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Stay secure with CyberGhost VPN Free Proxy

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Unblock any restricted website with CyberGhost VPN Proxy! One-Click connect to secure your connection! Unlimited traffic –100% FREE!

Image from store Stay secure with CyberGhost VPN Free Proxy
Description from store Use CyberGhost Proxy Plugin to encrypt your browser traffic so you can be sure that no online snooper can see where you go on the web. CyberGhost is a trusted VPN provider, with over 15 million satisfied customers worldwide. CyberGhost’s Chrome browser extension is FREE to use and available worldwide, including in internet-censored countries. CyberGhost Proxy Plugin was built on Ethereum blockchain which is a guarantee that your data stays private as the app runs exactly as programmed without any possibility of censorship, fraud or third-party interference. Just click on the Power button and you will instantly connect to a CyberGhost server. Choose a server-location and your IP will be changed in a second. Here’s what you get with our Free Proxy Plugin: ✔ Online data encryption ✔ Hidden IP ✔ Access to geo-restricted websites ✔ Blocked malicious content ✔ Secure Wi-Fi connections Attention: Please note that this browser plugin is not secure when accessing Flash content and does not protect you from webRTC leaks. For full online protection, we recommend you install our desktop and mobile VPN solution, available for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android: CyberGhost VPN (http://www.cyberghostvpn.com). Got questions? Contact our support team at https://support.cyberghostvpn.com Join our online communities: →Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cyberghostEN →Twitter: https://twitter.com/CyberGhost_EN With CyberGhost Proxy Plugin, you can enjoy complete internet freedom!

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-20) PeachPie24: Basic connection but lots of media that cant get played when connected. With all the other complaints about it not working spanning back so many months, I have zero faith that this is a temporary bug. This is NOT what I paid for. Since the Windows app doesnt have an option for split tunneling, this was my only option to keep my VPN running while being able to still use all my apps. I will be cancelling my subscription as split tunneling clearly is not getting added any time soon with questions to the matter being ignored for over 3 years now.
  • (2024-05-08) Andrea Mattioli: Non permette di loggarsi in nessun modo su Chrome
  • (2023-11-09) C Tunç: Ücretli versiyonu sakın almayın! Türkiyede çalışmadığını söylüyorlar, chrome eklentisinde kullanıcı girişi olmadığı için free vpnde olduğu kadar listeye bağlanabiliyorsunuz. Ama programları VPNe bağlanmıyor.
  • (2023-11-07) Paula Brown: CyberGhost Chrome Extension, Why I am getting error "connectPage.error" on USA server? it was working fine 3 days ago!
  • (2023-11-07) Fox Bau: Ich habe schon das Premium Abo. Wie schalte ich ich es im Add On frei ??
  • (2023-11-05) _S PG_: нет соединения включаешь впн, перестает загружать страницу
  • (2023-11-04) Pranit Nijhawan: Working now
  • (2023-10-23) Abdul Hye Official: good
  • (2023-10-18) Bulent K.: I'm still getting the "connect page error". This hasn't been fixed for quıte a while and changing the server doesn't help.
  • (2023-10-15) Manib: It no longer works in Iran. Please fix it. I need this for connect to youtube and telegram.
  • (2023-10-14) hammad bashir: best
  • (2023-10-12) Andrii Hrushetskyi: there are free version only. There are only free functionality even when I loggined to my premium GhostVpn account in my chrome
  • (2023-10-01) 김성준: 사용안됨
  • (2023-10-01) Rior Dan: Doesn't work.
  • (2023-09-25) Mohamed Aboudi: doesn't work
  • (2023-09-20) Trapp Elser: Impossible de se connecter, décevant.
  • (2023-09-20) Ian Anwar: Wanna know what's funny, Zenmate Extension still works without an account, but this doesn't, Now I'm asking for a refund, they ask for some info before a refund, but after I submit it, they don't reply anymore, I think their waiting for my money back guarantee days to run out before they will reply, this is starting to feel and sound like a scam, so sad seeing Zenmate ended being a part of this,
  • (2023-09-18) Fernando MM: Not working as of 18th September.
  • (2023-09-17) Kelvin Mendez: connectPage.error it does not work
  • (2023-09-17) Cayden Sebastien: very good vpn and i like how its free tho all you need is a webrtc protecter and your good but you really dont need a webrtc protecter tbh.
  • (2023-09-17) Wallace ToutCourt: connect error Thanks for that Over 4 stars, nice joke ...
  • (2023-09-16) serena green: Doesn't work anymore and nothing fixes it. Very sad but its trash
  • (2023-09-14) Vahid Montazeri: It used to be good VPN, but now all I get is ConnectPage.error.
  • (2023-09-12) Atoosa Alesheykh: doesn't work
  • (2023-09-10) Can Demircan: artık eskisi gibi değil error veriyor kaç gündür
  • (2023-09-08) Artem Petrouk: doesnt work
  • (2023-09-08) Mohammad Asif: Keeps flashing ConnectPage.error, is it working for anyone? (have been the best extention till now)
  • (2023-09-08) shahzaib200: I gave up on it but recently it started to work again so changing my review but still giving it 3 stars.
  • (2023-09-08) Niky Romanov: Не работает в РФ.
  • (2023-09-06) Mustapha Benziane: Not working, connectPage.error... and no why to login, I should have checked before buying the plan...
  • (2023-09-04) Aaron Deo (AceCrim): So trying to use the extension, but all I get is a connectpage.error? So it's clearly not working, and since it isn't working, why is it still up on the extensions page. So for right now, I'm going to have to leave it at a 1 star rating! Very Disappointed...
  • (2023-09-04) Catalina Brian: It was such a great extension that I used for 7 months, what happened lately?!
  • (2023-09-03) balık evreni: cok iyi
  • (2023-09-03) Gediminas Jankus: Not working at all
  • (2023-09-01) Aleksandr Panchenko: Google extension doesn't work (screenshot: https://luxupnetwork.gyazo.com/81822ea650a19b3250db83764ea4be01). I can't choose servers and run the extension. Chrome 116.0.5845.140, macOS. I tried on windows - the same.
  • (2023-08-29) Paulo Monteiro: United States servers not working as of 28th August 2023
  • (2023-08-28) bruh igotsignedout: connectPage.error
  • (2023-08-28) Andy Chuppa: Erst vor Monaten der deutsche Server weg, nun sind alle weg und funktioniert nicht mehr, War mal sehr gut, ab jetzt leider Finger weg von Cyber Ghost, habt ihr euch selbst, und vor allem durch mangelnde Kommunikation und Antworten von euerem Support kaputt gemacht. Keine einziger der Mails an den Support wurde beantwortet, ganz schwach
  • (2023-08-28) Khan Sahab: connect error, not working
  • (2023-08-28) 전철완: page.error 이러면서 안켜짐 걍 앱 삭제하셈
  • (2023-08-28) Vicky Sieto: connect error
  • (2023-08-26) JacQue Hunter (JH): good. it was fixed. yesterday is slow dead and cannot connect at all
  • (2023-08-26) Tim Ur: Очень долго работал без проблем. На днях сначала перестала работать одна из стран, сейчас перестали работать все
  • (2023-08-20) Markus Lyschik: Beim deutschen Server kommt connectPage.error, vermutlich gibt es den gar nicht (mehr). USA, Rumänien und Niederlande funktionieren im Moment. Nichts für ARD/ZDF.
  • (2023-08-19) Axel Maldini: Excellent free VPN service, the fastest on the market and it's free! Many users who comment negatively here, is because they barely know how to turn on a computer. I ♥ CyberGhost ♥
  • (2023-08-18) Ahgj: slow dead
  • (2023-08-11) Bernd Funken: Eigentlich klasse, nur blöd das man nicht die Premium Version bekommen kann (weil es die vermutlich gar nicht gibt). Also macht euch keinen Kopf, benutzt die freie Version, eine andere gibts nicht (für den Browser).
  • (2023-08-10) John Smith: ** ZenMate Users, Scroll Below ** * This post is ongoing and will update as needed * To begin, it's a Good extension so far, but I've only used it a couple times. It seems to check out with IP detection sites including Google, as well as WebRTC detection sites. I tested it with CyberGhost VPN enabled on my PC. It auto-selected me an IP of the country I selected in the VPN app, and tested well on all the websites I visited. I can't say much else for the extension yet, but I've been thrilled with CyberGhost almost since its inception, as I've been a user and fan of the company and network operators since they provided me the opportunity to try their product and support their system in 2011, through the IndieGoGo crowd-funding campaign. As for my experience with CyberGhost VPN, it's been a pleasure. The team is tireless in their effort to provide A+ service in every aspect. I've tried a few others to see if they were better overall, but I found they were not. CyberGhost is my friend in protection from most malicious actors out there(I also recommend Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware solution for any device). ** As for the previous ZenMate users, please read the following ZenMate website, as it currently and thoroughly explains the steps necessary for you to take control of your account, which is carried over to CyberGhost VPN. If you don't understand it,ask a friend or family member for help. The complete directions are there, and I provided a link below for you. https://zenmate.com/blog/zenmate-changes Concluding, I highly recommend CyberGhost VPN to protect yourself against online threats that occur daily. Yes, it could happen to YOU. Stay diligent. Be Safe!
  • (2023-07-31) יאיר אמסלם: לא עובד
  • (2023-07-19) T 5: Horrible service, horrible App, horrible servers. As stated by other users, those who came from ZenMate post merge as Premium users, are not given the option to use our Premium accounts any longer. Total Scam, I advice people to avoid using any of their scammy services from both CyberGhost and from any of the companies under the same umbrella.


900,000 history
3.4157 (1,073 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-16 / 9.0.0
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