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Pause and resume history with a click
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This extension is just a simple on/off switch. Click to pause history logging. Click again to resume.
When activated, it clears the log while you are browsing. That's all it does.
Latest reviews
- (2023-02-10) Soham Bhadra: Of course it pauses history, but there is one fatal flaw: if you previously visited a website when your history was on (extension disabled), then pause your history (extension enabled) and visit it again, previous visits will DISAPPEAR from Chrome history, with no way to retrieve them! This is terrible, since I need to find a way to be able to reload a page WITHOUT it entering the browser history AND PRESERVING previous visits! Too bad there is no way to do this, especially as Chrome has become much more aggressive about updating itself, and there is no way I can hide that Update button in the corner for too long. I would have been comfortable about updating Chrome *without* overwriting my last visits to my open tabs by using this extension, if only previous visites WERE NOT REMOVED! I hope you will be able to fix this if you can, since it is a most infuriating behaviour of Chrome.
- (2022-04-29) vodkins75: Не работает в Хроме от слова совсем! Ставил специально, чтобы не запоминалась история загрузок (мне нафиг не нужно неделями хранить загруженные файлы в списке, тем более в папке загрузки их уже нет, Хром рулит йопт). Так ваш замечательный плагин не просто ничего не делает, он наоборот восстанавливает список загрузок, удалённый вручную. Это прикол такой? Или может я чего-то не понял и в двух чекбоксах запутался? Бессмысленная пустота в вакууме!
- (2022-03-01) Tani Eisenstein: simple and effective
- (2020-11-30) Сергей Горбачев: замечательно
- (2020-03-21) • SunnieVibez •: I like it but it would be nice to go back pages and not show the history while you hover upon the history button.
- (2019-12-23) aws6241: "History On/Off" plugin for Google Chrome has a serious security flaw. Website history doesn't show while browsing. However, all one has to do is close Chrome and then re-open it. Then, when you click "Menu/History/Recently Closed" in the upper right corner of Chrome, all of your previous tabs re-open. This extension doesn't "prevent" history from being collected. It just temporarily conceals it until the next time you open Chrome. Google Chrome Version 79.0.3945.88 (Official Build) (64-bit) Windows 10
- (2019-08-17) Michael Coffman: It works exactly as expected, but wish you could go back to the previous page. Beggars can't be choosers though.
- (2019-07-05) McTwox Budder: Extremely useful and achieves what was advertised.
- (2019-02-20) Jupiter 0000: PRZETESTOWAŁEM CHYBA Z PIĘĆ ROZSZERZEŃ I TYLKO TA DZIAŁA. Niestety apka ma jeden istotny problem gdy jest włączona nie można cofnąć strony i dlatego jestem zmuszony poszukać czegoś innego:(
- (2018-10-03) JON Cunningham: This extension is not working for CHROME to click to previous pages.. But it does works for portable SRWare IRON Browser. NOTE to developers, You had such a great extension, and now its all going south. Please restore your extension. .I can use it with IRON but not w Chrome browser, and most former users use Chrome. I will give you time to restore your project and then re-evaluate this with my rating.
- (2018-09-26) Некий тип: Перестала работать кнопка "назад". Нет истории - некуда возвращаться, логично, но все годы до этого было норм, а щас тупо не даёт вернуться на предыдущую страницу.
- (2018-08-29) Rena Cai: Back button doesn't work.
- (2018-06-28) _RryanT: Melhor coisa!
- (2018-06-27) Jason Ananias: Back button doesn't work anymore.
- (2018-06-17) James Wu: I would just appreciated that it keeps the tab history so I may go to previous pages
- (2018-06-17) T T: My back button has stopped working!
- (2018-06-11) Janneman96: This works! Please make the 'previous page' a toggle option, i'd prefer to have it off.
- (2018-06-09) Miles Woodham: This extension has been great for a very long time and I appreciate the work it took to create it. Though as others have mentioned I can no longer return to previous pages which is an important feature for me. It still functions as before when in incognito mode however. I will use another extension until this is fixed. I hope it will be done soon. Thanks.
- (2018-06-08) Shrey Patel: Can't go back to the previous page anymore. It was working perfectly until a couple of days ago.
- (2018-06-02) Kevin Kolasinski: I use this extension but in the latest version of Chrome it will also disable the back button. Had to disable for now.
- (2018-06-02) Nutrollio Nutz: I can't go back or forward to any webpages now, not any time I use Chrome in any sessions. Those buttons are grayed out.
- (2018-05-05) Recep Burak Yak: It does it's job. Simply perfect. Thanks...
- (2018-04-10) Farhaan Akhtar: thanks it works great
- (2018-02-26) Rickxp: Me molesta que borre el historial que decidí guardar
- (2018-01-12) Julio Samudra: work like a charm, thanks alot
- (2017-12-25) Mamun Sardar: Great ext
- (2017-05-23) Robbie Smith: Excellent.
- (2017-05-21) callstrike: De lo mejor
- (2017-02-27) Brian: Does not block history at all. The same as all the others. None of these extensions work to block history anymore. Time to delete Chrome.
- (2016-09-10) Nitro The Hedgehog: This is just wonderful! Now that Google Chrome disabled the ability to go incodnido, I needed something to block history. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
- (2016-09-04) Fabrizio Pavoni: Non fa registrare la cronologia ma le ricerche vengono ricordate: l'autofill rimane acceso