extension ExtPose

Calculatrice Amazon FBA gratuite par AMZScout

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Description from extension meta

La calculatrice FBA affiche les frais d'Amazon, les marges de vente, les revenus et le bénéfice net du produit et son utilisation…

Image from store Calculatrice Amazon FBA gratuite par AMZScout
Description from store Vous avez la possibilité de calculer les frais Amazon FBA pour des valeurs telles que les « Frais FBA », le « Volume des ventes », la « Marge » et le « Revenu », pour estimer votre bénéfice net et la rentabilité des investissements. Qu’est-ce qui vous intéresse en premier lieu lors du choix d’un produit pour la vente? Sa rentabilité bien sûr! Ouvrez simplement une page Amazon sur laquelle figure qeulque chose qui vous intéresse, cliquez sur le bouton Calculatrice FBA dans l’angle supérieur droit de votre navigateur, et quelques secondes plus tard vous obtenez le calcul de la rentabilité du produit. Grâce à l’extension vous verrez immédiatement les frais FBA pour le produit, ses dimensions, poids, prix, volume mensuel prévu des ventes et la date de son apparition sur la plateforme Amazon. Saisissez simplement le prix unitaire au tarif de gros, le coût du transport, le prix d’un clic pour la publicité et le montant de l’impôt, et AMZScout calculator vous montrera immédiatement si la vente de ce produit est judicieuse! À l’aide de cette calculette de revenu, il est possible de calculer la marge, la rentabilité des investissements et, le plus important, le revenu mensuel moyen envisageable. En tant que vendeur, vous êtes probablement intéressé par le contenu des commissions pour vérifier la rentabilité du produit. Laissez Amazon gérer l'exécution de vos ordres et laissez le Calculator calculer vos commissions. Vous pourrez obtenir des renseignements sur le coût mensuel de stockage, les dépenses de conditionnement et de récompense pour l’envoi de clients. Vous pouvez utiliser cette calculatrice pour les places de marché Amazon aux États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni, au Canada, en Allemagne, au Japon, en France, en Italie, en Espagne, au Mexique, en Inde, aux Émirats arabes unis, en Arabie saoudite, en Australie et au Brésil. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous contacter par courriel à l’adresse : [email protected].

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-31) Mert Ayhan: Hi support. The tool is good. I like it.
  • (2023-06-26) Daniel F: Fee calculator is inaccurate: NET MARGIN % is blatantly wrong, be ware!
  • (2023-04-05) Jurgen Raps: Paньше рaботaло хорошо, но теперь не рaботaет кнопкa "Find supplier on Alibaba with image search". После нaжaтия просто перекидывaет нa aлибaбу с белой кaртинкой.
  • (2022-10-30) Dave: Great tool with great support team!
  • (2022-08-30) Sandra ToyAmazon: I need more time to provide more than a few words, but it is great tool for the starter. Thank you!
  • (2022-08-29) Lana: An amazing service and tool. Really love it!
  • (2022-07-27) Sun: Hi team, this tool is simple, but had useful info for fast results. Thank you from me and my team!
  • (2022-07-15) 范学丰: The operation is very easy, the data is accurate, using this tool can be quickly familiar with the market situation
  • (2022-03-31) Enriqueta Sanches: Just made a few searches, but it was useful for me to find more details about the product. Easy to use
  • (2022-02-27) Mattia Boscolo: Nice tool that helps a lot. What is more important - it's easy to use.
  • (2021-12-28) DeShawn CAmazon: Helpful!
  • (2021-11-28) Blue Presley: This is absolutely the worst and most intrusive extension I've ever installed. So much so, I reported it to Google through their "Report "Abuse" form. I gave you permission to show me data related to products I was viewing. I did not give you permission to completely commandeer my entire user experience. This extensions adds headers, footers, modal popups, etc, all over Amazon with annoying frequency. It's worse than the POP ups from the early 2000s. Some of the ways they alter amazon pages, you are actually clicking on one of their alterations when you think you're clicking on official Amazon content, and ultimately that takes you to their pricing page. Shame on you. I will never use or support any product or service by this company. The practices are at least deceptive, if not illegal. This is basically malware. Installer beware.
  • (2021-11-27) Putnik Mary: Great tool for the beginner like me. Like it
  • (2021-10-30) Soma Ovus: Good tool. I would use it again. All the data together, convenient
  • (2021-10-01) Svetlana: I find it very helpful. Would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to sell on Amazon.
  • (2021-09-21) Den AmazonBoss: I checked it a few times and want it totally. Useful and correct data. Thank you team!
  • (2021-09-10) Victor Hernandez: Dangerous extension to use. I do cyber forensics for a living and found the AMZscouts extensions to user google analytics and other mechanisms to communicate back to an api server data regarding the products you are viewing. It looks like they harvest your data and sell it back to other people. Totally not cool.
  • (2021-08-30) Shoaib Ahmed: A really good extension, just what I needed to calculate product profitability!
  • (2021-08-30) Рустам Рустамов: Здравствуйте, хорошее расширение, пользуюсь вместе с коллегой, рекомендую.
  • (2021-08-30) Петр Иванов: It is very useful and nice tool! Like it!
  • (2021-08-27) Andy: Good job one, hope it helps my business up!
  • (2021-08-26) 严萍: use so good! love it!!
  • (2021-08-19) Istreet Distribution: Extremely useful tool that is easy to use. 10/10, would recommend!
  • (2021-08-13) Ivan: Just starting out with Amazon and so far it's been very helpful to see how much profit I can make on a given product.
  • (2021-08-11) Marija Lanč: I found the calculator really useful to understand which costs I should be taking into account when setting the price. Super user friendly!
  • (2021-07-05) Yasmin Avalos Arenas: Venia funcionando muy bien, pero de repente dejó de funcionar, siempre sale este anuncio: "Sorry, Amazon doesn't provide information about fees for this product".
  • (2021-07-02) Mr. M: You know the saying what you pay for is what you get. That holds true for this software! the calulations are off. I would not use this extension other than for a good laugh. The fees are way off and you can loose a lot of money. The amazon revenue calcualtor is more accurate than this extension. Do your self a favor and invest in good tools to run your amazon bussiness.
  • (2021-05-19) akshay Thakran: hi this is (JOHN) This is a great tool, its a quite easy and simple to use as compare to other product research tool. it also provide some extra feature like neache finder, which is a great tool. i like it .
  • (2021-05-14) Marilyn Burton: I think this is very useful! I used this tool to help with all areas of my listing and was able to get to the first page in no time competing with the number one seller and succeeding!
  • (2021-03-28) Irfan Awan: Doesn't work for Australian market
  • (2021-03-24) Xiao Li Hung: Hi! I checked it a few times and find it pretty easy to use. Great interface and hope that I got correct info there. I would add more details later, if I have something to add. Thank you!
  • (2021-01-28) Antonio F: It is very comfortable to check all the data about FBA. Would continue checking it and add review later.
  • (2021-01-03) kashif syed: Doesn't work at all.
  • (2020-12-30) Valentin Benz: Nice tool. Useful
  • (2020-12-25) AKASH GARG: This calculator gives the approximation idea of about how much we are going to pay FBA and how much we will get from the item, U should give a try.
  • (2020-12-21) Shaon Mohammed: Just purchased the AMZScout annual plan, so far everything seems to running fine. I'll edit the review or add a new one later if I feel the need to.
  • (2020-12-17) Mary Jones: I’m really impressed by Amazon FBA Calculator performance. The information provided is clear and useful. Great tool! Highly recommended.
  • (2020-10-29) Brett Smith: Wow! Cool!
  • (2020-10-13) Maria Fernanda: no funciona, en ningun producto arroja información. Aparecen anuncios a cada rato y no te permiten navegar en amazon, la cuenta cierra sesión automáticamente. Pesimo.
  • (2020-10-10) yidong li: 一般,安装后把我的浏览器全都刷新了,真是太过分了
  • (2020-10-08) Willi Rehmann: Super nervige Werbung, sodass man gar nicht mehr vernünftig auf Amazon surfen kann. Anzeigten Umsatzzahlen jenseits von gut und böse. Bei meinen eigenen Produkten wird einfach der 10x Umsatz angezeigt. Jedes zweite mal funktioniert das Tool auch einfach gar nicht. Eine Frechheit dafür Geld zu verlangen!!
  • (2020-10-03) A N: 1 Sentence: Constant Pop-Ups and Advertisements. Bye.
  • (2020-09-26) Alex None: Отличное приложение! Все удобно и понятно! Разработчики молодцы!
  • (2020-09-02) Nacy Lesford: This company is stole my Private label idea. Me and my co-worker found one of their devlopers who is also an amazon seller on one of our private label product 6 months ago. His linkedin profile is friends with the owner of the software. Buyer beware. This is a russian company and they have no ethics. They steal your data and products.
  • (2020-08-20) khinethuthu zaw: A great tool to track the sales and inventory data and it's user friendly.
  • (2020-07-31) Stanly Cooper: Like it! Great!
  • (2020-07-27) Roberto Auriemma: Very annoying pop-ups... they try to sell you something for every research you do and for every refresh of the page. Crazy, give us a break and get back to the original model!
  • (2020-07-20) Owen Barnes: This extension used to be okay for occasional product checks however at this time even #1 on BSR are showing a 1 sale per month! On the positive side, the adverts still work ;)
  • (2020-04-03) WELLREAL UG: Мне понравилось это приложение. Удобное и полезное!
  • (2020-04-02) Angie Ar: It's very good, It´s easy to use. Thank you


100,000 history
4.188 (367 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-04 / 4.5.2
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