extension ExtPose

Bot Sentinel

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Description from extension meta

Automatically identify inauthentic accounts and toxic Twitter trolls.

Image from store Bot Sentinel
Description from store Bot Sentinel is a free non-partisan platform developed to classify and track inauthentic accounts and toxic trolls. The platform uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to classify Twitter accounts, and then adds the accounts to a publicly available database that anyone can browse.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-03-31) Michael: I love the idea and it does help to identify bots. However, it is not accurate. For example, I've been on twitter since 2014, I rarely disparage individuals, post "fake news" or even curse. But yet, I'm at a 41% rating? The only thing I can figure is that people reporting you for anything can downgrade your rating.
  • (2022-07-21) Nobody Important: Not very accurate. If an account drops a lot of F bombs, they get labelled disruptive. Meanwhile, malicious bot accounts are labelled as normal. As always, "AI" is a failure.
  • (2022-04-28) 443: Be aware of this extension its is not accurate.
  • (2022-04-13) Etro Abdeen: It would be great if it had the option to Only point out bots/fake accounts. Not a fan of the percentage rating as it seems arbitrary, considering other algorithms identified bot behaviour and this app gave them a 0%.
  • (2022-03-30) T N: Good idea. terrible implementation.
  • (2022-03-29) Egon Okerman: Recent update of Bot Sentinel broke Twitter layout for me
  • (2022-03-29) Dusty Dionne: The work done by this app deserves a Nobel Prize. I have removed, with the help of this app, dozens of troll accounts through Twitter's report function. Bot Sentinel is a marvel at meting out who is a real person with real opinions, and who is a provocateur with an agenda, who doesnt debate in good faith. A simple download that is small and doesn't slow the computer in any way shape or form. Them you will begin seeing the ratings on people on Twitter. You can also click "Check User" on anyone at any time to get their updated rating. It is also GREAT for finding out if you yourself are not debating in good faith, as changing how you deal with your social media will change your rating. I found myself being too agro during the calamity that was Jan 6th, and my rating started trending to the toxic. I made changes and learned a new way to approach sensitive topics that I have strong opinions about. This is more than an app to find bad guys, at it's core Christopher Bouzy has given us an app to teach us how to treat each other.
  • (2021-11-12) Richard: CONS MAD CONS MAD
  • (2021-10-18) Cat Herder: I don't know how to search for people and see all the fake accounts they have used. A friend looked up a Romance Scammer for me and it showed he has had 8 different accounts, several still active. The main theme is pretending to be an Oslo, Norway green house owner. He used "Thor Erikson" in different versions and is now he is using @Georgeofnature and @naturelsker8 and uses photos stolen from Spanish actor Javier Delgado Tocho for his profile. Police think it's based in Nigeria.
  • (2021-08-13) James M: When I first installed it seem pretty good but after a couple of years and no transparency into why it was rating accounts it has lost it's usefulness.
  • (2021-08-04) Zyga Vie: The worst way to detect bots, period. If you have a 0% then it's safe to say that you're either a bot, a corp, or someone who doesn't want to get involved with anything, the higher rating only means they sometimes talk about political things (on any side).
  • (2021-06-06) Ron Bailey: This service which claims to be nonpartisan has been used rather as a trolling radar by its owner Christopher Bouzy. Twitter accounts which voice opposition to the political views of Bouzy are now being flagged as disruptive and problematic. When challenged with this on Twitter Bouzy blocked me refusing even a discussion as to why. Not just mine but several accounts who have taken critical positions against the Democratic establishment have seen our trust ratings changed. Ms Tara Reade who has credibly accused Biden of sexual assault has seen her rating upgraded to disruptive leading to the view of such ratings are strictly political. The service even fails to identify actual bots Briahna Joy Gray recently had several identical comments on her posts all with a normal rating. Bot Sentinel recommends reporting "problematic" accounts to twitter which has caused many to lose their accounts, a fact Bouzy revels in twitter.com/cbouzy . As this tool is being used as a means of harassment I'm asking Google remove it from not just the Chrome App store but also the Play store as well until such time its very obvious political bias should and must be flagged. Anyone who has lost their accounts due to the mass reporting should file a complaint with https://onlinecensorship.org/
  • (2021-06-05) Greg Kudasz: The author made a change to a stable algorithm that has turned people that were considered "normal" for years to suddenly DANGEROUS. The app automatically blocks these users so app users do not even know it. I have checked more than 100 profiles where this has happened and all of them lean differently politically. This multiyear trust building means that one person hit a switch to automatically block hundreds of thousands of people. I did not accuse him of censorship but expressed concern in a review that the AI is broken and his response was to attack me on twitter and get others to do the same. No one should have this kind of power but certainly not those that attack their own customers. A simple ratio check of those that went from < 10% to > 80% should show that either the new or old AI was broke. After his response and vetting 100 accounts, I now think his goal is to censor those that don't agree with him and I have a 4% score. The AI isn't picking on me but automatic censorship is dangerous and the AI is broken.
  • (2021-06-04) Roy Kirby: I love this app. It helps with not getting dragged down rabbit holes on twitter by those posting just to be disruptive. If the person posting the tweet has a high Bot Sentinel it does not necessarily mean they are not genuine, but you should definitely take their views with a pinch of salt and investigate further before accepting any information in the tweet as being an honest and true opinion.
  • (2021-06-01) M Munroe: Deceptive product. It mainly targets human left-wing activists, not bots.
  • (2021-05-31) Raindrop Works: Software appeared to be useful, in it's advertised manner of identifying bots and 'troll accounts', but while the software claims to be 'nonpartisan', it appears to be getting an inappropriate amount of inherent bias in the data set from the developer, causing questionable readings. When I and others tried to ask the developer for more information to see if it was a bug, we were openly laughed at and some of us then blocked, preventing interaction with the developer.
  • (2021-05-30) Billy Bell: I would not trust this app, many legitimate users are now suddenly being falsely flagged as problematic & disruptive bots.
  • (2021-05-30) Dake: Doesn't work and is maintained by a politically motivated loser.
  • (2021-01-11) COPPERSRUN123456: Seems like this extension generates random numbers for people but alright
  • (2020-12-25) Magnus Orest: This is what could have been a useful tool, but the "machine learning model" is basically just a simple ad-hoc algorithm thrown together to count matching phrases without regard to the context and retweets of suspicious accounts without regard to the intent. That's not machine learning, it's been around since the VIC-20 was THE computer to have. This tool generates too many false positives to be useful.
  • (2020-12-18) Robert Clancy: Wish you could make it hide for anyone with a normal rating.
  • (2020-11-19) Coffea Pancake: This tool is NOT about detecting bots.
  • (2020-11-02) Domobomb: It strikethroughs some tweets that it thinks is misinformation and you can't turn it off?
  • (2020-11-01) Drew Meriborne (Wicked Storm): Works great on Twitter.com but shows 'unknown' tags under tweetdeck.twitter.com
  • (2020-09-29) Stephen Davies: I looked at some obviously bot accounts (albeit inoffensive) yet these were classified as normal. So I don't think this app is about identifying bots but rather right-wing trolls.
  • (2020-09-23) Michael Gord: This app developer is a well-known crypto scammer. he might use this plugin for further nefarious purposes. DELETE THIS EXTENSION!!!
  • (2020-09-23) Leo: Author is a scumbag.
  • (2020-09-19) Tim Rowberry: Great plugin. Every account I can find that it rates high is someone my world would be better without. I honestly haven't figured out the blocker yet but being able to see webs of people automatically tweeting simultaneously is eye-opening at the very least. Great tool against toxic group-think so common as one of the ill effect of the increasingly globalized world.
  • (2020-09-12) machead57: This thing is a joke.
  • (2020-09-03) Top Carnes: fod* d+ parabéns ao criador.
  • (2020-09-01) Jake N: This is not a political extension. I repeat THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL extension. I've found problematic accoutns on various policital parties and groups. Both " liberal " and " conservative " groups are tagged as problematic if they act irratic in some fashion and other various factors. The algo works ! And I use it to report users all of the time.
  • (2020-08-05) Daniel Wong: Useful, but it causes my Twitter feed to jump up and down, appears to be refreshing the scores and makes some posts appear and disappear.
  • (2020-07-24) Amanda Coutinho: Gostei, traz veracidade aos conteúdos que buscamos na internet
  • (2020-07-15) Fabiana Cecin: The "unknown" and "normal" assessments on every single tweet are too distracting. I don't care about "normal" ratings on messages. That's just clutter.
  • (2020-07-09) Richard Holmes: Settngs (Red Text and Ratings) are not preserved across browser restarts. (Browser is Chromium for Linux.)
  • (2020-07-06) Luiz Pedrão: A extensão pode ajudar e muito no combate à Fake News e bots da internet. Já seguia há muito o perfil do Twitter e agora a extensão vêm ajudado muito. Perfeito!
  • (2020-07-06) Marcio Shima: This extension and all Bot Sentinel work are essential to this unhealthy fake news environment.
  • (2020-07-05) Lulu Pernas Pino: I'm so glad I discovered Bot Sentinel for Chrome. I can't imagine NOT having it ever, especially during these uncertain times. While I still do my own research, I love the new misinformation feature it has added. It's free so donate if you can!
  • (2020-07-05) NL G: The new version's tags showing users' scores are a bit intrusive, but overall, this is an extremely helpful tool!
  • (2020-07-05) Npw 1234567: Awesome!
  • (2020-07-05) Carol Dicks: I find this quite useful. I am still trying to figure out all it can do since their upgrades. I have just put in a support ticket to hopefully get an answer to one of my questions.
  • (2020-07-05) Johnny Ferreira Birck: Extensão incrível ajuda muito no tt, além de não ser nada intrusiva
  • (2020-07-05) poco curante: Essential tool for Twitter. Amazing how many folks are part of an army of propaganda trolls and bot trolls. Highly recommended.
  • (2020-07-05) Steven Dempster: Haven't had it for long, and so far I haven't seen an account that was more than 40% bot, but it seems to highlight the right accounts
  • (2020-07-05) Daniel Ramos: It works well to quickly identify probable bots on twitter!
  • (2020-07-05) Z. B.: Really happy an extension like this exists.
  • (2020-07-05) Elliott Branch: I love this extension. In an age where disinformation is rampant Bot Sentinel is the best early warning system I've seen for Twitter. Easy to use and unobtrusive.
  • (2020-07-05) Marcus Trindade: Awesome tool!!!!
  • (2020-07-05) Kevin Tobin: This app is an effective tool for cleansing your Twitter experience from malevolent troll bots. I've donated several times and will continue to do so.
  • (2020-07-05) TaterSalad JD: I like this extension. It makes it quick and easy to see the usage patterns of other users. The latest version has changed the verbiage to better reflect what it's measuring. (normal usage patterns through disruptive...etc.) It makes some minor, innocuous, changes to both twitter and tweetdeck. I've been using it for a while now to block and/or report accounts behaving in bad faith. (e.g. racism, bot/botlike behavior, election manipulation...etc.)


20,000 history
3.619 (126 votes)
Last update / version
2022-03-29 / 2.1.5
Listing languages
