extension ExtPose

Todo Tab

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Description from extension meta

A privacy-first todo list

Image from store Todo Tab
Description from store Yes! We care about your privacy. We never look into your task list or browser history. Along with the standard to-do list, we are introducing a feature called colouring coded labels. This feature helps you to recognise as well as recall your task faster. If you are someone who spends most of the time with the browser, this is for you! Install and stay productive! - Featured on Product Hunt & LifeHacker Japan. Like this tool? Help it stay alive – https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jaisonjustus

Latest reviews

  • (2021-10-11) Rehan Ahmed: I really love the extension and the design so rating it 5 stars - but going to uninstall it right now because I regularly use the New Tab page to access my bookmarks quickly. Is there a way you can still display them or add a bookmark bar or have a separate section showing my bookmarks? Would definitely enable it again.
  • (2021-06-15) iforklds fsidock: simple and handy ;) PS: with dark mode it will be perfect
  • (2021-03-17) Sakina R.: I was just wondering if it is possiple to change the color of the background of my tasks for the day. This is exactly what I was looking for. THANKYOU!!!!
  • (2021-03-16) Philippe T: Love this! super efficient!
  • (2021-01-04) Aliaksei Kislou: Great extension, simple and useful. Came back after hours of digging for alternatives with customizable background. Would be great if it had such option or/and dark mode.
  • (2020-12-12) Rugnar Lodbrok: просто и удобно
  • (2020-12-10) Jukka Hautakorpi: Suddenly lost all tasks, whole list was gone. Maybe an chrome update, maybe the crash of pc, don't know but this should not happen even once.
  • (2020-11-12) Sandeep Acharya: been using this for years. 100% awesome
  • (2020-09-28) Geoff “gcx302” Carbone: I don't often write reviews, but over time I have looked at dozens of note, note tab, and ToDo list extensions - some not so good, some excellent but possibly too feature-rich. ToDo Tab hits a nice spot: functions as a great to-do list, has nice features (some are new...) but not too many, and it uses a new tab instead of a opening a separate app window for your to-do notes. It is also light on resources... Color coding of list items is a great feature. I would just recommend allowing a few more editing features such as allowing custom color-coding of words (currently, app will only color code a specific list of built-in words), and being able to bold and underline. Overall, the app is very useful. Definitely recommended.
  • (2020-02-23) Saurabh Chauhan: Perfect extension for todo list management. I used this for almost a year, went to search for another alternative, tried almost 10+ different extensions, and finally back to same after a month. Super simple, cool, lightweight & just awesome ❤️
  • (2019-10-14) Gulshan Kumar: Where is "Privacy-First" Everytime I add something in my list, it makes API request to https://api.mixpanel.com/track?data=xxxxxx Why? Update 6:42 PM 14-Oct-19 IST: Responsive, kind developer, deserves 5 star.
  • (2019-09-05) Leonardo Valle: perfect and simple, gives the todo list without having to access anything
  • (2019-02-06) Sergey Barabanov: Is there any way to move tasks from one pc to another (mb copy settings?)
  • (2019-01-17) Aaron Bell: Works, thank you! I really appreciate the privacy-first philosophy.
  • (2019-01-16) Nick Vinogradov: Отличное расширение. Минимализм. Не отвлекаешься на оформление. Спасибо разработчикам!
  • (2019-01-14) smsworkz edit: This is what I'm really looking for.
  • (2018-11-09) Levin Faber: An option to make to whole row background color-coded with the color (in a lighter saturation) would be great!
  • (2018-10-09) Eric Schaumburg: It's exactly what I'm looking for but it's not working. Any insight on recent bugs?
  • (2018-09-04) Muhammad Zeeshan: great tool
  • (2018-06-19) Hong Tran: Awesome, simple and lightweight extension. I love it. I suggest a feature "Data synchronization across all Chrome browsers that you're logged into". Thank you!
  • (2018-04-18) yin wu: I used many extensions like Momentum and New Tab Todo List,but this one is really simple and conciseness,I like it, if this gonna be pay to use the rich functional plus version,I'll support that. Thank you developer
  • (2018-03-18) Alexis Prel: This is simple, effective and well made. I love the color tag system: it's the most flexible yet effortless system I have ever seen for tagging items in a list. Want it easy? Just add tags in the list. Don't want too many colors in your items? Just rename tags like this send -> :send: so that you get to decide which words end up colored.
  • (2017-11-12) Kiran Savadatti: This is a simple extension. However it would be good to have user controllable tags for highlighting and also an option to edit already added todo task. Another addition would be to group tasks based on activity
  • (2017-10-10) Fantastic, love this extension. However it doesn't play well with DarkReader extension. They page is too bright.
  • (2017-09-02) Jocelyn Tao: A simple to-do new tab extension that does what it is intended to do. There are many places for improvement, but I am mostly satisfied with the current version. Features to add could include custom color-coded words and custom background and fonts.
  • (2017-08-30) Sudarsh Sathianathan: Simple and awesome tool.

Latest issues

  • (2020-07-10, v:2.0.0) Sudipta B: Need reverse sorting on added items
    Can you please add the ability to add newly added items to the bottom of the list instead of at the top? Else this is great
  • (2020-06-08, v:2.0.0) Aliaksei Kislou: Dark mode
    Awesome extension, simple and clean. Would be great if it had dark mode as well.
  • (2019-08-26, v:2.0.0) Crys Nguyen: Backup feature?
    Greetings to the folks behind Todo Tab, First of all, loving the simplicity, compared to other over-bloated todo apps out there. While I understand that your app is privacy-focused, so it does not store data anywhere online, but I’d like to ask if it’s possible to back up the data somewhere locally (e.g. Dropbox)? Quite unfortunately, last week the extension glitched and all my to-do items were wiped. I look forward to hearing from you. Best, Crys
  • (2018-10-24, v:2.0.0) Shirley Fagan: want to compose a letter
  • (2018-06-18, v:2.0.0) Святослав: Размещение рекламы в вашем расширении
    Добрый день! Я представляю рекламную сеть Actionteaser. Мы работаем с большим количеством браузерных расширений и предлагаем следующие варианты сотрудничества: 1.Создаем блок(и) по заданным Вами параметрам и размерам для размещения в Вашем расширении. Оплата за клики (переходы). CPM от 30 руб. 2.Передаем с помощью фида (JSON или XML) список объявлений с информацией: картинка, ссылка, заголовок, CTR, цена клика. Вы можете делать из этого списка выборку для показа в Вашем расширении (ресурсе). Нас очень заинтересовало ваше расширение как рекламная площадка и хотелось бы пообщаться с Вами подробнее по поводу размещения рекламы и монетизации вашего трафика. Подскажите, пожалуйста, с кем я могу обсудить все детали нашего сотрудничества? Заранее благодарен, с наилучшими пожеланиями | Best regards | Bien cordialement Святослав Skype: siteup_actionteaser Traffic Manager at Actionteaser https://actionteaser.ru
  • (2017-12-13, v:2.0.0) Nikita Sidorenko: Synchronization
    Does it exist synchronization between different computers with one google/chrome account? I use chrome at work and at home. Is it possible to make task at home and see it in work's chrome?
  • (2017-09-28, v:1.0.0) Reordering tasks
    It seem I can't reorder tasks, I would love to reorder them. Seeying the one on top bigger as my current to do would rock too. Thanks
  • (2017-09-12, v:1.0.0) Russell Jamison: Highlight and Save
    I don't know how easy this would be to implement, but the following would be a pretty nice feature to have. The Google Keep extension allows you to highlight arbitrary text on the page and then either right-click and select add to keep, or clicking on the icon to the right of the URL bar to add the selected text to Keep. If you did the same thing, it would allow someone like me to quickly highlight text in an email or other communication channel, and "todo it away", while staying in the flow of whatever I'm concentrating on at the moment. I see ToDo lists as a way of accomplishing two things a) It allows you to put off less important items until you're finished with what you're currently working on. b) It provides a list for you to review everything you where suppose to do to make sure nothing gets left out. I see this extension as accomplishing point b beautifully. You're constantly presented with what to do next each time you open the new tab page. Being able to quickly "to do away" highlighted text accomplishes point a, and would, in my opinion, make this the ultimate todo extension, by far.
  • (2017-09-12, v:1.0.0) Russell Jamison: Bookmarks bar disappears
    Normally when you turn the bookmarks bar off (chrome meny > bookmarks > show bookmarks bar) then the bookmarks bar still appears on the new tab page. This extension breaks that functionality.


2,000 history
4.5 (40 votes)
Last update / version
2021-05-06 / 2.0.1
Listing languages
