extension ExtPose

Blipshot: one click full page screenshots

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Description from extension meta

Real fast and simple one-click full-page screenshots with drag and drop.

Image from store Blipshot: one click full page screenshots
Description from store Blipshot allows you to take a full height page screenshot in just one click. Why wasting time if you just want a screenshot? This extension works on Windows, Mac and Linux. FEATURES — • whole-page screenshot, not just the visible area! • real one-click screenshot, the easiest extension possible • fast drag'n'drop or click to save the image in PNG • the screenshot is saved with page name, date and time • using latest Chrome versions, it screenshots also Flash content HOW IT WORKS — • Click on the toolbar icon: it automatically makes the full page screenshot. Done! • The screenshot will appear as an image on the right of the page: click on it to automatically save, drag and drop it on your computer, or right click and "Save Image as...". • To dismiss the screenshot just click on the gray area. NOTES — Remember to reload a page after you installed this extension before trying to screenshot it (Chrome needs to initialise the extension for each page). Thanks to Ben Ellis and Guillermo Rauch for their contributions. REQUESTS AND BUGS — Please notify me here: https://github.com/folletto/Blipshot/issues There are unfortunately two annoyances that depend from Google's progress on Chrome: 1 · If the page has an HORIZONTAL scrollbar the screenshot will be a bit screwed up. Make the window bigger until the next update. I will be able to solve the problem once Google will implement this: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=45209 2 · for huge pages it may crash Chrome when you drag'n'drop the image on your desktop (big data urls >2M aren't managed well by Chrome, an update from Google should be coming). The problem will go away automatically once Google will solve this issue: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=69227 3 • Pages taller than 32766px will be cut due to another Chrome limitation (inherited from Skia). See this issue: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=339725

Latest reviews

  • (2023-07-12) Christoffel Basson: WARNING! THIS EXTENTION IS NOW BASICALLY ADWARE! When I perform product related google searches (e.g. searching a cellphone model) with this extension enabled, it fills the first page with advertisements. These "results" are not marked as ads and cannot be reported because the "three dots" button is fake and also opens the link.
  • (2023-05-10) Guick: pff
  • (2023-03-18) Alvaro Vix: I love Blipshot it works great! but i really wanted to ask you for a function that ITS NEEDED for it to work perfect, this function is 100% useful when you try to take a screenshot of an infinite scroll website for example Reddit, Quora, Youtube and lot of other sites. I want to ask you if you can put a function: clicking one time the icon to start to Grab and clicking a 2nd time the icon Stops the Grab process and give you the grabbed image till the part stopped it (Blipshot right now if you Click the icon on Reddit for Example site crash and blipshot continues grabbing for hours). Thanks! and amazing extension! cheers! 5 stars if u change that little thing.
  • (2023-01-09) Daniel DayLewis: Работает.
  • (2022-12-29) Tom Tu: 非常好用,大部分的網頁螢幕資料都能擷取,大大減輕工作負擔。
  • (2022-12-28) Maurizio “Maury53”: Facile da utilizzare ed efficace : direi che fa il suo dovere piuttosto bene !
  • (2022-10-05) Jon: Unfortunately no longer in development. Does anyone have recommendations for a replacement?
  • (2022-01-15) Сергей Устинов: Не работает
  • (2021-08-13) Ron S.: Does not work.
  • (2021-03-06) Ashok Kumar: Any shortcut key to use
  • (2020-09-17) It doesn't capture entire page that needs to be scrolled down.
  • (2020-03-31) Leo Chou: 现在用着还不错,第一次用要网页刷新一次
  • (2020-02-06) Christian Giordano: I've been using this for a while now and can't really find any flaw. I'm glad I got the time to review it!
  • (2020-02-05) Zek Sanchez: Works perfectly!
  • (2019-08-14) Александр Станогин: На Маке скриншот полной WEB-страницы делается с обрезкой правой части. То есть, плагин убирает полосу прокрутки просто обрезая картинку справа на ширину полосы прокрутки. В итоге получается некорректный скрин, в котором элементы находятся не по центру. Особенно это заметно на скриншотах мобильных версий сайтов. В итоге удалил и перешёл на Nimbus. Там ползунок прокрутки остаётся видимым, но зато скрин правильного размера без обрезки.
  • (2019-06-28) TheVery Lukasz: Działa tylko na widoczna cześć strony
  • (2019-01-09) 很好用
  • (2018-12-15) Кирилл Вирт: Didn't pass a scrolling test with https://www.google.com/drive/ which is really bad...
  • (2018-09-11) Sergey F. Example: this is what i'm looking for
  • (2018-08-02) Siamak Ensafi: Does what it says effortlessly. Thanks for this free add-on.
  • (2018-06-23) Hyunho Cho: it works well to me also extention size is very small compared to others
  • (2018-05-25) Kristel Hayes: Doesn't actually grab the full page. Just the visible part of the page (at least for me).
  • (2018-04-29) GUO: 垃圾
  • (2018-04-25) Der Rick: It states that due to security reasons of the browser, it cannot take screenshots. This is my personal laptop and there's nothing so secure here.
  • (2018-04-01) 초이스민: 어떻게 풀스크린샷 하나 찍을래도 되는게 하나도 없냐! 안되잖아! 내 시간 내놔!
  • (2018-03-08) Asfand Qazi: Worked for my purposes, including in mobile view of the developer mode
  • (2018-03-01) Tom W: Didn't work, couldn't escape. Hated it.
  • (2018-02-19) Volodymyr Bardyuzha: Единственное расширение, которое работает на маке (не оставляет видимый скроллбар).
  • (2018-01-25) Tinder Box: Garbage
  • (2018-01-19) 林群翔: 非常簡單好用
  • (2017-12-29) Anup Singh: awesome loved it
  • (2017-12-23) อิสานพาม่วน: very good
  • (2017-11-30) Umer Javed: doesn't work at all on this google translated page. Only takes what's on the screen, doesn't scroll.
  • (2017-11-27) prajakta sarfare: Perfect! Works well!
  • (2017-11-09) J J: Another junky extension that says it's for Chrome OS but once installed says it's not.
  • (2017-10-30) Roman Vorona: Просто, зрозуміло, безкоштовно!
  • (2017-10-12) Can't find the option to capture full height picture.
  • (2017-10-06) Jay S.: This is the first review I have ever written. It is that good. Bravo. You have to go into settings to select the save url file name option. - And you cannot capture a screenshot of the chrome store (some lower ratings are the result of that fact. (The developer might want to mention those details). But this extension is TOWERING!
  • (2017-09-16) Chin Chou Wu: This app could’t full page screenshot when Chrome update to 61.0.3163.91

Latest issues

  • (2022-11-28, v:1.2.3) Dighawaii “Dighawaii”: "To dismiss the screenshot click the gray area"
    After capturing, the preview in top right won't dismiss, and I can't see a "gray area" to click. Any advice?
  • (2022-11-28, v:1.2.3) James Lynthacum: Blipshot no longer capturing the page
    Every time I tried to "grab" the page I get an error message: "It seems Blipshot wasn't able to grab the screenshot of the active tab." I tried multiple pages and it seems to fail on almost all of them. It does work on short pages. It worked perfectly fine before. I'm not sure if it is a Google Chrome update that has messed it up or what. - JTL 07/30/2021
  • (2021-07-30, v:1.2.3) James Lynthacum: Blipshot no longer capturing the page
    Every time I tried to "grab" the page I get an error message: "It seems Blipshot wasn't able to grab the screenshot of the active tab." I tried multiple pages and it seems to fail on almost all of them. It does work on short pages. It worked perfectly fine before. I'm not sure if it is a Google Chrome update that has messed it up or what. - JTL 07/30/2021
  • (2021-07-29, v:1.2.3) Lee Bennett: "To dismiss the screenshot click the gray area"
    After capturing, the preview in top right won't dismiss, and I can't see a "gray area" to click. Any advice?
  • (2021-04-09, v:1.2.3) Pierre Roy: Moving header
    Is there any way to prevent the header of the page from appearing repeatedly in the capture?
  • (2020-12-22, v:1.2.3) Matt Urquhart: Blipshot
    Hi! Love the concept of this app but it's only takes a screenshot of my visible area, which at that point I can just take a normal screen shot. What am I doing wrong? I'm on Chrome Version 87.0.4280.88 and Blipshot Version 1.2.3. Thank you
  • (2020-11-01, v:1.2.3) Mica Daniels: One Click
    Would be perfect if realy "one click". Actualy I need 2 clicks: capture and save
  • (2020-10-19, v:1.2.3) Ellen McNeill: Saved image greyed out
    Hi. Great chrome extension. Was able to save file with time stamp -- just what I need for the Trademark Office. The problem is that the saved image, for some reason, has a gray overlay on it. I'm right-clicking to save. Thanks.
  • (2020-09-01, v:1.2.3) Jason Ballantyne: vertical scrollbar visible in screenshot
    Hi, this is a nice and simple extension thank you! I have one suggestion... it would be nice if the plugin could add some global css during the screen shot process to hide the vertical scrollbar on the body DOM element, and then remove the css once done. Seeing the scroll bar on a full height screenshot of the page is redundant and requires another step to edit it out of the image. I can get around this for now by opening dev tools and switching to mobile view.
  • (2019-03-08, v:1.2.3) Niels Thrane: list of urls?
    Is it possible to script the extension or somehow give it a list of urls that I want screenshots of? That way I don't have to visit each page and screenshot it.
  • (2018-09-23, v:1.2.3) File Save Dialog Box (Pop-up) on some computers
    Hi, On some computers the screenshot is saved directly in the Downloads folder, which is perfect! But on some, when we click on the taken screenshot thumbnail, it shows a File Save as box, which we don't want. Can you please advise? Thanks.
  • (2018-09-11, v:1.2.3) Arkadiy Demchenko: horizontal scrollbars
    Hello!! When site is grabbing final screenshot have horizontal bars... that no good. can i or you fix it? Thank you
  • (2018-08-28, v:1.2.2) Mattias Kesti: Wrong date in filename
    The day in the filename is off by a semi-random number of days. I.e, screenshots taken today, the 28th of August 2018, are named "pageshot of 'WFM' @ 2018-08-02-1016'57.png", but screenshots taken on the 24th were named "pageshot of 'WFM' @ 2018-08-05-1534'52.png". Also, what's up with the strange time notation with the single quote? Proper ISO 8601 time should be written 2018-08-28T10:29:01 (but I'm Ok with a space instead of a T)
  • (2018-02-05, v:1.2.2) Diane M: Website with fixed backgrounds
    When a screenshot is taken of websites with fixed backgrounds, the resulting image shows as if the background is tiled.
  • (2017-09-25, v:1.2.1) James Lynthacum: Extension only capturing what's visible
    Prior to the Google Chrome update (version 61), I was able to capture the entire page into one screenshot. Now it only captures what is visible. - JTL 09/25/2017
  • (2017-07-11, v:1.2) Glen Charles Rowell: No popup to save grabbed image!
    How do I get the popup to save the image?
  • (2017-05-26, v:1.2) Goretti Nunes: Problema
    Olá! Por favor, podem me ajudar? Não consigo usar o aplicativo. Ótimo dia pra você que fala comigo.
  • (2017-05-01, v:1.2) Mss Didi Blackthorn: Screenshot missing page name, date and time
    The description states " the screenshot is saved with page name, date and time." 1) I do not see anywhere to set options to do this and 2) none of My screenshots have any of the above info. Please advise. Thank you.
  • (2016-11-25, v:1.1.1) Phil Sim: File name
    Hi, would it be possible to add the second to the file name on the time or a random code. It's great for quick capture but we have to many captures per minute so every time we move the file it is same page nane as what we just captured if it was withing a minute.
  • (2016-04-21, v:1.1.1) Véro Lopez: Dosent work
    extensions::uncaught_exception_handler:8 Error in event handler for runtime.onMessage: TypeError: Cannot read property '3' of null at dataToBlobURL (chrome-extension://mdaboflcmhejfihjcbmdiebgfchigjcf/screenshotter.DOM.js:132:28) at screenshotReturn (chrome-extension://mdaboflcmhejfihjcbmdiebgfchigjcf/screenshotter.DOM.js:79:19) at chrome-extension://mdaboflcmhejfihjcbmdiebgfchigjcf/screenshotter.DOM.js:115:36


20,000 history
3.7833 (203 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-04 / 2.0.1
Listing languages
