Description from extension meta
Suite di applicazioni per elaborazione testi, fogli di calcolo, presentazioni e grafica con client di posta elettronica
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Description from store
Questa estensione consente di creare e modificare qualsiasi file Office utilizzando l'app online Calligra integrata, che è una suite di applicazioni per l'elaborazione di testi, fogli di calcolo, presentazioni e grafica. Questa estensione consente di gestire i formati OpenDocument e può anche importare altri formati, inclusi i formati Microsoft Office.
Questa estensione della suite Calligra include i seguenti componenti per ufficio:
* Words, un'applicazione di elaborazione testi con funzionalità di desktop publishing. Semplifica la creazione di documenti ricchi di immagini, tabelle e altro ancora. Apri e salva ODF e apri i file di Microsoft Office Word .doc e .docx.
* Fogli, un'applicazione per fogli di calcolo completa di tutte le funzionalità. È uno strumento di calcolo e foglio di calcolo con un elenco completo di formule, modelli predefiniti e utilizza forme per note o crea diagrammi di flusso e mappe mentali. Apri e salva ODS e apri i file di Microsoft Office Excel .xls e .xlsx.
* Stage, un'applicazione di presentazione potente e facile da usare. Fornisce strumenti per semplificare la creazione di diapositive utilizzando immagini, video, animazioni e altri effetti speciali. È estensibile tramite un sistema di plugin. Apri e salva ODP e apri i file Microsoft Office Powerpoint .ppt e .pptx.
* Krita, un'applicazione creativa per schizzi e pittura basata sulla tecnologia Calligra. È valido per creare concept art, fumetti, texture per rendering e matte painting. Krita supporta molti spazi colore come RGB e CMYK su canali interi a 8 e 16 bit, nonché canali a virgola mobile a 16 e 32 bit.
IMPORTANTE: questa estensione esegue la scansione degli URL esplorati per rilevare file compatibili con Calligra. I file compatibili con Calligra rilevati vengono visualizzati in un elenco situato nel popup dell'estensione recuperato dai nostri server. La scansione viene eseguita dai nostri server in modo che il tuo URL venga segnalato al nostro sistema. Non vengono raccolti dati personali. Questa scansione può essere disabilitata con una casella di controllo che appare nel popup dell'estensione. Se disabiliti questa scansione, questa funzionalità non sarà disponibile, quindi la funzionalità dell'estensione sarà molto limitata.
Latest reviews
- (2020-12-25) Vince Kelly: It was a waste of time. The GUI was not compatible with my Windows 10./in LMMS Nothing worked. What is this OS from the devil?
- (2020-08-14) Tah JE: ok
- (2020-08-03) 32GB Chromebook: df is this?a joke?
- (2020-06-27) Jonathan Obele: It did not even work just took me to some page. This is completely outrageous that you advertized such appealing images but you cant provide the software such a waste of time i wish i could give this zero stars
- (2020-03-23) Sparkel skull: It worked for what I needed to do. Not bad for a free extension.
- (2020-03-17) Leigh Marshall: A Truthful Review: This IS actually a pretty well design DAW for being online and being free. Those out there being lazy and giving unhelpful reviews because something FREE didn't work perfectly or you didn't understand how to use it, please give up on using this type of software. OK...the status of my experience is that, it's extremely buggy. I installed the extension and clicked the icon on the tool bar and opened up the studio. I poked around with the latency settings; in-which it said the settings would not apply until a restart of the software. So, I figured i'd mess around for a bit and check the latency after exploring. I got to poke around with one of the tracks, which I found out was actually a collection of tracks underneath. So I start tweaking the default synth which gave most of the expected knobs; although, it allowed for it's own effect chain. Which brings me to the mixing board. Obviously it seems everything can be added to it's own channel, and that channel seems to have it's own effect chain as well (didn't explore a bus and whatnot). Now to the buggy part. I decided I was going to test out the latency settings to see if I could get a better quality on the sound as I was only focused on playback and default latency was the lowest buffer size (Rice Crispies!) . So, I close each tab. Close each instance of Chrome. Completely shut down the Chromebook (with latest update btw). On reboot, I repeat the steps I took earlier and found that it kept sending me to offidocs welcome page link after trying to load. Lastly, I'm obviously not going to give up and will probably work on a solution all night. But if anyone has run across this same issue and have a fix for it, please contact me via sntrix at gmail dot com. Keep in mind other virtual apps are working like audacity, sweep audio, ... I will update review once a solution is found and I can properly finish using the software.
- (2020-02-09) Thomas Sandström: Does not work at all. When I try to open a template, LMMS tries to open a PDF-FILE. Is this a bad joke?
- (2019-12-31) Dylan Cooper: This feels more like a crappy bootleg of Linux than an actual Chromebook port. The ads littering every side of the tiny work space isn't helping the situation.
- (2019-12-24) jonatan menjivar: Buena
- (2019-12-18) Barou Blaaz: cool
- (2019-12-17) 大湯倫生: 使い方わからん なんにも表示されない
- (2019-11-13) Shell Brown: Almost every feature in this package does not work. I was very excited to have finally found a music making app that would work with my new Chrome Book. Its been days; I was hoping all I had to do was figure out the controls and how to use the different editors, but the app just does not work. And the ads taking up the space on the most important part (music studio) makes it extremely hard to even view the work space. I am so disappointed, I hope any changes you make will help this app be at least some what functional.
- (2019-11-09) Paweł Szkolniak: Brud smród i ubóstwo!!!!!!!!! wstyd dla twórcy i hańba dla pomysłodawcy
- (2019-09-22) Aaron Mcentee: screen with frame on both sides opens and will not let me access the contaoner page. zoom in cuts off corners with no way to user program. UI is and overlay need script fix. would try but cant be GUI and extension is broken
- (2019-06-09) SKANDER METHAMEM: i loveit so so mush
- (2019-01-30) ultraviolence: It is just a glitchy mess for me.
- (2019-01-03) BlueStreak: Didn't work. It ran slow and sucked.
- (2018-12-25) Young_Twiggz: added to chrome used to work on my college computer i now have same one but dont work on mine??? would of been 5 stars but hay ho
- (2018-11-10) Jorge Farias: No sirve
- (2018-09-17) completer1624: It didn't work. it just opened up a page and it didn't show how to use it.
- (2018-09-08) J'Dy_ Music: sehr gut
- (2018-08-20) Jastine Hamasaki: Horrible. Can't even do anything on this, and ads keep popping up.
- (2018-08-03) OMS PURP: didn't work at all and was a complete waste
- (2018-06-24) Robert Stennis: STUDIO WON'T OPEN I WILL GET BACK WITH YOU.
- (2018-05-26) Desire Peace: great
- (2018-05-12) Alesitoh Bouw: no sirve
- (2018-04-29) Kaidster Playz: it,s so cool thx
- (2018-04-16) Teddy Philemon Ngane Epo Andjongo: bien super
- (2018-04-08) aldo ovet ordaz martinez: no sirve
- (2018-04-04) Brendan Stonecypher: LMMS is a really good program but this was just a bad way to put it on chrome. Sorry guys.
- (2018-03-29) Fabian Wiley: it dont work and i dont have a full service screen and im not able to do nothing on it. it sucks
- (2018-03-18) lil casso: mine didnt even have sound
- (2017-12-21) William Bergmann: This App/Software was nearly impossible to setup. The work area was a square on my 16x9 monitor. Flanked on the right by a giant ad and on the left by an undecipherable menu. Removing from Chrome.
- (2017-12-15) Marcio Reyes: I like it, it's very useful and have a virtual system ubuntu to work in background!
- (2017-11-02) Oban Cycles: Garbage
- (2017-07-12) Yuridia Selene Posadas García: No funciona :(
- (2017-06-26) Runch Jirath: ดีด้วยช่วยได้ในสิ่งที่ต้องการ
- (2017-03-28) Ga Pt100: Another complicated garbage program the average person doesn't understand. You can't print these diagrams