extension ExtPose

Calm for Chrome

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Description from extension meta

Stop mindless checking by taking a breath before you check! Facilitates alternative, productive ways to take a break.

Image from store Calm for Chrome
Description from store Do you find yourself mindlessly checking websites and wish you did so less frequently? Calm for Chrome will invite you to take a deep breath before letting you check a website on your “blacklist.” It doesn’t block you from doing anything but instead just makes you more mindful of what you are doing. If you realize, after taking a deep breath, that you were mindlessly checking a site, you can, at that point, simply close the page, or alternatively, take a healthier break offered via www.calm.com. We believe this extension will work better than a website blocker or an extension that completely blocks websites, because those types of extensions eventually becomes so annoying that we uninstall them. If the breath bubble is occurring too frequently for you, we offer a number of ways to adjust this extension. You can add and remove sites from your blacklist. You can also make the bubble occur a smaller percent of the time (e.g., if you only want an occasional mindfulness reminder), and you can set a minimum amount of time that must pass before a breath bubble is allowed to occur again (e.g., if once you start taking a break you want at least 15 minutes of time without a mindfulness reminder). Welcome to a calmer chrome!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-12-21) Genia Newis: you have to pay money just to relax?
  • (2023-02-11) Jeremy Gottfried: This extension is a great idea, but it needs one minor tweak to make it usable. The option to block an entire domain and subdomains instead of just the root, or even better-- the option to input my own matching pattern. Otherwise you have to add every page you visit to the block list. The domain block could be added with a simple regex matching /* and *.domain.com.
  • (2022-07-15) Tan Wei Wen Bradley (Asrjc): The premise itself is amazing, get people to think about what they are doing with their time when indulging in vices or just calming down and meditating right? WRONG! The execution I would say is not up to par with other extensions I have seen, which could be solved 1. When there is a bad internet connection like mine, the "breathe in, breathe out" loads before the actual moving circle, resulting in the circle being small when it says breathe in
  • (2021-12-12) fard: Okay, I added this to chrome to try to calm myself down. (I get angry too easily) But whenever I try to go to youtube, it took me to this "breath in breath out" thing. Like what?!?! It's not like I'm going to lash out at YT. It makes no sense. :)
  • (2021-03-16) Theodora Loufardaki: nice idea!
  • (2021-02-14) Anton: Good. Except it collect much information about me.
  • (2020-12-14) Lucilla Croci: Bellissima ed utile estensione per calmare la mente e ridurre lo stress, in pochi minuti, peccato solo, che completata la registrazione, la pagina dell' estensione non è disponibile. ( ciò avviene attraverso il mio pc fisso, non credo sia un problema riguardante il pc, ma l' estensione....).Inoltre il linguaggio è inglese, non modificabile. Soprattutto, nel reparto musica, è necessario effettuare un' abbonamento immediato ( pagamento ); solo qualche canzone rilassante è gratuita. Consiglio pienamente l' estensione di meditazione e relax " NimbusMind ". Buona giornata
  • (2020-11-23) Edward Bennett: I think the name says it all.
  • (2020-10-11) Wing Yan HUNG: The "continue to the site" option never appears. I opted for taking one breath but the bubble just keep going and there is no way to make it go away. Bug!
  • (2020-09-07) aissata landoure: I just downloaded the extension and i am loving it i am going to give it 4 stars! I am feeling much more relaxed.
  • (2020-01-29) Briel Dicristofaro: Love leaving this lifting review and having fun! Listen...x 4 It's my attitude towards meditating. I kind of resist it, like Picard towards the Borg. "But, Resistance is Futile." We need breathing control for a healthy mind. #Gmind Honestly, I am mentally disabled, so sitting and focusing for me...is like...tossing 20 items in a blender and saying, "Be quiet." Giving credit, my wife Nicole, who is an energy and intuitive coach recommended Calm the Chrome Ext. for helping with my manic episodes (pressured speech, scattered thinking, over-hyped) while I was working online. This app helped in a simple way. A nice, soothing screen, opens, where, you simply... ...give yourself a moment, to take a good deep breath in. And, out. Ahhhhhh. As a... Motivational Mental Health Speaker delivering presentations on Opening the Conversation on mental health. This is a fantastic mental health tool! I recommend it in my public speeches! MMM™ 2020 by G' is an Intro to Mental Health Tour Mindset, Mental Heath, and Motivations At all the conferences, I tell people, the brain needs 2 things THE MOST : AIR and WATER. This app helps with healthier, calmer breaths to calibrate your brain. Calm is very good for encouraging healthy, quick, meditative, breathing habits between click-happy web-browsing. Well done! Thanks, G' DiCristofaro https://www.speakermatch.com/profile/gabrieldicristofaro/
  • (2019-08-10) Lauren Usdin: I cannot get rid of it no matter what i do.. I did not sign up for it .
  • (2019-07-31) ٍ3asal 4ever: very calm
  • (2019-07-02) Piper Hendryx: This extension was great, but not for its intended purpose. I thought it was supposed to help me with mindlessly going on websites. It didn't, at all. I know there are settings that you can change to make the breathing thing appear with more frequency, but sometimes, I can't wait for the breathing thing to finish, so that was mildly annoying. One thing it did do well at, though, is make me breathe. It was relaxing to be able to take a breath, but the cons outweigh the pros, so after this review, I will be uninstalling this extension.
  • (2019-05-07) Virginia Houser: Helpful at the day job to slow me down and get me focused instead of procrastinating on silly websites. However, I'm hitting a bug where if I navigate away from the tab during the breathing exercise, when I return to the tab, the buttons to navigate away never appear. I have to refresh the page and go through the exercise again. I'd be fine if it reset so I had to go through my set number of breaths, but it continues beyond that which is a little frustrating.
  • (2018-12-28) Ed P: Love it! But could you please add the ability to block all sites on a domain? Not just the home page? I still end up able to access sites that are time-wasting from more specific URLs. This would be AMAZING and I believe quite fast to implement a regex or something.
  • (2018-08-15) R K: Nice website but there should be a choice to choose the color of bubble as Green color is healthy for eyes.
  • (2018-08-09) Lori Raymond: I have been using this app on my iPhone for years. It really helps. So many functions!
  • (2018-06-27) Emily Haggstrom: I just installed this and I'm loving it already! I do have one suggestion: I'd like to see a "Close tab" button along with the other options after the breath. I know I can just close the tab myself, but I feel like it would help me resist the "Continue" button if I could just scroll past it to a "Close" button.
  • (2018-02-24) Joachim Scholz: I just wished that the bubble would be displayed over a nicer background image, potentially changing every day
  • (2018-01-23) Leslie M: the icons stopped working a day after install for the Breathe with Calm for Chrome. It just reloads endlessly.
  • (2017-12-14) Valentina: i love this app <3
  • (2017-11-20) Bryan Barron: best meditation app around.
  • (2017-09-20) Joshua Horsley: I like it because it is simple. Stop, take a breath, decide if you still want to head in the same direction. It's ok if you do, just make sure it's a conscious choice!
  • (2017-09-20) Sander Pick: Super clever way to keep you on track and avoid those time sucking departures from the task at hand.
  • (2017-09-19) Shawna Feinman: WOW! I've tried using extensions that block sites and they usually just make me so frustrated that I uninstall them. This is the PERFECT medium - take a breath and clear your mind before continuing. It will definitely stop me from mindlessly going to Facebook and other time sucks now!
  • (2017-09-15) William Zeller: Like many I'm stuck on auto-pilot a lot of the time, and social networking sites capitalize on that and give my lizard brain all the dopamine it craves to lull me into a sweet, procrastinating torpor. This app gives me a moment of reflect to realize I'm on automatic pilot. And just like that I'm not, and can choose more wisely. Great idea! More tech to help us deal with tech is desperately needed (no sarcasm intended), and is better than going full luddite/amish/off-the-grid.
  • (2017-09-15) reena patel: I really love this app because it helps me be mindful with my browsing. Sometimes I log on to facebook habitually to relax but it helps to be reminded to breathe and that helps me relax anyways and waste much less time!
  • (2017-09-15) anson whitmer: Other extensions completely block websites, but I find that I just turn them off after a while or habitually engage in work-arounds. Because this extension makes it possible to go on after taking a deep breath, I don't feel the need to turn it off or work around it. So over time I think it'll have more impact on me.
  • (2017-09-15) Ryan del Ro: I needed this! I feel more conscious about my web selections. Thanks!
  • (2017-09-15) Maya Metrikin: This extension is great! I really like that it doesn't completely block the website but instead gives you a chance to breathe and decide whether to continue. This will definitely help with my aimless internet browsing.
  • (2017-09-15) Henderson Lafond: I love the reminder to stop and breathe before going to certain sites - great extension!
  • (2017-09-15) Nate Macanian: My mother would approve.

Latest issues

  • (2022-06-20, v: Anne Gavin: Calm - a program that allegedly helps one sleep.
    I was on the site looking at the program, but I knew it would be worthless for me, considering I have not slept without chemicals in 40 years. The next thing I knew a charge of $69.99 had been debited from my account. I believe it's called "theft." I did not make the purchase and I demand a refund ASAP! Please refund my money as I never wanted the program. I was just looking at it and had no idea that the website was rigged to steal money from customers who were just "window shopping." Call me asap! Anne Gavin 5072 Mineral Spring Rd. Suffolk, VA 23438 (757) 837-7829
  • (2021-08-15, v: Wi Pi: "Nature" button doesn't work
    "Nature" button opens https://www.calm.com/meditate/#scene_only The page does not contain any scene. Just a solid color background and the top menu.
  • (2021-07-20, v: Thanngamaniphen Souvannakhanty: refund
    I would like to make a refund.
  • (2021-02-25, v: Nancy shadley: cancel
    There must be a way to contact you but I can not figure out how. I want to cancel the calm app that I did not intentionally order. I would also like a refund for the $76
  • (2021-02-25, v: Nancy shadley: I did not intentionally order this app and would like to cancel and get a refund.
    I did not intentionally order this app and would like to cancel and get a refund
  • (2020-07-06, v: Candida Simmons: UNSUBSCRIBE TRIAL
    I had the app on my phone for Calm, I do not use it, did not want to upgrade and have no idea if this was a free app or a trial period, I have spent a lot of time trying to understand the directions to stop this..I have uninstalled the app but does that mean i have eliminated the problem? I have pretty much followed every direction and gone to every link listed and cannot get an answer that I am able to perform. Does not give info as to my status as a trial person or just have the app. Whatever the bottom line is I do not use the program nor want it..since i have deleted the app itself I cannot go back into it, but it did not contain the info stated in directions to end it. Please let me know where I stand with with as I am no longer calm due to the frustration of trying to fix this complicated unsubscribing of a possible trial period. Thank you, [email protected]
  • (2020-02-03, v: Conscious Minds Hypnotherapy: Too many breaths
    Hey there, I have my settings set to 7 breaths, and sometimes it works but other times it just keeps going and doesn't give me the option to proceed. What am I doing wrong?
  • (2020-02-02, v: education
    I was told by my schools guidance department that calm is free for teachers if used in the classroom with students?
  • (2019-09-16, v: Christia Mosch: reinger
    stellen genau
  • (2018-07-17, v: JS Lavertu: 503 error
    Hi, When I try to access any website blocked by Calm, I get a 503 error: "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" I'm assuming this has to do with your website directly. Is there any fix?
  • (2018-01-23, v: Leslie M: Cannot click on Icons
    Both the Sound and Mountain Icons are not working. I can no longer choose the nature background. It worked the day I installed it (yesterday) and today it stopped working. I deleted it off of Chrome and re-installed and it is still happening. :(
  • (2018-01-14, v: Rebecca Luong: mindless sites
    how does the app choose which sites are mindless and which are not
  • (2018-01-11, v: Julia Marie: I would like to choose backround scene and music
    I would like to choose backround scene and music
  • (2018-01-11, v: Julia Marie: backround
    not working intermittantly
  • (2017-09-20, v: Margaret Anne: Install extension
    Clicked in install and it remained at CHECKING...without ever proceeding.


10,000 history
4.5625 (48 votes)
Last update / version
2018-01-17 /
Listing languages
