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Infinity New Tab Pro allows you to customize your New Tab page
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Description from store
Infinity New Tab (Pro) replaces the original new tab with your saved bookmarks and offers a variety of quick and useful features.
After installing this extension, you can use the following features:
1. Customize the icon as a website bookmark on your new tab page. When you custom add a bookmark, the title of the website is automatically crawling, which requires the permission of "Read and change all the data from the website you visited".
2. Customize the wallpaper on your new tab page.
3. Customize the search engine on your new tab page
4. Read and display the number of unread emails on your Gmail icon;.Show a notification when there is a new Gmail email;
5. Read and display the bookmarks of your Chrome;
6. Read and display or manage your history after your permission;
7. Read and display or manage your Chrome extensions and apps;
8. Read and display the websites you visit most often at the top bar;
9. Use the weather, to-do items, and notes features we provide in the sidebar.
10. Log in with a third-party account (Google, Facebook, WeChat, Weibo, QQ) to back up and sync your data.
11. Generate your bookmarks as shareable web pages for use on mobile devices or share with others.
12. You can receive notifications from us.
Latest reviews
- (2025-01-11) Сергей Головко: Разобрался со всеми проблемами и настроил по себя. Все работает, и на лету синхронизируется. Пока что альтернативы не вижу. Разрабам зачёт.
- (2024-11-16) 蔡丞恩: 用了以後已經回不去原本的新分頁了!! 好好用,能自訂的功能真的很多耶!
- (2024-11-09) Abdalbaset Mohammad Alkafaje: حقيقه اضافه قمة الروعه والاداء وانا استخدمها منذ سنوات 🌷 توفير للوقت وتغيير شكل المتصفح الى شكل ثاني 🌷 بس ياريت لو هذه الاضافه تدعم اللغه العربيه !؟
- (2024-10-27) Andrási Béla: Nagyon kényelmes a használata. Csak a bejelentkezési adatokat kell megjegyezni, és nem vesznek el soha a beállítások, mert a szinkronizálással előhívhatók.
- (2024-09-23) Jerry Suppan: An excellent new tab extension which increases productivity and allows customized organization and quick access to most used browser resources. Improvements Request * Drag and drop URLs to set a new speed dial. * Spped dial Text titles to wrap around to two (2) lines. * Infinity's notes application to be improved to allow drag and drop highlighted text, image, etc. Currently I Infinity notes only allows copy/cut - paste.
- (2024-09-15) Frederico Silva: Fora de série!! Fantástico!!!! Uma das melhores apps para o browser! Tudo organizado, sempre à mão. Já uso há mais de 4 anos, não vivo sem!
- (2024-07-30) 恒源祥: 24.7.30chrome提示: 此扩展程序可能很快将不再受支持 请移除此扩展程序,或将其替换为 Chrome 应用商店中的类似扩展程序
- (2024-06-19) Weber Hong: 2022.07.24评论: 从来不喜欢评论,不喜欢打分 但是这个插件真的是非常实用,值得认真为她写一段评论,5星好评 强烈推荐,希望能够一直做下去 2024.06.19更新 从5星改成1星。现在疯狂推他那个什么gpt套壳的能力 好好做你的核心功能,引入这些乱七八糟不着边的东西 还一直疯狂弹窗让你买 我特么能不能单独付费,你别弹窗推广你的套壳“AI”了
- (2024-06-19) 如你所愿
- (2024-06-04) Girsea Martinez Rosas: Its the best thing. As a visual learner with ADHD, i like that I can customize the icon image to use an image that my eyes will recognize. Its even better that you can change the spacing of the icons and size.
- (2024-06-03) Kai “Benares”: 神中之神
- (2024-06-02) Xavier: Totally free and customizable, worth a 5 star.
- (2024-05-29) 李明煜: 非常好用
- (2024-05-24) Peter Nilsson: Haft der i många år, snabbt o enkelt
- (2024-05-17) Walter: very nice!
- (2024-05-16) 胡成饶: 好的
- (2024-05-10) Mizael San: Wow lo mejor de lo mejor con esta plataforma 100% recomendable, felicidades por tan buen trabajo!! PERO AHORA ME SALE ESTO EN CHROME !! "Estás utilizando una marca de línea de comandos no admitida: --extensions-on-chrome-urls. Esto afectará la estabilidad y la seguridad" puede aparecer cuando se usa un modificador de la línea de comandos en el acceso directo de Chrome.
- (2024-05-08) Neal Xu: 用了五六年,很好用
- (2024-05-06) Ayu: 很棒很棒
- (2024-05-02) 烟雨平生: 非常好用的插件。
- (2024-04-29) tao wei: 很实用插件
- (2024-04-26) Danny Li: 自从加了个啥破AI之后,每次完全关闭了chrome浏览器后,新开浏览器的时候,就出现白屏页面好几秒,才会再加载出infinity的界面。咋解决啊啊啊啊
- (2024-04-23) rəsul: perfectttt
- (2024-04-23) 高强: 界面简洁友好易用,功能丰富
- (2024-04-19) 江sir爱数码: 非常好,一直在用,必安的插件。(另外手机端竟然也可以用,Safari和chrome都有)
- (2024-04-10) Roozbeh Imani: This is Great!
- (2024-04-09) Avi Wasserman: Gets the job done. The options I was specifically looking for are present. I wish it supported it Manifest V3
- (2024-04-04) Tharun Ragumar: very convenient and can be personalized in every possible aspect i love it
- (2024-04-03) 乌拉那拉纯元: 超级好用,推荐。
- (2024-04-01) Lucky_ Mine: 非常好用
- (2024-03-26) blsny: 很棒
- (2024-03-23) 火星原住民: 非常好用,界面干净,还可以自定义背景和图标图。即使是没有收录过,自行手动添加的网站,也可以识别出网站logo,活着上传自己手动制作的logo图标,强迫症福音。并且支持很多浏览器,同步书签也非常方便。
- (2024-03-21) dalong chen: 非常好用
- (2024-03-18) 如允欢: 使用体验很好
- (2024-03-15) 董学凯: 非常好用,提高了工作效率
- (2024-03-14) Eren YeagerGuo: 好用-可以多平台同步就是讚
- (2024-03-14) Sangcheol Lee (사월독도): 정말 좋습니다. 조금만 보완된다면 더 좋을 듯 해요. 1. 사이트 추가를 북마크에서 여러개 또는 폴더채 끌어다 놓는 기능 2. 사이트 추가 시 사이트에 설정된 favicon을 기본으로 사용
- (2024-03-10) J S: Отличный лаунчер для стартовой страницы. Симпотный, пластичный, можно понапихать укчу шорткатов для сайтов)) Предложка для разрабов - хорошо бы иметь кнопку "добавить сайт" на стартовую страницу, чтобы не приходилось каждый раз лезть в боковое меню.
- (2024-03-10) Abdulkadir Maula: At the beginning I was Underestimating The Extension,But lately after using I found Out Many Of the Capability of The Extension To be honest This Extension Has No Problem.
- (2024-03-09) abdo mohamed: good
- (2024-03-06) Katerina: удобно и самое главное гибкие настройки визуала (для тех, кого вечно раздражают дефолтные пестрые иконки), спасибо!
- (2024-03-05) Jack Hu: nice
- (2024-03-04) Souvent Su: 非常好用!换电脑也不会换这个,解决了多系统,多终端,不同浏览器的同步问题
- (2024-03-01) Joey Rcy (Rcy): 太棒了,爱你
- (2024-02-29) 小石榴真香: 很好用
- (2024-02-27) Haoran Li: 简洁干净,同步功能也好用
- (2024-02-25) Bruno Dragoni: Hello, The wallpapers that I change daily are mostly very artistic. But how do I know the name of the place where the photo was taken? thanks
- (2024-02-24) XXX COVEN: 非常好
- (2024-02-19) BigBean Qian: 免费使用pro版本,非常喜欢,如果今后收费希望不要太贵 ----------------------- 最近使用老是挂掉,浏览器崩溃,什么情况啊
- (2024-02-17) 佐藤慎一: 省力化