Description from extension meta
Validates a map area in Waze Map Editor, highlights issues and generates a very detailed report with wiki references and solutions
Image from store
Description from store
- DaveAcincy: fix for #107 and #108.
- fix the build.
- DaveAcincy: fix for #78 (2 seg loop) and some others.
- DaveAcincy: updates for discuss forum.
- DaveAcincy: remove some console warnings for deprecated function calls.
- DaveAcincy: update US and default wiki links.
- DaveAcincy: fixes for extension version (#109)
- DaveAcincy: updates for latest WME/WME beta
- DaveAcincy: fix checks of rest areas for US (#257 and #258)
Latest reviews
- (2020-02-20) Shobhit Pathak: Cannot find it, checked all updates to tampermonkey and validator but it doesn't appear on my left pane, what am I missing? It was very useful when it worked.
- (2018-10-30) Russel D: Good plugin, helped me straight away finding map issues on WME
- (2018-05-02) leibnitz garcia: Era muy bueno pero esta desactualizado, por favor hagan algo.-
- (2017-10-24) Luis Manuel Rivas: Muy bueno!!
- (2017-09-10) No longer works
- (2017-08-31) Dejan Miladinovic: vrlo koristan alat
- (2017-08-31) Sauro Malx: Non funziona più da mesi
- (2017-07-03) Roberto Bordallo: Show
- (2017-07-03) Bambang Wija: Great tool, but why now keep broken. every time chrome start
- (2017-03-11) Iván Vega: Ya no corre en mi navegador, actualicen ya !
- (2017-01-15) Alex Luquez: No se esta ejecutando en mi navegador, la desinstalé y la volví a instalar y nada, borré todo el historial y la cache del navegador y nada, por favor verificar a la brevedad posible porque hace mucha falta
- (2016-11-20) Yustinus Waruwu: excellent
- (2016-10-16) rano hutasoit: ok
- (2016-09-12) sergey a: It is broken as of 12.09.2018. Each segment is marked as unconfirmed and no changes could be saved.
- (2016-05-30) Julio Cesar Chiaraviglio: Cuando sale la actualizacion para que funcione con la nueva interfaz del WME? Gracias.
- (2016-04-11) Lic. Jorge Chinchilla: Excelente aporte para la comunidad de editores de waze. Gracias
- (2015-12-28) Jarosław Kaźmierski (jarkaz): Ekstra narzędzie do WME
- (2015-11-07) Jason Hutton (t0cableguy): Needs its own tab now that the ME tab is gone.
- (2015-11-06) Jonathan Eka: Are you active editor? Yes. Then you MUST use this one.
- (2015-09-21) Erminia Del Medico P.: Maravilloso para revisar todos los errores en la edición de mapas y corregirlos según sus indicaciones
- (2015-09-11) Amia Menet: Very useful
- (2015-08-19) Stefano Marchi: Grande
- (2015-07-29) Frieder von saxon_switzerland_pictures: Es ist ein tolles Arbeiten damit, läuft, wird angepasst und weiter entwickelt. Top!
- (2015-06-28) Solsmac S.: I wish I had found out about this a year ago.. I love it!
- (2015-06-27) Fantastico!
- (2015-06-14) Elio Barbaran: Muy buena