extension ExtPose

Time Tracker by Tempo

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Description from extension meta

Track and visualize your progress on Jira issues

Image from store Time Tracker by Tempo
Description from store Track the duration of your work on Jira issues with real-time browser trackers. Start a tracker and assign it to a Jira issue, or use it for work outside of Jira * Add new trackers and pause or stop them as required * Use as many trackers as you like when working on multiple issues at once * Visualize all active trackers across your browser tabs * Log time from extension or from the Log Time form on Timesheets * Locate trackers easily from the bottom-right of your browser Time Tracker by Tempo is free and available for all Tempo customers on Jira Cloud. Learn more: https://www.tempo.io/automated-time-tracking UPDATE (v.2.0.10): * Log time directly from the extension, or go to the Log Time form on Timesheets to specify details like Start Time, Account, etc. UPDATE (v.2.0.1): * Trackers are visible across all webpages (not just Jira) * Log time directly from the extension (if your Tempo instance does not require additional worklog attributes) * Edit duration before logging time * Extension icon shows tracker is running * Hide presence of trackers if required

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-29) Charles J. Cliffe (CJ): Used to work, now spamming itself in all browser windows including chrome desktop apps and the timer won't even start anymore; just sits there at 0:00 no matter what I click. My time tracking workflow is ruined. Review Update for v2.0.3 & 2.0.4: - Still opens in all windows/tabs by default; is there anyone that actually wants this to happen? - Setting it to only open on specific sites causes the timer to never start counting when clicked (unusable) - The only extension setting it has (light/dark/system) doesn't even save properly or change appearance Review Update for 2.0.15: - Timer has stopped working again unless I allow access to all sites; which will never happen
  • (2023-10-04) Tony Pryan: *Start tracker* stopped working properly - not assigning a highlighted sub-task. Every single time you're tracking time into a *No Issue*.
  • (2023-09-21) José Luis Santana Acosta: The extension can be viewed now only on jira sites. Cool.
  • (2023-08-31) Attila Fustos: Please fix the following bug: I have a tracker opened, I also have a task opened in the background. It I start typing in the tempo work details to submit the time, the key presses are transmitted to the background (task view) and weird things happen like the task is unassigned etc.
  • (2023-07-18) Gobinda Nandi: The extension works well, but there is an issue: the tracker continues to run even when my system is off or Chrome is closed. I have to manually disable the tracker before shutting down. While I understand that this feature might be useful for some users, but it is not necessary for me. Therefore, it would be beneficial to have an option that disables tracking when Chrome/system is turned off.
  • (2023-07-14) Serhii Bezkostnyi: Even if you delete the tracker, it's not actually deleted, only hidden. Some time later all the hidden trackers would appear again, and you will find yourself with 200+ trackers. The only way to get rid of them is to delete them one by one. But since they aren't being deleted, they will appear later again. In the end you cannot reliably use it, so it's not worth your time.
  • (2023-03-21) Sebastian König: Remove this really useless trimming of text we are typing! You are random removing characters. Why?
  • (2023-01-20) Ihor Vyshniakov: After previous buggy update - it was fixed, for now it is working fine! Thanks Tempo team that you have been fixed this) Because I like your extension.
  • (2023-01-17) Peter Cheney: I found the original version so easy to use but it just stops working and have to remove and add it again. The new version is clunky and nowhere near as useful as the old one. Plus the widget(?) at bottom right of the page appears on every page that you're using regardless if it is jira or not and it also masks some status info and other buttons making then difficult to view or click. Now it has stopped working. Trying to enable it again just brings up a blank screen with no useful info at all. Will remove it and look for something else if not fixed in an update soon.
  • (2022-12-21) Jesús Contreras: La extensión antes funcionaba bien luego de la actualización, no funciona para nada, por favor reparen este bug, gracias. Gracias por reparar el Bug ahora carga bien el plugin.
  • (2022-12-08) Betina Andersen: Doesnt sync between the inline track and the track in Jira Dashboard only when starting it, then no sync between pausing and time. At other times my trackers are just gone and I have to make them again, but then I have forgotten the time spent already
  • (2022-12-05) Mathis König: This review has been updated, as some shortcomings were addressed. In general this extension is implemented very badly. * It does not reliably sync the state with the trackers in the regular UI (Starting a tracker within Jira won't start one in the extension) * Logging will open the external page, leaving the current one. This can lead to unsaved content getting lost. * The search for issues on a tracker shows different results than the search in the regular UI. Searching for PROJECT-1 will always show issues with numbers higher than 100 first, making it impossible to reach issue 1. You could say that it is at least consistent with the whole experience of Tempo - very bad.
  • (2022-11-28) Justin Goldman: Update changed a lot and makes it harder to log time. After logging time if you need to adjust you have to go to temp and can't do it from the time log pop up anymore. Please change it back or add the ability to set work time. Update: When logging time the time log applies to the wrong time, around 12 hours ahead of the actual time. Update 11/28/22: They have fixed the majority of the issues I brought up. Great job listening to the community.
  • (2022-11-24) choko lakula: Last update completely broke the extension. 1. List of trackers is not updated anymore in the bottom pane. I have to relogin to the extension to update it! 2. I can't select proper account (or just check it's selected) when log time. The prev version opened Tempo log form but now it's completely unuseful.
  • (2022-11-23) Jeff Piper: The new version is really difficult to work with. The main reason is that when logging time you can no longer adjust the Start & Finish time. I then have to go to Tempo, reload the page and then adjust each one accordingly. This just takes up more time. It also seems to take time starting a new task timer and I have ended up with extra ones floating about. Had one that got to 95 hrs over the weekend. It is very clunky and cumbersome now to use. Definitely not an upgrade to 2.* for the better.
  • (2022-11-21) Ronne Scherhelton: Após a atualização para versão 2.0, a extensão passou a não contabilizar o tempo, diversas vezes tem que ficar iniciando e parando até que o tempo comece a contabilizar. Sinceramente a versão anterior já estava perfeita para mim, não precisava ter mexido.
  • (2022-11-21) Sergei Sakharovskii (clevercraft): New version (2.*) doesn't work correctly. I don't want to see and give access for all web sites. But I can't select specific site: 1. If I set specific site via settings, tempo doesn't count time (always 0h 0m 0s). 2. I can't setup specific page. For example: we have corporate jira and confluence with the same host (companyName.atlassian.com/jira and companyName.atlassian.com/confluence) and I want to see widget only for jira.
  • (2022-11-21) Daniel Kapitza: Update made this barely usable, please revert.
  • (2022-11-21) Cade Lucas: I'm not a fan of the over simplified update because of these reasons: 1. I like to edit my start and finish time - it gives me more control over logging my work time (especially if you forget to hit start or stop during your task) Take a look at time tracking app Klokki Slim. when you leave your computer it knows and asks you if you want the timer to stop or keep going from the time you left. Very smart. 2. I also don't like how it appears on all sites by default. I use a lot of screen shots in my work and the times appear all over them. I've tried to turn it off by using the specific site option but the timer then doesn't work. Having this app work with Jira is the best thing, but don't fix what isn't broken. And if you do, you should add more customisation rather than less. You should have done extensive user feedback, user testing and then facilitate a communication plan to implement these changes. I think you've done a downgrade not an upgrade this time.
  • (2022-11-18) MrSabifa: The new update is horrible. I don't want the tracker to be on top of all pages, I only want to see it on Jira. You change the default behaviour with an update without the ability to toggle this setting - awesome UX improvement.
  • (2022-11-18) Jana: Why is there no option to sort e.g. by favorite tasks any more? I don't find the tasks I want to log my time to!
  • (2022-11-18) Elie Obeid: It used to work, not anymore though. If you press log time, it redirects you to tempo and tempo page says "tracker not found"
  • (2022-11-17) Ivan Gil: En su versión anterior la extensión funcionaba perfectamente, facilitaba mucho la gestión correspondiente al registro del trabajo, ahora con esta actualización es un DESASTRE, perdió toda la utilidad que la caracterizaba, por favor arreglen estos errores.
  • (2022-11-17) Jeremy Upton: Since the update the extension is logging the wrong times. Looks like it's referencing UTC instead of my local time.
  • (2022-11-17) After the update. I can no longer log time. The Up arrows to log time are now no longer visible unless I click on the ticket number and a new tab opens up where the up arrows are shown briefly (a second or two) to log time. I see no way to modify what is shown on the plugin or adjust length, etc. I'd share a snip of what I see...but can't!
  • (2022-11-17) Adrian Macha: After the update, it's worthless for me. Please, bring the old tracker back ...
  • (2022-11-17) Maksym Novik: Before the latest release it was great. Now it cannot take ticket number from the ticket page automatically, timer sometimes is not starting and being freezed at 0:0:0 and other issues...
  • (2022-11-17) Federico Agustín Álvarez Calzada: To many problems, this show in all tabs/pages without ask for or by configuration. the time doesn't start at creating a new tracker. Doesn't register the time.
  • (2022-11-16) Calvin Smith: Decent update that fixed some UX issues.
  • (2022-01-12) Chris Dermody: I may be missing something but all it does is link you the "your work" page in JIRA. It doesn't offer any advantage over a bookmark. Would love to be able to stop and start trackers right from the extension UI, but that's not what this does. Pretty useless really.
  • (2022-01-03) Angelika Leer: Wann wird der Tracker endlich wieder lauffähig gemacht? Ich dachte zum Jahreswechsel wäre ein Fix im Rahmen des Möglichen - leider tief geschnitten...
  • (2021-11-25) Ahmed Kamel: The plugin now for around a week keeps asking to reconnect to jira multiple times a day, that's an introduced bug after latest updates
  • (2021-11-23) Ygor Socram: ultimamente desloga o tempo todo
  • (2021-11-23) David Koch: I used to love this extension, but the recent update broke it. I have been asked to reconnect the extension EVERY time I use it now. Multiple times a day.
  • (2021-11-21) david s: It's a very handy extension, unfortunately "start tracking" stopped worked recently
  • (2021-11-19) Oleg Novikov: Tempo Team, please fix a critical bug. After a major update on 16/11/2021 EVERY SINGLE TIME when you're stopping a tracker on Chrome plug-in - you should reconnect Tempo plug-in to Jira. Simply EVERY SINGLE TIME.
  • (2021-11-19) Joery Verstraeten: Used to work fine but since a few days doesn't do anything when clicking on "Start Tracking".
  • (2021-11-18) Jan Hjørdie: Like the plugin, but latest version keeps log me out several times every day. Very annoying !
  • (2021-11-18) Steffen Zschieschang: Unfortunately version 1.3.1 does not work anymore, the button "start tracking" does not work
  • (2021-11-17) Julia Freise: The update yesterday (1.3.1) deleted all of my open time trackers and won't let me start new trackers.
  • (2021-11-17) Marieke Westerheide: Version 1.3.1 is not working. Yesterday, version 1.3.1 of the plugin installed itself and now the "start tracking" button is not working any more.
  • (2021-09-24) Armas Spann: App randomly stopps working, no errors shown. Currently it's not working since a week - we're thinking about to stop using Tempo in general as of the poor quality of jira integration at the moment. Also the "support" page of this extension throws a 404 - good work guys, NOT!
  • (2021-05-21) Maik Lindner: Not working with server version.
  • (2020-11-02) Pierre-Luc Griffin: It doesn't work too often.
  • (2020-03-09) Rivan Chandra: Not useful, It will be great if it works like toggle. Will give 5 stars when it useful. At least just a time tracker function.
  • (2020-03-05) Abd Martz: I like it very useful to avoid the need to open every time I want to track the story and tempo, instead I can quickly click on the plus icon and the time track starts. It was working fine but in the last weeks I am having issues, the time tracker starts correcly, but when I tried to log the time it is sending me a 404 error... If I check the tempo, the tracker is there and running and I can log the time manually using that tracker... but it is just I cannot log the time using the chrome extension. Here is the URL that cannot be found: https://mycompany.atlassian.net/secure/tempo-app#!/my-work/tracker/7d06c43f-65b3-41d5-9f39-a64f03c1cf40
  • (2020-02-27) Bruno Pereira: I used to love this extension, but it has been down for 2 days now? no information on the website too? would like an update please. Feels like the support for the extension was abandoned?
  • (2020-02-26) Brittany Broman: It was working well for about 2 weeks, and then when I ask the other Project Coordinators to try it out...when they try to log their time, it brings up a 404 error! What is going on?! NOTHING works in JIRA. There is always some kind of issue that slows our company down and hinders efficiency.
  • (2020-02-20) Stanislav Řehák: Useful extension but with very poor user experience. When I start a tracker, I'd like others to stop counting (no multitasking). When I want to log time from running tracker I have stop a tracker, then really annoying reditect to tempo page happens (it takes a while and my tracker is in stopped state!), than I can finally log work, but then another annoying (and slow) redirect happens again! Tracker rounds down to full minutes... why? Why tracker stops after clicking log work in tracker since it has to perform slow redirect to different page where I can insert some additional comments? I would expect tracker stop after actually logging time...
  • (2020-02-17) Kamil Grzywacz: Hi Tempo, I used to like your plugin very much, it has great features. But unfortunately, recently it collapsed twice when I had few log tabs opened.. So upset. This plugin needs to be reliable. Edit: ok since a year it is reliable with no problems, so I am changing my review:)


10,000 history
2.4819 (83 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-03 / 2.0.18
Listing languages
