extension ExtPose

Multi-File Downloader

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Description from extension meta

Easily and quickly download multiple files from websites.

Image from store Multi-File Downloader
Description from store Quickly and easily search and download files linked in websites. Click the extension button (on the Chrome toolbar), filter results to only include files you want, and then download them all! Files of any type can be found and downloaded. Any link with a valid file URL or download information will be scanned, and you can also find images and videos displayed in sites. The resulting file list can be filtered to include or exclude files based on each URL, file name, or type. Individual files can be downloaded on their own, or all the enabled files downlaoded at once. Downloads can be automatically placed in a sub-folder of Chrome's downloads directory and given a custom name. View on Github: github.com/brttd/multi-file-downloader

Latest reviews

  • (2023-07-29) Quinlan Gach: Did not work. Doesn't even load.
  • (2023-05-09) Synxx: Is very easy and simple to use, easy to find where the subfolder goes and downloads are really quick and shows u how many are left and how much is downloading right now.
  • (2023-03-17) Luan Le: It's good, and it's even better if we can specify the download location.
  • (2022-11-12) Salah Berdouk: Awesome!
  • (2022-06-19) Pen Lister: VERY useful, does exactly what it says. Finds the files being linked n a webpage and lets you download them without having to click on each one. Doesnt zip them up, you have to do that later ;)
  • (2022-05-18) Dominic Beaumont: Needs a lot of updating before this can become a 5 star again. Random behavior on websites. Especially on websites with credentials. And lots of other random weird bugs...
  • (2022-05-05) Alper Kaya: Looks awesome for now
  • (2022-02-09) Sw oosh (Swoosh): love it
  • (2022-01-28) 唐良俊: nice! It's useful!
  • (2021-12-11) Valerik B: this extension saved me a lot of time
  • (2021-10-23) Telstra Roenssel: cant download by links, on facebook and most social media, it will only download low quality thumbnail instead of the view full size image, a waste of time
  • (2021-07-10) Jaroslaw Istok: Worst experience I ever had with plugins. I would be much quicker to download manually. The resources ware less and less as if I had opened 135 tabs one after another. To the end almost nothing worked. Each time to have opend a download window, to choose a folder and click save is not what I unders mass download understand. Please never use this.
  • (2021-05-02) John Smith: not bad, but maybe a little complicated for me Since my links have a regular format like http://www.a.com/01.zip,http://www.a.com/02.zip, software Xunlei(迅雷)easily help me to download up to 1k files per mission,
  • (2021-03-30) Julian Apaleos: Not working for me, either UI freezes or wont find any links
  • (2021-03-23) Travis White Realtor & Co: sucks. doesnt read or download videos.
  • (2021-01-04) Jesse Litton: Unusable. On Linux, every time you bring up the menu on a page with a hundred links (I was testing with public domain sound effect files) or so, it hangs and pegs out one of the CPU cores for about 30 seconds (on a blazing fast 24-core system). It hangs and pegs a CPU again anytime you try to do something in the UI. I gave up on it before downloading a single file.
  • (2020-08-13) FortisKev: And here i was downloading single files not realizing there is such an awesome extension for multi-downloads 5/5.
  • (2020-08-04) John Miller: No "Download all" option. I had 23 mp3 files to download. The extension found them but I had to go through the save dialog for each one even though the show save dialog was unchecked. I might as well have just right-clicked and saved each one from the webpage.
  • (2020-08-04) 兵马(解放台湾!): It is very very useful to download data files. Thank you!
  • (2020-06-29) Anwaar Bukhari: good
  • (2020-03-26) 강릉바다: 웹 페이지에 있는 여러 개의 링크 파일을 일괄로 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 매우 유용한 확장 프로그램입니다.
  • (2020-02-11) Jeremy RideTheJive: Can you PLEASE make the interface smaller? Items not fitting on screen. Still, you just saved me HOURS of work and now I won't have any aches from clicking!! Thank you
  • (2020-01-19) Zahurul Computer: web download very quickly
  • (2020-01-10) Meg V: Not as easy to set up as DownloadThemAll, but worked ok the first day. Recognized all of the pdf files I needed to download from a web page and allowed me to filter for them and allowed me to use the link text name to name the file. Did not recognize 1 or 2 of the linked pdf files. Good Enough. Day 2- Same website and same set up: None of that worked. Did not recognize any of the links as PDF files, did not download the PDF file- but some html instead- and did not name it with the link text. Day 3... Day 4... Still same website and set up... but not recognizing the files. The site hasn't changed how it sets up it's pages and links to files, but no pdfs recognized. Basically hasn't worked the same since Day 1.
  • (2019-12-07) Soc DaTeo: Astounding you just erased 30 % of my download clicks in my office. Works absolutely great!!
  • (2019-11-13) Tu espacio docente: Super,buscaba una extension de este tipo y me ha resultado fascinante! Recomiendo su uso para descarga de diferentes tipos de archivos y usandolo con busquedas avanzadas fabulosas!
  • (2019-05-31) Great Scott Free: Didn't download all the files.
  • (2019-05-04) Dan Hodge: Worked smoothly. I like that it allows me to create a separate folder in the Downloads Folder. Quick and easy to use.
  • (2019-01-25) Abdul Mun'em Chung: Wow, really convenient way to download a lot of stuffs in one go! Kudos to the developers!
  • (2018-11-19) Aren Tyr: Brilliant, simple, works perfectly. BUT: Make sure to right click on it, select "Manage Extensions", then find it in your extensions and click on the "Details" button. Then click the slider to "Enable access to file URLs". Does exactly what it says on the proverbial tin.
  • (2018-11-01) Sean Schneyer: I was unable to use the Folder option for saving. This may be due to me using a non-standard download folder in Chrome on my D: drive. But I tried even leaving the Folder field blank and it wouldn't download. The only option was to use the "Use Default Filename" option and click through each of the Save As dialogs (which kinda defeats the purpose a bit). Unfortunately there were no error messages of any kind when I clicked the Download All button, so wasn't really possible to do any kind of troubleshooting on the issue.
  • (2018-09-30) onit nelot: mark as a spam
  • (2018-09-26) Amanda Bryson: For those who have the problem that it "doesn't do anything" there is one more step you need to complete. At the Green Down Arrow at the top right of your screen (which is your select tool for initiating the Multi-file Downloader) right-click and select "Manage Extensions". On the page that opens after selecting this, scroll down the page until you see "Allow access to file URLs". Turn on the button to the right of the statement. It should turn blue. Now you should see some action.
  • (2018-08-05) Francisco Ramos: Funciona correctamente donde otras extensiones no lo hacían.
  • (2018-07-25) Nick Pirocanac: Does exactly what it should, easy to use, thanks for the great utility!
  • (2018-06-25) Jim Plaxco: Fails to identify all links on a page.
  • (2018-05-13) Alex Windsor: Never have I seen download spam of this magnitude 10/10 Banana's, would be spammed again.
  • (2018-05-04) Rob Tejeda: Not working
  • (2018-05-01) Joy Chien: Amazing. For a while (using a newly installed computer OS and newer Chromer) I thought this was gone, but no. I suspect if they tweaked their name or description they'd get more hits. When i searched for "Multiple downloads" this did not come up. For the users who can't get it to work: when i had an older browser, this also did not work UNLESS I checked "notify me when finished" or "use default filename", so try that.
  • (2018-04-10) Firmansyah Kusasi 01: wow..it works very well..thankyou
  • (2018-03-23) It works perfectly.
  • (2018-03-23) Jona Beast: holy dogshit never in my life has it ever been that easy to download full sized files from 4chan without all the thumbnails. truly an amazing piece of software
  • (2018-02-15) Scott Lilien: A Superb effort. I used this to download multiple files and Pdfs. This extension has really made me more productive. If I Published a must-add add-on list for Chrome Extensions, Multi-File Downloader would surely be on it.
  • (2018-01-11) Jose Luis Mateos Murillo: ¡JUSTO LO QUE NECESITABA!
  • (2018-01-06) Miguel Ramirez: Out of all of the extensions that allow multiple files to be downloaded, I found this one to be the most helpful in terms of downloading multiple video lectures. The filtering options are great!
  • (2017-12-28) James Peters: window doesn't display entire UI.
  • (2017-12-16) Prashant kulkarni: only downloader that works for all files..don;t forget to check various option including website links and click update list
  • (2017-12-12) Matthew Dunn: It worked well on one site. On another, it sucked. Looking for alternatives.
  • (2017-12-04) Xunwen Chen: need to save 50 files for 50 times, ridiculous
  • (2017-11-26) M. Irfan Arif: I tried to download around 40 pdf files on a page. The extension was able to identify almost all of them but did not download the proper files. All files downloaded had random numbers and all of them were downloaded as same size files which were corrupt and not the ones which were given in the links. To add, not even one of them was openable by pdf software. So for me, it didn't work well. I hope that helps the developers to improve their software.

Latest issues

  • (2023-02-15, v:2.3) M. M.: How do I enable elimination or custom replacement of illegal filename characters?
    I am using scan links to rename my downloaded files, but the names include illegal filename characters (eg." : "). Is there an option to allow these to be eliminated from the filename or replaced by a custom character (eg " - ")?
  • (2021-05-09, v:2.3) sabot oz: How to save all subfolders & files to relative structure
    Hi, I want to use CHROME MASS DOWNLOADER extension to download all subfolders & files from URL https://www.kiforte.com/kia_forte_2019_bd_service_manual-392.html. The subfolders should be saved as relative-directories to the main folder, to enable navigating to different files & folders using CHROME browser ... from the main html page. Can you pls advise how this can be done? Thx
  • (2021-03-12, v:2.3) Evan Andrew Ellicott: Save As Dialog
    The extension requires me to click save despite the radio button being turned off. Makes downloading many files useless with this extension. I see this was a bug, but I guess it is not fixed yet.
  • (2020-09-05, v:2.3) Tony Patti: save dialog
    Show save dialogue is NOT checked but when activated on a page with 50 .zip downloads it prompts me for a save location for EACH file. This defeats the purpose of having an automatic file downloader. I should be able to specify a single download folder then walk away while it downloads all the files. Is this the way it's supposed to work?
  • (2020-04-25, v:2.3) AG2009: Wait for download
    I hit green download button and see 16 waiting, but nothing downloads. Is the browser blocking download popup? I don't see in browser that it is blocking popup.
  • (2019-11-03, v:2.3) Tony Evans: Downloading Slooh fits
    Jarmo, very strange, just started happening this morning (Nov 3), files appear downloaded with the ".fit" replaced by ".txt". Any ideas? Tony E
  • (2019-09-24, v:2.3) William: Bug Report not supporting ~ character
    Bug report: When using "Scan Link Text" and "use Custom Name" - if the link text has a tilde ~ then the file is not renamed correctly , other than that this extension is awesome, thanks!
  • (2019-08-26, v:2.2) Timothy Brevart: Download Salesforce Weekly Exports
    Hi Dev team, I wanted to verify that this extension can also work with downloading larger files, like databackups from Salesforce. We perform these every week, with the load slightly increasing each week, and usually have about 15 files each at 512mb or less. Will this tool work for downloading files like these as well? Thanks!
  • (2019-08-25, v:2.2) sergio jose leite da silva professor: canal e tv a cabo wi-fi
    meus canais da sky não estão sendo reproduzidos pela internet
  • (2019-07-17, v:2.2) John W: sub folders
    Just a question, in case I'm not seeing it. Can we use this to automatically search sub-folders? If not, change this to a suggestion. :) Otherwise I am loving your work on this. Thank you!
  • (2019-04-16, v:1.17) Jose Hernandez: Conflict with Webroot Plugin
    When the webroot chrome extension is enabled, your plugin will no longer place the files into the indicated folder. For example, I set site1 as the download folder, the files with download but will not create a folder called site1, just places the files in the default download folder.
  • (2018-12-23, v:1.17) Disable source name Please
    Disable source name New name 01,02,03,04 I want. Please
  • (2018-08-28, v:1.17) Jörg Reitenbach: Please include a ignore duplicates option
    see above THX
  • (2018-08-14, v:1.17) Shawn Majette: I can't make this do anything
    I'm on this site: http://www.dmas.virginia.gov/#/assistance I am trying to download all of the .pdf files. I've selected the .pdf option and the folder I want this to be placed in. What is wrong? Thanks.
  • (2018-07-10, v:1.17) Taylor Munroe: Popup stuck
    The extension worked well two times, then failed to work again. The popup appeared, and I could click the 'update list' buttons but nothing happened with it. None of the toggle switches responded. I tried disabling the extension and the popup stayed. I removed it, and the popup stayed. I tried a different computer, installed it, and clicking the toolbar button gave no response - not even the popup. Very disappointing.


40,000 history
3.9652 (115 votes)
Last update / version
2019-09-08 / 2.3
Listing languages
