extension ExtPose

Distraction Free Mode — Google Docs & Slides

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Description from extension meta

The distraction free mode (▣) for Google Docs and Google Slides hides all controls and buttons and lets you focus on creation.

Description from store FOCUS ON THE WRITING The distraction free mode for Google Docs and Google Slides hides all controls and buttons and lets you focus on writing and creating. Now with a full screen mode. Tip: Check out the Google Docs and Google Slides keyboard shortcuts for the things you do the most and you never have to switch back again. RELEASE NOTES v.2.2.0 - 2023 Distraction Free Mode has been updated to work with the latest version of Google Docs! THEMES FOR EVERY SITUATION Pick the style that suits you, whether it's the dark mode suitable for late night prose, sepia for caffeine-fueled poems, or the clean gray default gray theme. More are planned for the future. NOTES This extension requires access to change how Google Docs and Google Slides works, but your documents are safe. The code for this extension can be found on the website: http://flowapps.co/distractionfree PRIVACY POLICY Please read the privacy policy here: http://flowapps.co/distractionfree/privacypolicy.html

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-11) Yasmine Abdellaoui: Does exactly what it says it does, but the dark mode inverts the colors of images. If that is fixed, I'll reinstall, but until then, I prefer using the pageless option, changing the color to black and manually closing the menu.
  • (2023-09-16) Artem Luzik: If you have white text on the dark background in your google doc, this extension will put white background with your white text. And if you will try to switch it to "dark mode"... It will put both text and background to dark. Wow.
  • (2023-01-09) Joel Grayson: This extension has stopped working. I created an extension that does the same thing and adds a pomodoro timer. Check it out here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/focus-for-google-docs/djnloioaddlnmagobbcnjpppmbelfocf P.S. I want to thank the author of this extension because I loved the extension while it worked and thought it would be worth making sure there is an up-to-date extension.
  • (2022-10-11) Bruce Davidson: Very DISTRACTING. All it does is make the menu blink. This is the most useless extension ever made.
  • (2022-08-05) Paula Pamintuan-Riva: I suspect the new Pageless feature on Google Docs (where you can change the background color, too) makes this extension obsolete (added to the fact that it has stopped working), but I wanted to write this review to say thank you to the developers for providing this solution, which was truly ahead of its time. Thank you!
  • (2022-07-28) Josh English: I used to love this extension and use it almost every time I used Docs for writing. But the 2.1.1 update doesn't seem to mesh with Google Docs anymore. The view menu keeps flickering like something is trying to activate it and then no other menu or button works. I had to remove the extension to continue using Docs.
  • (2022-06-21) Josephine Andre: I really liked this extension for a while, but then it stopped working. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but now it just doesn't work. When I click on the icon is the corner, it just does this weird thing where the 'view' button on Docs flashes as if i was clicking on it, yet the menu to open focus mode never comes up. Is there a way I can fix this? I found focus mode really helpful and would like to be able to use it again.
  • (2022-05-11) Bo Lewis: Loved it but it stopped working recently. Uninstalling and reinstalling did not help. Very frustrating--if anyone can recommend a similar extension that works, I'd love to know what it is.
  • (2022-05-02) Lukas V: I loved it, but recently it stopped working. Now when I have it installed on either Chrome or Firefox, it doesn't work and I can't click on any of the drop down menus. I think the new updates on Docs broke this.
  • (2022-04-29) Paweł Garapich: The best!
  • (2022-01-18) Samuel Or: This one works, thanks.
  • (2021-12-11) SG Gardner: Works great -- just what I needed.
  • (2021-11-23) Héctor Luis Ibarra Larios: I dont know how to change the color of the page, that is the most important feature this extension should have and it has proven to be impossible. Whenever I click on the extensions icon on chrome, the "options" selection is disabled I cannot change the color of the page in any way possible, please fix this.
  • (2021-11-03) Michael Oshima: I loved this extension, but it no longer works. See other recent reviews - would love to see it working again.
  • (2021-09-12) Nathan Nguyen: Loved this extension, but it seems that a recent update made the extension completely useless! Now all it does is turn the border of my Google Docs page into the desired color, while the 11"x8" document itself stays white. When this bug is fixed, I will give this extension 5 stars again, but this bug completely ruins the whole point of it.
  • (2021-08-24) KK: It's a wonderful extension, and it helps me focus on schoolwork, writing my book and everything else. I found it very simple to use, and there are different colours of background, all of which are very plain, and I feel like I'm more productive using it. Writing at night is also much easier, finally I won't be blinded! Thank you so much for making this extention!
  • (2021-06-23) Doug McNamara: I love this extension and highly recommend it. I do have a question for the developers—sometimes when I go full screen and click on somewhere in my documents, my cursor usually ends up about 4 lines higher than where I clicked. It's very strange and is an intermittent problem. Any thoughts on what I'm doing? In some ways, it's made my mouse non-functional, which actually makes me LESS prone to distractions and MORE productive, so I'm not really too stressed about it.
  • (2021-04-03) 푸딩요거트: stop working.......... T.T please fix it
  • (2021-03-22) Paris Odell: suddenly stopped working.
  • (2021-02-10) Bruce Ellis: The title says it for Docs and Slides. It did not work in Slides for me...it just gave me a screen with a video showing how to use it with Docs and a link to add it (which it was already added.). It would be nice if it removed the filmstrip and hid the controls.
  • (2020-08-28) Kevin McDonagh: Missing functionality for easily distracted writers.
  • (2020-07-19) Oleg Stirbu: Thanks for the great extension, really helps me focus on the writing instead of all the google docs chrome. Recently the borders of the page with drop-shadow appeared in fullscreen mode. Any idea how to remove them?
  • (2020-07-16) Дима Я: То, что мне нужно. Спасибо! UPD на второй день использования стали видны рамки-тени от листа. Как убрать? :(
  • (2020-06-28) Vitaliy Zasadnyy: Text, just text, nothing else. Distraction free mode is the feature that Google Docs is desperately missing. The must have extension if you have to write a lot of text in Google Docs.
  • (2020-04-04) Sylvio: Wonderful! :)
  • (2020-02-09) Mary Jean Babic: I've added the extension but it's not showing up on GDocs. Any advice?
  • (2020-01-25) Kane Fulton: Very disappointed - looked great, but doesn't work with voice typing :( please fix. Will contribute $ if so!
  • (2019-12-06) Garth Plamping: Update :) The problem is fixed. Thank you. My eyes thank you. --------------------------------------------------------------- I have loved this extension until today. Chrome says the extension is on, but the black square I click on is gone. What happened? Please fix!
  • (2019-12-01) JT Marino: Perfect! This is exactly what I've been looking for. Thanks so much for making this!!!
  • (2019-11-06) Rion: Just an amazing extension. I'm glad I came across this. Will write a detailed review later.
  • (2019-11-06) curusarn: This is the best dark mode for Google docs I've found. Good thing is that it's likely not going to break when google changes something about the docs because it's simple.
  • (2019-11-04) Eric Rooney: Really needed this. I was going "snow blind" reading Google docs.
  • (2019-10-21) Rowan Kula: Absolutely fantastic. Does exactly what it says on the tin. It makes google documents a less cluttered environment, and even includes various dark themes to help avoid eye strain. Couldn't ask for anything better. An easy 5 stars.
  • (2019-10-05) Varun Khandare: This is exactly what I was looking for. Works with Google Docs, Dark theme options and a distraction-free writing mode, it's all here!
  • (2019-09-29) Robert Storm: Absolutely what I've been looking for! Thanks 3000.
  • (2019-09-16) Clayton Kale: Just what I needed for the Dark theme alone!
  • (2019-06-15) Rex Koontz: Simple and effective--turns google docs into a great focus word processor. Nothing on the screen to distract you from the task at hand. Easy to adjust for your needs. My only desire: a way to focus on just one paragraph, or even one sentence, and have the rest of the text turn darker (like some other focus apps).
  • (2019-06-11) Michel Basilieres: Great idea, but it's now broken. It doesn't hide the right-hand sidebar or the new widget to show or hide the Outline. Needs an update.
  • (2019-04-14) Jakub Krejčí: Exactly what I was missing in my GDocs... and some more. Good job and Thank You!
  • (2019-04-04) Val: Outstanding, turns google docs into an amazing writing tool. Highly recommended.
  • (2019-03-26) RickToons Extra: It works really well! Does exactly what it's been designed for.
  • (2019-03-01) Evan Griffin: Thank god finally someone made this a reality. I've never been able to have such a successful writing session in years. Hope this helps me keep up the good habits!
  • (2019-02-06) Nifty little extension. Does exactly what it says on the box. Retains key functionality like zoom but neatly tucked away in a nondescript corner. Love it.
  • (2019-01-24) Ryan Miller: Cleans up docs much better than any others.
  • (2018-12-27) Bruno: amazing. thanks.
  • (2018-12-17) Geoff Ruscoe: This is excellent. Just what I was looking for. I'm not sure when this was originally available but you should have way more users of this extension than the 2217 currently shown as of today. Thank you very much for this. Google Docs just became my defacto "Word" application because of your effort... (Google are you listening... :)
  • (2018-12-17) James Friendersom: Perfect for working on essays late at night. Finally won't blind myself. Also this does not make tables in google docs black so you may have to paste stuff somewhere else or you won't be able to read it.
  • (2018-11-12) Ross Beane: This is a game changer for me and makes google docs a totally new writing experience.
  • (2018-10-29) Kat North: I adore this extension. This extension does exactly what I need; simple, easy, clutter free, no sync worries. Thank you!
  • (2018-08-29) nicolas gonzalez: worx gr8 m8.

Latest issues

  • (2023-08-21, v:2.2.0) Hybrid: Current cursor placement and zooming in
    When the document is zoomed in and Distraction-Free Mode is set to have its own zoom on the document, entering the document displaces the location of the mouse cursor relative to the text cursor downwards. Exiting Distraction-Free Mode in this state also obscures the title text. Zooming in or out resolves the displacement within Distraction-Free Mode and the title text outside of it.
  • (2022-12-30, v:2.1.1) Jennifer Davis-Flynn: Not working in Google Docs
    The button is greyed out, and when I click on it. the View button at the top of the doc starts blinking. It's just not working.
  • (2022-07-19, v:2.1.1) Derek McAllister: Button Not Working
    Similar to what others are reporting, the button in Google Docs doesn't work. It also fries up and renders ineffective all the document menu options (file, edit, view, etc.)–although I can get the menu to work again if I clear my browser cache. But as soon as I hit the button again in Google Docs, it's broken again.
  • (2022-07-19, v:2.1.1) Luna Gustafsson: Any news?
    I'd really love to be able to use your extension! Any new on fixing the "button bug" yet?
  • (2022-06-04, v:2.1.1) Dante Corigan: Button Not Working
    The issue others are describing of the no distraction button not working is still persisting for me, and it also makes me unable to right click anymore
  • (2022-05-09, v:2.1.0) Andrew Hilliar: Extension no longer working
    The button to enter distraction free mode no longer works. I can't select any options on the menu (file, edit, view etc) until I remove the extension. When I download the extension again the same thing happens.
  • (2022-05-04, v:2.1.0) Eric Chisholm: "Enter Distraction Free Mode" button stopped working.
    As of today, when I click the button to enter distraction free mode in a Google Doc, nothing happens at all. I have tried disabling and reenabling, removing and reinstalling, clearing all browser data, and restarting the system, all without any luck.
  • (2022-04-21, v:2.1.0) Tony Chen: Chrome/Google Docs Update Messed the Add On Up
    Hi! I think a recent update of either chrome of google docs messed the plug in up. There was no reaction when I clicked the icon. I could only see blinking selection of the menu bar. I couldn't use right click anywhere on the page after clicking the icon. The plug in has been awesome! Thank you for building it!
  • (2022-04-15, v:2.1.0) Mila: Newest Chrome update messes up document color
    Hello! After the new Chrome update, Distraction Free Mode seems to only be able to change document background to either white or black, even when selecting themes such as Sepia or Midnight. While not a dealbreaker, I would truly appreciate a fix for this since I find both colors to be quite harsh on the eyes... Thank you in advance!
  • (2021-10-09, v:2.0.7) Joshua Ashkinaze: Writing window only changes color sometimes
    Most times, when I use this and change to a new color (eg: tan), only the background of Google Docs changes but the actual area to write in remains white. Do you know why there is inconsistent behavior there? And is there a fix to make it so the writing area changes color as well?
  • (2021-07-21, v:2.0.7) Olivia Costa: OPTIONS NOT AVAIL
    Heya - love the extension, exactly what I was looking for! Just wondering why my "option" button is greyed out?
  • (2021-05-19, v:2.0.7) Rad Stere: Add comment/suggest edit buttons
    When text in Google Docs is selected, two buttons "Add comment" and "Suggest edit" pop up on the right hand side. Can you have those removed when DF mode is on?
  • (2021-03-30, v:2.0.6) Matt Heaton: Not opening properly
    Hi there, I love this extension but I've noticed it's stopped working recently on docs. When I try to open it, only a thin bar with the correct background colour opens (eg. dark for midnight) at the top of the document and stops well before the text - kind of like the background isn't covering the area it should do? The text changes colour correctly in response to the background that it should appear over.
  • (2021-03-28, v:2.0.6) Edward Cottrell: Distraction free mode not working
    This was working perfectly (Pixelbook Go / Chromebook) and I loved it, but it has suddenly developed a weird glitch. When I toggle distraction free mode on and change different settings, it is only applied to a narrow band at the top of the document, and doesn't affect the text beneath. I've tried uninstalling the extension and reinstalling, and even powerwashed the Chromebook and started again as I really want to get this extension working again. Unfortunately nothing seems to work...
  • (2021-03-01, v:2.0.6) Eddie Barksdale: Themes not working
    Hello, I'm having issues getting the theme to work correctly. Switching from one to the other only changes the very top bar with the Distraction Free Mode icon, it doesn't actually change the document itself. Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?
  • (2020-11-19, v:2.0.6) Ray Shan: Keyboard shortcut
    Thanks for this! Can we have a keyboard shortcut to get in / out of distraction free mode please?
  • (2020-09-26, v:2.0.5) Matthew Jewell: How to delete from Google Docs?
    I installed it for Google Docs, it works great but I want to delete it. How do I do that?
  • (2020-09-02, v:2.0.5) Colorful Vacation Girl: Google Docs Bug
    I love your extension but when I exit Distraction-free mode then only the first letter of the Document appears although when I click on it it appears again. This doesn't happen that often but when it does I need to refresh or wait a few moments before the bug goes away. Can you fix that? Thank you
  • (2020-04-18, v:2.0.5) MT: Button dissappeared
    Have you found a fix for this yet? I've noticed others have the problem. They also dissappeared for me.
  • (2020-03-17, v:2.0.5) Leo Zumpetta: Green text?
    Love this extension, thank you so much for building it! I would love to be able to change the font color while using the extension, to imitate the green-on-black glow of computers from the 1980s.
  • (2020-02-09, v:2.0.2) Button Disappeared
    Updated Chrome and reinstalled the extension but it did not appear again... mind fixing this?
  • (2020-02-07, v:2.0.2) Sugane Kazuhiko: Icon disappeared
    The icon to get into distraction free mode disappeared.
  • (2020-02-07, v:2.0.2) beck c.: icon disappeared
    the icon that toggles on the distraction free mode on google docs disappeared today, so i can't use the extension...
  • (2020-01-27, v:2.0.2) Celia Battson: Highlighted text won't go away
    Hi! I just started using your chrome extension, and have found that the text I write, no matter the color of the background, is highlighted. Is there a way to make that go away? I haven't found a solution so far.
  • (2019-11-27, v:1.1.5) Steve Doyle: Distraction free button has disappeared
    I use your distraction free mode all the time. But today it disappeared! Need it back...bad!
  • (2019-11-26, v:1.1.5) Sini Rawr: Distraction Free Button
    Today, the button in Google Docs that normally toggles Distraction Free mode vanished from my Google Docs on both my laptop and my desktop.
  • (2019-11-06, v:1.1.5) curusarn: Auto-hide ruler when activated
    Ruler on the left side stays visible when ▣ is activated. I think it would be nice if it was automatically hidden when ▣ is activated.
  • (2019-07-15, v:1.1.5) Jen Bjorgaard: Options button grayed-out
    Hi, I just downloaded your extension and am trying to get it to work. When I click on the extension button and try to select "options" as shown in your video, it is grayed out and won't let me. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you!
  • (2019-06-05, v:1.1.5) João Ribeiro da Silva: Request
    Hello, first of all, let me congratulate you for this wonderful product. It's really great and it functions very well. I have just one suggestion/request: could you move the button to access the menu to the right? When you have a document with an outline, the button is mixed with the outline button. Perhaps if you move it to the right it would solve the problem. Thanks!
  • (2019-05-10, v:1.1.5) Gabriel Beeby: Great Tool! Appreciate your time building it!
    I'm very keen to use this tool, but on download I get the message that the extension will be 'able to read and edit Gdocs'. Is that right? I can't see a privacy policy on the link. Can you link to the privacy policy and say more about what of the Gdocs will be viewable/editable/stored. Thanks
  • (2019-03-22, v:1.1.5) Google Sheets
    Is there a way to make this work (make it go dark mode) on google sheets as well? Thanks!
  • (2019-03-15, v:1.1.5) Emily Wheeler: not working
    I cant get it on my google docs. I have it downloaded and it's on my chrome extension thing but it doesn't show up in my google docs like it does in the video. I have restarted my computer , closed google docs and reopening it , refreshing the page and nothing is working. I have even tried to google a video on how to get it to work. Anyone know a solution to this ?
  • (2019-02-05, v:1.1.5) Header glitch
    when entering distraction free mode the existing header disappears and cannot be accessed until switched back to normal mode AND "header" is clicked under the "insert" menu.
  • (2018-11-02, v:1.1.5) Kim Syvertsen: Google Spreadsheets?
    Is it possible to use this extension in Sheets too?


9,000 history
4.2319 (69 votes)
Last update / version
2023-01-11 / 2.2.0
Listing languages
