Пока все работает! "Я решил вопрос с "неизвестной ошибкой", это решение мне помогло в Chrome, просто я тупой, там же видно, что пакет начал использовать протокол https, как я понял, когда вы пишите локальный адрес своего хранилища с портом, например, то у вашего NAS нет сертификата безопасности SSL и Chrome тупо блокирует доступ по этому адресу. Соответственно нужно в адресной строке браузера вбить свой локальный адрес хранилища с портом, перейти по этому адресу, Chrome не даст этого сделать, нужно будет на странице зайти в дополнительные параметры, разрешить работу на сайте и когда вы уже откроете окно с вашим NAS, в адресной строке кликнуть на "не защищено" , а там перейти в настройки сайтов и разрешить контент с этого сайта. И у меня сразу же все заработало."
  • (2022-01-09) 夜未央: 目前edge97.0.1072.55无法使用,总是连接失败
  • (2022-01-09) yuanzhi zhao: 为啥要强制https啊?????????????????????????????
  • (2022-01-03) Zoltán Zsédenyi: Simple. Easy. Perfect. Awesome!
  • (2022-01-03) MR monkiy: 更新nmb不支持http

Latest issues

  • (2021-09-18, v:0.11.1) ivan: return right click local menu
    there was perfect options in local menu of some previous version
  • (2021-09-04, v:0.11.1) Simon Szarkiewicz: Chrome "Safety check" disables your extension
    "1 potentially harmful extension is off. You can also remove it." Is there a way in a future update you can fix this?
  • (2021-08-25, v:0.11.1) David B: Trusted device and two-factor authentication
    I have purchased the paid version and now it no longer works when I have set the current computer as a trusted device in Synology. With the previous version it worked perfectly. Can you hopefully fix this quickly?
  • (2021-08-19, v:0.11.1) Paul Wilkinson: 2FA?
    Are there any desires to add 2FA to this extension? Thank you.
  • (2021-08-18, v:0.11.1) David Klement: QuickConnect IDs and two-factor authentication
    Please implement QuickConnect IDs and two-factor authentication
  • (2021-08-18, v:0.11.1) David Klement: QuickConnect IDs and two-factor authentication
    Please implement QuickConnect IDs and two-factor authentication
  • (2021-08-09, v:0.11.1) Kenji dev: File not found / console error
    uninstall / reinstall, same isssue DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for chrome-extension://iaijiochiiocodhamehbpmdlobhgghgi/content/index.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
  • (2021-07-28, v:0.11.1) Daniel Christen: DSM7
    First of all: Thanks for this great extension. Works great with DSM 6.2. Are there any problems with DSM7? Since the update i can't use it anymore. Error: Verbindungsfehler (unbekannte Ursache).
  • (2021-05-21, v:0.10.3) Andrew Kozhokaru: 2nd factor
    Hi! The extension used to work with the second factor auth, now it stopped.
  • (2021-05-06, v:0.10.1) Kevin Johnson: Two-factor authentication
    The extension is not working with two-factor authentication.
  • (2021-04-21, v:0.9.3) Christian Mauley: Mise à jour
    Depuis la mise à jour de download station, l'extension ne fonctionne plus Avez-vous prévu une mise à jour de l'extension ? Merci d'avance de votre travail et votre réponse, cordialement Christian
  • (2021-04-08, v:0.9.3) Rick Maybury: Adding torrent causes DSM logout of web browser
    Using DSM via Chrome on same computer (logged in with an admin account). When you add a torrent (click link or copy link and manually add) it logs out the DSM session with the message "Sorry, this user account has not been assigned proper privileges to perform this action".
  • (2021-03-28, v:0.9.3) florin cogean: I think this plugin is almost dead, if you running on BigSur...
    I can't make it work, but it's working fine on my iMac with Calatina installed...
  • (2021-03-17, v:0.9.3) Christian Mauley: Synology download manager
    Impossible de l'utiliser depuis la dernière mise à jour download station, rien de se passe
  • (2021-03-17, v:0.9.3) Alexandra Pataki: "Invalid parameter" error
    Synology DS works well, if I add the link manualy, but if I use the left click menu Download with DownloadSation I get this error. I uninstalled, and reinstalled both the addon and the synology client.
  • (2021-01-31, v:0.9.1) Chris Jones: Different Download folder option
    It would be nice if there was a way to change what folder a download went to. It would be REALLY nice if there was a way to add shortcuts to regularly used folders, like the folders in my Plex media library. The other download station extension at least offers the option for an "advanced" download, where you can specify some other destination.
  • (2021-01-01, v:0.9.0) Solo Midou: للايعملل
    لايريدد اللتتبيت
  • (2020-01-08, v:0.6.4) Caleb Codling: Failed to add Download
    I installed, tested connection ok, tryed to download and only get Failed to add Download No default destination except default destination IS set.
  • (2019-12-11, v:0.6.4) Михаил Ковшиков: 2 факторная аутентификация
    как пройти 2х факторную аутентификацию
  • (2019-11-12, v:0.6.4) Shawn Osborne: Can you please add a "Clear Finished Tasks" option on far left side?
    Hello Sir, Can you please add a "Clear Finished Tasks" option on far left side? Same as in the other no longer updated "Synology Download Station Extension" from the other developer? Thank-you for keeping this extension updated. Shawn
  • (2019-10-04, v:0.6.1) Sam Lowry: Download location?
    Just installed this. Works great, but I wasn't given an option where I want the download to go. Is there a setting I'm missing?
  • (2019-05-21, v:0.5.7) Bizz Attitude: NOT WORKING
    Hi mate! Is the application still working? i have this beautiful extension stopping running and do not even let me save my config. Please advice. Thanks Philippe
  • (2019-02-12, v:0.5.4) Dimitris Tzevelekos: Not working
    Hi I am on latest version of Chrome and trying this extension seems its not working. Option brings an empty window, it seems there are no option to configure it.
  • (2019-01-01, v:0.5.4) Not working
    Hello, I'm running Chrome 71.0.3578.98 and it doesn't work any more somehow. It did fine before but now I only get a white rectangle when I click on the button. Also, I got nothing in the extention's option popin from the extention manager and any attemp to start a download by right-clicking a link result in a bottom right corner notification that tells me to check my settings. And my NAS works fine. Thanks.
  • (2018-08-03, v:0.5.4) Adding Multiple Downloads
    Awesome extension! Very useful and I love the fact that it's open source. I can see from your GitHub page, that you've looked into adding multiple download support. I'd just like to say that I'd really appreciate that feature! As it is now, I select and copy a list of download URLs, then paste them in the Download Station Add Task/Enter URL dialog box. Ideally I would love to be able to select a list of URLs, right click and select Download with DownloadStation and have all the URLs sent to Download Station.
  • (2018-04-06, v:0.5.4) Kevin Vandenheede: Connecting
    can't seem to connect to my account. I have tried multiple possible hostnames xxx.quickconnect.to, quickconnect.to/xxx http and https without succes.
  • (2017-12-17, v:0.4.1) Oscar Norberg: Select download location
    It would be great if you could select the download location in the dropdown menu. As it is now, it is downloaded to default directory. The best would be if a few predefined locations could be added. Thanks for a great extension!
  • (2017-11-16, v:0.3.1) Yohann Juge: Adding feature
    It's possible to add : - "play", "pause" and "stop" buttom for all torrent ? - a view of global upload / download spped ? Thanks a lot for your extension !


40,000 history
3.05 (180 votes)
Last update / version
2023-09-14 / 0.12.2
Listing languages
