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New tab page by start.me

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Description from extension meta

Replace your New Tab Page with a personal dashboard.

Image from store New tab page by start.me
Description from store Start.me biến Trang tab Chrome mới của bạn thành một bảng điều khiển cá nhân đẹp mắt. Với start.me, bạn sẽ có quyền truy cập ngay vào tất cả dấu trang, nguồn cấp tin tức, ghi chú và dịch vụ web của mình. Điều này sẽ giúp bạn giữ ngăn nắp và tiết kiệm thời gian trên internet. Một trang bắt đầu được sử dụng bởi hơn 700.000 người dùng. ─────────────────────────── TÍNH NĂNG, ĐẶC ĐIỂM: ✔ Dấu trang Dễ dàng lưu và tổ chức đánh dấu từ bất kỳ trang web. ✔ RSS Hiển thị nguồn cấp RSS từ các trang web yêu thích của bạn trực tiếp trên bảng điều khiển của bạn. ✔ +3.500 vật dụng Lịch, E-mail, Ghi chú, vật dụng cần làm và hàng ngàn vật dụng khác có sẵn để tùy chỉnh trang bắt đầu của bạn. ✔ Nền phong cách Phong cách các trang bắt đầu của bạn với một trong những hình nền đẹp của chúng tôi hoặc tạo trang của riêng bạn. ✔ Nhúng bất cứ thứ gì Nhúng video, trang web và nội dung web khác ngay trên trang bắt đầu của bạn. ✔ Chia sẻ và cộng tác Tạo và chia sẻ các trang bắt đầu với nhóm của bạn, sinh viên của bạn, v.v. ─────────────────────────── Cứu giúp: Có câu hỏi nào không? Ghé thăm trung tâm trợ giúp của chúng tôi tại https://support.start.me hoặc liên hệ với chúng tôi tại [email protected]. Điều kiện: https://start.me/terms Chính sách bảo mật: https://start.me/privacy Cập nhật mới nhất: https://blog.start.me ─────────────────────────── Người dùng của chúng tôi nói gì: "Đây có phải là một trang chủ tuyệt vời. Tôi nghĩ rằng nó vượt trội hơn nhiều so với bất kỳ dịch vụ nào mà tôi đã sử dụng." Bởi Julian M-I "Yêu phần mở rộng và vì nó làm cho trình duyệt web đơn giản hơn rất nhiều." Tác giả Perry "Yêu nó và sử dụng nó mỗi ngày. Không biết làm thế nào tôi sống mà không có nó. Mọi thứ tôi cần ngay trước mặt tôi." Bởi Connie Schuett "Hãy thử nó và cho nó cơ hội. Bạn sẽ không nhìn lại." Bởi Richard Giá "Đã thử nhiều tiện ích mở rộng tab mới, không có tiện ích mở rộng nào trong số đó có tùy chọn này. Tùy chỉnh tốt nhất trong khi vẫn sạch sẽ và dễ sử dụng. Tôi ẩn thanh công cụ dấu trang của mình ngay bây giờ vì tôi không cần nó. Bây giờ tôi không thể tưởng tượng việc sử dụng Chrome mà không có nó. " Bởi Adam Armstrong "Tuyệt vời! Tôi sử dụng nó cho các tiện ích tin tức và như một cách trực quan để tổ chức và sử dụng dấu trang của tôi. Cho đến nay, trang bắt đầu đẹp nhất và dễ sử dụng nhất có sẵn. Tiện ích chrome giúp dễ dàng thêm dấu trang mới và sắp xếp nó Ngay." Bởi hội trường Benjamin ─────────────────────────── start.me BV Waalsdorperweg 16 2597 JB, Den Haag Hà Lan E: [email protected] https://about.start.me ───────────────────────────

Latest reviews

  • (2024-09-16) Nicla Tsla: Wonderful extension! My default homepage!
  • (2024-08-02) Günther Bosch: On "New Tab" button pressed, it shows an error since some weeks now. 403 You have no access to this page We're sorry, you don't have access to the page you requested. To view this page, you may have to sign in with a different account. You are currently logged in with start.me account [email protected]. Go to homepage Sign in with a different account Why am I getting this error? I am logged in because I see my avatar on top right corner. "Sign in with different account" does noting. "Go to Homepage" goes to page "start.me refused to connect"
  • (2024-01-30) Nadia Fonseca: Cambié a 5 estrellas porque llevo ya varios meses usándola y sencillamente es la mejor página de inicio. A pesar de las cosas en las que podría mejorar :)
  • (2024-01-13) Larry Stewart: I seldom ever, if ever, give a 5-star rating to anything. But as a member who has been a devoted user for over 5 years now. I just can't see why not. Start Me has seldom had any down issues. No lost or deleted links. No gimmicks to get you to buy more features. It has been there for me every time I open it. It is super easy to create a page just for yourself or for your business. I have both and love the fact with just a click I can switch from my page to my business page. It has some nice custom features. And a very clean and easy-to-navigate editing system. I was so impressed by Start Me that I bought the lifetime upgrade. It was well worth it. If you are looking for a personal portal or just a simple access point to your favorite links. This is where you should Start!
  • (2023-12-12) Nana Gregg: I've been using Start.Me for years and recommend it to everyone I know. I have personal tabs, work tabs, project tabs. Tabs just for me and tabs I share with others to collaborate. Has been a game changer for my organization and productivity!
  • (2023-12-07) Алина Андреева: Лучшая стартовая страница
  • (2023-12-04) Jay Jay: I love Start.me. I have been using it for several years and it saves me a lot of time. Having your bookmarks right in front is much better that trying to use the Bookmarks feature on Chrome or Edge. My most frequently used bookmarks are accessible, I have news and weather readily accessible and use the calendar feature.
  • (2023-11-15) HsTeMoL Office: I am a premium user. Why am I getting "Invalid SSL certificate Error code 526"? Is the extension/site down?
  • (2023-11-06) fermata: I'm a long-time user of Start.Me. Bought the lifetime subscription a few years ago. It's fast, intuitive, functional. Helps an old obsessive-compulsive like me keep things organized. Excellent product. Best new tab app out there.
  • (2023-10-30) Johnnie Lambert: I love Start.me. I have been using it for several years and it saves me a lot of time. Having your bookmarks right in front is much better that trying to use the Bookmarks feature on Chrome or Edge. My most frequently used bookmarks are accessible, I have news and weather readily accessible and use the calendar feature. It is well worth the price for the amount of time that it saves me.
  • (2023-10-26) Taha Temiz: Guzel ve kullanisli bi uygulama fakat premium ozelliklerin kullanilmasi icin odeme yapmaniz gerek
  • (2023-10-18) Ryker: Strongly recommend to anyone that has a lot of bookmarks and wants them organized. I've been using the paid version for 4 years and the free version previously. It's worth $20 a year. I have all my different games organized with RSS feeds setup so I can see every update posted. You'll no longer miss a weekly event or sale because you didn't have time to log in or check the schedule. The amount of options you have to build a layout that works for you is awesome. I've even setup this at work and have been sharing it so my entire team has all the bookmarks laid out the same.
  • (2023-10-16) Dr. Moises Orengo-Avilés: Excellent organization tool. Al your sites on one place and easy to use and update. A life saver.
  • (2023-10-16) Pierpaolo Anselmetti: Uso start.me da anni. Ho una licenza PRO "barattata" con alcune traduzioni in italiano della versione originale. Quindi se non vi piacciono le traduzione potrebbe essere colpa mia :) La trovo comodissima ed è la mia home page in tutti i miei PC
  • (2023-10-12) Philip Kappen: I have used start.me for several years and used to have the paid version. I let that go because I could no longer access my emails and calendar on my home page. The things I am still able to add to my home page work great. It would, however, be better I I could still see my calendar for the day and a list of my emails. It used to be a great app and it still works okay, but, it's not as good as it used to be.
  • (2023-10-12) Mark Neustadt: Start.me is the homepage I've always wanted. It's amazing. When others see it they want it too! It is a tool I wonder how I got along without.
  • (2023-10-10) Grzegorz P: lifetime , bardzo ułatwia życie.
  • (2023-10-10) Aditya Kr. singh: very nice
  • (2023-10-10) Dave Puckett: Very few apps work over a sustained period of time----except this one! I've used this paid version for a few years now on several browsers and it works great with no downtime. I highly recommend this extension.
  • (2023-10-09) Eva Vdovicheva (Rioronna): Мне очень нравится. Синхронизировала с планшетом и телефоном - вообще шикарно.
  • (2023-10-09) 董磊: 笔记 输入 -- 保存后会变成 - 这个可以解决一下吗 两个 - 保存后会变成一个 -
  • (2023-10-07) Bob Miller: I have been using the paid version of this product for several years. A really wonderful, simple and easy to use too. I keep finding new uses for it,
  • (2023-10-06) Bryan M: Love it
  • (2023-10-06) Jim Dimitroff: I've been using this extension since January of 2016 and it works fantastic! Has become more of a daily tool for work and home than just a webpage menu.
  • (2023-10-06) Cairo Amorim: Excelente serviço
  • (2023-10-05) Rob P: I have been using start.me for a few years. I have it as my home page on several computers as well as my phones. It does the job very well and the little support I have needed has been handled quickly and professionally. The extension itself is simple to use and just enough features, plugins, and customisation to suit most people. Sometimes too many options are overwhelming. Start.me I think has a really nice balance.
  • (2023-10-04) Stefan Spill: start.me came to the rescue, back than when google let his dashboard thingy die and xmarks didnt work in Firefox anymore due to an policy change for extensions. Both things basically robbed me of me digital workhorses, my webdesktop for work and private. Took a while, till i found start.me. Was sceptical at first, but love it for years now.
  • (2023-10-04) Lisa Berry: I have been using this daily for years and I can't live without it at this point. I love it and it works perfectly!
  • (2023-10-04) Laura Streett: My start.me homepage is my homepage for everything. No syncing necessary, it's just with me wherever I am - to get to the links I've already created but also to add new ones. I love having my calendar, my RSS feeds, lists & notes, and my key work sites all in one place. I've convinced many of my librarian colleagues to use start.me, too. I also have one page that I share with a colleague that has all of the stuff for a particular project in one place, so it can definitely be used as a project management tool. Love it!
  • (2023-10-04) Piyush Dhore: Lifetime purchase Extremely helpful in organizing bookmarks.
  • (2023-10-03) Azzeaz Saleh: i cant live without this. So versatile to organize bookmarks, label them, group them, customize icon, have them all in front of you. As with teams it is a must.
  • (2023-10-03) Geoff Kirk: This is the best bookmark manager I've ever used and its definitely worth the yearly subscription! The widgets are easy to use, the content placement is always precise, and I love that there are frequent enhancements.
  • (2023-10-03) Stig Rynning: I've been a premium start-me user for a couple of years and I'm very pleased with it. I use it mostly for storing and organizing my bookmarks and that's not only useful. It's also fun to plan and create widgets for different purposes. There are several tools for this as limitless(?) number of pages and there are tabs inside the widgets. And you can share your widgets with others over Internet. If you want to start with the free version, don't worry about the ads. They won't bother you much. Also, the start.me customer service are very helpful.
  • (2023-10-03) Rinette Ramos: Whether studying, exploring hobbies, or getting some work done- this is miles better than just bookmarking pages. The customizable wallpaper puts a cherry on top to for being more favorable organization tool.
  • (2023-10-03) Nathan Graham: Been using it for years, been able to amass a great deal of content to the point where I have entire pages dedicated to one topic. I like that I can share the pages themselves, for new coworkers this gets them an organized list of daily tools and sites.
  • (2023-10-03) Erich Panowetz: Ich benutze schon seit Jahren start.me, ich habe alle Browser, egal ob Edge am PC, am Notebook, am Mobiltelefon, IPAD und auch in meiner Meta Quest VR Brille habe ich start.me überall als Startseite definiert und es funktioniert überall, ein geniales Programm...
  • (2023-10-03) Joshua Ramirez: I love this extension. Ive been using it for close to 3 years now and I keep finding out new things to do with it! I love how modular it feels. If you really like how Opera browser feels this is great for you.
  • (2023-10-02) David Shearer: Start.me is a fantastic app to keep my personal and work bookmarks well organized and easy to find. By creating tabs and groups (categories) within each tab, I am quickly able to find the link I am looking for with maximum efficiency. Not only can you keep your common links in an easy to find tab, you can also have a note and To-Do widget that keeps important items on the top of your mind, especially during a busy work day. If you have not tried Start.me, I highly recommend it.
  • (2023-10-02) Adrian Tal Evans: Very well layered out, useful widgets for everyday use.
  • (2023-10-01) D H: Perfect for organising all your bookmarks also with visual backgrounds of your choice & multiple areas & pages for different subjects
  • (2023-10-01) Duarte Rocha: Best bookmark manager by far. I love being able to add a description for any bookmark and the search function pickup keywords in that description. This makes it a breeze to find more obscure bookmarks that I've saved where the website title doesn't make it obvious what it is. The customisation is great, adding custom icons, colours and groups as well as useful widgets allowing me to view content from multiple sources on a single page.
  • (2023-10-01) Eugene Pinak: Useful for organizing bookmarks in exactly the same way on various computers and operating systems.
  • (2023-10-01) Paul Lamens: Almost a quarter of a century ago, I made a simple html-page in Microsoft Word with a few columns that had all my favorite links. For over 20 years, it was my default homepage. I never found a better homepage, until I found Start.me. It almost looks identical to my own homepage, but with tabs, widgets etc has even more possibilities. And to add a new favorite link is much easier than my old MS Word homepage. So, since earlier this year I am a happy paying costumer of Start.me.
  • (2023-10-01) 大盛りうさぎ: とても使いやすいですね。
  • (2023-10-01) Sue Reding: Love Start.me!! This app keeps me so organized, I absolutely love it and highly recommend it.
  • (2023-10-01) Joseph Hickman: I use it on my Mac and PC and love it.
  • (2023-09-30) Mike Uchman: I honestly found this extension completely by accident. I was looking for a way to get standard new tab page on chrome to have my bookmarks show on it instead of just recent sites I visited. This popped up as an ad somewhere and a clicked on it, saw what it was, installed it, and have been using it as my new tab/home page ever since.
  • (2023-09-30) Isabella Marie Zerrudo: a professor introduced this to us as a handy organizing tool, and i've been using it since to keep track of frequently visited sites and even to curate links for major events and resumes.
  • (2023-09-30) Oliver Köllnick: ok
  • (2023-09-30) Shane O'Connor: Start.me is now indispensable for me across numerous browsers and different computers. It's so useful that I would be quite lost without it, considering all the things it handles, and I recommend it wholeheartedly.


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4.3164 (1,416 votes)
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2024-01-26 / 7.3.0
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