extension ExtPose

reCollect: TV Series, Anime, Manga, Books (delisted)

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Organise and keep track of all your collection of movie series, TV shows, anime, manga, comics and books from one single app.

Image from store reCollect: TV Series, Anime, Manga, Books
Description from store How many times has it occurred to you that you turn on a movie series or open a comic, but you can’t remember at which episode you were? Your suffering ends with reCollect! If you were using reCollect before, you know the benefits it offers, but if not don't worry, this very simple app allows you to organise and keep track of all your collection of movie series, TV shows, anime, manga, comics and books. And now you can use reCollect much more comfortably in your web browser with this extension for Google Chrome, without interfering with the websites you are visiting and making it easier to organize and update your collection of TV series, anime, manga, comics and books. Your data is stored on the cloud and is always automatically synchronized between: - Your computer and laptop: https://recollect-app.com/ - Google Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/recollect-tv-series-anime/fnhkekcinhfmkgjefgplhcjldcacmkml - Android App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=base.recollect - iOS App: https://recollect-app.com/en/#ios So you'll have your collection always up to date! From our (https://www.facebook.com/recollectfanpage) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/apprecollect) we will post daily news and content about the TV series, anime, manga, comics and books of the moment. Join us and discover new material to your collection! And if you have any comments, suggestions or questions do not hesitate to contact us. We'll be very happy to answer all of you! Enjoy your collection of movie series, TV shows, anime, manga, comics and books with reCollect even more!

Latest reviews

  • (2020-01-01) M1zuk1 Kira: Awesome! Simple and easy to keep track of all the series I follow
  • (2019-03-13) Básica estaría bien que buscaras los contenidos (series,libros etc en una base de datos
  • (2018-04-12) trina duncan: i cant find a book to read
  • (2018-01-18) eyferXD: facebook
  • (2017-10-13) Luigi M.P: gracias
  • (2017-10-03) Skye Blue: Sweet! Finally don't have to log my multiple shows onto some scrap sheet of paper. It's perfect! No clutter or anything Just click N Go
  • (2017-03-01) Noelia Lopez Garcia: Me parece una app genial para poder llevar el seguimiento de series, libros... Es muy fácil de usar y una gran idea para poder tener todo bien organizado. Totalmente Recomendable.
  • (2016-12-18) Belenger Al'Atazzan: Aun tengo que trastear un poquito mas con el, pero de momento se ve todo muy fácil y intuitivo.
  • (2016-05-24) Simple y útil a la vez Es una idea muy buena y muy útil para los que nos gustan las series o los libros, es muy sencilla de usar y muy funcional. Recomendable sin duda alguna.
  • (2016-04-28) Xavi Esteve: Awesome! Simple and easy to keep track of all the series I follow
  • (2016-04-27) Pau RS: Facilita muchísimo el uso de reCollect cuando estás, por ejemplo, viendo una serie y quieres marcar el capitulo. Es una mejora más en una app web/móvil realmente practica
  • (2016-04-27) Michelle Suming Jaw: The original app is already very convenient and helpful, but I'm really grateful that they now have the chrome extension! I can now simply manage my collection of movie series directly in the browser right after watching a movie series.


2,000 history
4.3 (29 votes)
Last update / version
2021-07-12 / 1.69
Listing languages
en es
