Description from extension meta
Simple and easy to use reminder tool for Chrome
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Description from store
Remi is the best extension for creating reminders. Remi will not let you forget anything.
Just reminders and nothing more. User-friendly interface and simple settings. You can easily create reminders to a specific date. Use the built-in calendar or timer. Create repeated reminders. Missed reminders can be scheduled again.
Key features:
• Easily create reminders from the pop-up window
• Create repeated reminders
• Settings and reminders will sync between your syncable Google Chrome instances
• Sound notifications
• Manage created and missed reminders
• Remi can run in background by using Google Chrome background apps feature
Latest reviews
- (2020-10-08) Luis Lopez: Funciona muy bien , solo le falta una opción para regular el volumen de la alarma. La recomiendo.
- (2020-07-21) Carla Ramos Millan: Aquesta extensió és una de les meves preferides. Quan tinc algun esdeveniment o cosa per a fer, poso la alarma, i amb un so bastant reconegut meu recorda. És molt fàcil de utilitza i bastant ràpida. La recomano moltíssim!💯👌
- (2020-04-04) Matteo Pellegri: ottima ma da migliorare: campo descrizione troppo corto, non permette inserire url lunghi
- (2019-11-29) New Kagamine: i want to repeat reminder can sitting repeat reminder every day except sunday
- (2019-09-08) Sergey Semenov: Хорошее приложение,все устраивает.Спасибо!
- (2019-01-07) Philip Yih: create "new reminder" button input in the "manage" page
- (2018-11-25) Jose Paul Sharon: Simple, Easy and user-friendly. But please add sync option with sign-in to account. So that we can use in android app too. Pi reminder is one like that. But its complicated one.
- (2018-05-29) Оксана Лунина: Отлично. Не хватает только счетчика количества активных напоминаний на значке.
- (2018-03-24) ЗАРАБОТОК В ИНТЕРНЕТЕ: Очень простое и удобное расширение. Спасибо разработчикам!
- (2018-03-04) Павел Петрович: Удобное и простое приложение.
- (2017-12-08) Love it so easy thanks!!!
- (2017-05-19) Brian Phillips: Effing Lord! Looks like EXACTLY what I've been looking for! Looks great so far. Can't believe how well designed and functional this extension is! Maybe I'm speaking too soon but looks and works great so far. The person saying about reminders dissappearing, you have 'Missed'tasks show up in the main app window so you can clearly see what tasks you might have missed. Hopefully that will help. Apart from that, well done! Very nice so far!!!
- (2017-04-24) zma61: Спасибо.Отлично. И пиликает пока не выключишь - то что надо, даже в фоне работает, при закрытом хроме(должно работать, пока не проверил ещё)) Кстати, а его и не выключишь, как я понял, только событие удалять или дату назад переносить. Пару моментов можно подправить, а вообще отличное расширение, и на вид приятное.
- (2017-01-04) D C: PROS: I like that you can set up repeating reminders. This is lacking in Pester, the alarm system I was previously using. You can set reminders to repeat by minute, hour, day, week, month, or year - that's a lot of options! I also like the pleasant sound it makes (you get 6 options, but I'm happy with the default), the popup display, and the Manage page. CONS: There is no "snooze" option. Reminders disappear whether you click "Ok" or just ignore it. This is not good. [Pester has a snooze option where you can set the amount of time before the reminder reappears. You also have to click "ok" to make a reminder disappear on Pester, which keeps the reminder visible until you are ready to do the task. Both are great features.] PROBLEM: Reminders do not always show up when they are supposed to. Often, when I wake my computer from sleep in the morning, several reminders that were set to show the night before pop up. These reminders are set for times that I am online with my browser open, so why are they not showing up when they are supposed to? NOTE TO DEVELOPER: I would love Remi if it were more reliable, and if it kept the reminder visible until I click something to make it disappear. [I assume a desktop app would be more reliable, and preferable to me as it wouldn't depend on my browser.]
- (2016-09-09) Bogdan Dmitrievich: Было бы на 5+, если добавить выбор интервала. К примеру - с понедельника по пятницу, от 8 утра до 8 вечера, каждые два часа.
- (2016-06-02) Иван Красавец: Только звуки помягче и приятнее добавьте плиз, 5+
- (2015-10-24) Яха Путин: Отлично...и название прям моего ника REMI ))
- (2015-04-23) Anton Doroshkov: Отличное приложение, тот минимум что нужен есть, больше не надо, работает корректно, использует нотификации Хрома. Отличный дизайн.