extension ExtPose

类似的网站 - 发现相关网站

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Description from extension meta


Image from store 类似的网站 - 发现相关网站
Description from store 我们每天都有数以百万计的网站浏览,并且经常会发现自己正在寻找类似的网站来消费内容,购物或仅仅进行浏览。使用SameSite,您可以在几秒钟内找到与您当前正在浏览的网站相关的网站! 下载扩展程序并开始浏览您喜欢的网站后,只需单击扩展程序,以查看与您当前所在的站点相关的推荐站点和可比较站点的列表。 您可以将扩展名用于: ★★ 更聪明的商店 ★★ 我们的扩展程序非常适合发现与您当前购买的购物网站类似的新购物网站。无论您是想用新东西招待自己还是购买礼物,我们都会立即为您提供新的购物创意! ★★ 消费内容 ★★ 喜欢博客吗?是否想找到新的新闻媒体?我们已经覆盖了您!在在线阅读您喜欢的内容时,我们将推荐新的媒体来帮助您增加阅读清单。您正在阅读的时尚旅行博客吗?还有更多来自何处的负载,我们将为您发现它们! ★★ 旅行和休闲 ★★ 如果您正在计划下一个假期或需要一些一日游的想法,那么现在您可以物有所值!我们将为您提供与您经常搜索的网站相关的Web链接-您可能会发现更便宜的旅行选择,并且在可比较但不同的网站上拥有更好的体验。 ★★ 商业与研究 ★★ 作为功能最强大的网站相似性引擎,SimilarSites是企业排名第一的研究和潜在客户生成工具。通过使用扩展程序,可以找到最高质量的内容,发现竞争对手,进行关键字研究并生成潜在客户,以最大限度地提高您的业务增长机会并分析您的业务和营销需求。 这些只是几个例子!您可以选择任何一种方式浏览网络,并立即发现更多您喜欢的内容! -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- SameSites背后的技术旨在表明“访问此站点的人也喜欢访问这些其他相关站点”。当您下载扩展程序时,便加入了我们的用户社区,这些用户提供有关其浏览体验的匿名信息,以改善我们的网站推荐算法。我们的社区每分钟都会改进我们的算法,确保提供最新的最新建议! 我们非常关心您的隐私。使用我们的扩展程序需要启用以下权限;所有主机,WebRequest,WebRequestBlocking,Web导航,选项卡,存储和上下文菜单,以捕获匿名的浏览数据。这将为在与您访问的站点类似的站点上生成信息的算法提供支持。这些数据使我们能够了解网站流量和流量,可用于市场研究。有关更多信息,请在安装扩展程序之前查看我们的隐私政策,网址为:https://www.likesites.com/privacy-policy

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-09) John: Extension stopped working. I contacted Similarsites and they haven't replied to multiple requests to fix the issue.
  • (2023-11-03) Cole Patterson: Do you developers read your reviews? Your extension is defective, and you shouldn't require a plugin to use a website anyway.
  • (2023-11-01) JoJoli: 已经安装了扩展,点击查看更多跳转到网页去,然后点击查看更多又跳转到插件安装,死循环
  • (2023-10-26) 易湛雄: 不错
  • (2023-10-20) Gosleep Aff: It doesn't work at all for any websites, neither extention nor https://www.similarsites.com/
  • (2023-10-19) Björn Schneider: Sieht nach einer guten App aus, nur, dass einfach keine Daten geladen werden (Erweiterung in Brave-Browser). Ich habe die verschiedensten Einstellungen probiert, bekomme es aber nicht zum laufen.
  • (2023-10-14) Mohamed Abou Al Hagag: It's good but not perfection!
  • (2023-09-28) Linh Lê: It's bug, can't use!
  • (2023-08-22) 7SD: Excellentes références Merci
  • (2023-08-01) Y Lazer: Hello, installation of the extension does not help to increase the number of search results, the process "loops"
  • (2023-06-16) 深夜(深夜胖兔): 试了一下,是可以使用的,但我在支持语言里看到有中文,但我没有找到设置,请问哪里可以设置语言呢
  • (2023-06-11) s s: fun
  • (2023-06-06) gong long: 还不错
  • (2023-03-22) 永永YongYong: 还不错 支持一下
  • (2023-02-13) 陈宝国: unusable
  • (2023-01-27) Collen Menezes: No site diz que com a extensão é possível ver todos os sites similares, mas é a mesma coisa. Aparece a mesma coisa que o site, clico em ver todos os sites similares mas é redirecionado pra home do site sem mostrar o restante.
  • (2023-01-04) 凡凡: 挺好用的
  • (2023-01-02) Yi Zhou: 挺好
  • (2022-12-07) Андрій Царенко: Дякую
  • (2022-11-27) 李栗(大海全是水): 可以用,tz
  • (2022-11-16) Eason Shen: its soooooo strong tool!!!!1
  • (2022-11-06) shuyuan huang: 这么好的插件,可惜已经挂了。
  • (2022-11-05) fh ren: 什么情况为什么不能用了,所有网站都不能识别了 是要tizi了吗
  • (2022-10-30) Ferran Buireu: Una especie de AlexaRank vitaminado y más bonito.
  • (2022-10-19) Nathan Huang: I like this function, I realllllllllllllly do. I could use this function on your website, but when it comes to the extension, it DOESN'T EVEN WORK!!!!!!!!!!!! Please fix this powerful function. please please please
  • (2022-09-27) Super Dev707: Good extension.
  • (2022-09-21) Как заработать деньги: Когда то давно было одно расширение SimilarWeb с функцией похожие сайты! Зачем разделили на два расширения!? Расширение "Подобные сайты — поиск похожих сайтов" проработало стабильно неделю и всё сдулось.- иногда работает. Разработчик тупой оказался ))
  • (2022-09-10) RJ Deng: 超级强大,超级强大,不过貌似要Tizi
  • (2022-09-02) Fabian: Doesn't load at all, useless
  • (2022-08-12) Nika Veronika: not working
  • (2022-08-03) Jaffer Abbasi: great
  • (2022-07-29) Univeral Libros: cuol
  • (2022-07-22) Bruce Smith: no working
  • (2022-07-15) AMS Digital: Use Less, Not working
  • (2022-05-28) Arsenal West: Кусок калла
  • (2022-05-25) ASHISH TAVILDAR: Does not work
  • (2022-03-20) 林氏: 怎么扩展都已经添加了,还是提示要安装????
  • (2022-03-19) Ava Chan: good
  • (2022-03-18) typing on the keyboard: 安装了扩展识别不了
  • (2022-03-08) Yg Ja: very good
  • (2022-02-04) Hanna Simpson: 💘💘💘
  • (2021-12-15) leoicye taylor: 总感觉有时候点击插件它没有生效,一直加载中而没有返回结果,而到该插件对应网站上将网址输入一搜索就直接返回结果,既然这样,那不如收藏网址,就不必install插件了!刚试不大懂,但是软件的功能是很实用的,只是响应上,可以继续优化!
  • (2021-12-13) v x: For free users the extension offers nothing that the website doesn't. But when it comes to recommending websites, it's also ok. I know it would require a lot more processing power and storage space but I would like to see something similar to this where I can create an account and add websites I like and dislike. Then with those websites, it would recommend me websites that it thinks I would like even if they aren't similar to any of the sites I added. I've been looking for something like that for a while but no one seems to offer anything like that.
  • (2021-11-10) Villagehead G: 还行吧
  • (2021-10-09) wei wei: 牛逼
  • (2021-10-07) 叫我阿娜达: 非常好用,希望继续加强,给用户更好的体验,加油!
  • (2021-08-09) Zhiyuan Li: 早该下载的!!!太好了,排行数据清晰,人数清晰,举一反三,发现更多优质关联网站
  • (2021-07-29) Mikkel: i tried it and when i searched for a site and clicked 'check out more similiar sites i get to the chromwebshop and when i try it in the plugin i get to the website but the same amount as in plugin. So no need to get it.
  • (2021-07-25) F FEPA: POSITIVO + De las mas completas cuando la usas, no necesita redirigir a ningun site, te casi toda la info desde la ventana emergente de la extensión. NEGATIVAS - Es una app pesada que casi llega a los 2 MBS de espacio. [SUGERENCIA] En la ventana de un site especifico y que es parte del ranking, permitir enlace directo desde la app al ranking web (desde "Category Rank") para obtener info mas completa
  • (2021-06-28) AlorAir Solutions INC.: why? some web not work. not all

Latest issues

  • (2013-01-27, v:2) Peter Kras: It crashes all Google websites!!!
    Are you crazy for posting updates without testing them???? I hope your developers will also suffer trying to edit their Google drive docs. Or trying to access albums on Google+
  • (2013-01-22, v:1.9) E Moen: breaks Google Calendar
    With this extention enables, Google Calendat stops working. Mouse interaction with Calendat does not work anymore.


300,000 history
4.008 (374 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-27 / 7.3.8
Listing languages
